Friday 7 June 2024


So You Thought Agenda 2030 Was Bad? You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet! Catalytic Conversations Talks with Dr. JACOB NORDANGÅRD About the UN's Horrifying Pact for the Future

When a highly intelligent person realizes his beliefs (like Peak Oil) are based on faulty data and propaganda, the results can change the world. Join us for this enlightening conversation.

You can read more about the truly awful Pact for the Future in Dr. Nordangaard’s Sub stack here. And you can see what the UN itself has to say about it here in what they call the “Summit of the Future”.

When you have listened to the discussion and read as much of the documentation as you can stomach, you get to the really important part: you get to help reject the entire ball of corrupt and deadly wax.


You see, there is an Act before the US Congress right now called the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428) which you can read here and then tell you Congressional Members that there are several good reasons to pass that Act to get us out of the UN and all of its subsidiary pieces (including the UN handmaiden organization, the WHO.

Genocidal eugenics and a slave state are the endgame for the UN and all of its bits and pieces, and always have been. If you take off the propaganda blinders that have been affixed to all our heads about the “need” for the United Nations, its “peaceful purposes” and look even casually at its foundations and formation, you will see that it, and its ancillary parts (like the WHO) were conceive and formed to be a one world government of uber-wealthy oligarch. National States were -and are- nothing but a tool of that system, designed to, as Marx would have it, wither away, but withering with quite a lot of help from their faux friends.

And now, their century+ plan is visible for all who have eyes to see in their Future Summit and its Pact for the Future.

OK, we have been duped, had, conned, bamboozled, grifted and fooled. We believed that an international country club (that is, a club of countries) would be a force for peace and prosperity, a force based on the needs of humanity and the common good. We forgot that nobody was going to pay the freight for this vast realignment of power for things that did not benefit them. And the “them” benefited here were, and are, the would-be masters, the eugenicists, the globalist owner class, the self-appointed and self-anointed “:elite.”

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We overlooked the fact that one of the world’s most ruthless robber barons, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and his apple-falling-right-next-to-the-tree son, Jr, were committed to the core eugenicist/supremacist/depopulationist/antisemitic controlagarchs who used kind, loving, cheerful words and concepts for control. We forgot to note that before, during and after - LONG after, WWII, these “philanthropists” were supporting upwards of 3600 enterprising German “Eugenics Scientists”. First, the established the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes for Eugenics Research in Munich and Berlin (one such institute was not enough by half), funded and supported the Cold Spring Harbour Institute (NY), kept the “scientists” on their payroll during the war the US was engaged in against Nazi Germany and then, because jobs for such “scientists” were scarce, bought 3600 of them to the US under their own “Displaced Scholars Program) a private Operation Paperclip, placing them in plum positions at the New School, University of Chicago, Rockefeller University and Institute, and other captured and controlled organizations.

But somehow the Rockefellarian’s plan for the good and peaceful prosperity of all of humanity, including the ones they were paying a great deal of money to get rid of, was something we were willing, with a LOT of help from the utterly dog-leash mainstream media, was bought, pretty close to hook, line and sinker. 

We willingly conned ourselves to believe that no matter what these people, the Carnegies and the Vanderbilts and the Hersts, and the Oprah Winfrey and the Eli and Edythe Broads and the Soros and the Margaret Sangers and the Schwabs and the Hararis and the Aldous and Julian Huxleys and the Gates and the Bezos and the Buffetts and the Zuckerbergs and their ilk did in business and technology and war, they were still going to do good things for us in geopolitics. We allowed them to bamboozle us with their shiny words and pretty ribbons and awe-inspiring buildings and vastly complicated systems, with lovely little shiny eyed boys and girls either starving or scrubbed, as the propaganda demanded, as their photo props. 

And we looked away when they perpetrated war and war crimes and pedophilia and drug traffic and the world’s most rapid and profound degradation of health and educational competency, marxification of each aspect of society, agricultural disaster and a level of corruption so monumental that there are barely any words for encompass it.

Thank you for reading Dr Rima Truth Reports Sub stack. This post is public and you are strongly encouraged to share it as widely as you can.


We looked away when they crafted plans to destroy every single aspect of society, carrying forth the destructive, eugenicist, utterly mad vision of a totally cowed, culled and controlled world, honoring the work of their psychological and financial God Father, the John D. Rockefeller, Sr and those faithful scions and adopted scions who followed, then and now, in his sulfur-strewn footsteps and when a corrupted governance class, parallel in every aspect to the corrupted health class, agreed to destroy their countries and every country, for the “greater good” of…. them, the would-be masters.
We looked away when our countries bought into the fraudulent scheme, the utter sham and scam of “membership” in the UN which was bait-and-switch flim-flammed from a membership to a treaty and from a treaty to a compulsion and from a compulsion to a dismemberment of everything even remotely connected to the concept of “Right”, either natural or divine or political, conferred or granted, in favor the the UN’s self-announced ability to give - and remove- anything even remotely resembling a right for everyone on the planet.

And we pay for it. Of course. special interests, like the Gates’ and Big Pharma and Bid Nuclear and Big Tobacco and Big anything else that wants to play pays more for it.

So we allow the apotheosis of genocidal robber baron lawlessness to overtake our institutions and tell us what to think, to say, to accept, to wear, to eat, to want, to fear and to do as we give us our most innate humanity, our very DNA AND SAY “THANK YOU”? 

If that works for you, what in heaven’s name are you doing on my substack page? You clearly got off at the wrong stop. See the nearest crossing guard who will guide you back to your gulag.

But for the rest of us, we understand that there is nothing at all acceptable in this madness and we are saying “Not only ‘NO!’, but “HELL, NO!’”

Want to know more about the UN sign-on fraud that every country in the world has been bamboozled into? You can read the legal Memo on our Homepage,

If you have a US address, I urge you, actually, I beg you, to join the free men and women who are, in increasing numbers, prevailing on their Members of Congress to co-sponsor and vote for the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428) at by taking the simple, quick and impactful Action Items there.

This Act removes us from all of the parts and pieces of the UN, including the WHO and its awful IRHs. That includes removing us before the Pact for the Future, slated to be adopted on September 23, 2024, becomes part of the reality of our demise as a species. AND for every Member of Congress who fails to vote in support of getting out of the fraud, they become an accessory to the crime being perpetrated on the American Public.

If you are not in the US, you can sign yourself and your organization onto the Declaration against tyranny and in favor of our freedom at the same page, Bonus: if you are in the US, you can sign the Declaration, too. Please do.

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