Saturday 1 June 2024


The World Health Assembly meeting has failed to achieve a package of amendments to the IHR

There is no agreement on the IHR amendments because nations have seen the pandemic preparedness agenda as the Trojan horse it is: intended for centralizing control and causing indebtedness

The promised resolution or amendments or something that Ashley Bloomfield and Precious Matsoso promised yesterday have failed to appear. I woke at 3 am to watch the proceedings and those two never showed up with the “final package.”

We can now watch the planned Climate change symposium with Al Gore etc. Where is the Plenary? The announcement? This is all I get:

I’ll say: SOMETHING WENT WRONG. The psychopaths tried to take over the world and the little people said no: Not so fast! And the WHO toadies haven’t even come up with a face-saving parody of success. All we see is SOMETHING WENT WRONG.

People will say that the WHO is going to continue negotiating both documents. Okay, they had to do that, ISN’T THAT WHAT DIPLOMATS DO? and try to put a happy face on this failed meeting. But the thing is, the pandemic preparedness agenda never made sense. It gave nothing to the developing nations, enforced censorship and surveillance, intended to build a pandemic pathogen lending library to create more pandemics, which would inevitably be followed by rapid rollout of experimental vaccines, free of liability. The self-authorizing of public health emergencies, for which any remedies could be ordered, was unprecedented. “One Health” was designed to put the entire world into a “health” basket that the WHO could manage.

The Biosecurity Agenda is a plan from which almost no one benefits. Unless you are a Pharma investor or manufacturer or someone who wants to choose the winners and losers and control the world population, that is.

Negotiations can continue. The advantage of stealth and surprise has been lost. People know what this is about now. It is not going anywhere. The fat lady never got to sing and It’s OVER.

Sorry Drs. Precious Matsoso and Ashley Bloomfield. Your hard work to destroy democracy under the guise of the biosecurity agenda failed. You won’t get the prize you were hoping for. Have you heard that your globalist colleague Jacinda Ardern is to get a prize from the new Melinda Gates Foundation of $20 million US dollars for doing her best to destroy New Zealand? Was Precious hoping to be one of the grantees? Not this time, Precious.

Dear WHO apparatchiks (henchmen), you have gone past your Use By date. You have been Used by your globalist owners, and failed to get the ball over the line for them. Like the US CDC, you have now squandered what reputation you had. Your best strategy now is to admit what you have done and confess, identifying the ringleaders. As Argentina’s diplomat just noted, for how long do you want to stay on the wrong side of history?

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