Tuesday 25 April 2023


Van Egeren et al. states that 'Vaccines Alone Cannot Slow the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2'; the research is confusing & seems to play with the language; why? these mRNA technology shots DON'T work PERIOD!

I applaud Van Egeren et al. for the work yet statements are made that have no basis in science e.g. 'While vaccination can lower the rate at which new variants appear'; certainly NOT for these shots

I find the authors tried to tackle a much needed topic which we have been addressing for 1.5 years now, yet come up very short. They play with the language and seem to want to placate the vaccine makers and the government health agencies when they must know that the lockdowns and vaccine killed and is killing. Mass vaccination into the teeth of a pandemic across all age-groups using a sub-optimal non-neutralizing vaccine that does not sterilize the virus (stop infection, replication, or death), and in the midst of elevated infectious pressure, will ONLY result in Darwinian natural selection pressure to select for more infectious sub-variants (and a possible lethal one). IMO, this will go on for 100 more years if these same gene injections are implemented. 

Van Egeren et al. failed to call for a complete cessation of these geen injections. Why? I do not know. Do you know why they stopped at the water’s edge and even wrote to confuse the reader? 

Let me give an example of the statements made in this study write-up that have no scientific basis. There is no evidence to support them and while the authors are in some regards dealing with the real issue, being selection pressure and thus driving infectious variants (and a possible lethal one) via use of a non-sterilizing gene injection on the antigen, I find their conclusions to be thin and lacking rigor. 

Statement 1 that is incorrect:

1)’The first assumption is that vaccines will continue to protect against severe outcomes (hospitalization and death), and the second is that vaccines will partially reduce transmission. The first assumption appears to remain valid, as vaccination appears to reduce the risk of severe disease and hospitalization’; 

where is the trustworthy evidence to show this? No study, no clinical trial was done by any vaccine maker e.g. Moderna etc. using hospitilization and death as a primary outcome. So where is the evidence? Has any research statistically adjusted for natural immunity, early treatment, healthy user vaccinee effect, co-morbidities etc. etc. etc.? 

Statement 2 that is incorrect:

2)'While vaccination can lower the rate at which new variants appear'; this is incorrect for these shots for this virus. We have no seen this. 

Statement 3 that is incorrect:

3)‘second is that vaccines will partially reduce transmission’; this is incorrect as these mRNA shots failed near out of the gate to cut transmission and so I am puzzled as to where the researchers got evidence from. These shots were and are non-neutralizing and non-sterilizing, do not cut infection, replication, or transmission. 

Statement 4 that is incorrect:

4)‘Unfortunately, while many of available vaccines have been effective against severe disease and death’; this is factually incorrect

5)' Public-health strategies must continue to support the increased use of NPIs, such as air quality improvement, testing-and-tracing, and masking, in tandem with encouraging vaccine uptake.’; NPIs have all failed in COVID e.g. masking and as such, the authors are incorrect IMO especially calling for encouraged vaccine uptake; these shots must be stopped, they have failed and are harmful and must not be used especially in healthy children. 



‘The rapid emergence of immune-evading viral variants of SARS-CoV-2 calls into question the practicality of a vaccine-only public-health strategy for managing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It has been suggested that widespread vaccination is necessary to prevent the emergence of future immune-evading mutants. 

Here, we examined that proposition using stochastic computational models of viral transmission and mutation. Specifically, we looked at the likelihood of emergence of immune escape variants requiring multiple mutations and the impact of vaccination on this process. Our results suggest that the transmission rate of intermediate SARS-CoV-2 mutants will impact the rate at which novel immune-evading variants appear. While vaccination can lower the rate at which new variants appear, other interventions that reduce transmission can also have the same effect. 

Crucially, relying solely on widespread and repeated vaccination (vaccinating the entire population multiple times a year) is not sufficient to prevent the emergence of novel immune-evading strains, if transmission rates remain high within the population. Thus, vaccines alone are incapable of slowing the pace of evolution of immune evasion, and vaccinal protection against severe and fatal outcomes for COVID-19 patients is therefore not assured.’


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