Tuesday 18 June 2024


LIARS, LIARS, LIARS | VT Foreign Policy


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.


By Garcia Wilde

The world was finally at peace. Children went to bed dreaming of beautiful princesses, brave knights, towering castles, and forest filled with mystery and magic. Palestinians and Israelis finally lived in peace. The world—more precisely the West–preferred to forget Israel had been created through the occupation of Arab Palestine and by driving out Palestinians making them refugees in their own homeland. The world turned a blind eye to the fact that millions of Palestinians had become virtual prisoners under brutal Israeli misrule. Israelis believed they had finally “tamed” Palestinian “terrorists” to submission. After all, Israelis had won all their wars.

But despite their serial victories, Israel’ far-right leaders were uneasy. Despite their best efforts, Israel had failed to establish a 100 percent pure Jewish country. There were 5.5 million Palestinians living under Israeli rule (2 million in Israel “proper” and 3.5 million in the West Bank and Gaza.) Considering Arab fecundity, in a decade or two, Arabs could become the majority in Greater Israel, meaning Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. “Mowing the lawn” had been an inefficient method of reducing Arab population growth. Something drastic was required…a war that would result in the death or evacuation of all non-Jews

Benny-Bibi Netanyahu and his racist cabinet became desperate for a solution to the trending demographic dilemma.

Eureka! They found the solution: WAR. It would provide the Israeli army to kill as many Arabs as humanly possible and drive the rest to Egypt and Jordan. They would succeed where David Ben-Gurion (David Green), Golda Meir, and Moshe Dayan had failed. The only hindrance to the war was an excuse. Casus belli. When the killing started, Netanyahu would need an excuse for going to war…a story he could tell the world.

Then deus ex machina appeared. Junior officers stationed at the “gates” separating Israel and Gaza told senior officers that they had noticed unusual behavior by the Palestinians. The latter seemed to be doing military exercises and reconnaissance near the wall. The senior officers, in their turn, passed the information to their seniors. The senior officers ignored the reports.

About the same time, the head of Egyptian intelligence alerted his Israeli counterpart that something suspicious was brewing in Gaza. His repeated warnings were ignored by the head of the Israeli intelligence. According to reliable sources, a few days before the Hamas attack, a number of Israeli senior officers left their stations at the Gaza wall and headed north. When these events were revealed after Oct. 7, the Israeli government said it would look into it. Similar promises were repeated countless times in the next nine months as Israeli bombers flattened Gaza and the Israelis killed 45,000 Palestinians.

Israeli government has boasted that no fly moves in Gaza without their knowledge. In addition to some of the best intelligence technology, Israel had Palestinian spies in Gaza. According to some sources, the Israeli leaders knew of Hamas attack plan a year before Oct. 7, 2023.

It doesn’t take an Einstein to conclude that Israel wanted Hamas to attack.


Because the attack would give Israel the excuse to take over Gaza.

We know what happened at Kibbutz Be’eri on Oct. 7. Or do we?

The Israel kept repeating that 1,139 Israelis had been killed by Hamas fighters. They chose not to mention that 112 were IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) troops. They chose not to mention that not all the slain were Israelis (43 were citizens of Thailand, ten from Nepal.) About 200 were dual citizens. Not satisfied by the above numbers, they invented different types of Hamas victims: Forty babies were beheaded, one baby was baked in over, a pregnant woman hard her baby cut out of her, numerous women were raped systematically. The rationale behind the lies made sense because greater the violence against Israelis, greater the justification to eliminate Palestinians.

Incidentally, knowing what Hamas was planning, why did the government permit the psychedelic rock concert to take place 3 miles from the enemy which was planning to attack you?

Incidentally, while 766 of those killed were civilians, it’s worthwhile to remember that no adult Israeli is actually civilian: every Israeli adult serves two years in the army and takes “remedial” training courses subsequently.

Netanyahu & Friends got the war they craved. Now they are not only unable to extricate themselves from the bloody swamp of war but they have made Israel a pariah country. Their satanic destruction, the genocide have multiplied anti-Semitism around the world.. Israel was supposedly created to provide a safe haven to persecuted Jews around the world. Instead, the “safe haven” has increased anti-Semitism and endangered the lives of millions of diaspora Jews.


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