Thursday 6 June 2024


Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Dr Marela Santorrin and Lorena Diblasi’s research group results are very interesting and a huge step forward for the world to understand what is in the shots. Please watch this interview and share - and please use the information to donate if you can to this extraordinary scientist team: 

Analysis Of Covid 19 Injections – 50 Undeclared Chemical Elements, Graphene Oxide, Fluorescent Particles – Conversation With Biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep23

In this post, I would like to focus on the fluorescence which in their studies was related to graphene, however, the group found lanthanides in all Covid shots. Thus, there are multiple chemical components that have the fluorescent attributes. 

Lanthanides are rare earth metals with strong magnetic effects is significant due to its applications in nanotechnology, their use for the manufacturing of Quantum Dots because of their unique fluorescence. Whistleblower Melissa McAtee, former employee of Pfizer, had reported that she noted in the manufacturing process to see a fluorescent glow of the C19 vials. I have been discussing the fluorescence of nano and microrobots, filaments and orange glow that C19 injected and now the C19 uninjected from shedding are exhibiting. 

Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots - Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Here is an overview of the Lanthanide chemical group: 

Lanthanides: Properties and Reactions 

Here is the list of chemicals that were found in the different Covid19 bioweapons: 

Please note that Uranium also has been found, a highly radioactive element which causes cancer. It is interesting to me as I have been finding Uranium now in almost everyone I see in my office. I was wondering if it was being sprayed via geoengineering. 4 years ago I almost never saw Uranium in metals testing. EDTA binds to lanthanides, the metals test does not show all of them however. Gadolinium is a lanthanide and represents that chemical group. You can see here a result of a 6 hour urine metals test in C19 uninjected individual after 1500mg of EDTA IV infusion. 

Note that all lanthanides are chelated by EDTA, hence I have been advocating for the therapeutic use of EDTA to get the nanotechnological building blocks out of the body:

The kinetics of lanthanide complexation by EDTA and DTPA in lactate media†

Also remember that Dr Geanina Hagima in her analysis found Yttrium in the C19 shots, which is also a lanthanide. 

BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

If we review this Moderna patent, it mentions metals incorporated including yttrium

On page 80 it mentions yttrium and states that radioactive ions include but are not limited to. That means uranium can also be knowingly used. If you look the patent lists praseodynmium, and samarium which are lanthanides with strong electrical conductivity. In the Argentinian analysis, the Astra Zeneca shot also has neodynium - which is a strong magnetic substance. Cerium is a lanthanide that was found in all C19 shots including Moderna, Sputnik, Astra Zeneca, Covelo and Comirnathy. Europium, another lanthanide, was found in Covilo and Comirnathy. 

In their fluorescent microscopy they also found these spherical light emitting technology that looks like Quantum Dots or what I call micro robots. 

In their analysis, the fluorescence was correlated to graphene and it matched. Lanthanides also have significant fluorescent capabilities and are used for Quantum Dot biosensing technology. 

Recent developments in lanthanide-to-quantum dot FRET using time-gated fluorescence detection and photon upconversion

Lanthanide (Ln) ions and quantum dots (QD) provide us with exceptional photophysical properties that cannot be found in any other luminescent material. Long luminescence lifetimes of supramolecular Ln complexes, combination of near infrared excitation and visible luminescence of Ln-doped upconversion nanoparticles, and color-tunability and high brightness of QDs have therefore been widely exploited for bioanalytical applications. One of the most frequently used techniques for analyzing biomolecular interactions is FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer), and the Ln-QD donor-acceptor FRET pair is one of the most versatile tools for FRET biosensing. Progress of technology development in biology, chemistry, and physics has significantly advanced Ln-to-QD FRET over the last five years, and current biosensing approaches include multiplexed detection of microRNAs, homogeneous clinical immunoassays, analysis of QD-bioconjugate morphology, and intra- and extracellular biosensing. 

Lanthanide (Ln) ions and semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are inorganic luminescent compounds that are unlike all other fluorophores. Ln ions can emit photoluminescence (PL) with decay times up to milliseconds and can be excited in the near infrared (NIR) by using photon upconversion. QDs have narrow and size-tunable PL bands and a very strong and spectrally broad absorption. These particular photophysical properties (among many others) make the combination of Ln donors and QD acceptors in Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) an exceptional tool for multiplexed, selective, and sensitive analysis of biomolecular interactions

In light of so many people who have become magnetic after the C19 bioweapon injections the lanthanide finding is also very interesting. It may not just be Graphene that is making people magnetic - everyone knows neodynium magnets! 

Magnetic effects of Lanthanides: 

Another property of the Lanthanides is their magnetic characteristics. The major magnetic properties of any chemical species are a result of the fact that each moving electron is a micromagnet. The species are either diamagnetic, meaning they have no unpaired electrons, or paramagnetic, meaning that they do have some unpaired electrons. The diamagnetic ions are: La3+, Lu3+, Yb2+ and Ce4+. The rest of the elements are paramagnetic.

Lanthanides have had huge applications in nanotechnology biosensing and bioimaging applications as well as drug delivery: 

Lanthanide-Doped Upconversion Luminescent Nanoparticles—Evolving Role in Bioimaging, Biosensing, and Drug Delivery

Upconverting luminescent nanoparticles (UCNPs) are “new generation fluorophores” with an evolving landscape of applications in diverse industries, especially life sciences and healthcare. The anti-Stokes emission accompanied by long luminescence lifetimes, multiple absorptions, emission bands, and good photostability, enables background-free and multiplexed detection in deep tissues for enhanced imaging contrast. Their properties such as high color purity, high resistance to photobleaching, less photodamage to biological samples, attractive physical and chemical stability, and low toxicity are affected by the chemical composition; nanoparticle crystal structure, size, shape and the route; reagents; and procedure used in their synthesis. A wide range of hosts and lanthanide ion (Ln3+) types have been used to control the luminescent properties of nanosystems. By modification of these properties, the performance of UCNPs can be designed for anticipated end-use applications such as photodynamic therapy (PDT), high-resolution displays, bioimaging, biosensors, and drug delivery.

By no means does the finding of lanthanides exclude the presence of Graphene or cause for the fluorescence. Those two have been combined for their properties in many nanotechnology applications: 

Solvothermal synthesis of lanthanide-functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposites

The graphene “gold rush” has resulted in the development of countless applications including electrochemical energy storage, sensors, and catalysts, using graphene (G) and graphene oxide(GO)-based materials. Surface functionalization with different metal species - single ions, neutral atoms or nanoparticles [[1][2][3]] - is a frequently explored approach to the development of metal-graphene composites. Among the most attractive metals are lanthanides, whose electronic configuration consists of filled [Xe]6slevels and 4f orbitals that are gradually filled as the atomic number increases. These 4f orbitals are strongly shielded from the external environment by the 5s5p6sorbitals, and therefore the ligands of lanthanide complexes cause only small perturbations in the 4f electron structure, and the lanthanides retain their properties [4]. Lanthanide ions are preferred dopants for diverse nanoparticles due to their outstanding properties such as stable luminescence, high fluorescence quantum efficiency and long luminescence lifetimes along with low toxicity. The combination of the unique characteristics of carbon nanomaterials, in particular graphene, with those of lanthanides, opens a way to the preparation of novel materials with unusual magnetic, luminescent, catalytic, biological and other properties useful for a broad spectrum of applications in different areas of science, technology, and medicine

The analysis done by the research team cannot determine polymers. The chemical composition shows Carbon and oxygen. 

Polymers like polyethylene are made from Carbon and Hydrogen. 

Certainly the 54 undisclosed elements are a huge find and step towards understanding the fact that all C19 shots have elements of nanotechnology. 

The fact that semiconductive, paramagnetic and fluorescent metals have been found that are the building blocks for self assembly nanotechnology biosensing and bioimaging platforms is more of an confirmation that what we have been finding in the blood is used for bio-surveillance technology and the human machine interface. Remember that in the center of the WEF fourth industrial revolution strategic intelligence is vaccination. If there was not self assembly nanotechnology in the shots, how could vaccines be at the center of digital identity? digital economy? global governance? cybersecurity? digital communication? Unless they injected people with the self assembly microchips to make this all happen? 

Many other groups have confirmed the Argentinian findings: 

Alarming New Report from Working Group of Vaccine Analysis in Germany and Other Countries

Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal Nanoparticle Ingredient Discussions Are Exploding 

What is in the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines”? Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity - My Interview with Dr. David Hughes 

UK Forensic Report Finds Graphene: Qualitative Evaluation of Inclusions In Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines – by UNIT: Self-Assembly Graphene Nanoparticles confirmed 


This extraordinary analysis found fluorescent building blocks of self assembly nanotechnology, biosensors and quantum dots in all analyzed vials, in addition to a match in fluorescent wavelength and electron microscopy findings to Graphene. This helps explain the fluorescent properties of the self assembly nanotechnology seen in the blood, the orange facial glow and fluorescent filaments coming out of people’s skin. These elements are used in semiconductor nano electronics, biosensors and bio imaging applications. These electronics can be also used as dual use weapons for genetic manipulation and nanotechnological warfare. Please refer to my recent substack here: 

NASA Future Strategic Warfare Compared To Current Events. Are We In A War Of Our Military Against Us - We The People?

The confirmation again of Graphene should also be taken in context to IEEE engineer Dr Ian Akyldiz statements - since he helped develop the WBAN nanotechnology for human upload to the cloud and development of AI controlled digital twin: 

"COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES" - Lecture by Professor Ian Akyildiz From Georgia Institute Of Technology

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