Saturday 1 June 2024


Urgent Alert: Space Force Flexed on Deep State Showing they can/will Shut Phones, Radio, Media Down: Project Odin, Martial Law, and the Quantum Financial System – Unveiling Truth Amidst Chaos

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In the throes of uncertainty, where shadows of deception dance with the light of truth, a paradigm-shifting force emerges: Space Force.Flexing its might against the clandestine maneuvers of the deep state, it unveils Project Odin, heralding a new dawn where power is wielded for the people, and secrets are laid bare. 

The Space Force and Project Odin

The Space Force showcased its capability to silence the cacophony of misinformation that pervades our modern world. With a resolute stance against the manipulative machinations of the Deep State, Space Force demonstrated its authority by signaling its ability to shut down communication channels at will. Phones, radios, and mainstream media outlets trembled in the face of this display of power.

The Crucial Role of EBS and Martial Law

Amidst the chaos of silenced voices, one beacon of stability emerges: the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), colloquially known as Project Odin. While the tempest of uncertainty rages outside, EBS stands as a bulwark of calm, ensuring that the populace remains informed and reassured. Martial Law, often vilified as a tool of oppression, becomes a necessary shield against the onslaught of chaos, allowing truth to shine through the veil of deception.

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The Black Swan Event and the Cyber Assault

As the curtain falls on the old world order, a black swan event descends upon the global stage. They will whisper of cyber-attacks, of markets plunged into darkness, and of a world plunged into disarray. Everything, from financial systems to communication networks, is cast into the abyss of uncertainty.

Enter the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Project Odin

In the midst of this turmoil, a beacon of hope emerges: the Quantum Financial System (QFS), under the auspices of Space Force and bolstered by Starlink. Project Odin, the linchpin of this new paradigm, ushers in an era where truth reigns supreme. Declassification becomes the order of the day, as the veil of secrecy is torn asunder to reveal the hidden truths that have eluded us for so long.

Military Tribunals and Confessions: The Path to Justice

Justice, long deferred, finally takes center stage. Military tribunals, conducted with unwavering resolve, become the crucible in which the guilty are held to account. Confessions echo through the hallowed halls of justice, as the perpetrators of deception are brought to heel. The era of impunity comes to an abrupt end as accountability becomes the watchword of the day.

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The Birth of a New World: Patriots, Military, and Humanitarian Projects

Amidst the wreckage of the old world, a phoenix rises from the ashes. Patriots, armed with the courage of conviction, stand ready to rebuild. The military, once a bastion of secrecy, now becomes a beacon of transparency, leading the charge towards a brighter tomorrow. Humanitarian projects, long neglected in the pursuit of power, take center stage as compassion becomes the currency of change.

Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications

Editor’s Note: The following story has been updated to clarify that many of the 500 Army personnel who have been transferred to the Space Force will remain at their current duty stations but answer to the new service.

The Army transferred some of its satellite operations to the Space Force, marking the latest move to reorganize and grow the youngest military branch.

In addition to control of the communication satellites, 500 people will be transferred from the Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command, based in Huntsville, Alabama, and will now answer to Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado as part of the expansion. 

“This historic transfer from the Army to the Space Force will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under a single military service,” the Space Force wrote in a press release.  

The Army has also transferred roughly $78 million of its budget to the Space Force for 2022 to help expand the service’s infrastructure.

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Lt. Gen. Bradley Chance Saltzman, the Space Force’s current deputy chief of operations who has been nominated by President Joe Biden as the next leader of the service, said in a statement last year that consolidating the military’s satellites is a necessity.

“We need to create this unity of effort around our space missions to ensure we’re up to those challenges that we face, because the space domain has rapidly become far more congested, and far more contested than … when I was a lieutenant or a captain operating space capabilities,” Saltzman said.

Some of the new Army transfers to Space Force came from the 53rd Signal Battalion, which has an illustrious history participating in several noteworthy military campaigns including France, Italy and Tunisia during World War II; counteroffensives during the Vietnam War; and supporting Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and New Dawn in the Middle East.

Many of the 500 Army personnel transferring to the Department of the Air Force — 200 of whom are civilians — will remain at their current stations in Maryland, Hawaii, Germany and Japan but will be under the new service, according to the Space Force.

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In June, the Naval Satellite Operations Center — NAVSOC — at Naval Base Ventura County in Mugu, California, was placed under the Space Force’s Space Delta 8 and designated as the new 10th Space Operations Squadron.

Many of the Army and Navy transfers were supposed to happen at the beginning of this year, but they were pushed off by Congress’ delay in passing last year’s budget.

In total, 15 units with 600 people from the Army and Navy combined are set to be transferred to the Space Force throughout this year.

When the Space Force was created in 2019, it relied heavily on interservice transfers to grow its ranks. Last year, 670 active-duty soldiers, sailors and Marines were selected to transfer into the military’s newest branch, growing it by nearly 10%. 

Decoding the Imminent EBS: Military in Training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System

As the world stands on the precipice of a dramatic shift, whispered tales of a seismic event have culminated into a potent revelation. The Military’s training for the implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is set to unveil decades, if not centuries, of veiled truths and obscured realities. The countdown to this unveiling is not just the climax of a conspiracy theory; it’s the climax of human history.

This is not a mere drill. It’s the dress rehearsal for a grand revelation. The cloak and dagger days are over; the time has come to be in the know, with precision and perfection. Such a monumental event requires an extensive test and review of every occurrence, activity, and implication. The complexity of revealing the truth on a national, let alone global scale, means that we must adhere to protocols and follow the guidelines to the letter.

* This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the EBS which is imminent.

* There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.

* Recommendations by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection offer the following tips that all residents take three simple preparedness steps: Get a kit, make a plan, and stay informed”.*– Watch This Free Video

* We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.

* The EBS is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.

* We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka EBS text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.

* Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.

* Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.

* People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.

* We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.

* As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the EBS to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.

* After the EBS and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change.

The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled.

Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.

* We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.

* The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.

Get Ready for Military GESARA and NESARA Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS)

You’re cozy in your living room when your TV suddenly flickers. An authoritative voice booms out, “This is the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). This is not a drill. Stay tuned.” The situation is dire and the nation of SUA stands on the brink. What happens next? Buckle up and brace yourself as we dive into the labyrinthine world of EBS, martial law, deep state, and a silent group of heroes known as the white hats.

In the heart of our nation, SUA, an unseen battle rages on. A battle as old as civilization itself – the war for power, the pursuit of control. If you thought the EBS was just about emergency broadcasts, you’re in for a jolting awakening. Our story takes a dramatic turn as we peel back the layers of a hidden system that’s much more than a broadcasting tool.

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What is the Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS)? Born out of the desire for effective communication during crises, the EBS has evolved into a multi-faceted behemoth. A government tool designed to communicate vital information during national emergencies, it has become a nexus point in the chess game between the deep state and the white hats.

Through your television, radio, or mobile device, the EBS has direct access to your life. It was born to serve as the voice of sanity amidst chaos, the beacon of information during turmoil. But like a well-crafted drama, the plot thickens. Is the EBS just a public safety tool, or does it serve a more sinister agenda?

The Puppet Masters: The Deep State. Enter the Deep State, the puppet masters pulling the strings behind the scenes. They manipulate, control, and rule, all while remaining shrouded in shadow. A loosely bound group of high-ranking officials and influential figures, their fingers reach into every crevice of the system. Their power emanates from a complex network of governmental and non-governmental organizations, a nebula of covert operations and secret agendas.

However, don’t for a moment believe that the Deep State is invincible. Far from it. While they play their game of shadows, a force of justice rises in the form of the white hats.

The White Hats: Shadows of Justice. The white hats are the unsung heroes of this saga. They’re the ones who wage war against the deep state from within its ranks, steadfast and unyielding. These are the truth-seekers, the justice warriors, striving to expose the puppeteers manipulating the system.

Yet, it’s not all cloak and dagger. Sometimes, the battle moves into the open, and the result? Martial Law.

Martial Law: The Ultimate Trump Card. Martial law, the declaration that suspends ordinary law and grants military authority over civilian functions, is the deep state’s ultimate trump card. It’s a drastic measure, yet one that comes into play when the balance of power tilts. But what happens when this trump card is played, and how should you, the citizen, respond?

The EBS, Martial Law, and You. When martial law is declared and the EBS kicks in, the deep state would want you to panic. But remember, panic is the enemy of reason. What you should do instead is stay calm, stay informed, and stay ready. Use the EBS as your source of information, not speculation. Don’t let fear cloud your judgment.

Every broadcast you receive should be fact-checked and verified. But also, remember to stay vigilant. Keep an eye on the actions of your government, question their motives, and hold them accountable.

Unveiling the EBS: Martial Law, Deep State and the White Hats at Work

As we set out on a journey through the intricate web of power, manipulation, and control, this article unveils a conspiracy theory regarding the controversial GESARA and NESARA laws and the alleged “Deep State”. Behind the seemingly harmless facade of global finance and media, a chilling narrative of world domination unfurls.

The advent of the Military GESARA and NESARA’s Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) gives rise to a temporary ten-day communication blackout. In this period, phones, internet, credit cards, and ATMs cease to function. As the world is plunged into a technological darkness, the reasons behind half a million accusations against the world elites are elucidated in three enlightening documentaries, broadcasted incessantly for seven days, twenty-four hours a day, and eight hours on television and radio.

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The “Deep State” or “Cabal” is alleged to be a covert group of individuals wielding the world’s financial reins for their selfish interests. The puppeteers behind this puppet show are the proprietors of the “Private Bank” of the “Central Bank of the United States”, a financial institution founded on December 23, 1913. The USA Central Bank reportedly controls a whopping 98% of the central banks worldwide, effectively ruling the global economy.

The Deep State’s influence isn’t confined to the financial realm alone. They allegedly own prominent media channels like FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, and reputable newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post. Their modus operandi involves disturbing the population’s attention with superficial television programs, reality shows, and cartoons. Further, they use TV series, movies, and murder news to shatter our faith in our future, to eradicate human unity, or brotherhood.

The World Elites and their Accusations

The Deep State will allegedly stop at nothing to preserve its economic dominion over humanity. Historical events have allegedly been manipulated to safeguard their interests.

♦️ The Titanic’s catastrophic sinking is claimed to be a well-orchestrated bombing to eliminate three influential bankers opposing the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank (a symbol of human slavery).

♦️ President John F. Kennedy was allegedly murdered due to his plans of transforming the banking system to a public one, thereby eradicating all debt.

♦️ The collapse of the Twin Towers supposedly happened just on the day when many truths were to be revealed, and the GESARA NESARA Human Equality Act was to be announced. It’s alleged that all the relevant files were conveniently deleted.

♦️ The last US election, according to some theories, was rigged to prevent Donald Trump from winning. The reason? His potential to eradicate debt from the Federal Reserve during his presidency.

The Puppets of the Deep State. The Deep State, via the Federal Reserve, to the NSA, CIA, Pentagon, IMF, World Bank, etc. allegedly exerts control over 98% of the Presidents worldwide. Any leader who defies their commands is claimed to face a possible coup or even assassination.

The core members of the [JudeoZionist Octopus], another term for the Deep State, are supposedly:

  • Rothschild Family (London, Berlin, Israel).
  • Rockefeller Family (USA, Israel).
  • Morgan Family (England).
  • Warburg Family (Germany).
  • Lazard Family (Paris, France).
  • Moses Israel Seif Family (Italy, Israel).
  • Kuhn Loeb Family (Germany, USA).
  • Lehman Brothers (USA).
  • Goldman Sachs (USA).
  • The Black Nobles (All European Kings with Rothschild blood).
  • Vatican (Judaized)
  • Various secret societies (JudeoMasonry, JudeoSatanism, Bilderberg Club, Illuminati, etc.)

While Forbes Magazine lists mere millionaires, it allegedly fails to expose the real mega-rich deep state, thus diverting attention from their illicit activities.

The Red Pill! Trump’s 5D Chess with Presidential Documents – Military Is In Control – Trump’s Commander-in-Chief and Military Mastery in Rooting Out Corruption and Restoring Order!

In the tumultuous arena of American politics, where power struggles and clandestine maneuvers often define the battleground, one figure stands out for his unorthodox tactics and strategic brilliance. Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is not merely a player on this stage – he’s a master of the game. With a flair for the dramatic and a penchant for outmaneuvering his opponents,

Trump has redefined what it means to wield presidential authority. Join me as we delve into the intricate world of presidential documents, where Trump’s cunning maneuvers have left the Deep State reeling and America’s patriots rallying behind their commander-in-chief.

Horrifying Vatican Secrets EXPOSED: Vatican Secret Societies: Jesuits and the New World Order – Full Documentary!

Unraveling the enigma of Vatican secret societies, particularly the Jesuits, reveals a saga woven intricately into the fabric of global politics and the quest for dominance.

Welcome, intrepid truth-seekers, to a realm where the whispers of conspiracy echo louder than the tolling of church bells. Our odyssey begins with a provocative inquiry into the Vatican secret societies, with a spotlight on the enigmatic Jesuits. Prepare to have your perceptions shattered and your beliefs challenged as we embark on a three-hour odyssey through the annals of history and the murky depths of contemporary geopolitics.


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