Sunday, 23 June 2024


The Truth about the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC)

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves" Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (A.K.A Lenin)

Jordan Peterson at the ARC launchJordan Peterson at the ARC launch
Jordan Peterson at the ARC launch

Some of us haven’t been in this investigative journalism/truth telling business for very long, but there’s one important thing we have all learned during this time:

While people, companies, governments, foundations and any other type of organisation can and do lie, there is one thing that NEVER lies:


Money is the ultimate show of intent and by tracking the funding and partnerships, we can always discover the truth, no matter how well it has been obfuscated from plain view.

Wealth comes from investment. The term ‘impact investing’ has a long history and can sometimes be based on ethical foundations.

As Paula Goldman explained of impact investing, ten years ago

“It’s a way of harnessing the power of business to tackle social change…a way of investing with the implicit intention of generating positive social impact with a return on capital.” 

Although ARC may sell itself on being a new entity, or to use their words:

“An international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.”

Just scratch beneath the surface and the truth is revealed about the true meaning of this ‘impact investment’ from the same globalists we are trying to expose. 

Yup, ARC presents the same ideologies driven by the same entities and with the same funders and partners

In this article, we will highlight how ARC is not only closely linked, but intrinsically interconnected with the likes of the Clintons, Blair and Gates Foundations as well as the Omidyar Group

Alongside these there are also links to the infamous World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO) and US Agency for International Development (USAID). 

These are the same impact investments groups which own corporate giants like eBay, PayPal, Flourish (AI banking), First Look Media (whogot 500K from the Google News Initiative in 2021), various (fake) Fact Checkers as well as Omidyar Group’s Democracy Fund.

Our goal in this article is to expose the false impression that these ‘philanthropists’ and ‘entrepreneurs’ are altruistic in their intentions - the objectives of these hedge funds, private equity funds, finance houses and banks is to make a profit. These globalists are highly skilled at profiting and profiteering from poverty. 

Providing a ‘service’ for ‘free’ always means that there is value in the person using the service, through personal data, debt or behavioural science. 

As Alison Hawver McDowell wrote in 2017:

“Everyday people, who aren’t on anybody’s payroll need to continue to do this research and get the word out. Neither the mainstream [legacy] media nor the ‘alternative’ media are in a position to tell the whole truth.”

Therefore, if there is one thing every serious investigator (whether an investigative journalist or otherwise) MUST be able to do is..

Follow the Money 

Once one gets really good at this (like author & investigative reporter Whitney Webb for example), the truth simply cannot be hidden, no matter how many layers of obfuscation and deception are applied on top of it. 

‘Paltering’: a recap

Please keep at the back of your mind when reading this article, a fifth generation warfaretactic known as ‘paltering’ as this brings important context.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of fifth generation warfare, we encourage you to read up on this topic urgently because this is what the enemy has been waging against us for at least the last three years. 

This excellent post in the 

summarises the essentials:

In a nutshell ‘paltering’ can be summed up as:

Using Truthful Facts to Deceive

For a much more comprehensive overview of paltering, including specific examples showing this tactic in use, please check out the article below (NB: it’s a long read!). 

Important Clarification

Before we get into discussing the truth about ARC, an important clarification:

We recognise that many diverse people with inevitably diverse views and motives are involved with ARC. 

We do not aim in this piece to critique individuals (except maybe one who has been positioned as its ‘official figurehead’) because we cannot read minds. We can only offer irrefutable evidence as a starting point for you to do your own research and reach your own conclusions. 

We also recognise that many of us have undergone immense challenges over the past nearly four years, and are desperate to discover a solution to our mounting, complex problems - locally, nationally and globally…and our enemies know this!

It is human nature to seek leadership and guidance in an effort to ‘find a way out’. 

However, as we already know deep down (and hopefully you as well, especially if you read the article about Paltering mentioned above):

There are no ‘saviours’ and there are no easy solutions.

Our only way to a positive future for our species is within our hearts, and that only starts when we can see the truth, which often hides in plain sight.

After all, we don’t want to be like the people discussed in Mark 8:18:

"They have eyes but they cannot see"

Other than that being a bad way to live your life, in the era of fifth generation warfare which employs elaborate and highly sophisticated obfuscation, diversion and psychological manipulation, this can be outright deadly

Outline of this article

In this article:

  1. We provide a brief introduction to ARC;

  2. Look into the figurehead/public face of ARC: Jordan Peterson

  3. Take a closer look at the ARC advisory board and senior leadership, their affiliations and backgrounds. 

  4. True to the motto of always following the money, we look into the most significant funders of ARC. 

  5. We then examine some of the less-obvious (but easily accessible) information about these funding entities & the individuals associated with them. 

  6. In conclusion, we offer our conclusion that: The stated aims, funding and ideologies underpinning ARC are the same as the WEF and various UN organisations, chief amongst them the WHO.

Just like the WEF, ARC-funders have been able to ‘capture’ numerous media outlets (with more planned) including those who position themselves as an ‘alternative’ to the legacy corporate or government-controlled media.

Given we also consider ourselves to be in the ‘alternative media’ camp, this has proven to be quite a distressing realisation for us, even if said ‘capture’ happened without the consent (or even knowledge) of some of these media outlets and personalities.

What is ARC?

ARC stands for: The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship and on their website are described as:

An international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.

We are inviting you to join us in developing a better narrative in response to life’s most fundamental social, economic, philosophical and cultural questions. We reject the inevitability of decline and instead are seeking solutions which draw on humanity’s highest virtues and extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.

Sounds great on the face of it, doesn’t it?

It sounds great because it is designed to. This is essentially their ‘sales pitch’ aimed specifically at the ‘target audience’ which they are aiming to attract. 

These are people (like us) who are disillusioned with how we discovered our world to be over the last few years and are horrified by the dystopian vision offered by the WEF and their ilk:

The ARC Launch Event

ARC held its official launch event between October 30 and November 1 in London.

The promo video for the launch event features heavily Jordan Peterson which is not surprising given he is the official public face of the organisation. 

A few of the directors and members of the advisory board (which we will cover extensively shortly) are also featured.

Here are some of the main things we noticed when watching the above video:

  1. It is structured very much like the WEF promos with similar ‘uplifting’ music and stock footage, plus ‘inspiring’ buzzwords at key points. If you think this is just nonsense, we invite you to check out this WEF promo video for their Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils which was held in Dubai last month and, as a certain well known Australian ad campaign suggests: “compare the pair”.

  2. A “greater narrative” is mentioned at the 3:29 mark. Is that meant to counter Schwab & Co.’s “Great Narrative”? You be the judge.

  3. There are very strong theological/religious Judeo-Christian narratives ‘sprinkled’ throughout the promo video and it ends with “Welcome aboard the Arc” in a very clear and obvious nod to Noah’s Ark from the Old Testament (which is also the Jewish bible). This cannot possibly be a coincidence and is obviously meant to sound attractive to ARC’s ‘target market’ who are conservative, often with strong religious views and is meant to serve as a counterweight to the WEF’s ‘woke’/collectivist/left-leaning narrative. 

    Again, this by itself is not an issue but what is the ultimate intention behind this appeal to the ‘target market’? There seems to be a deep emotional and subconscious factor present, which behavioural science marketing suggests can be exploited to ‘turn off’ critical thinking. This is especially given the nature of the opening keynote address delivered by Peterson which you can watch in full below (but even the title should give you a good idea):

Finally for this section, ARC also appears to have their own version of the WEF’s young global leaders program and Dutch freedom activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek appears to be one of its founding members, according to her own public admission:

Jordan Peterson: the man and the suit!

As Sonia Poulson points out in the video below, Peterson is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, having pulled in a large audience on a false pretense of anti-wokism:

Next, we’d like you to contemplate on the two images below: 

Preach it Jordan...LITERALLY!

Next, we’d like to remind you what Peterson said back in late 2021 when all manners of censorship were very much ‘in vogue’:

If you think this is bad enough already, check out what this self-proclaimed ‘conservative messiah’ said immediately after being reinstated on Twitter following its acquisition by Elon Musk:

If you think Peterson’s views are only reflected on Twitter, have a look at this video from 2017 in which an attendee at an event called “Stifling of Free Speech on University Campuses” asked the panel, which included Peterson, why Faith Goldy (Described by Wikipedia as a ”Canadian far-right, white nationalist political commentator, associated with the alt-right and white supremacy” so it must obviously be true 😉) was removed from the participant list at the last minute.

Peterson’s response is in the first 3 minutes of the video below and he also elaborated further here:

Regardless of whether or not you are already concerned by everything already mentioned above, the next few paragraphs will get your alarm bells ringing for sure!

Peterson’s connection to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Peterson is listed as a speaker on the website of a Canadian organisation called Ideacity. His bio on that page says something ‘interesting’, to put it mildly:

Dr. Jordan Peterson has been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, beekeeper, and railway line worker. 

He’s taught mythology to lawyers, doctors and businessmen, consulted for the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, helped his clinical clients manage depression, OCD, anxiety, and schizophrenia, and lectured extensively internationally.

Say what??!

Now, in case you think this is some kind of typo, here is Peterson himself talking in November 2020 about his involvement with the UN…and having a go at “right wing conspiracy theorists” for picking up on that.

Hopefully you understand by now dear reader that whenever someone calls anyone a “conspiracy theorist”, your alarm bells should be going off like crazy. If you don’t, this should help bring you up to speed. 

Ok, so Peterson says he worked for the UN and that he “wasn’t paid” and “learnt a lot”.

But wait, there’s more!

In late October 2016, Peterson gave a long form interview to a Podcast called The Dark Room. You can watch the full 80 minute interview here but below you’ll find the interesting bit for the purpose of our conversation.

Here is the key sentence said in typical ‘Peterson fashion’:

I worked on the UN Secretary General's High Panel for Sustainability, the report that was delivered in -I believe 2013-, and I rewrote the underlying narrative to strip out most of the ideological claptrap.

Ok, let’s have a look at that report Peterson “rewrote” in order to “strip out most of the ideological claptrap” and examine the final product.

The ‘Peterson Report’

We’re using the above term very loosely to simply highlight Peterson’s involvement in this project. 

We are not claiming that he was one of the lead authors…we’ll get to those shortly.

The report Peterson was involved in is called: A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development.

You can download the full report from hereand it’s also available below (just in case it ‘goes missing’ from the UN’s website):

A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty And Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development

3.16MB ∙ PDF file

The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. May 2013. Copyright ©2013 United Nations


Let’s look at that document:

  • When you do a search for “social and environmental”, you will see it appears 12 times in the document. Amongst them are nuggets such as “Most seriously, the MDGs fell short by not integrating the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable development as envisaged in the Millennium Declaration” (page 5), “Many companies recognise, however, that if they are to be trusted partners of governments and CSOs, they need to strengthen their own governance mechanisms and adopt integrated reporting, on their social and environmental impact as well as financial performance.” (page 11) and under “climate change” of the illustrative goals section it says: “We also encourage incorporation of social and environmental metrics into accounting practices. These should be part of any sustainable development agenda, even if there were no concern over rising global temperatures, and are deservedly part of a universal framework.”(page 17). Obviously none of that was considered “claptrap” by Peterson.

  • Especially in developed countries, incentives and new mind-sets can spark

    massive investment in moving towards a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, while promoting more sustainable and more efficient consumption and production.” (page 8). Some more “claptrap” which must have escaped Peterson when he “rewrote” the document.

  • “It recommends that an international conference should take up in more detail the question of finance for sustainable development. This could be convened by the UN in the first half of 2015 to address in practical terms how to finance the post-2015 agenda” (page 12). More “claptrap”.

  • There is also this very interesting diagram on page 49 showing how a “cap and trade” regime (i.e. price on carbon) will result in a big improvement in what the report coins as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation).

Sorry Jordan but you either missed a lot of “claptrap” or this was simply intentional. Only you can answer that with certainty.

The actual authors of the ‘Peterson Report’

Now this is where the plot thickens!

The UN was ‘kind’ enough to provide us with the full list of the “Panel” which was involved in creating the above report, which Peterson “rewrote the underlying narrative to strip out most of the “ideological claptrap” before it got published.

It features some ‘interesting’ names which we will highlight shortly but here is a ‘happy snap’ of all the “Panel” together as provided by the panel’s official website:

What a ‘lovely’ bunch of people, don’t you think? 

Here are the ones especially worth mentioning:

Jordan Peterson definitely kept some ‘interesting’ company in the recent past, don’t you think?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Now, let’s see who Peterson hangs out with these days…

The ARC Advisory Board

ARC’s advisory board is comprised of some very familiar names of politicians, journalists, philanthropists, podcasters, musicians and academics, many of whom hold multiple inter-connecting roles in ‘partner’ companies with conflicts of interests that are too numerous to list. 

In essence, ARC’s advisory board seems to be structured awfully similar to the WEF’s Board of Trustees and includes the likes of:

Quite an ‘eclectic’ bunch, don’t you think?

Next, let’s move on to the people who matter the most: the ones with the MONEY (a.k.a the “Money Bags”).

ARC’s Primary Funders

Before we get into looking into the ‘Money Bags’ behind ARC, we recommend two resources you can use as a good starting point when conducting your own investigation into ARC’s financial connections:

  1. This comprehensive article; and

  2. This 48 minute video by Polly St. James (a.k.a ‘amazing polly’).

Alan McCormick

Alan McCormick

Alan McCormick sits on ARC’s advisory board and is also a Partner of the Legatum group, a Dubai-based investment company and ‘think tank’.

Legatum is one of ARC’s primary funders.

Screenshot from ICIJ DatabaseARC directors circled in red. Image source

Alan McCormick was also appointed Chairman of conservative/ right-leaning UK media outlet GB News following a major cash injection by Legatum (where he is a partner as mentioned above).

Kiwi Billionaire Christopher Chandler, is the Chairman and founding partner of Legatumand also sits on the ARC Advisory board.

We’ll look in more detail at this individual and his companies/charities shortly.

If ARC is intended to be

“an international community with a vision for a better world” 

…as Peterson claims, why are the same globalist puppets leading it

Are there still any poor souls left who are under the illusion that GB News can in any way live up to its slogan: “People’s Channel”? 

If so, they may be finally shaken from their slumber when they see the latest in a string of corrupt politicians to become a GB News presenter:

Yup, ex-PM Boris Johnson.

Baroness Philippa Stroud is Co-founder with Peterson and the CEO of ARC. It was sickening to hear her directly address the (invite-only) audience as ‘long-term friends’. 

Another interesting founder/funder on the ARC Advisory Board is Sir Paul Marshall who amongst many other things he’s involved in, is the founder and owner of UnHerd and anothermajor funder of GB News.

Sir Paul Marshall

Marshall’s bio blurb reads like many similar wealthy ‘philanthropists’ - his personal fortune is estimated at £680m according to the Sunday Times Rich List. 

His father was apparently a chairman at Oil-company-turned-BigPharma Unilever and Sir Paul was educated in all the right places where he undoubtedly would have mingled with the likes of Cameron, Boris and Clegg. 

His career included a role with Blackrock, before founding what was one of London’s first hedge funds, Marshall Wace LLP. Marshall Wace started with 50 million dollars in funds under management (FUM). Half of these funds apparently came from George Soros.

Marshall is currently the Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Marshall Wace which now manages over US$60bn in assets

GB News Connection

There’s no need to go into detail here about the various media-hyped-up events in GB News’ short (2 year) history but reports from this celebrity gathering in London alerted us to some naiveté that needs to be addressed. 


Because the Freedom Movement is unlikely to make progress if individuals continue to be taken-in by well-rehearsed tactics from the Corporate Playbook

One key strategy of propaganda theory is controlled opposition, which is exactly what GB News is now (and maybe always was)!

Conceived by Andrew Cole and Mark Schneider in 2019, it wasn’t until June 2021 that pro-jab MSM journo Andrew Neil became Chairman and began presenting GB News, leaving only 3 months later for ‘personal reasons’. 

Cole and Schneider left when funders Sir Paul Marshall and investment firm Legatum bought them out.

Get aboard the ARK to ARC

Deeply involved in UK Government policy for decades, Marshall was eventually appointed as Lead Non-Executive Director at the Department of Education in 2013.

His role in the Education Policy Institutedemonstrates the ongoing concerns many of us share about the unethical commercial interference that these ‘entrepreneurs’ and ‘philanthropists’ have on our public policy, law, media and local authorities. 

For instance, Marshall’s interest in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) was clear early on in that Conservative/New Labour paradigm shift, when in 2002 he co-founded the ‘academy’ schools project ARK (‘Absolute Return for Kids’). This was during Blair’s tenure as PM.

For those unfamiliar with the significant part that PPPs have played over recent decades in what CJ Hopkins brilliantly describes as “the evolution of GloboCap”, then we highly recommend you start here.

ARK’s early work included public health projects in Africa on HIV and AIDS as well as child protection initiatives in Eastern Europe. 

Such activity might raise concerns amongst those investigating these topics…and rightfully so.

Baroness Morgan, a former chair of UK education inspectorate Ofsted and one-time political secretary to Tony Blair, praised Marshall, who in the past has donated to political fighting funds such as Michael Gove’s Party leadership ambitions. 

The same Gove who is a Bilderberg memberand is pushing through the latest anti-free-speech laws in the UK, which threaten to further embed the Censorship Industrial Complex. 

And what do you know: the very same Michael Gove delivered a Keynote Speech at the ARC launch. 

Over the years, controversy has come and gone over the media hype and glamorization of multi-million dollar fundraising events for ARK, which included celebrities and royals

ARK’s expansion has inevitably included developing specialist teachers’ training programmes and curriculum development, raising further questions about biased resources and the indoctrination of our children. 

In 2015 Marshall ‘donated’ millions to the London School of Economics (LSE) to create an ‘Institute’ bearing his name that explicitly states its underlying objective of promoting PPPs

Ursula Edgington, PhD has written elsewhere how PPPs have led to the capture of our education systems and also how academia like LSE controls the narrative

Importantly, Marshall was ‘advisor’ to then Liberal MP Nick Clegg back in 2012. Nowadays, it’s no surprise to see Sir Nick Clegg is President, Global Affairs at Meta, exposed as central in the Facebook Files regarding censorship and propaganda from the Biden Administration during the covid era.

Marshall was knighted in 2016 for ‘services to education and philanthropy’. We kid you not.

EU demise, income and Brexit

It's no secret that Brexit (which Marshall promoted and funded) was an opportunity for profiteering for many wealthy investors and politicians. 

(For the benefit of our non-European readers, some further relevant context to Brexit is provided here). 

So it’s no surprise how (originally) pro-jabNigel Farage, who led the Reform then Brexit Party for the Leave Campaign, has such a consistently prominent show on GB News. 

There is plenty more to read about Sir Marshall, but suffice to say, he certainly does NOT fit the description of anyone genuinely interested in independent media that promotes free speech. In fact, he is about to buy more media platforms. We wonder why…

For more details on the various actors and incidents at GB News, check out presenter Neil Oliver’s Patreon site and also independent journalist Sonia Poulson’s recent excellent synopsis of recent events in the 30 mins video below: 

Christopher Chandler

Chris Chandler: source Legatum website

Christopher Chandler, is the Chairman and founding partner of Legatum and also sits on the ARC Advisory board.

The Chandler brothers Richard and Christopher were born in New Zealand to a Croatian mother. 

The origins of their wealth apparently resulted from the sale of a family-owned department store before they moved to Monaco in 1986 while still in their twenties

Does that seem plausible to you?

Even though he wasn’t British, Christopher Chandler shared Paul Marshall’s interest in UK politics and appeared to be pro-Brexit (which he later denied).

Did he also financially support the Leave campaign? 

We can’t answer that for sure but undoubtedly there were financial advantages for New Zealand exports as a result of Brexit. That’s an investigation for another day.

Chandler was accused of being a Russian spyapparently because of links between his company, Sovereign Global’s investment in Russian oil, and the gas giant Gazprom

Regardless of the politics, the Chandler brothers’ investment in Gazprom sums up the PPP investment strategy: 

buy distressed or under-performing (often state-controlled) entities in emerging markets, apply pressure to management that improves governance and results, before selling them once that tactic bears fruit. [Rinse and Repeat]. 

Like Marshall’s LSE legacy, Chandler’s infiltration into academia can be seen at (for example) MIT where US$10m has been invested into scholarships for ‘entrepreneurial’ students.

Chandler co-founded Legatum in 2006, and the Group has evolved into multiple entities, including the annual Legatum Prosperity Index(PI) which is now in it’s 15th iteration - a kind of World Bank database that allows them to “advise many governments”. 

That’s why the WEF uses Legatum’s Prosperity Index as a ‘key metric’, along with state entities worldwide, including the WHO and USAID. 

The PI aims to help policy makers make changes that improve lives… But not our lives.

Emerging countries with evolving changes that are measured under subjective (read: UN) criteria undoubtedly offer valuable (and arguably, easily manipulated) knowledge for those ‘impact investment’ opportunities. Not to mention geopolitical advantages. 

Direct commercial connections: Legatum and WEF

Three paragraphs above we wrote:

The WEF uses Legatum’s Prosperity Index as a ‘key metric’, along with state entities worldwide, including the WHO and USAID. 

Let’s make it crystal clear:


Given Legatum is also the primary organisation funding ARC, as we hopefully demonstrated comprehensively above, the money trail (which is the most reliable source of information) shows a clear second degree connection between ARC and WEF!

Below is an example of the receipts available:

from the Legatum website here

How are you travelling so far? 

How are you feeling now about ARC and its frontman?

But wait, there’s more…lots more.

Legatum, ‘vaccinations’ and Gates

Legatum’s ‘partner’ organisations are numerous, all with connections to GloboCap such as the Clintons and Omidyar, but let’s looks at just one entity: the END Fund, which is focused on ‘Neglected Tropical Diseases’ (NTDs). 

According to the WHO these are caused by parasitic worms, protozoa, and the bacterial agents of leprosy, Buruli ulcer, and trachoma. 

These diseases can be easily treated with cheap off-patent generic medicines, and yes, that includes the famous ‘horse dewormer’ along with others like Praziquantel

Another familiar name from the covid era, Peter Hotez (US Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology) was at a WHO conference in Berlin in 2003, where he used NTDs in what he called a ‘branding exercise’ for USAID grant applications and later a book he wrote

No doubt this (re)positioned African healthcare plan works great “as a philanthropic investment vehicle”, as Legatum puts it in annual reports.

The END fund is based in Burundi and Rwanda, which seem strange choices, in view of the needs of other, more democratic countries and the challenges from Burundi and Rwanda’s long history of political tension (more on this below). 

The END Fund website states they have now delivered over 330 million treatments to over 140 million people through Mass Drug Administrations (MDA), a pilot project for ‘other, larger countries’. MDAs have now evolved into ‘twice yearly services’. 

Isn’t that just great? Can you imagine what those ‘services’ include?

Legatum’s stated aim is ‘to free a billion people of these diseases in the next ten years’ by ‘treating a whole population’. 

Of course ‘vaccinations’ are also a large part of those new national ‘healthcare provisions’. Alongside AI ChatBot Apps, of course.  

Funding for END Fund’s “prevention, control and surveillance’ projects is sourced from...the Gates Foundation (who else?).

According the End Project’s Annual Report.

“In addition, pharmaceutical companies, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Pfizer and Merck Serono, played an overwhelmingly generous role of donating the majority of medicines.” 

Of course they did. Helped no doubt by the Gates Foundation propaganda campaign.

It seems the MDAs were very successful (as they are likely to be in a poor, totalitarian society). In June 2022, BioNTech built a Covid-19 mRNA modular vaccine factory in Rwandaas part of an EU project to ‘address vaccine inequality’. 

Another booster anyone?

Rwanda’s President Kagame is the only African leader active on social media who Tweeted his ‘successes’ to the world:

Kagame (now aged 67) seems skilled in marketing his country to corporate and political celebrities interested in impact investment. 

This isn’t just a coincidence considering his wealthy family, his role models and his training

While we’re on the topic of obtaining (fake) ‘philanthropy’, below is an interview with Legatum’s CEO Mark Stoleson (who is also one of the people who are controlling ARC) explaining how a few years ago they had a “simple, big idea” about how to help India’s economy.

India has 450 million unbanked people, which presented Legatum with a ‘problem, but also a huge opportunity” he says.   


Notice behind him in his (nicely propped) Dubai office is a jar of parasitic worms… presumably to remind viewers of what a wonderful healthcare provider Legatum is! 

(BTW, the woman from Salt is the PR arm of Skybridge founded and managed by former very short-lived Trump White House Communications Director Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci.  Remember him?) Later in this same interview, Stoleson explains how the Gates Foundation finances their overseas projects, like those in Rwanda.)

Remember as News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller explains, Gates also funds most of the legacy media. 

Stoleson’s reference (although obviously not explicitly) to impending Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) brings us full circle to the likely reasons why Legatum are launching and funding ARC (as registered in the UK).

Rwanda and Investment

From an impact investment perspective, Rwanda is valuable. 

Due to Kagame’s loyalty to the WEF (and probably his country’s strategically central location in Africa), in 2020 Rwanda became one of the WEFs 16 Centres for the 4th Industrial Revolution - countries which benefit from ‘accelerated’ pathways towards the UN SDGs as well as another agenda that is much more sinister.

This is despite the ongoing Human Rights abuses and the extreme poverty of much of the population. Many have no reliable electricity or running water, let alone an internet connection. Outside the capital Kigali, agriculture is the main industry. The total population is relatively dense, at 12 million, on a land mass similar in size to Israel (but landlocked and mountainous). Their citizens are young, with a median age of only 19. 

Can you see how this country could hold immense potential for impact investment? 

But the dark shadow over this potential is Rwanda’s long, complex history of corruption, dictatorship and multiple human rights abuses

The BBC has conducted investigations, and The Independent, in 2014 reported:

“Over the years, a succession of prominent critics and campaigners, judges and journalists, have been killed. They have been beaten, beheaded, shot and stabbed, both at home in Rwanda and abroad in nervous exile. Some were good people, others far from saints – and their deaths came after crossing [President] Kagame.”

Sadly, things have not improved over the past 9 years. 

Many journalists and other activists have been censored, deplatformed, threatened, (including their families), disappeared, jailed or killed for speaking out about what is really going on inside Rwanda. Elections have been banned and any opposition, silenced. 

Below, Noel Zihabamwe, founder of the African Australian Advocacy Centre explains his experiences of being harassed and his family being threatened for raising awareness of human rights abuses (4 mins):

But despite all this damning evidence of ongoing and shocking inhumane activities, the US and UK Governments insist on past and present crimes of Kagame’s nearly 30 year dictatorship being memory-holed. 

Bill Clinton praised him, Tony Blair apparently used his private jet. 

Here is Blair, Hurd and Kagame at the disturbing 2014 Genocide ‘commemoration’ event:

Screenshot from the controversial BBC documentary: Rwanda’s Untold Story.

Obama issued a pardon so Kagame is immune from accountability for genocide. The Commonwealth even welcomed Rwanda to ‘join their family’ in 2009, which ignited access to EU funds.

Last year, the Annual Commonwealth meeting was held at the Kigali Convention Centre (image below), where Boris Johnson, King Charles, Justin Trudeau and other familiar faces gathered to talk about all their usual WEF-nonsense like gender equality and climate change.

Photo by Reagan M. on Unsplash
Screenshots from Livestream recording of the Rwandan event: from The Commonwealth

Dissenting voices with uncomfortable truths, were of course excluded from this event, and even jailed. 

Despite that, the UK Government doesn’t see any problem in investing 150 million poundsand more in Rwanda, which is positioned 111on Legatum’s ‘Prosperity Index’ mentioned previously.

Is this getting sinister enough for you yet?

Please take 3 mins to watch GB News’ reporting the policy (suggested by Boris Johnson) to send UK Refugees to Rwanda ‘for processing’.  This is a highly controversial issue, and contrary to EU Human Rights laws, as highlighted today in MP Suella Braverman’s resignation letter to PM Rishi Sunak:

Extract from Braverman’s letter of resignation.

There are some insightful avenues to pursue for those interested in the Rwandan connections, not least with their border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) an area rich in valuable minerals. 

For instance, controversy surrounds Rwanda funding/supplying military in Chinese Communist Party’s (CCPs) Human Rights Act abuses including child labour in the DRC cobalt mines. (Which Ursula Edgington, PhD has written about in a book review here). 

As journalist and activist Eugene Puryear recently pointed out in an interview with Project Censored, there is an uneasy but forced relationship between Western powers (with duties to address illegal acts) and CCP operations in DRC (and associated Rwandan and Ugandan support) because both rely heavily on trade of those BigTech and EV minerals. 

How could the GloboCap’s favourite ideologies like UN ESG and SDGs continue without these hypocrisies? 

These are exactly the same hypocrisies in the cliched speeches at the ARC launch event.

As part of their infiltration into Governments and the investment networks, Legatum also sponsors the African Leadership Network(ALN) - promoting ‘entrepreneurs’. 

An interesting Legatum interview with President Kagame from 2014 is here:

Multiple conferences have been hosted by Rwanda recently. 

In fact this week, Rwanda is hosting the annual ALN conference, where we suspect the next BigPharma BigTech investment will be announced. 

Kagame’s team are already rolling out a BigData sharing platformAI-based healthcare, financial policy changes, new AI dronesfleets of EV buses, allocating UN funding for climate change, and publishing WHO ‘guidelines’. There is even a new Rwandan Space Agency(RSA). 

Are these really legitimate ‘investment’ projects when so many Rwandans are living in a dictatorship, in extreme poverty with no democratic, education or judicial systems?

Just this month, media platform Unherd, which is owned by Paul Marshallreported that Austria is copying Britain’s policy by sending their refugees to Rwanda. 

Well, why wouldn’t they, given: 

“The government of Rwanda offers tax incentives and other forms of support to startups and entrepreneurs in the industry.” 

Says the RSA - whilst billions pour-in to pay for all this infrastructure, hospitality and bureaucracy. But will that money pay for safe and reliable machinery and will labourers be paid a living wage? You can probably guess the answer to that. It’s perhaps not a coincidence that another arm of the Legatum empire, The Freedom Fund, aims to address modern slavery. And one of the funding founders of the Freedom Fund is Humanity United, part of the Omidyar group (Paypal, eBay, Google News Initiative etc). 

Maybe Legatum will raise Rwanda’s rankings in the WEF hierarchy next year on the way to Rwanda’s version of Schwab’s Great Reset in Vision 2050? The impact investors will be pleased to gain a good return, and the WEF will be pleased with their Young Global Leaders’ achievements so far.

If the above is not enough for you to conclude that Legatum is definitely involved in funding some pretty nefarious ‘projects’ and has some pretty nefarious ‘associates’, check out these follow up articles on Ursula’s 



So let’s summarise what we’ve learnt about ARC so far:

The Co-Founders and CEO can be identified as bad actors relatively easily. 

Period. End of story.

Both Peterson and Stroud have histories and bios that are the polar opposite of their claimed Free Speech and Responsible Citizenship. 

The Advisory Board is made up of familiar names, many of whom were central to the abuses of power we saw during the covid era corruption: Jab mandates, insane levels of censorship, unethical lockdowns and intense psyops propaganda. 

There are a few exceptions, but we wonder how these minority voices will have any influence compared to the ‘money bags’ or even be heard at all? 

The regulatory capture of our authorities and legal system could not have occurred without these key people abusing their positions of power. 

The main founders of ARC are wealthy elites who have clear political history, affiliations and agendas. 

For example, both Marshall and Chandler share experience in the use of manipulative strategies that further investment objectives through PPPs. 

The Board members’ close associations with the WEF, WHO, Gates and Big Pharma, as well as corrupt overseas regimes are all hidden in plain sight and are easily surfaced with a relatively small effort at digging them up….which we have not only done in this article but have also shown you how you could do it yourself.

Therefore, don’t just believe anything we said. As a matter of fact, we urge you not to and instead go and do your own independent research using either the sources we provided or any others you see fit. 

The following famous quote by Sherlock Holmes, the imaginary ‘super sleuth’ character created by Arthur Conan Doyle is probably the best way to end this article:

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

We think it is safe to conclude at this stage that ARC is not quite what it proposes to be and more specifically is NOT “an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.

Would you agree?

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