Thursday 6 June 2024


Ramola D: Swiss Cheese and Bayonets: Katherine Horton’s Nasty Defamation Campaign Titled “Ramola’s Defamation Campaign”

–Ramola D/Posted 12/19/2018

Katherine Horton, a former Techno Crime Fighters Forum and JIT colleague who appears to have deteriorated currently into Ms. Potty Mouth with a PhD in Invective and an obsession with attacking me and ICATOR Founder and President Melanie Vritschan—as well as anyone else who challenges her bedtime stories–has lately been adding to her platter of slander, smears, attack, libel and defamation against myself with runaway tweets, new additions to her nasty and quite obviously libelous page with my name on her website, and a video where she circles round and repeats herself ad infinitum, while blasting out curse-words and epithets along with distortions of truth and pithy, tabloid-style fictions.

CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell marks this latest theatrical feat accurately in her response to Katherine’s verbal attacks on her: Fact-Free Theatrical Productions Starring Katherine Horton. For interestingly enough, in this video—which Melanie responded to and which I partially responded to in Report #99— Katherine’s attacks have not been limited to me alone. Barbara Hartwell, Melanie Vritschan, and Thomas McFarlan have also been maligned—in what appear to be a combination of abusive pre-emptive and retaliatory attacks seeking to refute the truth and integrity of their witness while painting herself drama-queen-style as tragically wronged, victimized, and immaculate.

I refer most especially to the page on her website titled “Ramola Dharmaraj,” (a name I am no longer known by) and to her “Blood on their hands” page  (the title of which she has currently changed, 2 days ago, it appears, to “Attacks & Refusals of Assistance,” which lists a photograph of me, and to the continuous series of libelous and attacking tweets she has put out on Twitter, claiming, melodramatically, falsely, slanderously, and libelously she is being stalked and harassed by me and the victim of a “near 4-month-long campaign of defamation” supposedly run by me against her. Which does make it seem like there’s no conscience, morality, integrity, truth-bone or spine evinced here whatsoever because she seems to show no compunction in making these ridiculous and repeated claims of victimhood at my hands.

12/15: I note further she has now made further additions to that page, including struggling to counter my Standing Notice on her which I was compelled to post on 12/13 directly after visiting her page on 12/13—in order to complete this effort to accurately counter her libel there—and discovering a new section filled with JTRIG storyline lingo titled “Ramola’s Sabotage of European Projects”; she has also posted further epics referencing Frederic and Melanie slanderously, and spent some time creating graphics with photos and screenshots, posing me suggestively at center of her constructed-intrigue in Interpol-style while accusing me once more of various crimes—which this article addresses, further down. All this proves and vindicates my reasons for publishing that Standing Notice: Katherine Horton is establishing online her extreme on-and-on fixation, obsession, and cyberstalking of me online, exactly what I point to in my Standing Notice.

12/16: Let’s update that: Katherine has now added even newer sections to this page, post a new podcast Melanie and I have made, Report #103, addressing the earlier 12/15 additions and the slanderous and frankly malicious sections slamming Frederic and Melanie. Obviously we’re not going to be able to keep up in this nonstop hamster wheel of delinquence Katherine is riding, but I’ll address her attack-dog “Ramola’s Sabotage of Dr. Horton’s Projects” further below.

It is a fact that Counterintelligence CIA checklists and manuals advise their operatives to “Blame, attack and abuse” in order to deflect attention and bury the true abuser, themselves.

It is also a fact that Katherine Horton has repeatedly distorted, deflected, misrepresented, and muddied the truth on a number of matters, as enumerated in The Real Backstory and Disclaimer re. Dr. Katherine Horton’s reportage on Erasme Medical Kidnap —and continues to do so, as her very latest performance in her affidavit for the court hearing on 11/29 in Grenoble for Frederic Laroche demonstrates—something I will elaborate on further down. 

When this ridiculous page of hers first came to my attention—because someone brought it to my attention, as indeed is the way all her nasty attack-tweets and attack-videos came to my attention, since Katherine Horton has blocked me from her Twitter page—something she did the very day we published our Video-Note marking the end of Techno—and I have not been following her activities (I am way too busy; and most people who read my articles and watch my podcasts or call and discuss future or present plans and strategies for HR activism or podcasts with me know exactly what I mean), I was more than appalled. To start with, my signature author photograph graced her site (she has removed that now), with text claiming an attack campaign on her by me below it. My immediate response to this page was fired off in a series of tweets where I added screenshots over a couple nights, and I will try to embed this below. Additionally, I published a Public Notice to Katherine, immediately protesting this public online attempt at rather patently malice-filled defamation and slander.

My 13 Nov and 14 Nov Tweets on the subject of Katherine Horton’s 12 Nov 2018 Posting of her defaming “Timeline”: Unrolled Thread Here

This Public Notice to Katherine resulted in my author photo being removed from her site as I requested, but no other response, such as removing the page or removing my name from it. Further, she replaced my photo with a screenshot from a previous video Techno podcast, a rather unflattering one I should add, but a likeness nevertheless of me, the posting of it at all seeming to be a vindictive and malicious move to sully my public image and reputation–something she appears hell-bent on doing. 

A second Joint Public Cease and Desist Noticewas issued, signed by a few of us being maligned, and long-time activist Paul Baird. To no response. As of date this libelous page of hers is still up—and continues to be added to, which does seem to point to a targeted and strategic Lies, Libel, Smear, and Discredit campaign being run by Katherine on me, and readers are welcome to figure out why.

I will address the elements on this page as seems appropriate in each case; there is much here that has already been covered earlier. Distract, Delay and Disrupt is also in the CIA Counterintelligence Manual for suckers. Publishing malicious lies and libel about someone is also a way of tying them up in prolonged, time-consuming efforts to defend themselves and ponder litigation for character defamation. Plus, no doubt among a certain group it has its intended effect of defaming one’s character or image online—as I now know, in observing the unhinged comments on Twitter and Youtube (in chat and comments) and on my own media site on WordPress, as well as in private emails to me calling me names, exactly as Katherine has done, including: gangstalker, human trafficker, sell-out, terrorist c*nt, pedo, and more, as well as waxing prolific and preachy and uninformed not to mention outlandishly inane about my “needing to be pulled off Dr. Horton”–and, never mind overt racism from the cyber-trolls now, because I am “not from the US” and “do not represent a modern American Human Rights Woman/Advocate.” As for who is doing this: check Erika Meyer, Deborah Ann Weber, Marijke Eken, “Rita” the Racist, and Ellen Powell. There are others. Some screenshots below. (Note: Youtube, or Cyberhacking Protecting Youtube is currently preventing the viewing & screenshotting of all chat comments on recent livestreams where many including myself witnessed slanderous posts against me, including from Erika Meyer and Rita.)

Please let that sink in. An investigative reporter, publishing and broadcasting journalist, writer, poet, educator, and human rights activist working since 2013–when she was personally hit, for no discernible reason, with extreme Surveillance Abuse, 24/7 assaults with anti-personnel EMF Neuro DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons), covert implantation, community ostracizing and character assassination, business sabotage, relationship sabotage, and life-destruction COINTELPRO, like thousands in the USA and worldwide, but working ever since she was hit to expose the massive and treasonous crimes of Surveillance Abuse by US Intelligence agencies, US Military and Medical/Academic groups, and US fusion centers and their proxies and partners worldwide—which include COINTELPRO “gangstalking,” human trafficking into non-consensual and Torture-marked medical and military experimentation projects, and social and community terrorism disguised as “Community Policing” is being attacked openly and name-called by a small group of potty-mouthed predators, led and egged on by the intrepid bayonet-wielding Katherine Horton whose name-calling of me on her latest Rant and Deflect/Smear and Slam video, deceptively titled “Dos and Don’ts, Working Group 2” includes the pithy reference to me–among other choice epithets–as “the bitch in Boston.”

Katherine Horton’s Second Slam-and-Smear Video Filled with False Narratives, Defamation Attacks, “Bitch,” “Dumbass,” and Other “Respectable Professional” References

Katherine Horton’s Defamation Campaign Page with the header “Ramola’s Defamation Campaign”

Let’s start with that curious title, “Ramola’s Defamation Campaign,” which I had not heard about until Katherine published that remarkable header. 

Had I known or heard about this “campaign” before–a word resonant with “public”–so would have everyone else. For in case anyone is in any doubt about what exactly I do currently–my work is public, please take a good look at my media/blog website, my videos, my articles on Steemit and Medium, my deliberate and intentional flash-journalism on Twitter, as well as the body of my published journalistic work online, which has been re-published and posted by various other sites and blogs including The Sleuth Journal, Washington’s Blog, Intellihub News, International Reporter, and others, as well as the videos published at my Youtube channel Ramola D Reports. To spell it out in this context: I publish, I broadcast, I publicize matters I believe to be of public interest. A “campaign” I run would be publicized. No-one would be in any doubt of my running a campaign on any subject, because, pardon the conceit but I do think I express myself pretty succinctly, as perhaps most anyone capable of reading Plain English can tell. 

I do not run defamation campaigns. 

That’s what the scurrilous and corrupt FBI does, and the Massachusetts Fusion Center does, and the US Army does, and the entire US DOD does, when they want to character-assassinate a person of integrity and conscience who dared to stand up to anyone in public or call local officials out for corruption and criminality, whom they have human-trafficked into a covert DOD/CIA MK Ultra or Remote Neural Monitoring non-consensual neuro-experimentation project, DEBR—Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research–or Neuro/DEW weapons testing project for the US Airforce or Airforce Research Lab–of the kind running today in Boston and the South Shore as exposed in my Letter to the School Board, Quincy Public Schools–or any other kind of nasty, barbaric, amoral, inhumane, and venal, SRA-style, Torture-based government-funded project of the kind they are daring to run and are most definitely running today on hundreds or thousands or millions of us, including myself. Targeted defamation campaigns have long been running on me, since 2013, in my neighborhood, in my own community, in my own city, in my state—and Katherine’s currently is adding to these.

In reading through all her published notes on this page, and reviewing her video rants online, it appears Katherine is accusing me, essentially, of expressing my opinion privately, of “defaming” her to Melanie Vritschan, over a period of 3-4 months between the end of July to November. She appears to have not understood the concept of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Opinion, nor of Private Speech versus Public Speech. 

It should not be a surprise to anyone—after her First Slam and Smear video on me titled “The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum“—that I have acquired an abysmally low opinion of Katherine Horton, fueled both by the very many problems she created on the show we once ran together along with others, problems aired and described in detail on my video-response and written statement titled The Real Backstory, fueled by her own remarkably audacious and repellent behavior in echo-stalking/mirroring, and apparently attempted-NLP’ing me as I have previously described, and fueled by her own reprehensible and untruthful re-framing of the Techno break-up on her Slam-and-Smear video, where she settled in to name me (rather than herself) as prime destroyer of Techno, aided by an imaginary “DEW attack from Intel” she conjured out of thin air and has glued herself to now with her own special brand of Fact-Less Zurich Superglue.

It is no secret to many that I have continued to be in touch with Melanie Vritschan and freely expressed my opinions on Katherine Horton to her, well past Techno’s break-up, that I have kept her updated on the work I was doing, including letting her know about an article I was working on to address infiltration among HR activism groups and further delineate Katherine Horton’s conscious echo stalking/mirroring of me in detail, and cautioning her about continuing to work with a woman who had involuntarily revealed herself to me, primarily, and without doubt, through these deliberate actions of echo-stalking/mirroring, as a double agent and Intel infiltrator seeking to “neuro/behavior-modify,” and to all of us on the Techno team as a wild card and loose cannon who has made several irresponsible calls to violence on our shows, has published dubious tweets with images of various Intel agency heads in crosshairs, dominated our shows, not heeded our counsel, refused to meet and discuss these matters, and then refused to acknowledge that she had made any calls to violence whatsoever, while deflecting focus in her later false-narrative-contrivances from that primary issue to confabulated focus on her own gratuitous swearing, cursing and profanity. 

(By “double-agent” by the way, what I mean in this context is someone who is playing or installed as Victim/”Targeted Individual” on Demand, going to the lengths of establishing cover for that status, to the lengths of voluntary implantation (which we learn many Intel agents submit to, as per UK Navy/MI5 scientist Barrie Trower’s disclosures on the use of microchips by Intelligence agencies from the ’60s and ’70s onward), and directed-energy hits on demand, and cyber-hacking on demand, and using a cover of Victim/TI Advocate while also operating among HR/TI activists as an agent of a covered agency in CounterIntel or (NSA/DOD) HUMINT field collection of data, psychological personality profiling, interrogation, misdirection and sabotage, disruption, dilution, behavior modification, AI/hive-minding echo-creation, vortex-creation, chaos-creation, and so on.) 

I should also add that in that time period, Melanie Vritschan herself frequently spoke to me about Katherine Horton even as she marked her disagreement with me about her, and suggested we keep from discussing her or discussing her as being a possible double-agent; the fact is, Melanie was continuing to work with Katherine and was running scanning sessions and fundraisers with her and frequently mentioned Katherine herself, as she sent me notes about her progress, as well as described further her travails with her own court case and with her continuing efforts to regain custody of her daughter, who was taken from her at Erasme Hospital a year ago after Katherine spoke to a midwife and initiated the series of events whereby her newborn was taken away from her. As anyone can imagine, this is a source of recurring trauma to Melanie,and Melanie has incessantly returned to speaking about Katherine with me and reliving the events of that fateful night at Erasme last October when Katherine talked too much and unleashed Psychiatric Mayhem in that hospital, to extremely painful and traumatic consequence for Melanie and her newborn. 

I will also add here that through these conversations it became increasingly clear to me that many details about that night and later at Erasme Hospital as reported to me by Katherine Horton and published by me in my press releases and articles last year were either not quite accurate, inaccurate, outright lies, distortions of truth or fabrications. There were discrepancies in reportage between what Katherine reported to everyone on a podcast she was on at the time (Alfred Webre’s podcast), and to me, and to Melanie, and in her witness statement, and what the midwife reported to Melanie. There were discrepancies in Katherine’s own testimonial of when exactly she informed the midwife of the implant-residue still lodged in Melanie’s neck; these can be seen in Alfred’s podcasts, Techno podcasts around that time, and in her current statements. Did Katherine mention the implant-residue in the throat to the midwife after she accompanied the baby and midwife to a different room when the baby was taken for a Vitamin K injection after the birth, and in response to the midwife’s questioning, as she said on Alfred Webre’s podcast, or did she say this to the midwife while in the operating-room and before the birth, and primarily because it was a medically concerning condition, as she now claims often on her videos? My growing uneasiness as I learned of these discrepancies led me to the publication of my Disclaimer on Katherine Horton’s reportage, intention to publish which I had earlier informed Melanie about, and which simply records my personal disassociating from the disputed reportage Katherine Horton had fed to me, which I reported, in trust of her word at the time, which trust had been completely shattered after her public slander of me and misrepresentations of fact, distortions of truth, and confabulations of opinion presented as fact on her Slam-and-Smear video, The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum, and after these conversations with Melanie with re-explorations and re-visitings of what exactly had happened last year at Erasme, and what exactly was said by Katherine Horton to the midwife and when.

As an independent investigative journalist unsupported by a news machine like the CIA-run Washington Post or the CIA-run New York Times or any other CIA or Soros-funded group, I focus on publishing truth-centered human-rights and human-advocacy journalism; when I find the truth of what I have myself published in question, it is my moral duty and clear obligation to correct such an error publicly, which is what I was doing. That Disclaimer was not a “libelous notice” as Katherine claims, it was me setting the record straight and personally disassociating from her disputed reportage.

It should be noted that for a long time Melanie has held a different opinion of Katherine Horton than I have, that I was fully aware of. Melanie has stated to me that she believed Katherine Horton to be naive and immature, and not a double-agent—as has been and is now my firm opinion, an opinion I currently have every right if not moral obligation to publish–as I frequently emphasized in our conversations on Skype. My own understanding of Melanie’s then-opinion of Katherine—which I understand has now changed—is that Melanie is a generous and warm-hearted and open-minded person, who was continually interested in giving Katherine Horton the benefit of the doubt regarding what had happened at Erasme Hospital, as well as in relation to various other problems she had with Katherine on previous scanning projects she has related to me, on finishing projects or on responding adequately to requests for information (such as a shortened Witness Statement) to help in her court case against Erasme Hospital and other court hearings for child custody. I did not fully understand Melanie’s attitudes and ideas concerning Katherine Horton and told her so. The only way I could explain it to myself was that Melanie’s compassion and empathy as she stated to me for a woman in the middle of a divorce took precedence over the many warning signs and dangerous red flags raised by Katherine’s past actions and behaviors against Melanie herself, her HR organization, her newborn child, and her whole family. 

In any case, it is no secret that I continued to express my opinion to Melanie—to the point of irritation I think, with Melanie, and I will repeat, Melanie also continued—to equal points of irritation with me–to express both opinion and ongoing narration of shared projects with Katherine Horton.

We are all entitled to our own opinions. This is a fact Katherine Horton appears to show no awareness of. We are also entitled to sharing our opinions with anyone we please at any time. Further, despite the NSA telling you otherwise, we are entitled to private conversations, private opinion-sharing, private speech, and private communications. 

There is a rather obvious difference between Private Conversations and Public Conversations. 

Katherine Horton too was having private conversations with Melanie at the same time I was. I heard about these conversations on an ongoing basis from Melanie just as Katherine heard about my conversations from Melanie. At no point did I publicize what I heard like a junior high-schooler, claiming or attacking Katherine Horton openly and publicly for “defamation campaigns” based on things she had said to Melanie, that I had heard about, because I was perfectly aware they were private conversations.

It appears that Katherine has either no awareness of the difference between private and public or that she deliberately embarked on a public campaign of attack anyway, in purposeful, targeted intent to slander and revile, by claiming that private conversations I had with Melanie—which she did not participate in and so cannot characterize in any way–amounted to a “4-month long defamation campaign” against her. It is hardly a campaign to express a private opinion in private to anyone. What Katherine has sought to do here, fraudulently, and it appears, deliberately, is distort and inflate her necessarily-flawed understanding of my private conversations with Melanie, then make a hoopla online shrieking that I’m the one running a campaign against her. I understand that as of date of writing this section (12/13), she is now characterizing this as a “covert defamation campaign” in her tweets– another masterstroke it seems to me, of classic counterintelligence. Blame and Attack, Distort and Discredit. Name it Public, Covert, Overt, any kite you can fly.

Why would she do this? Why would she create a public drama of such proportion slandering me publicly if all she is is a genuine “Victim of the Secret Services” and “Advocate for Victims” as she claims to be? Shouldn’t her focus be on helping other victims and addressing the secret services—rather than taking the time to find photos and take screenshots of me, write elaborate timelines, and report private conversations as somehow defaming of her publicly? This to me is one more indication of Katherine Horton not really being what she claims to be, a supposed Intelligence agency victim seeking to help others similarly targeted address such injustice, but a planted counterintelligence agent running controlled opposition shenanigans in our midst and wasting the time of genuine HR activists. In addition, she got on Twitter and engaged in further elaboration with various people, claiming to have been “attacked” by me, “stalked” by me, tired of the “conniving” by me, and “needing to be left alone” by me. In addition to being egregious and outrageous and defamatory, all of this comes as news to me.

I recall however this is exactly what she did after Techno broke up, when she went on-camera and announced to the world my awareness of her echo-stalking and mirroring which I had mentioned to her in my very last email to her during the exchange of emails that last week of July 2018, in that moment transforming information from a private email to a public matter. Subsequently, I addressed this matter publicly—because she had initiated this public airing, compelling a rebuttal publicly—and I am further addressing it in my article on infiltration, where I describe her echo-stalking in greater detail. Frankly, at the time, I would not have bothered talking publicly about her echo-stalking and mirroring and clear indications to me thereby of her being a double agent except in private to a few other activists, as I did do at the time via email, and spoke publicly of this only when she aired it herself in that Slam and Smear video which she named “The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum.”

Additionally, when Techno broke up, many may recall we strove, in the final Video-Note which Millicent, Karen, and I aired, to stay neutral regarding reasons for Techno’s ending, seeking to end on neutral terms and not express publicly our dismay at Katherine’s repeated stonewalling in emails that week on key issues; we mentioned our discomfort with a primary issue, her random calls to violence on various Techno broadcasts, only when she showed up in the chat room and suggested she had been excluded from an episode of Techno—which it was not; I explained much more in The Real Backstory only after she issued her smear attacks on me in her video, compelling a rebuttal and response. 

I make this point for a reason: Katherine Horton is engaged it appears in deviously constructing false narratives through making private matters—emails, texts, second-hand heard-about conversations/hearsay—selectively public and distorting them selectively for her own purposes of private gain, projecting false attitudes of “transparency,” innocence, and artlessness while indulging in specious and brazen public attacks which are openly defamatory against significant HR activists and journalists such as myself, Barbara Hartwell, and Melanie Vritschan, for deliberate purposes of assault to our public image and reputation, while attempting to garner public sympathy for herself for alleged “victimizing” by us. 

Responses I wish to make to Katherine Horton’s wrongful and fraudulent statements, inventions, and claims on this POPPCon Timeline page of hers:

One Primary Observation About This “Timeline”: In keeping with the flatulent “Constructed-Narrative” in evidence throughout this libelous page Katherine Horton has constructed, there is no mention or emphasis in this timeline of Katherine’s initiating acts and attacks of slander, with her First Slam-and-Smear video attacks, her malicious false-allegation tweets in extended conversations online to various parties on Twitter, her Second Slam-and-Smear video rants, and her egregious publication of her “Blood on their Hands” page and “Ramola Dharmaraj” page, filled with malicious slander and false-narrative. There is therefore No Context provided here for the Public Cease and Desist Notices I have published online—which she has summarily ignored, and which she dares to characterize as libel, and No Context for the rebuttal videos, statements, observations, tweets I have made in The Real Backstory, Reports #99, #103, other podcasts, and on Twitter. Not a single one of my public responses has been made except in response and rebuttal to her public attacks online—but you would not know it, perusing her deranged “Timeline.”

01 August 2018: Dr. Horton meets Catherine Austin Fitts in Zurich.

Katherine Horton’s constructed-narrative of DEW hits engineered by “Intel” on myself and others to initiate the break-up of Techno the last week of July 2018 has been addressed earlier by me in The Real Backstory, and is being trotted out here again as if it has any meaning whatsoever except to her—and those she has succeeded in hypnotizing. I had no idea Catherine Austin Fitts was meeting with Katherine Horton in Zurich, nor did either inform me of this meeting. The first I heard of it was on Katherine’s Slam and Smear video titled “The End of Techno…” where she informed all that she had not told any of the members of Techno/JIT—for whatever inexplicable reason—she was going to have this meeting with Ms. Austin-Fitts. I am aware of Catherine Austin-Fitts’ work online and have corresponded with her a few times, perfectly cordially, including sending her links to articles online, mine and others’, and that is the extent of our interaction. Fact-Free Zurich Superglue seems to be in effect still for Katherine Horton, attempting once again to connect me to this meeting in Zurich I had no connection to whatsoever.

02 August 2018: Ramola excludes Dr. Horton from the Techno Forum and terminates the show started by Dr. Paul Marko and Mindy Urken. Dr. Horton is completely unaware of these plans and is waiting to join the call when she sees the show go live without her. She has to express her amazement in the Live Chat.”

This has been previously addressed in The Real Backstory, a published account approved by the other three members of the former JIT and Techno Forum team prior to publication. History does not change just because Katherine Horton wishes to use my name over and over with nefarious intent. Also see my response further down to her “Ramola’s sabotage of Dr. Horton’s projects” where I post NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart’s recent note on this subject.

Excerpt/The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory, Written Statement

02 August 2018: Ramola calls Melanie Vritschan in Brussels and tells her to stop working with Dr. Horton. This is reported by Melanie to Dr. Horton during a phone call in the evening, which Dr. Horton receives half way up a Swiss mountain where she had to flee after DEW attacks on her exploded after the break-up of Techno.

Utter tosh. Melanie and I had been in contact and I called to let her know what had transpired, since she had not been privy to the acrimonious email exchange Millicent, Karen, and I had been on with Katherine. The rest is drama. Saying I “told Melanie to stop working with Dr. Horton” is a confabulation straight out of Katherine’s Fairy Storybook for Delinquents. Suggesting Techno’s breakup was responsible for DEW attacks on her is an interesting idea and probably another fairy story, particularly since I recall the intense COINTELPRO I was subjected to that last week while writing emails back to her and later while writing The Real Backstory as well: I was certainly given the Covert Comms message that “Intel” didn’t want Techno to break up in the least. Why? I have speculated on this before, and I rather think it has something to do with CounterIntel set-ups, FISA set-ups, global FBI, a reason-on-paper for surveillance, and a woman in our midst—whom I most definitely suspect is CounterIntel–shouting about blowing people’s brains out every now and then—conveniently enough for FBI Parallel Construction mavens and bullshit artists at the NSA and DHS and CIA and DIA seeking to name human rights activists “violent extremists” so they can then “legally” turn them over as “enemy combatants” into their dirty, classified, neuro-monitoring and neuro-surveillance and neuro-cannibalistic programs which they hide pretty well these days no doubt under “Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence.”

12/19: Merely as an aside, note Katherine Horton’s use of the term “bullshit artists” in this tweet, woven into her own characteristic lingo, which she puts out even before my article is finished and posted. Surveillance-feedback echo-stalk, anyone? And no, in her particular case, given my past experience with her, I do not subscribe to the theory, here, of the Neural Influence Psy-Op or the Orchestrated Synchronicity Psy-Op, both of which “Intel” is frantically working on these days, especially among activist groups. See Aside No. 2  at end of this article.

3 August-3 September 2018: Various listings linking to Thomas McFarlan’s and Barbara Hartwell’s writings and videos.

Here Katherine Horton is suggesting that Thomas McFarlan’s and Barbara Hartwell’s responses to Techno’s ending were evidence of my running an imagined “campaign” against her. What Katherine appears to be missing here is that many people watching this drama play out could see for themselves—with their own eyes and ears, in the privacy of their own homes, no help from me whatsoever—that she had spent hours baselessly attacking me on her video The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum, while distorting the truth of what had occurred on Techno, misdirecting her viewers, misleading and misrepresenting and outright confabulating (DEW attacks and neurotech takeovers of myself, no less) —and refusing to acknowledge her own words, recorded on several Techno podcasts, making random and irresponsible calls to violence: one of the primary reasons Techno had closed. CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell whom I have interviewed several times on my podcasts, and activist and journalist Thomas McFarlan stepped forward to record their own independent analyses and subsequent defamatory smears by Katherine Horton, without my asking either to, in unsolicited support of all three of us who had together broken from Katherine.

To restate what I have elsewhere stated before—on my site, when I reposted Thomas’s video, I had only recently been introduced to Thomas after he contacted me in relation to my journalism; Thomas was concerned at the break-up of Techno but made his own analysis of Katherine’s calls to violence and recorded his observations. Barbara Hartwell, likewise independently wrote her own analysis, accurately titled The End of Techno Crime Fighters: Independent Observations & Analysis. 

By linking here to further notes and sections named #LibelRamola, Katherine Horton is merely establishing her studied attack of my name in a denigratory and defamatory way. 

This section, for instance, which she links to, (screenshot in the graphic above) completely ignores the context—of her own, initiating slander and defamation of me in her End of Techno video which I responded to in The Real Backstory–which prompted Thomas McFarlan’s analysis and careful documenting of a few of her many calls to violence on previous podcasts. This notion she raises of “right to reply” here is absurd given the point being made is the furnishing of evidence from her own mouth. I would remind Katherine Horton of the true context here: that she made that Slam and Smear video—The End of Techno—First; there was no “right of reply” accorded me there, while she blasted her way through Fact-Free Fictions about DEW attacks, neurotech attacks, and other confabulated creations, while sidestepping her own culpability in not being able to acknowledge calls to violence she herself had made, ignoring the very many problems of attrition in structure, focus, content, and tone the rest of us on Techno had experienced and acknowledged, as spelled out in The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory, and detouring misleadingly into a focus on swearing on Techno, which also she misleadingly characterized as an issue of Freedom of Speech.

The fact that she then throws in digs about “proper journalism” being thrown out in favor of a fictional “takedown operation” suggests she has no clue what proper journalism is all about: accuracy of reportage, testimonial, opinion, and analyses in connection with sources, all completely missing from her free-fall smears of me in her End of Techno Slam and Smear video.

As for “no shred of evidence” for the echo-stalking or mimicking/mirroring I experienced from Katherine, unlike her, I do not record private Skype calls or take screenshots in devious fashion, but tend to stay open to people for a very long time—as I did with her, despite unsettling signals from her, because we were still working together and I am not quick to denigrate and conclude anything about anyone without repetition of the original signal, deep consideration, discussion with others, and thoughtful contemplation—all of which occurred in this case. I am discussing this very critical subject of the echo-stalking of me Katherine Horton most definitely engaged in during private Skype conversations of my gestures, bodily movements, words, phrases, colors, and actions—and apparently still engages in, on her podcasts, website, and tweets, as anyone schooled in analyzing verbal communications can tell—further in my impending supplementing article, The Consequences of Infiltration. Suffice for now to say that it is precisely this kind of mockery and echo-stalking that many thousands of people today who are being targeted by New Phoenix/ Gladio/ COINTELPRO/ Cybernetic Hive-Minding programs are reporting today all over the world, as part of gangstalking. Suffice also to say that these experiences with her have established definitively for me what I noted also when posting Thomas McFarlan’s work, that Katherine Horton is a sophisticated impostor, an infiltrator, an Intel (or/and DOD HUMINT) plant, an agent provocateur, and a saboteur. Not so sophisticated perhaps anymore—given the bludgeoning attacks she has currently mounted on me and many others online. Let me reiterate: this is my conclusionbased on my experiences with her, and my analyses of these as well as of her actions involving others in our midst. Her current actions in libeling me online ad infinitum in massive CounterIntel GCHQ JTRIG-style Discredit/Deceive ops on a writer and journalist who has been, since 2013—well before she crossed my path or anyone else’s in the Surveillance Abuse/Non-Consensual Mil/Intel Experimentation Exposing World–exposing the criminal targeting, surveillance, and deadly and unethical neuro/ nano/ scalar/ EMR/ bio experimentation crimes of the US, UK, Canadian, other American, European, Australian, New Zealand and other governments, militaries, and Intelligence agencies on their own populations merely add to and vindicate this conclusion.

Addendum, 12/19: The suddenly extreme, openly malicious, madly frantic and vindictive COINTELPRO I have been subjected to as well in currently-lawless Quincy and Milton, Massachusetts, while writing this article—with extremely hazardous driving, uber-brighting and uber-dazzling, sudden influx of huge pickups/trucks/SUVs, police cars, ambulances, fire engines, jaywalkers, extreme heart-hits and seat-hits by which I mean private-part hits while sitting (with remote precision RF/sonic weapons deployed from drones and ground-platforms) in my home, at Milton Public Library, everywhere while driving in Quincy and Milton, extreme facial-hits and head-hits with similar microwave pulse and nanoweapons so my face is visibly swollen on recent podcasts (#101, #99, Newsbreak 12, Global Gestapo 8, many more), exacerbated electronic attacks on my computer and cell phone (now so utterly drained of battery the cell will not charge), cyber-hacking of all recent podcasts–and sudden increase in hostile verbal attacks from other so-called TI activists who will not address Katherine Horton’s discrediting, defaming, and demeaning behavior publicly, but will start shooting out preachy and misguided emails to me to “not respond” also adds to and vindicates this conclusion. 

Indeed, on this subject, I will make special note of the fact that not one of the many known TI activists, of their own volition, has spoken out publicly against Katherine Horton’s outrageous slander and libel of my work and name, but several have sought instead, quite repressively, to stifle my efforts to rebut her slander publicly and repudiated my requests to proffer public support in these efforts, while ignoring her slander of me, and some inviting her onto their talkshows and conference calls: this tells me once again the TI “community” is highly infiltrated, even at top levels, and clearly taking sides, permitting and validating her public mayhem. Further, while working on this article I have received frantic emails from various people as well as cybertroll comments online suggesting, among other things, that Katherine Horton is a “Monarch Program victim” and that I should therefore “let it go.” This extravagant protectiveness of Katherine Horton while permitting her, by their actions of omission, commission, and tacit and overt support, to slander and defame me and my work publicly also adds to and vindicates my conclusion. 

Speaking of extravagant protectiveness, I will also mention the extravagant protection that Katherine Horton appears to enjoy in Intelligence agency circles, who, I understand protect their “assets”: in my own analysis, it is not possible for anyone who publishes such incendiary tweets as those with graphics of crosshairs on the foreheads of Intel agency heads and voiced exhortations to knock them or “corrupt judges and police” off—always mentioning military tribunals now of course, an add-on she has ensured after the attention called to loose-cannon calls to violence on Techno podcasts—to remain unquestioned on Twitter, Youtube, and other social media without protection—when people have been arrested and jailed for emails, Facebook posts and tweets, and each of these CIA/DHS/NSA-guided media is running censorship operations on free speech worldwide. This too adds to and vindicates my conclusion. 

Furthermore, the fact that Youtube—or cyber-hacking of Youtube—will not currently let me replay the live chat on my recent livestreams (with Frederic Laroche and with Dr. Eric Karlstrom and two Newsbreaks, 11 and 12) so that I can once more examine and extract the extremely slanderous comments left there by such (equally questionable) parties as Erika Meyer and “Rita” –some of which I previously screenshotted and so have, while highlighting only hostile comments from various cyber-trolls under my rebuttal videos with Melanie, Reports #99 and #103, also adds to and vindicates this conclusion.

Those who are protected online by criminally-acting military and Intelligence agencies—which are also protecting the secrecy and evil of their crimes of targeting, surveillance, and non-consensual experimentation on people of integrity and conscience such as myself, with electromagnetic and sonic weaponry—are permitted to build a public profile online with the networked public support of planted alt-media mavens, also run no doubt by the sneaky CIA whose Operation Mockingbird clutch on alt-media journalism is just as tight as on mainstream media POPPCon operations. This was evident recently in Katherine Horton’s sudden flurry of public appearances—in parallel with her running a massive Defamation Campaign on me, complete with sleazy-screenshots of my face and rabid Constructed Narratives in print and in video-rants—on Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy’s show, Richie Allen’s show, Victurus Libertas, Catherine Austin-Fitts’ show, and Frank Allen’s show; most of these podcasters were either made aware or expressed awareness of Katherine Horton’s Defamation Campaign on me but propped her up regardless. Richie Allen, notably, was the talk show host responsible for Katherine Horton’s debut in the “TI Community” a couple years ago–a debut which I now question and will write more about in The Consequences of Infiltration. Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot disdained to interview me a year ago, after Katherine Horton’s earlier appearance there, and after requested email information sent to her by me, but shortly afterward invited Ella Free and Matthew Aaron onto her show instead; please note, this registers as a distinct choice Kerry Cassidy has made in choosing to overlook the considerable body of work I have published as an investigative and opinioned journalist and writer exposing targeting, surveillance, and military/Intelligence crimes, while supporting and platforming Ella Free instead, who also appeared among TIs suddenly, runs long Talkshoe calls for those targeted and, apparently supported by a CIA/Hollywood Rolodex and protected herself by way of non-probing, non-investigative, and non-threatening play-journalism, interviews some high-profile guests willing to go on her show but notably afraid to come on mine. Ella Free has also been selectively supported and platformed by Ken Adachi of and Jason Goodman of “Crowdsourcing the Truth”–both of whose platforms are seriously questionable, in my view, with Ken Adachi being fully exposed by CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell–although they most certainly seek larger validation and Cover by championing legitimate whistleblowers and activists as well. I will also add here that Alfred Webre of NewsInsideOut, who had been maintaining cordial relations with me (and with Melanie Vritschan) abruptly fell out with me after Techno Crime Fighters Forum closed, choosing to ignore the truth-telling in The Real Backstory and call me “ego-invested” and, as per her self-exculpating theory, “DEW-hit,” while he named Katherine Horton a “Genius” and “Crystal Child” with “Six-Strand-Activated DNA” whose public cussin’ and swearin’ he found oddly charming and understandable. All of this selective supporting and network-creating and building new media profiles for the future is most telling to those of us examining the alt-media landscape with discernment, and also adds to and vindicates my conclusion.

3-19 September 2018: Various listings alleging sabotage of her scanning efforts with Melanie

This section was dealt with closely in Ramola D Reports/Report #99 with Melanie, and I advise all to listen to that video for the truth, plus see the opening discussion here addressing the header “Ramola’s Defamation Campaign.”

Katherine makes mention in these sections of Paul Baird and Cassandra and something about my publishing testimonials from them; this sounds like garbled information distorted in hearsay. I had informed Melanie that others had noted Katherine’s echo-stalking of their own words and testimonials of their own experiences in her appropiating tweets and statements on podcasts, including Cassandra, and might publish reports themselves. Paul Baird was not mentioned in this context.

Despite Katherine Horton’s Fairy Story for CounterIntel Kooks launching takedown operations on me online, Melanie has confirmed on video—see Report #99—that I was certainly not harassing her or running smear campaigns on Katherine; I expressed my opinions with her, and we together excavated once more what had occurred a year earlier at Erasme Hospital, and the truth of our conversations is recorded there in Report #99 as well as under the header discussion above under “Katherine Horton’s Defamation Campaign Page with the header “Ramola’s Defamation Campaign” here. 

14 October-12 November: Various listings referencing Frederic, Melanie, and culminating in the date of her publication of this original Timeline page—which has now been padded and added to, like the CounterIntel Smear Missive it is

Once again, Report #99 where I addressed some of this reveals the truth of interactions with Frederic and Melanie. Stories about Frederic she has listed here, and elaborated further in her section slamming Frederic and named, maliciously, “Frederic’s Lying” are addressed fully in Report #103 with Melanie, released 12/15/2018, where I have summarized my interactions with Frederic and read out portions of his recent emails sent to a group of activists including myself, on 12/15 and earlier, right after his court hearing on 11/29 when he–entirely on his own—dropped Katherine Horton as an “expert witness” and ceased all collaboration with her.

I will summarize briefly: 

1) Frederic confirms in these emails that he did feel that Katherine sabotaged his 13 June 2018 hearing by promising to be present and then withdrawing that promise—while at the same time he had fired his lawyer 3 days before the hearing and therefore the date of the hearing was dropped, letting Katherine off the hook. 

These are Frederic’s words/Email 12/15/2018: It is true that my court case on the 13th June 2018 was shifted because I had fired my lawyer 3 days before the hearing and not because Katherine Horton did not show up in Grenoble (but it (is) also true that she unexpectedly did not show up in Grenoble)….her lack of report and her absence could have been a sabotage of my case, but luckily for her, I had fired my lawyer in time so that the hearing was shifted, disengaging her responsibility in case I would have been judged without any help coming from her, and I did not fire my lawyer under her suggestion but from my own thinking and decision, because I had good reasons to be thinking he was playing a double game with me and the judge and the prosecutor thanks to a testimony from René Forney who is the first political prisoner in France and he is from Grenoble too and he had this same lawyer for his own defense in the past and he told me that it is he who demolished his defense.”

2. Frederic contacted me in October to inform me that Katherine, who had offered to help with his court case and write an updated statement for him, was not in touch with him and he feared a second sabotage and dropping by her and asked for my help in asking Melanie and her scientist friends at ICATOR for help in writing a statement in support of him. I passed on this information and request to Melanie; she, of her own volition, with no suggestion from me, questioned Katherine about the 13 June incident, and Katherine then confronted Frederic—while still intimating to him she would help him and be present at his court hearing on 11/29. Aware of Katherine’s hostility toward me, Frederic’s words at this time to both Katherine and myself appear to have been intended to placate and maintain communications on both sides—but Katherine has chosen to make a huge brouhaha out of all this, and has published emails from him without his permission, and now mounted a section charging him publicly with lying, scarcely the actions of a genuine human rights advocate helping anyone with their still-active court case.

3. The affidavit Katherine wrote for Frederic is seriously problematic and filled with inaccuracies, irrelevancies, and statements actually damaging to Frederic’s defense, in my view and his—and others’; please listen to my brief analysis of her affidavit on Report #103 for elaboration on this. These are not idle observations. (I also recommend comparing her posted “Expert Witness” statement with my posted Investigative Reporter statement which includes irrefutable references to government whistleblowing, reported testimonial, and declassified military documentation on non-consensual covert neuro-experimentation ongoing, yourself, if anyone wishes to comprehend the distinctions between this statement written by a supposed particle physicist and systems analyst from CERN with degrees from Oxford and an investigative reporter and science/technology journalist and educator with degrees from George Mason University and the University of Madras, India.)

4) Seriously dismayed, I understand, by Katherine’s untrue statements in this last-minute affidavit she provided, which he himself discerned—just as I too discerned on a first reading of her seriously problematic statement, despite her presence at his hearing (which, incidentally, he reports he, not the court had requested, as “expert witness”), and also by Katherine’s incredibly slanderous and downright nasty words against myself, Melanie, and Barbara Hartwell in her unhinged Second Slam and Smear video of 22 November, 2018, titled Holocaust Working Group Dos and Donts, and by the informative Rebuttal-Video-To-Her-Slam-and-Smear-Video, Report # 99, which Melanie and I published on 2 December, 2018, and by her threatening tone to him in emails on Dec 4, 2018, demanding he instantly comply with her requests for an immediate video-chat or she would “pull out of your court case and make a public statement about it,” and fearing impending slander from her, Frederic dropped Katherine Horton from his case immediately, on Dec 4, 2018—while she also sent him emails that day claiming to be withdrawing from his case–and informed me and Melanie and others by text and email of this eventuality. 

In a later email to a group of TI activists the same day on 4 Dec, 2018, Frederic states:

I fully support the views of Melanie Vritschan and Ramola D now, my eyes see clearly the damages that Katherine Horton was doing to my court case.

So I have to clear the things about what she mentioned in her affidavit given at my court case on the 29/11/2018 in Grenoble, France: 

No I was totally in control of myself when the fake car accident occurred and I was NOT under the remote control of my implants that made me the urge to flee the spot of the incident: I was not fleeing, because this case was simply not a case of hit and run, but what she said made it appear as such, which is damaging my defense.

Therefore I am now publicly with Melanie and Ramola and with you all against this professional dangerous defamatory woman.”

On the subject of my Disclaimer as a truth-seeking journalist on Katherine’s disputed reportage regarding Erasme Hospital psychiatrists’ unlawful medical kidnap/theft of Melanie’s newborn last year succeeding Katherine’s extended conversations with a midwife the night the child was born—which stands on its own and speaks for itself, as I have noted in Report # 99, where Melanie once more addresses all matters of what transpired at Erasme–which she re-publishes  here and later elaborately responds to in red in a separate section, I have nothing more to add. The statements in red Katherine Horton has left on this section have been addressed fully by Melanie in Report #99. The questions I have raised in this disclaimer remain. The references made there to Katherine Horton’s unreliability of reportage in this matter (and generally) relate to her own slanderous confabulations in her earlier video The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum, and to the questions accruing from the discrepancies in reportage noted in the Disclaimer.

12 November 2018—12/16/2018 (the present day), where all my Clarifying Responses and Pointed Rebuttals to Katherine’s Libelous Website Publication Attacks on me–with her Bloodlist Page and Timeline page of 12 November 2018, various Twitter Publication attacks and libelous smears Post-12-November, and Video Publication Attacks of 22 November of me, Melanie, and Barbara–are listed, CounterIntel & JTRIG-style, as “new libel,” “campaigning obsession,” “smears,” “targeted campaign,” “pathological lying,” and, the kicker, “psychological terrorism.”

With official entrance of one and all into the Twilight Zone of CounterIntel Online Covert Action Character Assassination and Nonstop Psycho Terrorism, as spelled out charmingly in the GCHQ JTRIG manual reported by The Intercept a few years ago, the CIA Guide to Clandestine Operations, the US Army CounterIntelligence Handbook and various other tomes intended for use by the covert operatives who swarm the Internet and strive to take down accomplished writers, journalists, and activists racing ahead in the effort to expose unethical and barbaric crimes against humanity by the feckless Military Intelligence Industrial Complex pursuing Full Spectrum Dominance, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, an Internet of Humans, Manchurian Bio-Robotizing, EEG Cloning Neuro-Hacking, Nanoweapon Dehumanizing and otherwise complete dominion over all of humanity on Planet Earth, it is perhaps to be expected that a takedown attack on my journalism – which perhaps is seriously rocking the MIIC boat, just as Melanie’s human rights advocacy no doubt is – would seek to entrench, dig its clammy feet into the slimy swamp it is rooted in, and go on and on forever.

That certainly is what is happening here, with Katherine’s obsessive reframing of every genuine response and rebuttal, as well as justified comment on her inane slander attacks, as “evidence” of her constructed-narrative of a “defamation campaign” and “new libel” by me around every corner.

The coup of course is to attack someone and then say they are attacking you: this is straight from Machiavellian manuals no doubt that the Mossad and CIA and GCHQ and other agencies trained in the arts of deception and deceit read inside out and practice without cease as they infiltrate, betray, mislead, and deceive.


So I won’t be responding pixel by pixel to every one of her confabulated claims, since I don’t plan to be spending my life chasing her clacking of Swiss bayonets or churning of hole-filled cruel-to-cows Swiss cheese either.

If my every move online to depose her claims and expose her deceptions and counter her attacks is to be obsessively noticed and highlighted and tediously reframed and attacked by her in her desperate efforts to establish her GCHQ JTRIG standing or whatever other standing she might covertly enjoy, then she is welcome to stand on her head and pursue my writing or speaking online, word after word, making a spectacle of herself in the process. I will personally be ignoring the lunacy. I can only direct readers to my Standing Notice Regarding Dr. Katherine Horton’s JTRIG Slander Campaign Against Ramola D: I have more important matters to deal with than keeping an eye on her nonstop slander.

However there are three final matters I will briefly address in this writing.

One, the newest section Katherine has added, literally last night (12/16 at time of writing this section), pulling together a whole bundle of untruths into a constructed narrative to rival the Warren Commission narratives or the planes-causing-towers-to-vaporize narratives: Ramola’s Sabotage of Dr. Horton’s Projects

THE CONSTRUCTED NARRATIVE: “By engaging in systematic slander campaigns, intrigue, and malicious defamation of Dr. Horton, Ramola Dharmaraj broke up the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) and single-handedly terminated the Techno Crime Fighters’ Forum,”

THE TRUTH: Note from NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart, 11/17/2018:

Ramola, If you go to your Youtube/video explanation regarding the end of TCFF, you will see that I engaged several critics openly and publicly in the comments section, countering straw men arguments regarding cursing or just silly, uninformed, ignorant or insanely prejudiced opinions, like “Katherine was just experiencing American prejudice against anyone not like them”…. which made no sense at all considering TCFF was on the American side, a white American, a black American, and a naturalized citizen of Indian origin. Hardly homogenous. Some of the exchanges got quite heated, frankly. I said in no uncertain terms that the break up of TCFF was 100% due to Katherine’s refusal to acknowledge and stop the calls to extrajudicial violence AND the fact that she refused to admit she was doing it, after being counseled by all three of us separately and respectfully to stop for the sake of TCFF as well as the reputation of all TI’s. Certainly I opened myself up to be criticized for showing some fire in my responses. I also gave such an explanation on my Face Book feed. In my efforts to quell a public feud I privately encouraged Katherine to just drop it, and go her own way, hoping to lessen the damage done to all of us in the public eye of the TI community in North America as well as Europe. People saw us as a life line and strongly resented that we had not solved the issues for their sakes.

I have no problem lauding you, Ramola, as a brilliant investigative journalist, an indefatigable warrior for truth and integrity, a woman who has suffered and sacrificed for thousands of people she has not even met and likely never will meet most of them, and whose work will go down in history as a magnificent chronicling of the 21st Century Techno-Terrorism Dark Ages, as where other accounts would be comparatively scant and incoherent in comparison.

I have no problem similarly saying Melanie against all odds, has created a ground- breaking human rights organization actually accomplishing something, in an area of human rights issues exceedingly dangerous to address or even speak of in this Orwellian nightmare world, and quite obviously at great personal expense, and unimaginable suffering to herself. And that going to ground maligning either of you, or anyone else, is unfair, irresponsible, and an unnecessarily destructive effort to us all when we are all fighting for our lives and credibility, and the future of mankind, which is now endangered more than ever before.

–Karen Melton-Stewart

I think it’s time for me to make a definitive statement here.

Ramola D: Statement on Katherine Horton

While it is not clear to me exactly why Katherine Horton has taken to running a malice and nastiness-filled non-stop slander, libel, and defamation campaign on me ever since Techno Crime Fighters Forum ended—as established by her videos and tweets as described above, starting with her Slam-and-Smear video “The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum,” numerous tweets, her second video “Dos and Donts, Working Group 2,” her Ramola Dharmaraj page on her website and her Blood on Their Hands listing page, projecting untruths through these media, and creating a brazen false-construct of my running a “4-month-long/2.5 month-long malicious campaign” against her, and my being the one engaging in “malicious defamation” of her, my own personal reading of this entire operation is that it is a targeted counterintel operation related to my journalism, activism, and voice as well as my public disclosure of the grounds for my private speculations regarding her being a double-agent counterintel or HUMINT operative—which, it should be emphatically made clear, was necessarily made public subsequent to her own outing of these grounds: her echo-stalking, mirroring, and neuro-linguistic programming actions (also discussed briefly above) conducted in private Skype conversations with me–which was reported by me publicly only after she herself made reference to these actions of hers publicly in her first defaming video slandering me publicly with various false allegations, confabulations, unfounded speculations, and untruths, “The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum.”

I did not imagine those actions by her; my analytical observation of them noted them definitively on several different occasions as deliberate, purposeful, and conscious –as opposed to being an unconscious play of “mind-control,” a pet theory with some about everything under the sun, or “orchestrated synchronicity,” which I am well-aware is a tool of social deceit and manipulation in current use by the Psy Op Brigade–and my second article The Consequences of Infiltration, to be released soon, will closely address and enumerate these actions—documented at the time privately and with other then-members of the JIT and related activists–very specifically

Possibly also it is a retaliation against former members of Techno Crime Fighters Forum and JIT for having broken away from her—actions we each took for very good reason, already published. 

My understanding is no doubt incomplete—given that we live in a world governed by secrecy, clandestine operations, covert operations, lies, and deception–and these are merely my opinions and speculations, based on my analysis of my experience with her, which I think I, like everyone else on the planet and online, am perfectly entitled to air as my opinions and speculations; it is really quite inexplicable to me why she is obsessively pursuing the discrediting and defaming of my name, image, reputation, and work online. 

I want to state definitively—knowing that the clear record of my work online (The Real Backstory statement and video, my repostings of others’ articles, my tweets, my statements on other podcasts, my Cease and Desist notices to her) to rebut her slander, held against the timeline and content of her instigating defaming videos and tweets proves this completely—that every single public statement of opinion, observation, and analysis I have made in podcasts, tweets, Facebook posts, and articles on Katherine Horton, including this one, have been made in timing, content, and intent to counter and negate her slanderous statements, false allegations, false accusations, and false narrative-constructs against me that she first posted, in clear attacks on my name, work, image, and reputation online. In other words: I am not the one running slander campaigns here. Katherine Horton mounted a targeted defamation campaign against me with everything she said in her very first video slamming me, and followed that up with continued smears, despite my addressing her allegations in The Real Backstory statement and video. It has currently got to the point of being utterly ridiculous, an entrenching of a false-construct she is peddling to the world in apparent seeking to do lasting damage to my name and work, in addition to maligning my character and inciting and instigating others to see my character as deficient and questionable.

I can only speculate therefore—I believe with complete justification, in light of all I have spelled out here—that I have currently become the intentional target of a massive and malicious CounterIntel takedown operation attacking my name, image, reputation, and work online in investigative journalism and human rights activism exposing US Military, Private Sector, Fusion Center, and Intelligence Agency Crimes Against Humanity, and that Katherine Horton, from the very beginning of her acquaintance with me, has been and is a part of it. 

I state herewith that all I have published in this statement and article is the truth. I reserve all rights to continue to write, speak, and publish the truth in this matter—as in all other matters related to my human rights activism and investigative reportage–as I have experienced it, as I understand it, and as I believe necessary.

All those wishing to know the truth behind these slanderous and really ridiculous confabulations and allegations and any new ones she concocts, which I cannot any further keep track of (as of 12/16 she was already active and attacking once more on Twitter) are advised to watch Reports #99 and #103, and email me privately at any time should they encounter further falsehood and defamation from Katherine Horton directed at me for which they wish clarification. I will not myself be further tracking her on-and-on slander and libel and ridiculous, mischaracterizing responses to my rebuttals of her slander and libel as “slander and libel.”

After the publication of The Consequences of Infiltration, which I think necessary to publish, for my own vindication and for purposes of informing all, in complement to this article, I will be ignoring Katherine Horton.

Katherine Horton’s Egregious Slander, Malicious Defamation, and Just Plain Nastiness to CIA Whistlebower Barbara Hartwell

I would like to make a few remarks in relation to Katherine Horton’s ranting and abuse directed at Barbara Hartwell in her Dos and Donts Video, which Barbara herself has addressed thoroughly in her publication, FACT-FREE THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS Starring Katherine Horton, which I have re-published at my site. 

It is disturbing to watch and listen to Katherine Horton on this video, where she spews invective with intensity, and on this segment where she attacks Barbara Hartwell openly, characterizing her words as “lying” “fakeness” and other such, offering her unfounded opinions and speculations with contortions and distortions of facts—including about late Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson—which she apparently knows nothing of, as Barbara Hartwell, who knew the much-mythologized right-hand man of Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO kingpin Ted Gunderson personally, learned (and has published) of his involvement in treasonous Stinger missile deals with Osama bin Laden, Satanism, and pedophilia, understood the “containment operations” and controlled opposition/limited hangout operations she reports he was running, and was “befriended and betrayed” by him through extensive character-assassination operations, meticulously points out. 

Here is a sampling of what Katherine Hortonsays in that video about Barbara Hartwell:

The CIA’s Barbara Hartwell wades in. She is a bitch. I’ve never met the bitch. This woman is off her rocker. Personally I think she is a f—ing fraud, I think she is a CIA plant.” 

“I laughed my ass off. You are against the crown corporation, my dear. Why the f— do you have a snake, logo of the Vatican/CIA. Why the f— do you show yourself with gangstalking sunglasses, which indicate you don’t want people to see your face that well?” 

“Are you off your rocker? And then you are wading in ten days after this woman (she means Catherine Austin-Fitts) makes an announcement that she’s trying to look in to the financial, a leading financial expert on the space-based economy and black budget. F— don’t tread on me. She deserves the Nobel prize.” 

“Her facts are bullshit. The fact she’s talking sounds like one hundred percent lying and fakeness.”

“What that tells me about Barbara Hartwell when I hear her voice and just close my eyes it just sounds like f—ing lies to me personally. My personal assessment of this is I don’t believe her f—ing fake cough. I don’t believe a single word this woman says.” 

This is abuse, plain and simple. In addition to all else: slander, malice, defamation, nastiness, and ignorance. Barbara Hartwell has reported extreme persecution by the amoral and venal CIA/FBI complex which practices life-destruction COINTELPRO on outstanding ex-CIA and ex-FBI whistleblowers with integrity, spine, and conscience such as herself and Geral Sosbee; her reports are on her website and included in several podcasts she has done with me—done, I will emphasize, at great personal cost, given the debilitating medical condition she has with her throat, breathing, and voice, which anyone listening to her can easily discern, and which she herself has spoken of openly on my podcasts

Taunting, mocking, ridiculing someone with a disability is what Katherine Horton has accomplished here. In addition, she has gone all out to try to dismiss, deprecate, and marginalize Barbara Hartwell’s voice and work—in keeping with the long abusive history of such CIA/FBI-run persecution Barbara has endured online in systematic character sabotage operations over decades—effectively running COINTELPRO operations herself of repression, abuse, and persecution on Barbara Hartwell.

These attacks on Barbara Hartwell, who has previously published her own unvarnished analyses and opinions of Katherine Horton on the Techno Forum, and which appear to be an added attack on me, given my interviews with Barbara and support and interest in her work (although of course that entire video rant filled with repeated false-narratives and rife with epithets runs an attack on me), begs the question: Why would a “victim-advocate” and supposed reporting victim of Intelligence agency/military crime and “criminal investigator” as Katherine Horton terms herself seek to destroy one of the few CIA whistleblowers we have, speaking openly and publishing for years about Intelligence agency/military crime and the use of DEWs on citizens, whistleblowers, activists, and journalists alike? 

I will add that my interviews with Barbara Hartwell as well as my firm friendship with her over this past year have established for me very clearly the power and importance of her voice, as she openly and fearlessly speaks about criminal activities engaged in by the CIA, FBI and other covered agencies, their retaliative and example-making persecution of whistleblowers, controlled-opposition activities they run in alt-media, New World Order/New Age repressions and deceptions run by the Globalists, various characters and personalities planted in alt-media by CIA Mockingbird mavens contorting journalism into trivia, and much more. Barbara’s authoritative handling of these subjects, based on her experience and analyses as a journalist and trained CIA Intelligence Analyst along with her family’s CIA background lends power to her voice—which is why, it seems clear to me, her voice has been attacked by the black ops CIA who attack anyone who clearly reveals their crimes.

Katherine Horton’s reprehensible and ignorant attacks on CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell therefore should be probed for motive and seen in context. FBI whistleblower, Vietnam veteran and once professor, attorney, and judge Geral Sosbee, who understands the importance of Barbara Hartwell’s voice, has written clearly on this subject, as noted in an article covering Ted Gunderson and Ken Adachi that Barbara has just published recently on her website: Pinocchio Adachi and The Ghost of Ted Gunderson

Thanks to Cassandra for Standing Up to Cyber-Bullying

Finally, I want to acknowledge and thank Cassandra’s deeply thoughtful, considered, and analytical responses in support of my right to respond to slander and stand up to cyber-bullying in her tweets back to Katherine Horton a few days ago, whose tone, language, and attack-mode in her tweets to Cassandra speaks for itself. 

As Cassandra has noted to me, the reaction Katherine Horton has displayed here suggests her stance is that no-one should challenge her constructed-narratives, no-one should use their own critical thinking and perception, no-one should exercise independent discernment: do so and you risk being named an agent by her, or “operative” engaging in “slander,” in itself a tip-off once more of putative agenthood, given that counterintel tomes invite their undercover operatives to fly pre-emptive cover and run around calling anyone and everyone an agent first–which Katherine Horton certainly does.

I also commend Cassandra for her courage and fearlessness in speaking out, and in speaking her truth on Twitter, because the repressive bulldog behavior in Katherine Horton’s words, tone, and verbal attitude of challenge projecting intimidation and threat in tweets probably puts off and silences many.

12/19: And here is Aside No. 2: Coincidence no doubt, that Katherine Horton uses the word “outlandish” in a tweet today 12/19 not long after I use that outlandish word in a tweet:


Ramola D/The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory

Disclaimer Re. Reportage by Dr. Katherine Horton on Erasme Medical Kidnap as Recorded in JIT Press Releases and Articles at The Everyday Concerned Citizen

Second Public Notice to Dr. Katherine Horton

Joint Public Cease and Desist Notice to Dr. Katherine Horton

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