Saturday 1 June 2024


New National Security Law Threatens U.S. Citizens' Free Speech and Human Rights

Per Ms. Hui’s testimony, “NSL 2.0…expands the definitions for national security crimes, making everyone around the world basically unsafe to criticize China’s and Hong Kong’s government.”

June 1, 2024: On Thursday, May 23, 2024, the House Select Committee on the CCP took testimony from two former Hong Kong citizens (Frances Hui and Joey Siu) and international human rights attorney (Jonathan Price) on China’s and Hong Kong’s new national security laws (NSL 2.0). 


Per Ms. Hui’s testimony, “NSL 2.0…expands the definitions for national security crimes, making everyone around the world basically unsafe to criticize China’s and Hong Kong’s government.”

I very much empathized with Ms. Joey Sui when she stated, “Unfortunately coming back to the U.S. that did not guarantee me safety.The U.S. as my country is not doing enough to protect me as an American citizen, to protect other American citizens who have fought on the front lines of the CCP’s encroachment of our freedom of democracy.”

Per Article 23 of China’s and HK’s new law, any person that engages in or does not report a person, organization, or government who engages in ‘external interference’ can be arrested and charged. “External interference” is any action, inaction, or statement that could cause a corporation, a government, or a person to not engage with the Chinese government, Chinese businesses, or any foreign businesses or individuals that are currently providing economic or ‘other national security benefits’ to China and the CCP. 

External interference includes condemnation of US mRNA manufacturers, such as Pfizer, who are deeply embedded with Chinese companies. 


“A Transnational Repression Scheme Orchestrated by the CCP”

Per Chairman John Moolenaar’s opening remarks and both Ms. Hui’s and Ms. Sui’s testimonies, the CCP has actively engaged corporations, persons, and even government officials and judges in their transnational repression scheme. 

It should be well-known that the CCP places global bounties on the heads of American citizens who threaten Xi Jinping’s and the CCP’s rise to global dominance. Under China’s new laws, it doesn’t matter if you are of Chinese heritage or not.

The CCP actively engages foreign corporations, organizations, and individuals in order to have them stalk, harass, kidnap, assault, threaten family members, freeze financial assets, engage in online harassment, and engage in other harmful and terrifying acts against those persons who condemn the technologies and policies of China’s new world order, including the BioRevolution and the use of mRNA in humans and agriculture. 

Isn’t it Obvious Which U.S. Leaders Have Been Subverted by China?

Per the 2021 NCIS report, “Data associated with an embarrassing addiction or mental illness could be leveraged for blackmail. Combine this information with stolen credit data indicating bankruptcy or major debt and the tools for exerting leverage increase.Such data sets could help China not only recruit individuals abroad, but also act against foreign dissidents.

Remember when General Milley gave a ‘heads-up call’ to a Chinese General

China’s Undeclared War Against Americans and Human Rights

Per the 2020 Congressional report, the U.S. military and agency experts warn that the adoption of the CCPs vision would globally eliminate the existence of liberal governance, freedoms and human rights.

“The Chinese government is shaping and subverting the international governance system to align with Beijing’s own principles, which are directly opposed to universal values and individual rights. If Beijing (CCP) succeeds in normalizing its views of governance, the result could undermine individual rights around the world.”

China’s 5th Generation Warfare Tactics Ensure Americans Never Realize China has Declared War on Them

Under China’s new national security laws, China changed the term ‘enemy’ to ‘external force’ to describe Americans and citizens of other nations that don’t agree with Xi’s disregard for human rights and authoritarian global ideology. 

Per the new law;

“The concept of “enemy” is too restricted under the current context of globalisation and amid the dynamics of multilateral interaction in international relations. It is possible that their interests may not coincide on a particular issue or there may even be unfriendly acts. However, calling that other country “enemy” may cause offence to that country at the diplomatic lev

Is Threatening Americans with Nuclear War Simply an “Unfriendly Act”?

In May of 2021, China threatened to launch nuclear missiles against Americans because theUS government was going to look into the “origins of COVID” and the Wuhan Lab. 

Words Influence Thoughts- and No One Thinks We’re in a War with China

The reason why China describes Americans as an ‘external force’ and not an ‘enemy’ or even a ‘threat’ is the same reason why we haven’t been allowed to call the mRNA injections bioweapons

Americans have been manipulated into calling the most debilitating and deadly bioweapon ever used on civilian adults and children“vaccines or gene-therapies,” so that we can not even begin to comprehend what has been done to us and our posterity. It’s pretty simple, if it’s illegal or socially unacceptable to properly identify the weapons and illegal tactics used against American and global civilians, we’ll never be able to stop these atrocities, or identify and prosecute the criminals. 

This is a key learning from the 2020 US-China Congressional report;

“The CCP seeks to dominate the development of emerging technologies (i.e. mRNA nanoparticles and other synthetic biotechnologies) and ensure the norms and values of how these technologies are deployed further China’s geopolitical goals.”

China has subverted and manipulated the US government, healthcare agencies, media, experts, and essentially 99% of Americans into being embarrassed to share irrefutable evidence of the crimes committed against us; or to use the correct words to accurately describe China’s BioRevolution as a genocidal global war against humanity, our individual human rights and the laws, institutions, and ideologies that protect our lives and freedoms. 

“Indifference to Injustice is the Gateway to Hell”

In July of 2023, venture capital mogul Josh Wolfe brilliantly articulated why American businesses must decouple from Xi Jinping’s CCP regime, a regime that has a long-standing history of suppressing human rights, criminally experimenting on minorities, and engaging in genocide

During the same July 2023 House Select Committee on the CCP Hearing, Josh Wolfeexplains that by allowing US companies to invest in and partner with the Chinese government (People’s Liberation Army) when he stated, “It’s one thing to think about the Belt and Road Initiative, it’s another thing to hand someone the belt to tie around your neck.”

Make no mistake, heads of US technology, biotech, automobile, and banking companies who have businesses in China and are partnering with the Chinese government are not only investing in genocide, but under China’s new national security laws - Xi commands these individuals and their companies to act in the best interest of Xi and the CCP and at the expense of the American people. 

Mathew 24: 9-14

At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

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It’s Better to Be Prepared for the Next “Flu & Virus Season”

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