Benjamin Fulford - Weekly report of 12/09/2022

Benjamin Fulford - Weekly report of 12/09/2022, image #1

The October Revolution is looming in the West as Queen Elizabeth II is moving forward.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II is one of the many signs that a kind of big black swan is looming for the West next October. It remains to be seen whether it will be a bloody revolution, anarchy or a peaceful transition.

First, the death of QEII (Queen Elizabeth II) also means the death of the head of the Committee of the 300, known by many as the secret leadership of the Western world. This follows the elimination of the entire leadership of the Knights of Malta: the military leadership of the West. Illuminati Gnostic sources say that the three Egyptian obelisks of Western power must be overthrown. The first obelisk, in the City of London, is the seat of financial power. With the death of QEII, he fell, it is said. The second obelisk, in Washington DC, is the seat of military power. It fell with the replacement by the meritocracy of the aristocratic leadership of the Knights of Malta. The third obelisk, which symbolizes spiritual power, is in Rome. All eyes are now turned to the papacy.

The major changes are not limited to the West either. The Chinese Communist Party has advanced its main national congress, which takes place every five years, from November to October. He will make changes to the constitution that will lead to "new government strategies".

According to Asian intelligence sources, a merger with Taiwan and the name change of the Communist Party are issues that will be discussed at the meeting.

There will also be an unprecedented meeting of world leaders in September.

This week, for example, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet on September 15 and 16. It will be followed by the Queen's funeral on September 19. It will be one of the largest gatherings of world powers in recent history. Among others, the alleged American President Joe Biden and the Emperor of Japan will be present.

We must also remember that all this happens as the payment deadline of September 30 approaches for families who own the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and other pillars of Western power.

It is above all the fate of the Rockefeller family that will be decided. Among the members of this clan are Hillary and Bill Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, John Podesta, David Rockefeller Jr. and many others.

Benjamin Fulford - Weekly report of 12/09/2022, image #2

It can be said that by removing many types of energy technologies, this family has caused more damage to humanity than any other group in world history. Biden's masked actor is their servant, as is probably the masked impostor who now pretends to be Pope Francis.

The fate of the French and Swiss branches of the Rothschild family, led by Klaus Schwab (Rothschild) of the World Economic Forum, should also be decided this fall.

There is a global boycott against the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and their fraudulent fiat currency, so they will surely perish. The clearest sign of this is the fact that the Vatican Bank will break any connection with them from September 30. The question is who or what will replace them.

There is also the wider battle between the Gnostic Illuminati and the British royal family that has not yet been decided.

Anyway, now that Queen Elizabeth has passed away, we can lift the veil on some secrets and great mysteries that surround her. For example, according to a cousin of Emperor Hirohito, before the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, QEII was "murdered and replaced by a clone" because it fiercely opposed the fascist coup by the Bush administration represented by this attack. We remain skeptical about the "cloning" and these conversations, but high-ranking MI6 sources also confirm that the original queen left this land a long time ago. NSA sources also say that it has been "dead for 10 years". This author can also confirm that the Christmas cards signed by Her Majesty have not arrived for several years.

However, the author was in regular contact by e-mail with what seemed to be a real person. When I asked him one day if the film Roman Holiday was based on a true story of his life, he replied: "I will carry some secrets in my grave". It also performed in front of thousands of people during the recent celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the throne.

Whatever he was, His Majesty undoubtedly led the great faction of the Western blood elite that opposed KM's project to kill 90% of humanity. His idea was to save the environment without killing everyone by paying world leaders to preserve forests through a carbon tax. Their faction lost in 2000 when their representative, Al Gore, failed to become President of the United States despite his election victory. Since then, however, they have continued to fight and have finally managed to execute the entire Bush clan.

In addition, the being we know as Queen Elizabeth II has been tasked with negotiating an agreement with Asian royalty for better management of this planet that we all share. It was she, for example, who launched the Chinese "Belt and Road" initiative, which made it possible to devote thousands of billions of dollars to infrastructure development across the world. She also left this world confident that a consensus had been reached between East and West to do everything necessary to increase the number and diversity of life on Earth, including humans. In other words, she left this world knowing that future generations would greatly benefit from her words and actions.

The relatives of his heir, King Charles III, encouraged him to use British special forces and regular forces to militarily stop the destruction of ecosystems around the world. For example, corrupt Indonesian leaders responsible for the destruction of irreplaceable tropical forests must now be prosecuted as well as their henchmen.

In any case, after the Queen's death, the Gnostic Illuminati will take advantage of her son's relative unpopularity to launch an unprecedented attack on the monarchy. The main subject, of course, will be the reopening of the investigation into the murder of Princess Diana.

According to a cousin of the queen, Diana was murdered because she was pregnant with Dodi Fayed's twins and wanted to convert to Islam. The Queen has nothing to do with it, but King Charles certainly. That's why Qanon says he will be arrested. In any case, NSA sources say that Charles has already been "replaced by a look-alike".

However, what the Illuminati do not realize is that the British monarchy is based on a collective consensus and not on a single monarch. The consensus that has been formed around QEII cannot be changed by attacking its heir. Nevertheless, it is a safe bet that Crown Prince William will become king sooner than later.

Instead of attacking the monarchy, the Gnostic Illuminati should target the Rockefeller/Rothschild families, etc. who own the 500 Fortune companies, if they want to do good. They are the ones who planned all this "pandemic" and the accompanying attempt to transform this planet into a gigantic farm of animals.

In the last confirmation of the crimes committed by these people, a high-ranking member of the Japanese underworld (whose organization is subcontracting for the KM) said last week that before the "pandemic", he was told that the plans had been modified and that instead of hitting southern Japan and Southeast Asia with a mega-earthquake, the KM had decided to use the "

The people mentioned in the link below are responsible for this. This is actionable information.

And then, of course, there are all his previous crimes that have not yet been brought to justice.

For example, the 21st anniversary of September 11 has just passed and we should take note of what Donald Trump said at that time.

For some reason, he was unable to act on this conviction when he became president.

Even if the West fails to overthrow the KM and organize Nuremberg-type courts, the rest of the world will help free the peoples of Europe.

Russia has allied itself with China, India, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America to ensure that criminal leaders of the West are brought to justice for their repeated attempts to kill 90% of humanity.

As things stand, a power outage in Western Europe and the United States will paralyze economic activity from October.

In the United Kingdom, industrial pressure groups say that 60% of factories and 80% of pubs and restaurants will have to close their doors if no measures are taken to combat energy prices, which rose by 100% last year.

Let's hope that the new British leader, Elizabeth Truss, who joined the Global Liberation Alliance, will be able to negotiate a new agreement with the rest of the world before this happens.

It will be the same in the rest of Western Europe.

Every day, we receive emergency calls from companies that are about to stop their production, "said the president of the Central Association of German Crafts.

Increasingly, German companies can no longer derive their energy from the market, and when energy is lacking, the German economy simply stops operating, according to the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK).ía-ninguna-economía-puede-ejecutar-empresas-alemanas-advierten-que-no-tienen-contrato-de-electricidad-podrían-señalar-desastre/

This is why Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Poland will not conclude bilateral energy agreements with Berlin, because they do not want to be forced to compensate their suppliers if the gas is diverted to Germany.

Unless an agreement is reached with Russia and the rest of the world, the imminent economic collapse will lead to regime change in most Western countries. This happened in Italy and Sweden last week. According to Canadian intelligence sources, Justin Castro will also be deposited in Canada in the fall. If Macron in France and Scholz in Germany fall, the game will be over in Europe.

Then, of course, we all hope that the great kahuna, the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, will finally collapse.

Finally, we would like to remind you that this collapse could be the trigger that will finally make the secret space program public. As the then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, pointed out, on the eve of September 11, the U.S. defense budget had a deficit of $2,300 billion at the time. Since then, various sources have claimed that the money was intended for the secret space program. If we pay for all these flying saucers and anti-gravity devices with our taxes, shouldn't we have the right to use them?

This may be the reason why more and more of these flying objects appear in public these days, as shown in the following videos. Maybe this year's "October surprise" will be something very special.


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