Saturday 11 February 2023

Associated Press and U.S. Military Intelligence Seek to Discredit #DiedSuddenly


Associated Press and U.S. Military Intelligence Seek to Discredit #DiedSuddenly

Associated Press cites Bush era warmongers, Russiagate fabulist and self-described "perception manager" to discredit the viral hashtag #DiedSuddenly and "cover up a vaccine crime"

On February 4, the Associated Press published an article entitled “‘Died suddenly’ posts twist tragedies to push vaccine lies”, seeking to discredit the hashtag #DiedSuddenly, which has sought to raise questions about a massive increase in excess death among young people since COVID-19 injections were rolled out and mandated.

Indeed, the United States is among dozens of countries that have seen sharp increases in excess deaths in 2022.

In "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022, former Wall Street trader Edward Dowd examined life insurance actuary and U.S. Labor Department data to show massive increases in death among working-age people in 2021 and 2022, following mandates for COVID-19 injections.

He also notes a 10-12 fold increase of athletes under the age of 45 suddenly dying since the vaccine rollout.

Insurance actuary Josh Stirling conducted an analysis of CDC data and vaccine uptake, finding that more doses correlates to higher mortality.

In multiple European countries, this has prompted elected officials to call for urgent investigations.

But the AP article does not address the data presented by Dowd, Sterling, or Dr. John Campbell, who runs a popular Youtube channel that addresses subjects related to COVID-19. 

“If you can’t debunk it, you ignore it,” says Dowd.

Instead, the AP article focuses on four anecdotes, including one of a mother who said she was harassed on Twitter and Facebook after her chronically ill young daughter died of causes that remain unknown.

Results from 6-year-old Anastasia Weaver’s autopsy may take weeks. But online anti-vaccine activists needed only hours after her funeral this week to baselessly blame the COVID-19 vaccine.

A prolific Twitter account posted Anastasia’s name and smiling dance portrait in a tweet with a syringe emoji. A Facebook user messaged her mother, Jessica Day-Weaver, to call her a “murderer” for having her child vaccinated.

In reality, the Ohio kindergartner had experienced lifelong health problems since her premature birth, including epilepsy, asthma and frequent hospitalizations with respiratory viruses. “The doctors haven’t given us any information other than it was due to all of her chronic conditions. ... There was never a thought that it could be from the vaccine,” Day-Weaver said of her daughter’s death.

But those facts didn’t matter online, where Anastasia was swiftly added to a growing list of hundreds of children, teens, athletes and celebrities whose unexpected deaths and injuries have been incorrectly blamed on COVID-19 shots. Using the hashtag #diedsuddenly, online conspiracy theorists have flooded social media with news reports, obituaries and GoFundMe pages in recent months, leaving grieving families to wrestle with the lies. 

The article also seizes on a handful of factual errors in the documentary ‘Died Suddenly,’ while ignoring a long section of the film discussing a startling phenomenon of embalmers who have found enormous blood clots which they say they’ve never before seen.

“Someone can pick on one thing and say ‘that’s wrong’, and it may or may not be wrong, but that doesn’t necessarily make the whole case wrong. And that’s the tactic that the AP is using either unintentionally or intentionally,” explains Dowd.

While the AP authors present their article as a thorough debunking of “online conspiracy theorists,” they rely on a parade of neoconservative military intelligence figures, narrative managers, and discredited spooks – many of whom have been directly involved in the most brazen disinformation campaigns of the past decades, from the Iraq war to Russiagate.

The AP article then cites a “media intelligence firm” called Zignal Labs, whose only contribution is to claim there has been a 740% rise in tweets about vaccines that use the term “Died Suddenly.” 

This, of course, does not discredit the questions raised by those who use the hashtag, nor the data provided by Dowd and Sterling.

Zignal Labs is an private intelligence firm headquartered in San Francisco, CA that, according to its own website, was “originally conceived as a tool for political campaigns accustomed to the media ‘war room’”, and now “scans billions of data points every day, detecting both physical and narrative threats in real time.”

The firm sought a partnership with the Anomaly 6 firm which illegally spies on people around the globe and supplies its technology to the U.K. military for attacks on Russian forces in Ukraine.

The firm’s leadership is largely composed of Silicon Valley industry veterans, however, its chief revenue officer Alex Del Castillo is a former Booz Allen Hamilton consultant to U.S. Special Operations Forces.

Zignal Labs is advised by top ranking figures of the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus, some of whom have played central roles in wars of aggression waged abroad over the last three decades, and others who have pioneered advanced military psychological manipulation methods – a stunning fact conveniently omitted by the AP.

  • Advisor Charles Cleveland was Commanding General of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command from 2012-2015.

    Charles T. Cleveland.jpg
  • Advisor Chris Fussell was a U.S. Navy SEAL Team for 15 years, leading special operations in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. His bio describes him as an “expert in interagency collaboration and intelligence sharing processes.” He is also President of the McChrystal Group, Council on Foreign Relations member, and Senior Fellow for National Security at New America.

    Episode 277: Navy SEAL Chris Fussell on how great leaders build a team |  SOFREP Radio
  • Advisor David Maxwell is a retired U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel who specializes in “irregular, unconventional, and political warfare” and is a senior fellow at the neoconservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies. His Twitter bio states that “Irregular warfare is the military contribution to political warfare.”

  • Advisor John Rendon was a key figure in promoting the U.S. invasion of Iraq as a self-described “information warrior and a perception manager.” He founded the Rendon Group, a PR firm that was reportedly paid nearly $100 million by the CIA to work with the Iraqi opposition and promote CIA operative Ahmad Chalabi, who helped promote the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. He is also a former executive director of the Democratic National Committee.

    John Rendon
  • Advisor Stephen Rodriguez is the Managing Partner of military technology firm OneDefense, a Visiting Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, a Senior Advisor at NATO think tank the Atlantic Council, and a Life Member at the Council on Foreign Relations.

  • Advisor Dr. Rand Waltzman is Adjunct Senior Information Scientist at RAND Corporation, a military think-tank funded by the U.S. government, corporations and billionaire foundations. He was a Program Manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Chief Scientist in the Distributed Systems Lab at Lockheed Martin. His profile says that he “has 35 years of experience performing and managing research in Artificial Intelligence applied to domains including social media and cognitive security in the information environment.” He coined the term “cognitive security”, which involves “sensemaking, memory, active inference and neuroscience, deception and counterdeception, intelligence analysis, bibliometrics, knowledge management, pedagogy, and others.” One profile explains that Waltzman “considers the information threat to be like a chronic disease which has no cure; however, it may be managed.”

    Rand Waltzman - Founding Board Member - Information Professionals  Association | LinkedIn

If this cast of Bush-era warmongers, CIA operatives, and perception managers wasn’t enough to discredit the AP’s attack on #DiedSuddenly, its authors cited one of the Trump era’s most shameless fabulists.

Renee DiResta is technical research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, a firm founded by former Facebook security chief Alex Stamos, and funded by billionaire Craigslist-owner Craig Newmark’s foundation.

“It’s kind of in-group language, kind of a wink wink, nudge nudge,” said Renee DiResta, technical research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory. “They’re taking something that is a relatively routine way of describing something — people do, in fact, die unexpectedly — and then by assigning a hashtag to it, they aggregate all of these incidents in one place.”

As I reported in 2018, DiResta, a former Wall Street trader and Obama administration appointee, is notorious for her leading role in a brazen interference operation in the 2020 Alabama special election to replace Jeff Sessions, who had been appointed as Attorney General. Her cyber intelligence firm, New Knowledge,admitted to what it described in an internal report as an “elaborate ‘false flag’ operation" to convince voters that right-wing candidate Roy Moore was backed by Russia. They also created fake Facebook pages seeking to “enrage and energize Democrats” and “depress turnout”, and even arranged interviews for a small-time Republican candidate, seeking to divide the GOP vote. New Knowledge was also involved in the creation of the Hamilton 68 dashboard hoax.

Renee DiResta |

DiResta was never held to account for her role in the election interference campaign, nor were her fellow Obama administration alumni Ryan Fox or Johnathan Morgan. Instead, she continues to be treated as a credible and unbiased expert in legacy media outlets.

Lastly, the AP quoted epidemiologist Dr. Katelyn Jetelina.

The campaign causes harm beyond just the internet, epidemiologist Dr. Katelyn Jetelina said.

“The real danger is that it ultimately leads to real world actions such as not vaccinating,” said Jetelina, who runs the blog “Your Local Epidemiologist.”

Jetelina, as I previously reported, spent years working for Arnold Ventures, the for-profit corporation of billionaire couple John and Laura Arnold, who are closely associated with Bill Gates. Jetelina went on advise Harris County, TX County Judge Lina Hidalgo, who implemented crushing lockdowns and mass-injection strategies designed by the Arnold Ventures-funded Texas Policy Lab.

In sum, the AP article gives the appearance of providing a fact-check by cherry-picking a tiny amount of anecdotal evidence while ignoring the enormous amounts of statistical analysis presented by Dowd, Sterling, and others. In so doing, the AP not only fails to disprove that the COVID-19 injections are responsible for the drastic increases in excess mortality but exposes its close ties to U.S. intelligence disinformation apparatus while aiding a massive cover-up of deaths caused, almost certainly, by experimental pharmaceutical products.

“I find it fascinating that the fact that it’s [the deaths] true is being ignored by our media, the health authorities and the governmental global authorities,” remarks Dowd. “At this point the data that I see, they say. So if they’re not talking about it, it’s a cover-up of a vaccine crime.”

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