Saturday 1 June 2024


Israel responded to the ICJ's ruling with one of the worst crimes against humanity of our time

They are monsters, just monsters

The terrorist organisation called Israel has responded to the order from the world’s most powerful court to immediately halt its genocide by carrying out one of the most brutal massacres of our time. An act that will echo through the ages and stain the character of all who have supported this atrocity.

One day the world will unanimously look back in horror at May 26th and some of you are going to be remembered as the monsters who supported it, made excuses for it, lied about it, even provided the weapons and funding for it. If you are one of those monsters, you might escape justice today, but history is going to remember you as no better than a Nazi.

When Israel was given a legally binding instruction to halt all military action in Rafah, the US was arguing that international law does not apply to Israel. The terrorist state used that impunity to fire 60 missiles into an area the size of Heathrow airport. The result was that children who had walked around their country, dodging bullets as they moved from “safe zone” to “safe zone”, were blown to pieces in their tents at a UN Relief and Works camp because there was nowhere else to go.

Dozens of civilians were killed in one rocket blast. Hundreds were injured by the flames and shrapnel. One man lost five members of his family. Most of the dead were women, children and the elderly. That’s a real Hamas stronghold you got there, Israel, you must be so proud.

We saw fathers holding their headless babies before a backdrop of flames raging against the night sky as screaming civilians were burnt alive. If you’ve ever wondered what hell looks like, this is it. Kids were incinerated and decapitated by the IDF and the same media who told us a made-up story about 40 beheaded Israeli babies justified genocide are now arguing that killing Palestinian children is legal.

As the arrest warrants are coming for Netanyahu and Gallant, and the ICJ is putting Israel on trial for the most self-evident genocide in human history, our utterly depraved media is doing genocide denial

this is how the BBC is framing it

If ever there was an argument to burn the mainstream media to the ground and fully get behind alternative media, this is surely it. If they’re prepared to lie about the worst crimes human beings can commit, they’re prepared to lie to you about literally anything.

On those rare occasions when someone in the media tells the truth, they are sacked within days and we are left with cowards and sociopaths. The latest person you can expect to be sacked is Aymin Mohyeldin of MSNBC who dared call out the lies around US universities and pointed out the destruction of Gaza’s universities. It is a matter of time until the people who’ve just beheaded children get Aymin fired like they get everyone who calls them out fired. 

Despicably, the IDF claimed it attacked Hamas with “precision munitions” and its operational assessment was that no civilians would be harmed so we must assume it considers refugees in tents to be Hamas. 

Following an outcry, Netanyahu described the massacre as a “tragic mistake”, but when it’s your 500th tragic mistake in a row, you’re supposed to stop because you’re either unbelievably bad at protecting civilians or deliberately killing them. Neither is close to acceptable.

If you want to show the world you are not committing genocide, you do the opposite of what Israel just did and fully cooperate with independent investigators. Absurdly, Germany has called on the IDF to investigate itself again so it can give us assurances the terrible thing that just happened definitely wasn’t a war crime. Israel is already seriously investigating 70 of its other war crimes to see what evidence it can fake to exonerate itself.

At this point, any statements asking Israel to investigate itself should be considered acts of complicity and arrest warrants should be issued for anyone who makes them as well as for the weapons suppliers. Joe Biden said he would stop the weapons supply if Israel invaded Rafah and then he continued the weapons supply. His administration is now saying they’re assessing whether Israel has crossed the red line it’s already clearly crossed.

So what next? Is the state department going to call 60 rocket attacks a “tragic error”, but still undermine the ICC and ICJ? Or are they going to finally respect international law and stop vetoing every action the UN tries to take to save lives? I know what I think.

AOC is pointing out that Israel has crossed Biden’s non-existent red line as though she is taking a principled stand, but she will still tell Americans to vote for him, no matter what he does next. It’s not just the moderates who have let us down, it’s the so-called progressives who have well and truly sold their souls. If you are still voting for these people, how is a genocide not a red line for you? How is this something you don’t care enough about? What part of your soul is missing?

Take a look at the below tweet.

Do you understand what you’re looking at here?

Every light that went dark is not a street light or a window, it’s a human whose light has left our world. It’s a beautiful baby who was born into a genocide, only for her life to be snuffed out before she had time to develop hopes and dreams. It’s a ten year old who only knew occupation and never got to see a time when the bombs did not fall. It’s a writer who predicted his own assassination through the agony of his poetry. It’s a journalist who was prepared to die to ensure the world could see the truth. It’s a doctor who would not abandon his patients as a rifle was put to his head. It’s tens of thousands of human beings who just wanted to live their lives who were seen as nothing but vermin by an occupier who was waiting for the excuse to eradicate them. The very least we can do is remember who the victims were and fight for justice. To do anything less would be to lose our humanity.

At a time of hopelessness like this, we should at least be able to look for moral leadership from our next government. Instead, the party whose Shadow Foreign Secretary once said bombing a refugee camp can be “legally justified” is now copying and pasting tweets to absolve Sir Keir Starmer of his complicity.

Any leaders with principles would be demanding the UN takes any necessary action to stop this, including sanctions and military intervention, and would be demanding the perpetrators face justice at the Hague. But we live in a country where it’s a crime to praise the resistance, but not to praise the genocidaires. 

Our leaders will say a few angry words about Netanyahu and then get back to calling Israel a friend. And since the public put them into power, we are complicit in every atrocity they’re complicit in. We have an election this year, it’s time to stop voting for these warmongers. To give them our vote would be a betrayal of every victim in Gaza.

Thank you for reading. All of my content will always be freely available, but if you wish to support my work, you can do so at Ko-fi. Likes, shares and comments also help massively.

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