Sunday, 2 April 2023

Thursday Threads III: Ivermectin back in the news, most gruesome post-injection adverse reaction thus far in 2023 (South Africa) and 30 more sudden deaths


Thursday Threads III: Ivermectin back in the news, most gruesome post-injection adverse reaction thus far in 2023 (South Africa) and 30 more sudden deaths


Thursday Threads III: Ivermectin back in the news, most gruesome post-injection adverse reaction thus far in 2023 (South Africa) and 30 more sudden deaths

March 2, 2023 admin

March 2, 2023

Drug cartels have always made for great theater, whether in Hollywood or real life. Every Generation X kid knew/know the names Manuel Noriega and Pablo Escobar. The Panamanian and Colombian were made the faces of global drug trafficking by mainstream media in the 1970s and 1980s.

Escobar was killed by U.S.-funded police in Colombia in December 1993. He was portrayed by actor Cliff Curtis in the 2001 biographical film “Blow,” which also featured Johnny Depp. But Escobar’s legacy will live on forever in Colombia.

His net worth was reportly $25 billion by the late 1980s, making him one of the top 2-3 wealthiest non-Rothschild/Warburg/Rockefeller/”powers-that-be” (“TPTB”) people in the world at the time. If you snorted cocaine at any point from the mid-1970s to late 1980s anywhere in the world, it came from Escobar and the Medellin Cartel. He literally owned a monopoly on cocaine. Escobar was so rich that he had his own zoo on his property, complete with giraffes, rhinos and hippos.

Most of the animals were relocated to their native lands after Escobar’s death. But his four hippos, a species native only to the African continent, were somehow released into the wild in Colombia – and today are still wreaking havoc on the country’s ecosystem.

Nobody knows exactly how many “Escobar hippos” are wild in Colombia today. Some estimates place the number at 100 or more. But just like it’s common in Iowa to see deer running down the streets, alligators roaming Florida backyards, etc., Colombians now must deal with very dangerous hippos running around neighborhoods.

Methamphetamine dealers in Nebraska, crack cocaine dealers in Los Angeles, etc. learned how to profit off drug dealing from Escobar and Noriega. Those two men wrote the instruction manual for global drug trafficking. You must kill people in your own neighborhoods and potentially own families, whether directly or with the drugs you sell them, to keep profits coming in. That’s simply the nature of the business.

U.S. police will track, kill and/or imprison you like they did Escobar and Noriega because only U.S. and European pharmaceutical companies were/are allowed to deal drugs legally across the globe. The U.S. military invaded Panama to capture and imprison Noriega. He died in a Panama prison in 2017 after serving nearly 30 years in the U.S., France and Panama. But as long as you have zero conscience, you can enjoy a life of luxury and adventure as a drug dealer for as long as it lasts.

RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)

So-called “food” companies also learned from Escobar and Noriega. Several studies have shown the addictive power of processed sugars. This blogger literally gets shaky when walking past the candy isle in the supermarket. Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, gummy bears and Mike and Ike’s were/are true addictions (that is until you turn 35 and no longer have youthful metabolism). Food companies know exactly what they are doing.

The average American woman and man weighed 140 and 166 pounds (64 kg and 75 kg), respectively, in 1960. Those numbers are 171 pounds and 198 pounds today. Expansion of “super-sized” fast food companies, soft drinks, high-fructose corn syrup, and smartphones (and thus sitting around all day staring at a little screen) are the primary reasons most Americans are now overweight.

Potatoes, grapefruit juice, eggs, and cottage cheese were staples in the 1960s. But it’s much more profitable, pursuant to the Noriega/Escobar model, to drug your customers, get them addicted, and produce the drugs (processed foods) cheaply. Obesity positively correlates with socioeconomic status. The poorer you are, the more likely you are to be obese. Two $1 McDonald’s cheeseburgers fill you up, and provide a “high” from all the excess sugars and salts. Meanwhile, a one-pint bag of organic blueberries costs over $6 in most supermarkets.

Pfizer, Moderna, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, etc. also learned everything they know from Noriega and Escobar. Prescription drugs were damn-near non-existent in the 1960s. Boots Pharmaceuticals ran what is believed by most to be the first television direct-to-customers ad (DTCA) for its prescription-only ibuprofen Rufen in 1982. It’s unclear if Boots still exists today. The linked 1982 New York Times article says the company was Louisiana-based. A 2010 paper in the American Journal of Public Health says the company is U.K. based.

The ad is below.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had neither explicit power, nor a specific policy to prevent the ad from airing. Instead the agency issued a two-year moratorium on all DTCA for drugs after the Rufen ad. Congress passed the Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1987, making DTCA drug ads fully legal for the first time in U.S. history. Not surprising, that’s also around the same time the U.S. began pursuing Noriega and Escobar.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)

Drug companies spent $166 million in DTCA in 1993. That number skyrocketed to $4.2 billion by 2005. A 2021 U.S. Government and Accountability Office report found that big pharma spent an average of $6 billion per year on DTCA from 2016 to 2018, with nearly 60% of all Medicare payouts for prescription drugs going towards the 553 drugs big pharma advertised to customers during that time. Big pharma spent a record $6.88 billion on DTCA in 2021. But YouTube and other mainstream media do not want you to know that.

RELATED: Google confesses propaganda agenda, bans all Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine information (April 26, 2021)

Mr. Woody Harrelson is a master at his craft. Whether it’s classic comedy films like “White Men Can’t Jump” and “Kingpin,” the television series Cheers, or intense dramas like “Indecent Proposal,” the man knows Hollywood and how to capture audiences. Granted Mr. Harrelson has always been a non-partisan critical thinker. He’s called out all the warmonger U.S. presidents since the turn of the millennium. And now he’s dropping truth bombs in 2023.

Mr. Harrelson appeared on Saturday Night Live (SNL) this past weekend. That show has been mostly terrible since the turn of the millennium, except for Tina Fey’s portrayal of Sarah Palin (and Amy Pohler’s Katie Couric) and now James Austin Johnson’s dead ringer Donald Trump impersonations. Every now and then, SNL’s opening monologues represent the critical thinker class, e.g. Dave Chappelleand now Mr. Harrelson.

He laid out in 30 seconds the big pharma blueprint for getting people addicted to their drugs, and making billions as a result. Part of that blueprint is to “buy up all the media.”

And less than 24 hours after the monologue aired, mainstream media proved that Mr. Harrelson was exactly right (not that we didn’t know that already).

It is what it is.

Ivermectin back in the news

Believe it or not, Merck was actually an altruistic big pharma company prior to legal DTCA. The company invented Ivermectin in the 1970s. It was a miracle drug for treating all sorts of diseases, particularly onchocerciasis (river blindness) and malaria.

Merck started its Mectizan (Ivermectin) Donation Program in 1987. The company has shipped more than 4 billion doses of the Nobel Prize-winning drug to countries in need for free since that time. It was altruistic because the Ivermectin patent was valid through 1996. Merck sacrificed billions in profit for nearly a decade, for the betterment of humanity. Those days of compassionate big pharma companies are long over.

Merck is now ashamed of inventing Ivermectin. The company regurgitates all the common negative propaganda against the drug as it relates to so-called COVID-19. Merck has also entered the mRNA gene therapy racket. It’s in the company’s best financial interest to bash their own product. Regardless, Ivermectin has saved millions of lives since the 1980s. TPTB will never be able to silence documented history and testimonials. And now Ivermectin is in the news cycle again.

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Whether so-called “COVID-19” is radiation poisoning, rebranded flu, or just false positive PCR tests, we know that Ivermectin prevents and essentially cures it. A September 2022 peer-reviewed study by Brazilian researchers found that Ivermectin reduced COVID-19 mortality by 92% among 88,012 test subjects.

There were already 94 more studies, with 78 of them peer-reviewed, showing the effectiveness of Ivermectin both as a prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19 as of January 1. Now there are results from a Phase II clinical study that is simply more evidence of what we already knew.

MedinCell, a France-based pharmaceutical company, published the results of its clinical study called “A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Ivermectin in COVID-19 Prevention,” or SAIVE, on January 5. Researchers reported a 72% reduction in COVID-19 infections for study participants who took daily Ivermectin for 28 days, and who were exposed to people with a positive PCR test. There were no observable safety issues in the Ivermectin group.

RELATED: Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug (April 11, 2022)

Despite the obvious truth about Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 and cancer, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and mainstream media continue their “horse de-wormer” attack campaigns against the drug. We’ve received three anecdotal stories from subscribers diagnosed with cancer. They took 200 micrograms per kilogram of body weight of Ivermectin for one day, then 100 micrograms per kilogram for 30 more days. Each one was screened by a different doctor than the one who originally diagnosed them thereafter. All were cancer free after 30 days.

Note that you can buy Ivermectin over-the-counter in Tennessee. It’s also perfectly legal to ship over-the-counter drugs in the U.S. The New Hampshire state legislature passed a similar bill last year. But Governor Chris Sununu vetoed it. The veto was sustained when the New Hampshire House of Representatives could not garner the two-thirds vote necessary to override it.

We’re still being told of many incidents, including the one below, of pharmacists refusing to fill Ivermectin prescriptions.

Ivermectin also caused a commotion at a Sarasota (Florida) Memorial Hospital board meeting on February 21. Dr. John Littell is a board-certified family physician. He’s been outspoken about Ivermectin as a treatment for so-called COVID-19 from the beginning. He testified about its effectiveness at the aforementioned board meeting.

RELATED: Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, two other physicians, sue FDA, DHHS for exceeding authority and interfering with doctors’ ability to prescribe Ivermectin to patients (June 29, 2022)

About 40 minutes after his testimony, Dr. Littell approached another board member who had just finished speaking. He wanted to thank her for that she said. Armed cops escorted him out of the building because he “violated decorum” and “presented a safety risk,” according to a hospital spokesperson.

The following video is Dr. Littell’s testimony, followed by the police escort out of the building, filmed by Chris Nelson of the Epoch Times.

Dr. Littell told Mr. Nelson afterwards that he probably did violate protocols. But the extreme measure of armed cops escorting him out of the building was more likely retribution by the hospital for the good doctor speaking truth about Ivermectin.

We posted definitive evidence last month regarding so-called “truth movement” member Alex Berenson being paid, controlled opposition. He provided more evidence last week by tweeting a new study that found Ivermectin to be ineffective against so-called COVID-19.

Berenson either didn’t bother reading the conflicts of interests section (which is longer than the abstract and conclusions sections combined), or he knew about it and doesn’t care because he’s being paid by big pharma. All of the researchers involved in the study received grants from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), several other big pharma firms and the National Institutes of Health. They also all own stocks in said companies.

This blogger made clear that nobody should suddenly start smoking cigarettes. But whenever TPTB (government, mainstream social/legacy media, their corporations, and their humanoid tools) exert this much energy telling you that something is so terribly bad, then that means it’s likely good, and vice versa.

Yamkela Seplane: 14-year-old South Africa girl has the most gruesome post-injection adverse reaction thus far in 2023

The reporting on this case has been both shoddy and inconsistent, deliberately or otherwise. We also could not get in contact with anyone directly related to the girl. What is known for certain is that a young girl’s life is unlikely to ever be the same.

Yamkela Seplane was a student at Tina Falls Primary School in Qumbu, South Africa. Her story was first reported via Facebook by Ms. Pretty Nomandondo, a resident of East London, South Africa, on June 15, 2022. She wrote that Yamkela received the injections in November 2021. It’s unclear if Yamkela and Ms. Nomandondo are related.

The 14-year-old immediately reported pain in her arm. But since arm pain is “common” after the lethal injections, nothing was done about it. Doctors from at least two hospitals kept sending Yamkela home without treating the condition. The following are photos and video of Yamkela at the time of Ms. Nomandondo’s post.

South Africa mainstream media picked up on the story two months later. The lies, deflection and interference commenced from there. The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) reported on August 15, 2022 that Yamkela faced possible amputation of the affected arm. She was also forced to drop out of school because of the condition. But the SABC report appears inaccurate, based on their quote directly from Yamkela:

“On the vaccination day, we were instructed to go and bring our parents. I went out and called my mother but she refused to come and sign so that I could be vaccinated. After we were threatened that those who had not vaccinated would not get the school, I then vaccinated. After vaccination I developed a small lump in February last year and in December it became worse. I had to quit schooling.”

This quote implies that Yamkela received the injections in February 2021 or prior. None of the major “vaccines” (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, J&J, Covishield, Sinovac/CoronaVac, etc.) were authorized for kids Yamkela’s age at the time.

RELATED: Mark Ruston: British man temporarily banned from Facebook after sharing gruesome photo of post-AstraZeneca, baseball-sized blood clot in his arm (January 28, 2022)

Further, Ms. Nomandondo wrote that Yamkela received the injections in November 2021. Thus, either SABC has allowed an egregious typo to remain on its site for six months, or it is deliberate interference. The South African, a daily newspaper owned by U.K.-based Blue Sky Publications, echoed this interference. Both publications, however, tried sounding as if they were reporting out of concern for Yamkela.

Ms. Vivi Mandulo, of Cape Town, posted an update via Facebook on February 12. It shows how Yamkela’s condition has worsened by the day, while she receives no help from anyone.



It appears Yamkela’s mother was/is against the injections. But Yamkela did it because she wanted to go to school. Kids across the globe are now forced to choose between social isolation and obeying their parents, or receiving the lethal injections and hoping for the best. We’ll try and follow up on this story in due course.

Meanwhile Western mainstream media are tightening up rules and regulations as to reporting on obvious post-injection deaths. The suicide “because of the pandemic” narrative is increasing, while a lot more of said stories are blatantly declaring that they will not disclose causes of death at all. It’s all part of normalizing kids and 30-somethings dropping dead, all part of convincing the masses that this has been happening since before the injections.

The following [likely] post-injection deaths across the globe highlight all the latest mainstream media propaganda/interference tactics, and how they will handle otherwise healthy people dropping dead or dying in their sleep in 2023.

Three teachers at one North Carolina school die in four months

The Thomasville City Schools district in North Carolina is blaming #ABV for three teachers dying since November. The district said in a statement that the three Thomasville Primary School teachers “each…had different and unique health concerns that contributed to their passing.” There is no vaccine mandate for teachers in the district. But…you know.

Ms. Andrea White-Hunter (pictured above) was a second grade teacher. She was engaged to be married. Details are scant. But Ms. White-Hunter, 38, died on November 14. It was apparently quite sudden, since she had been interacting with family members as normal on social media that day.

Ms. Eva Mae Shetley (pictured below) was a 65-year-old kindergarten teacher.

She died on January 13. A family member wrote via Facebook that Ms. Shetley “died very suddenly.”

The third teacher, Mr. Terry Thomas Register (pictured below), was definitely a vaccine casualty.

The 49-year-old was “married” to another man, had two adopted boys, and Ukraine flags on his social media pages. Mr. Thomas died in his sleep on February 11. He was at least triple-vaxxed.

Jansen Panettiere: 28-year-old actor and artist dies without explanation

Mr. Jansen Rayne Panettiere was an actor and artist. He is best known for his roles in the 2009 Christian-based film “The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry” and the 2009 drama “The Perfect Game.” Mr. Panettiere was the brother of actress Hayden Panettiere.

He died without explanation in New York on February 19. There’s no definitive evidence that he received the injections. But his last movie role was in the 2022 film “Love and Love Not.” The film was produced by Wandering Winds Productions in Los Angeles. It was almost impossible to work in Hollywood without the injections in 2021 and most of 2022.

There are reports that Mr. Panettiere died from “an enlarged heart,” which is the mainstream media propaganda term for post-injection myocarditis/pericarditis.

John Thompson: 74-year-old British man collapses and dies at dinner table while on vacation

Mr. John Thompson resided in Bradford, West Yorkshire with his wife of 35 years. The couple was on vacation in Honolulu on February 6 when Mr. Thompson suddenly collapsed while eating dinner. He was rushed to a local hospital, but pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

All foreign travelers to the United States, except for illegal immigrants, must show proof of vaccination for entry into the country. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds to repatriate Mr. Thompson’s remains to the U.K.

Ryan Keeler: 20-year-old Las Vegas football player dies without explanation

Mr. Ryan Keeler was originally from Chicago. He enrolled at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and played for the football team in 2021. He transferred to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and played football for them during the 2022-23 season. Mr. Keeler was a business major, and had a 3.8 GPA.

Few details are available. But Mr. Keeler was found dead by one of his teammates at his residence on February 20. Rutgers has had a vaccine mandate in place since March 2021. UNLV ended its vaccine mandate in December 2021.

Jian Kayo: 21-year-old Brazil soccer player found dead at his home

Mr. Jian Kayo was from the state of Paraná in Brazil. He played soccer for Ituano F.C., in the second tier of Brazil professional soccer.

Mr. Kayo was found dead in his home on February 18.

The Brazilian Football Confederation, the country’s governing body for soccer, instituted a vaccine mandate for all players in January 2022.

Tom Tierney: 46-year-old Irish rugby coach, former player dies suddenly without explanation

Mr. Tom Tierney was originally from Limerick in the Republic of Ireland. He played rugby for six different Irish clubs during his career. He’d been employed by the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) since 2014 in several different coaching roles, according to The Irish Times.

Mr. Tierney “died suddenly” on February 24.

The IRFU reported in October 2021 that 99.2% of its players and coaches had received the injections.

John-Tyler Dawes: 27-year-old Pennsylvania former teacher dies “suddenly and unexpectedly”

Mr. John-Tyler Dawes was originally from Neptune, New Jersey. He was a science teacher at Lamberton Middle School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania for a short time after graduating from college. Mr. Dawes had worked at a lumber company since August 2020, according to an online obituary.

He “passed away suddenly” and “unexpectedly” on February 12.

Megan Stoesser: 17-year-old Illinois girl dies in her sleep

Megan Marcella Stoesser was a senior at Buffalo Grove High School in suburban Chicago. She was a member of the school’s bowling team. Few details are available. But Megan “unexpectedly died in her sleep at her home” on February 18according to the Lake and McHenry County Scanner.

Daniel Lamothe: 38-year-old California volunteer firefighter, musician collapses and dies during training exercises

Mr. Daniel Lamothe was a member of the Santa Cruz, California-based band Stellar Corpses. They had a total of 30,000 followers between Facebook and Instagram. Mr. Lamothe was also a recent recruit for the Santa Cruz County volunteer fire department.

He was participating in a training session on February 19. Mr. Lamothe became “medically distressed” and collapsed during drills. He was pronounced dead after medical personnel were unable to revive him.

Mr. Lamothe was the first death of a volunteer fire trainee in Santa Cruz County history, according to reports.

Del Caraballo: 48-year-old New York cop dies in car #vaxxident

Mr. Del Caraballo was a detective with the Yonkers (New York) Police Department. He was driving a non-departmental vehicle in Manhattan on February 19 when he suffered a “fatal medical event.” That means sudden cardiac arrest at the wheel. Mr. Caraballo sideswiped another car before his vehicle came to a stop.

Medical personnel rushed him to nearby Lenox Hill Hospital. But Mr. Caraballo was pronounced dead on arrival.

At least six India cricket players, one soccer player die during or right after matches in 20-day span

Mr. Prashant Kantibhai Bharoliya (pictured above) was a 27-year-old from Surat, Gujarat. He studied engineering at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, according to one of his Facebook pages. We verified that said Facebook page is the same person by cross-referencing some of the other Lakehead graduate students who participated in a seminar with Mr. Bharoliya in 2019. reported that Mr. Bharoliya suffered a heart attack and died shortly after a cricket match in Surat on February 18.

Mr. Jignesh Chauhan (pictured above) was a 31-year-old cricketer. He was playing in a match at Madhavrai Scindia Cricket Ground in Rajkot, Gujarat on February 19. Mr. Chauhan reportedly collapsed on the sidelines, and died a short time later at Rajkot Civil Hospital.

Mr. Lalith Kumar (pictured above) was a 38-year-old cricketer and resident of Mandi Mohalla, Karnataka. He was bowling for the Ghanchi Samaj cricket team during a match at Chennai, Tamil Nadu on February 17 when he suddenly collapsed. Mr. Kumar was pronounced dead a short time later.

Mr. Vasant Rathod (pictured above) resided in Vastrapur. He was playing cricket (bowling) in the Bhadaj area of Ahmedabad, Gujarat on February 25 when he suddenly collapsed. He was first treated at a dental college, then rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Mr. Kishan Patel was a 27-year-old cricketer from Shekhpur village in Surat, Gujarat. He collapsed and died while playing cricket in Selut village on February 5.

The Ahmedabad Mirror also reported the deaths of Mr. Vivek Kumar and Mr. Bharat Baraiya. The previous was a student at Marwadi College in Rajkot. He collapsed and died while playing soccer on or around February 7. Mr. Baraiya collapsed and died while playing cricket on or around February 15.

Further, a 19-year-old man identified only as Mutyam from Maharashtra, according to The News Minute, collapsed and died while dancing at a wedding reception in Pardi village in the Nirmal district of Telangana on February 25. He was pronounced dead at a hospital shortly thereafter. Video of the incident is below.

For whatever reason, India, by far, is the origin of most videos we’ve seen since 2022 of people spontaneously collapsing and dying. It happens everywhere, every hour. But the India video incidents are constantly disseminated, while few of said videos originate from the U.S. or China. Said countries operate at least 15 CCTV cameras per 100 people, but we rarely see videos of people collapsing and dying.

Perhaps the Bharat Biotech BBV152 Covaxin and AstraZeneca knockoff Covishield injections, which the vast majority of Indians received, clot up human hearts faster and more completely than Pfizer, Moderna, et al. But the more likely explanation for all the spontaneous death videos from India is that the people want the world to know.

India officially overtook China as the world’s most populated country in 2023. Granted we’ll never know what’s really happening in China because the government censors everything. But India may not last long on that top perch based on what we’re seeing lately with the spontaneous deaths.

Patrick Sullivan: 21-year-old North Carolina State University student is ninth death at the school since September; mainstream media hoping “suicide” narrative distracts from the injections

This story is prefaced with two points of order.

First, North Carolina State University (“N.C. State”) has had a vaccine coercion policy in place since the summer of 2021. The university has “strongly encouraged” mRNA injections and boosters. The N.C. State Faculty Senate passed a resolution in September 2021 demanding a vaccine mandate for all students and faculty. Student groups have also demanded vaccine mandates, according to N.C. Policy Watch.

Next, let’s talk about suicide, particularly among college students. Research shows that about four U.S. college athletes commit suicide annually…that is until 2022. We documented at least three alleged suicides among college athletes in the first four months of 2022 alone. The foregoing linked article also contains case studies concluding that the mRNA injections cause personality changes and suicidal thoughts in some recipients.

RELATED: Katie Meyer: precedent indicates Stanford soccer player wrongful death lawsuit will fail; post-injection suicide, vaccine mandate arguments would have fared better(November 28, 2022)

The story of Nate Bronstein shows how far this world has sank into the abyss. The 15-year-old vaccinated Chicago kid committed suicide because of rumors that he was non-vaccinated, which led to bullying and harassment. We also know that vaxxed people are committing suicide due to untreatable adverse reactions. Now back to N.C. State.

RELATED: U.S. military personnel continue dying suddenly and unexpectedly as mainstream media deflect most attention to suicide (May 3, 2022)

Mr. Patrick Thomas Sullivan was a junior engineering major at the university. He was originally from Asheville, North Carolina.

Few details are available. But Mr. Sullivan was found dead at an off-campus home on February 22. The News & Observer reported that his death was “accidental,” leading to suicide speculations online. Coincidentally or otherwise, we just wrote two weeks ago about how eight N.C. State students had died since September. The total is now nine students with Mr. Sullivan.

Some students told ABC 11 that the situation is “tense” on campus. Others said they’ve become desensitized to news of more student deaths. A bought-and-paid-for psychologist was quoted in said article, blaming #ABV for the deaths.

Ella Page: 21-year-old Missouri college track athlete dies “unexpectedly”

Ms. Ella Page was originally from Byron, Minnesota. She was a senior business administration major at Cottey College, a private all-women’s school in the small town of Nevada, Missouri. Ms. Page was also on the school’s cross country and track teams. Cottey College posted via Instagram on October 22 that Ms.Page had just completed an internship with Hormel Foods in Wisconsin, and was set to graduate in May 2023.

The school announced via press release that Ms. Page passed away at her off-campus residence on February 22. KTTC News in Rochester, Minnesota reported that she died “suddenly and unexpectedly.” Cottey College has a vaccine coercion policy that “encourages everyone to carefully consider receiving a vaccine.” The school hosted multiple vaccine clinics in both the Fall 2021 and Fall 2022 semesters. Hormel Foods implied that it enforces a vaccine mandate in its 2022 Annual Report to shareholders.

Dylan Chaput: 13-year-old Canada boy dies very suddenly on family vacation in Mexico

Dylan Chaput resided in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia with his mother, father and brother. They moved from Ontario to Nova Scotia sometime in 2021, according to an online obituary.

The family was vacationing in Mexico on the evening of February 14. Dylan was playing in the ocean with his brother when he complained of having a headache. He suffered complete organ failure and died “hours” later, according to the Toronto Sun. His official date of death was February 15.

Mrs. Kelly Chaput, Dylan’s mother, told the newspaper that Dylan had emergency brain surgery in June 2022 due to hydrocephalus, a neurological disorder that causes cerebrospinal fluid to build up in the brain. An MRI in October found no further issues in Dylan. “There was no indication anything was wrong,” Mrs. Chaput told the Sun. “It happened so fast. He was a fine, healthy boy.”

We know for certain that Mrs. Chaput received the injections, likely AstraZeneca.

It’s unclear exactly when the family moved from Ontario to Nova Scotia. But Ontario required proof of vaccination for all school children over age 12 beginning in November 2021. Dylan turned 12 in January 2022. Nova Scotia implemented a vaccine mandate for kids ages 12 and up in October 2021. Dylan would have had until April 10, 2022 to receive the injections if he wished to participate in any extracurricular school activities. His obituary says he “excelled in basketball.”

Dylan’s death sounds very similar to 18-year-old Blake Thueson, who died suddenly of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, aka organ failure, on November 19. Ms. Jolene Kolenosky, Mr. Michael Granata and Ms. Rosette Kyarikunda are just a select few others on this blog who also died very quickly and suddenly from organ failure. But all of their diagnoses used some sort of fancy medical terminology to described the conditions.

Ms. Kyarikunda, from Uganda, and who received the AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections, is the closest death to Dylan’s. She died of multi-organ failure and “cerebral edema,” or brain swelling caused by fluid buildup. It’s essentially the same condition Dylan endured, except with a different name.

GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Dylan’s memory.

Julia Chavez: 13-year-old Georgia dies suddenly after sudden internal bleeding from all organs

Post-injection, hyper-aggressive cancers are real, and will kill tens of millions of people across the globe in 2023. But if we’re to believe mainstream media and the bought-and-paid-for medical industrial complex, then this instant case would be the fastest cancer death in recorded history.

Julia “Juju” Christine Rosalie Chavez was a seventh-grader at Harlem Middle School in the Augusta metropolitan area. She was into the arts, particularly singing and dancing – while also being called a “tomboy” by her parents. Julia complained of a headache and earache on Saturday, February 11. Urgent care doctors dismissed it as “an infection” and dispensed antibiotics.

Julia woke up the next morning, but collapsed in front of her mother. Doctors discovered uncontrollable internal bleeding. Julie died less than 12 hours after being admitted to the hospital. Her father, Mr. Dennis Chavez, said Julia was bleeding from pretty much every internal organ. Doctors diagnosed her with leukemia.

There are many types of leukemia. But the only one that could possibly kill someone that fast is acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It is essentially aggressive bone marrow cancer. AML, like all acute leukemia types, is rare, accounting for only 1% of all cancer diagnoses. The average age at diagnosis is 68, according to Yale Medicine. AML is also more likely to affect men. The average patient dies within 4-6 months, according to a 2016 Washington University (Missouri) study.

AML is very rare in children. Further, both and the American Cancer Societyplace the 5-year survival rate for kids (patients younger than 20) with AML between 65% and 80%.

Granted these post-injection, hyper-aggressive cancers are new to everyone, and can definitely kill fast. But the most common causes of sudden, severe internal bleeding from several organs, other than traumatic injuries and botched surgeries, are embolisms (traveling blood clots) and ruptured aneurysms.

Julia’s death sounds very similar to former University of South Carolina quarterback Phil Petty. He died last July after extensive, unexplained internal bleeding. Mainstream media used the term “brief illness” to describe his death. But they appear to have abandoned that term last fall due to it obviously being tied to vaccine deaths. Likewise, they stopped using the propaganda term “breakthrough COVID cases” by the end of 2021, once it became obvious that nearly all “COVID” cases are breakthrough cases (or PCR false positives).

The lethal injections are affectionately called “clot shots” by critical thinkers. Draw your own conclusions with Julia.

Allison Hess: 16-year-old Kansas girl dies without explanation

Allison Hope Hess was a sophomore at Emporia High School in Kansas. Zero details are available. But Allison “died unexpectedly” on February 26. Local radio station KVOE flat-out stated that the circumstances surrounding her death “will not be divulged.” Said station, in another article, implied that the cause of death was suicide.

What we know for certain is that Allison’s mother, Mrs. Kari Hess, is a nursing professor at Emporia State University. She’s also a die-hard vaxx zealot. She promoted the lethal injections throughout much of 2021.

Mrs. Hess also retweeted a memorial for a guy who died of so-called COVID-19 despite being “fully vaccinated,” wearing masks and face shields – as if to tell people “get the injections anyway, even if they are worthless.”

Emporia State University paid every student $250 to receive the injections in 2021. Draw your own conclusions.

Michael Palmer: 23-year-old British soccer player collapses and dies during a match

Mr. Michael Palmer played soccer for the Lincolnshire-based Crowland Town Football Club. He was playing in a match against Leverington Sports FC on February 25 when he suddenly collapsed on the pitch. Medical personnel tried reviving him. But Mr. Palmer was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Ricky Hill: 49-year-old Michigan firefighter collapses and dies on scene of a fire

Mr. Ricky Albert Hill, Jr. was a firefighter in Flint, Michigan. He was battling a blaze at a mobile home on February 25 when he suddenly collapsed. Mr. Hill was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead on arrival. The cause of death was a heart attack. But if this story gains any traction, we fully expect mainstream media to blame smoke inhalation.

Matt Pobereyko: 31-year-old minor league baseball pitcher collapses and dies in his apartment

Mr. Matt Pobereyko was originally from Hammond, Indiana. He’d played minor league baseball since 2016. The apex of his career was reaching the Triple-A squad for the New York Mets in 2018. Mr. Pobereyko had played in Mexican and independent leagues since that time.

He was found dead by his girlfriend on the kitchen floor of his suburban Chicago (Warrenville) apartment on February 24. Mr. Daniel Pobereyko, Matt’s brother, told NBC News that Matt “just dropped.” His most recent team, Saraperos de Saltillo, tweeted that Mr. Pobereyko died from a sudden heart attack.

But remember, none of this is really happening – it’s all in your head

The state of humanity, particularly in the U.S., has reached the point of no return to any semblance of semi-normalcy.

The Kansas State Senate passed SB180 on February 23 by a 26-10 vote. The bill would not only ban men (“transgenders”) from participating in women’s sports, but would define a woman and female as “an individual whose biological reproductive system isdeveloped to produce ova.” Male and man are defined as “individual(s) whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova.” Kansas is the second state after Oklahoma to introduce such a bill

There is currently no companion bill in the Kansas House (as far as we can tell). Democrat Governor Laura Kelly has already said she will veto the bill if it reaches her desk. But Kansas may have a veto-proof majority in the state House. The fact that Kansas even needs a law like this just shows how deeply damaged humanity has become since the turn of the millennium. A recently-confirmed U.S. Supreme Court justice refused to provide a definition of the word “woman” in her confirmation hearings. And she was stillconfirmed. That’s 2023 humanity in a nutshell.

RELATED: Black acquiescence, White denial, and how the fallacious concepts of “United States,” “citizenship” and race facilitated The Great Reset and global vaccine genocide (January 11, 2023)

William Thomas is that University of Pennsylvania swimmer who changed his name to “Lia” and started wearing female swimsuits to compete against women in 2022. That’s all it takes to “transition.” We won’t be recapping how Thomas was ranked 554th among male swimmers, then grew his hair longer and said he was a woman so he could win against females in the following season.

Not only does Thomas reportedly still date women as he always has his entire life, but he also reportedly exposed himself to other female swimmers while watching them dress in the locker room. This is the accepted mockery of reality that humanity has devolved into since 2001.

This blogger, in the above-linked “Black acquiescence” article, posited for the umpteenth time that the primary goal of TPTB (after depopulation) is forcing all humans to question their own sanity. Tribalism is the only way the weak-minded, hive-minded masses can cope in The Great Reset, in these times of universally-accepted deception, trickery and mass manipulation.

The two U.S. tribes (alt-right MAGA vs. liberal LGBTV) are more extreme today than at any point in history. They are literally told anything by their idols and masters, and believe it so they feel comfortable in their own skin. Right wingers still worship TrumpBen Shapiro, Charlie Kirk (who refuses to say one way or the other if he’s received the injections) and all the vaxxed Fox News people lying about their vaxx statuses, while claiming to be against the injections.

Kris Jordan (pictured above) was a Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives. He was best known for two things – allegedly beating his ex-wife and being an “anti-vaxxer.” But Mr. Jordan “died unexpectedly” of “natural causes” at age 46 on February 25. His obituary says he died from a “diabetic reaction.”

Mr. Jordan did in fact have type-1 (autoimmune) diabetes, thus this explanation is certainly plausible. Note that 95% of U.S. diabetes cases are type-2 (obese, unhealthy lifestyle diabetes). Insulin shock is a possible “diabetic reaction” that could kill you fast. Diabetics are also twice as likely to die from sudden cardiac arrest than the rest of the population. But this is 2023; and Mr. Jordan’s death sounds all too familiar. Skepticism is healthy.

Far more self-identified Republicans/MAGA are vaxxed than the polls say. They did it because Trump promoted it. But now many of them lie about their vaxx statuses just like their idols do, who need to lie to maintain brand profitability and tribal divide. Meanwhile liberals attack us with slurs like “homophobic” and “conspiracy theorists” when we point out that they and Trump have a lot in common. They are all vaxx zealots. But that indisputable fact destroys the “MAGA is anti-vaxxers” fallacy, so they just continue lying to themselves as a coping mechanism.

There will be only 500 million humans left on Earth in the year 2030. The breakdown will be about 5,000 members of TPTB, 490 million remote-controlled slaves connected to the transhumanist matrix, and about 10 million legacy humans (if you will) living in hiding. The latter group will either revert back to human basics (hunting/gathering, farming, large families, community, etc.) or perish in the populated cities.

None of us know what the next day will bring in The Great Reset. Vaxxed people have myocarditis, blood clots and sudden death to look forward to in the coming 2-3 years. The non-vaccinated who wish to survive beyond 2030 need not to be planning for their futures. They need to be executing those plans now before it’s too late.

Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Oregon all have very cheap, remote land. The weather sucks in all of said locales. But now is the time to get your piece of cheap, remote dirt for evacuation purposes, even if you must set up a tent there in the coming years. The longer you wait, the lower your chances for long-term survival become. There is no more time for “I’m going to do this” and “I’m going to do that.” Do it now.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

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