Saturday 1 June 2024



The brain controls everything directly or indirectly and the heart and vasculature provide nutrients and waste management for everything.

But the brain is a special case in that it can only toss out trash during a specific part of the deep sleep cycle. 

So in order for detoxing the brain you need to:

  1. optimize sleep. 

  2. Then the trash needs to exit the head via the vascular system in the neck - if it’s inflamed due to air pollution, or allergies, theres a problem. 

  3. And for detox to finish and toxins not to just recirculate back into the brain, the final pathways of elimination have to be open and running: the liver (primary), kidneys (also important), skin (sweat) and lungs (btw a castor oil pack on the liver every night is super helpful). 

  4. For the heart to work properly you need to get right with yourself and others. You also need outdoor sunlight, and extra sulfate (fish) to counteract glyphosate, some exercise, and everything else good of course).

Watch out for an upcoming longer article detailing steps 1 and 2 above!

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