Friday 7 June 2024


One More Win over WEF-Funded WHO Executives. They Fail Again with 'Pandemic Treaty' across Nations. More Wins to Come for Freedom from Mass Murder at the World Health Assembly, May 27 to June 1.

On May 24, 2004 the Director General of the United Nations’ World Health Organization, Tedros Adhnanon Ghebreyesus, told media that ‘negotiations’ for a ‘Pandemic Treaty’, binding more than 185 member Nations of the WHO to its supranational procedures, had failed again. 

The website and publication Health Policy Watch, based with the U.N., the WHO and the World Economic Forum‘ in Geneva, Switzerland and edited by Eleanor Ruth Fletcher, ‘a former editor with the World Health Organization ‘, summed up the abandonment, 

A last ditch effort of WHO member states to finish negotiations on a pandemic accord has failed to yield agreement ahead of next week’s World Health Assembly (WHA) – with key articles in the draft text still unresolved including the thorny formula for global sharing of vaccines and medicines during international health emergencies.

As of Friday evening, member states of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Board, assembled in Geneva, had stopped negotiating over the draft text, and were instead talking about the way forward.  And on that, as well, there was no accord, leaving a future pathway in the hands of the WHA.’

Tedros Adhanon called the abandonment a “Hiccup” and not a “failure” 

‘WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he is now looking to the upcoming WHA, when member states will assemble again, to define a way forward.

“Where there is a will there is a way, so I am still positive, despite the outcome.  There may be hiccups, but I don’t call it failure,” Tedros said. “You have really progressed a lot and done a lot.”’ (1)

Two days after the Pandemic Treaty negotiations’ standstill, Health Policy Watch headlined that ‘Prospects Grow’ for the World Health Assembly to ‘Approve Updated WHO Emergecny Rules.’

Editor Elaine Ruth Fletcher reviewed a summary by Ashely Bloomfield of New Zealand, Co0Chair of the Working Group on amendments. According to Bloomfield and Fletcher, ‘out of 34 articles in the IHR amendments, 17 are fully approved, while another 17 remain to be finalised.’

We can look into ‘Other elements of the amendments on which the working group is close to agreement.’

We may see the ‘elements’ and their proposed procedures and make out what devilish trickery they entail. 

One. ‘Other elements […} include an official definition for a “pandemic.” This would be a trigger for WHO to declare a higher level of emergency beyond the current designation of a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC). That would, in turn, activate the more far-reaching provisions of a future- pandemic accord, should that new legal instrument be finally approved and ratified by countries.’

In other wordsthe ‘offcial definition for a “pandemic” ‘ would ‘trigger’ WHO Executives to ‘declare a higher level of emergency’ than a ‘Pandemic Health Emergecny of International Concern.’ That is, WHO executives could declare a Pandemic without having a Pandemic Treaty.

Two. ‘Another element of the IHR amendments, also close to conclusion, would involve creation of a mechanism for independent monitoring of how countries implement the IHR’s key provisions – to strengthen what one negotiator called “the collective oversight” of the readiness process.

That is, WHO Executives would have through the ‘creation of ’a mechanism for independent monitoring of how countries’ accord with ‘the IHR’s key provisions’ the Standing and the Footing for ‘ “the collective oversight” of the readiness process.’ (2)

In other words,WHO Executives could call for deployment of a “Team” such as s Bill Gates’ 2022 Global Emergency Response Mobilization (GERM) to ‘implement the IHR’s key provisions.” (3)

Health Policy Watch on this day, May 26, 2024, continues. “Another key feature of this year’s WHA will be the launch of a first-ever WHO “Investment Round,” which seeks to raise an additional $7.1 billion in voluntary contributions from member states for the four-year, 2025-2028 period, on top of regular asssessed contributions, which are expected to amount to $4 billion.

“The 7.1 billion seeks to expand the envelope to cover what is not covered by the assesssed contributions of WHO,” said senior WHO advisory Bruce Aylward.

While WHO has always sought and received voluntary contributions from member states and philanthropies, the idea is to systemize the giving, allowing the organization to more flexibly allocate funds to agreed-upon priorities and enjoy more “predictability” in its funding cycles.’

In other words, the World Health Assemblyseeks to nearly double the WHO’ Budget over the next four years by securing 7.1 billion more in funding.

The funding will presumably be open to ‘philanthropes’ such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded ‘non-profit’  Gavi (begun in 2000 as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). Togther these two private donors were the largest funder of the WHO in 2021, the BGMF writing off a tax-deductible $375 million then.

A 7.1-billion near doubling of the WHO Budget over the next four years would of course lead to more influence over Policies and procedures by the leading donors (investors). The WHO might become even more beholden to Foundations and Corporations that make up the 100 Strategic Partners of the World Economic Forum, the WEF also based in Geneva Switzerland. Pfizer and AstraZeneca andJohnson & Johnson are among these 100 WEF Strategic Partners.

WHO Executives, led by non-Physician Tedros Adhanon Ghebreyesues and former trauma-surgeon Dr. Mike Ryan of Ireland, have attacked Nations’ and individuals’ health-sovereignty since the WHO named” ‘COVID-19’ “ on February 11, 2020 and then declared the novel disease a ‘Global Pandemic on March 11, 2020. 

Every response guided by WHO Executives in our “COVID” years has harmed Public Health. 

Lockdowns divided families and societies, closed Schools and businesses, injured and killed elderly in particular, and slowed immeasurably the gaining of herd-immunity by Nations’ publics. The more a Nation or State enforced Lockdowns, the more Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths that Nation or State suffered. The less Locked-Down, the more a Nation or State thrived. 

Most painful to observe among the needlessly suffering were elderly dying in Nursing Homes… as if the secret goal of Lockdowns was gerontocide. (5)

WHO Executives said not a peep about elders dying in Nursing-Homes due to WHO recommendations for Isolation.

‘Vaccines’ from Pfizer/BioNTech and Modernaand Oxford University / AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, approved by the WHO and Nations’ regulatory bodies such as the United States’ Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) failed to prevent infection and transmission of the disease named ‘COVID-19.” 

Worse, the billions of WHO-approved doses of the messenger-Ribo-Nucleic-Acid (mRNA) ‘vaccines’ from Pfizer/BioNTech and from Moderna have injured many millions of people in the Untied States and the Euopean Union and have killed hundreds thousands more, at the least, through their Spike Proteins’ clotting of vascular systems and their literal degradation of neural pathways. 

Heart-attacks, heart-diseases such as Myocarditis and Pericarditis, sudden-onset Cancers (‘Turbo Cancers’), respiratory illnesses and cognitive impairments, have all spiked since the ‘vaccines’ Emergency Use “roll-outs” began in December 2020, mounted into billions of injections throughout 2021 and 2022, and at last abated (retreated) as we in Nations’ publics rejected any more ‘boosters’.

WHO Executives failed to note the hundreds killed immediately after their injections in the first two months of “roll-out”. They and Nations’ Directors such as Rochelle Wolesky of the CDC failed to note that the ‘vaccinated’ had become far more vulnerable than the ‘unvaccinated’, according to obvious statistics in Summer and Autumn 2021. They said nothing as the human losses mounted. They failed, too, to heed embalmers’ evidence of monstrous clotting in injectee corpses’ veins.

They failed utter to present to the global public findings by the more than 60 researchers in the German Working Group and physicians such as Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Dr. Mark Trozzi, and Dr. Paul Marik. 

They failed to note that the 53 Nations of Africa were by far the least ‘vaccinated’ and by far the least infected with COVID-19 between 2020 and 2023. With 1.4 billion people, African Nations had 17% of the Earth’s population, but only 4% of COVID-attributed fatalities during our “COVID” years.

WHO Executives have since at least 2020 advanced positions that bambozole populaces into injury and death.

The WHO as a whole has 9,127 employees across Continents. Given the difficulties that many thousands of those employees undergo in their efforts to improve clients’ health, we may suppose that they work hard to help families and society. Upper Executives such as Tedros Adhanon and Mike Ryan present an opposite record, a different Agenda, one according with the World Economic Forum’s programs and the investments over 25 years by these WHO executives’ employer or benefactor, Bill Gates.

Much may change for the better across Earth—in particular across the Southern Hemisphere and toward a free future for former Colonies of European Empires—between May 27 and June 1, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland.








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