Friday 7 June 2024



I’ve recently posted Dr Rima Laibow’s urgent message:

How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely ​one of its ​many stalking horse​s.

I’ll post more of this message later.

One thing that strikes me is that her voice is one of the very few calling out: GET OUT OF THE UN!!! URGENT!!! ULTRA URGENT!!! 

Instead, everywhere I turn, so much ado about the WHO. One of Shakespeare’s titles comes to mind: Much Ado about Nothing. I don’t see the WHO as nothing - just as of much lesser importance than the UN.

Here’s what I say: Fine to pay attention to stopping the WHO. BUT NOT IF WE PAY MORE ATTENTION TO IT THAN THE UN.

If we pay more attention to the WHO than to ending the control monster, the UN, our attention is taken by a bright shiny object instead of the much bigger danger.

Next thing. When I think of the WHO and the UN, I immediately also think of the Predators - called the Elite, by some people - labelled the Global Psychopaths by others. I am definitely for getting the world out of their clutches.

But I am with Rima’s priority: get out of the UN, end the UN.

Why? With the Predators, I don’t see any clear target. The City of London? Vatican City? The Black Nobility? The Reptilians? Nor do I have any idea about a clear action step. 

The UN is right there, a nice neat target. Maybe even a Goliath - huge and vulnerable. (You’ll see how I came to that image later on.)

Plus currently there is, for people in the United States, a nice clear action step. 

In Rima’s words:

The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is​: the​ UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.

Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.

If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here,

and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach….

​Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.

 Do what you can. Take a step. Millions of us taking a step. It moves mountains.

My sense, like Rima’s: right now, especially for Americans, the UN is the right target. 


I have 3 more things to say.

One. I have been for ending the UN for at least a dozen years - since I had any understanding of how it worked. I had no idea, at the time, that it was out to control the world. But I saw there were 37 (I believe it was 37) Islamic countries, one Jewish country. Of course the Jewish country would get sanctioned non-stop. My verdict: FATAL FLAW. Justice is not a numbers game. The icing on the cake: when Saudi Arabia - where women could not drive and so on and so forth - came to head the Status of Women Committee (or whatever the exact name was). Any organization where that was possible was so fatally flawed that it was irredeemable. I have learned a lot more since, all of it bad.

Two. Rima has recently done another interview, on “the truly awful Pact for the Future.” The person interviewed: Dr. Jacob Nordangaard. 

If you’re more of a reader, you can read all about the horror of utter control that the UN plans for us (always of course under the guise of doing it to save the planet and for our own good): 

Three. One way I respond to things is through poetry - often spoken poetry, hearing the words spoken. And that’s what I did, when I woke up ultra early a couple of days ago, and the deadly UN came to mind - and in the writing, the image of Goliath came to mind: 

Posted June 7, 2024

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