Friday 7 June 2024


Indict Fauci. Prosecute him. And Bill Gates. And Pfizer. And Moderna. Demand Justice in 1000s of Investigations and Courts across the U.S., Canada and Europe. Serve the Billions of Victims. Now.

Why isn’t Dr. Anthony Fauci subject to Grand Jury Investigations? Why wasn’t he the focus for Grand Jury investigations across the United States no later than three years ago? Every State in the U.S. has dozens unto hundreds unto thousands of victims. injured and even killed by the ‘Nationwide Lockdown’ and ‘Vaccines’ endorsed to the point of coercion by Dt. Anthony Fauci when he was leading spokesperson for the Coronavirus Task Force under both the Trump and Biden Administrations.

Lies by Fauci and his partner in investments Bill Gates had twisted like a two-headed Snake between January and June 2020. You may review them HERE.

Fauci also was like a Swiveling Faucet that could be turned 360 Degrees upon Command or Demand. (1)

By June of 2021 Fauci and Gates had the “roll-out: of billions messenger RiboNucleicAcid ‘vaccines’ from their investments Pfiizer and Moderna. 

I wrote in that Post # 9 of ‘Refusing Depopulation and ‘The Great Reset’ as to how the swiveling but ever-spouting Dr. Faucet was ‘Guilty of Mass Murder.’ 

You may remember Fauci’s lies from May 2021. My Post #9 of ‘Refusing Depopulation [ … ]/, set in the Flipping The Script Blog of the We Are Revolution and You Are Here to Shine (True and True, by the way) cites three Boo-Boos by the Doctor, the Errand-Boy for Big Pharma since his adolescence.

‘Over the past month the Doctor has been caught in lies on Networks' NewsSenators Rand Paul and John Kennedy and broadcaster Tucker Carlson, have successively spotlit the Director's contradictions. On Monday, May 10, Tucker Carlson asked on his --Tonight-- show, 'Why isn't Dr. Fauci investigated for his role in the COVID pandemic?' (6)  On May 11, Rand Paul'grilled' Fauci over and over on a connection between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funding that hopped from Fauci's NIAID  to the WIV through through two $3.7-million disbursements to a 'non-profit' that's titled EcoHealth Alliance and that's directed by Dr. Peter Daszak. (7) On May 24the columnist'Tyler Durden' of noted Fauci's 'back--pedaling' away from his certitudes that COVID-19 could not be Laboratory-created and most definitely could not have emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (8) Now Fauci states that the WIVshould be investigated.’ (2) 

Later in June 2021 the Crimes of Fauci and Gates were so manifold and threatening that I gathered them into ‘12 Pieces for the Prosecution’ on another Website, one that again points to each and every one as a source of Light. 

The ‘Further Call’ of June 2021 reviews Fauci’s and Gates’ symbiotic relationship. It quotes a Flipping The Script Blog, ‘Bill Gates’ Lies Are Killing Us’ from April 2020. 'Dr. Anthony Fauci has headed the United States' National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases since 1984. He assumed lead spokesperson role among President Donald Trump's Coronavirus Response Team in March 2020. He advocates a new vaccine for COVID 19. On April 3 the 79-year-old Fauci contemplated to CNN that vaccination in the U.S. may come with a 'Digital Certificate' borne inside or on the body of the vaccinated.’

The fact that Fauci’s NIAID ‘had funded with two $3.7-million Grants, beginning in 2014, the gain-of-function research (in U.S., Canadian and Chinese Laboratories) such as certainly configured the COVID-19 virus’, was by May and June 2021 a confession seemingly forced from Fauci.

Bigger Lies were maintained by the Doctor in June 2021. ‘One essential lie is that the gene-based injections from Pfizer or Moderna or Johnson & Johnson, approved for 'Emergency Use' in the U.S. by our Food & Drug Administration, work.

They do not work. They never did prevent infection with COVID-19 or transmission of this Coronavirus. Their manufacturers' attorneys limited promises to a likely reduction of fatal outcomes from COVID-19. Big media filled this judicious vacuum with hopeful promises ( … ] 

These promises are proving worse than false--just as 'Lockdowns' and 'Testing' and 'Tracking' have proven worse than useless as 'Tools' against  the readily defeatable disease known as COVID-19.

Those who have taken the gene-based injections of spike proteins and magnetizing nano-particles find themselves doubly vulnerable. Deaths soon after the shots now exceed 6100 in the U.S. and 15,400 in the 27 Nations of Europe that feed data to the European Medicines Agency. See the graphic below, please, from 
EudraVigilance and Health Impact News.  (4)

Arising, too--arising to such an extent that even the U.S. FDA and CDC admit it--is the reality that the 'vaccines' produce sometime fatal blood-clotting. The FDA and CDC were compelled this month is print warnings of Myocarditis and Pericarditis--both potential causes of heart-attack--issuing from the 'vaccines' and particularly endangering adolescent males. ‘

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi foresaw with anguish the inevitability that spike proteins extruding through blood-vessels would draw swarms of "killer lymphocytes". Blood-clots would ensue. Younger people would be most subject to this Antibody Defense Enhancement (ADE), this Doctor and many more Doctors predicted....

Even crueler for the 'vaccinated' is the dawning reality that they're more vulnerable to contracting  'variants' of COVID-19. A study in the United Kingdom finds that those who have taken the shots are SIX TIMES likelier to die of COVID variants. 

'LONDON, England, June 18, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – 

The death rate from the Delta COVID variant is six times higher among those who were fully vaccinated for two weeks or longer than among those who never received a shot, according to data published by Public Health England on Friday. 

Twenty-six people died among 4,087 who were fully vaccinated 14 days or more before testing positive for the Delta COVID variant. This equates to a death rate of 0.00636 percent, which is 6.6 times higher than the rate of 0.000957 deaths – or 34 deaths among 35,521 positive Delta cases among the unvaccinated, according to data published in a June 18 report titled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 16". ' 

All of current COVID patients' misery was--any may still be--preventable or remediable if we get beyond the lies that have ruled Governments' policies. From April 2020 onward Doctors in the upper reaches of research and the front lines of critical care  have presented alternatives to the deadly nonsense of Lockdowns, Testing, Tracking, ... unto poisonous 'vaccines.' and 'variants' likely furthered by 'vaccines.'

No one is guiltier of subverting truths about COVID-19 and promoting courses that swiftly amount to mass murder than Bill Gates III and his partner in profitable investments, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

They deserve justice. Their victims deserve justice. We as a society in the U.S. and the world as a whole--many people, many Nations--deserve justice.

We await only courage. [ ... ] Every community, Town, City and State in the U.S. has suffered from actions authored by Fauci and Gates above any other individual. Every community has suffered economic harms at the least from lies enacted by Gates and Fauci wronged person, every wronged community, is entitled to prosecute Gates and Fauci for the murders they've enabled and the even greater threats they pose.’

Thus in June 2021.

Three YEARS later, why is this Tireless and Lethal Liar not in Prison?

Why has he not been Charged and then exposed to Discovery and Deposition?

Why are records of this uppermost Public Health official and the NIAID. the National Institute of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, … still closed to numberless people that they’ve harmed.

How about doing something to truly open up the evil embodied and advanced by Dr. Dr. Anthony Fauci, you whose book about the Swiveling but Steadfast Faucet has grossed more than $30 million, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?

How about you, Steve Kirsch, with you net worth over $250 million and your eternal Half-Stepping in Circles?

How about you, Ed Dowd, $14-billion-portfolio manager for BlackRock become analyst of Excess and Sudden Deaths from COVID-19 ‘vaccines’?

Let us embraces that Courage … Courage … Courage wanted three ago and now make an example and entryway through Dr. Anthony Fauci! 

We billions of the COVID-harmed, ‘vaccinated’ and ‘unvaccinated’ will have to go DEEP to pull from our futures the roots that plague us. See Fauci with multi-billionaire ‘philanthropists’ three months after “ ‘9/11’ “ HERE(5)







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