Saturday 11 February 2023

Former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark’s ties to Hunter Biden


Former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark’s ties to Hunter Biden

Former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark’s ties to Hunter Biden

6 February 2023 by Bob Bishop 51 Comments

Hunter Biden has received extensive media coverage of his involvement with Ukraine’s corrupt Burisma and his Rosemont Seneca Technology Partner’s investment in Metabiota, helping to fund and organize the clandestine Ukraine Biolabs. However, the deep-state players that aided and abetted In Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian schemes have received little or no attention. So let’s deep dive into Hunter Biden’s deep state connections, which consists of three central casting characters specializing in statecraft.

Former NATO Commander Gen. Wesley Clark

Wesley Clark is a retired U.S. general four-star general and the former Supreme NATO Allied Commander.  Unbeknownst to the general public, he served as strategic business development advisor for Rosemont Seneca Technology Partner.  He can run but can’t hide from the Wayback Machine.  

Wayback Machine

General Clark is also a long-term director of the hawkish Atlantic Council, and his expertise is Ukraine geopolitics. The Atlantic Council is a notorious Washington D. C. think tank that is NATO-centric. Because of Clark’s global stature and connections, one can reasonably assume his fingerprints are on Rosemont Seneca Technology’s investment in Metabiota’s Ukraine Biolabs and may have helped Metabiota secure tens of millions in U.S. Department of Defense contracts for Ukrainian Biolabs.

Blue Star Strategies

Attorney Karen Tramontano is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Washington-based Blue Star Strategies, LLC. She was the former deputy chief of staff for the Clinton administration. Her firm, Blue Star, illegally lobbied and failed to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Burisma Holdings. At the same time, Hunter served on the Burisma Board. It was an attempt to burnish Burisma’s reputation after facing allegations of corruption.  

The only lobby registration found is a filing where Blue Star lobbied on behalf of the Ukrainian government. Only recently, Tramontano registered as Burisma Oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky’s foreign agent in May 2022.  

Blue Star arranged the partnership and contributions between Burisma and the Atlantic Council. It also helped to schedule forums where Burisma officials spoke as panelists. 

Vadim Pozharsky, Advisor to the Board of Directors of Burisma Group, captured from Wayback Machine.

Sally Painter is the other co-founder of Blue Star.  She has deep-state credentials.  Painter is a long-term director of the Atlantic Council, the U.S. Committee on NATO member, and the left-leaning think tank, the Truman National Security Project board. She served with Hunter Biden and Jake Sullivan on Truman’s board. Sullivan is currently serving as National Security Director for the Biden Administration.

From 2013-2016, Jake Sullivan served as Vice President Biden’s national security adviser. He was deeply involved with Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State, in helping to orchestrate the 2014 Ukrainian Maidan revolution.

Painter, like her partner recently registered as a foreign agent for Burisma Oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.

These three deep-state players deserve to be in the skullduggery hall of shame. Their involvement has helped to destabilize Ukraine leading to the Russian\Ukrainian conflict.

Bob Bishop is a retired CPA and a forensic investigator. He has written for the American ThinkerGateway PunditSonar21, and CorsiNation.

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