Tuesday 25 April 2023


Steiner & the Blood Demons

Jason Heppenstall, New Dawn
Waking Times

Is the human race under spiritual attack? And did the esoteric philosopher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner warn about it over a century ago when he said a ‘vaccine’ would be the delivery system for the defeat of humanity?

For many, the overly-authoritarian response by governments worldwide to COVID-19 pointed to some deeper, more sinister driving force. But it hasn’t just been the governments that seemed to be acting strange. Over the last two years, we’ve witnessed people across a broad spectrum of society meekly submit to draconian attacks on their freedoms, many even fiercely defending the assault. In the same way, we’ve seen politicians and parties who once ran on platforms of personal freedom and economic autonomy almost overnight turn into overbearing control freaks, intent on micromanaging every aspect of our lives. How has this happened?

Recently, the term ‘mass formation psychosis’ has been on everybody’s lips. It’s defined as a psychological phenomenon whereby a mass of people voluntarily go through a process of deindividuation, and a herd mentality forms. Due to their contagious nature, the thoughtforms affecting these deindividuated people, catalysed by the positive feedback loops of news programmes, social media and peer interaction, spread like wildfire throughout the population. In the past, this used to be called mob psychology, or more plainly, the madness of crowds.

Psychology: from Science to the Occult

Someone for whom the events of the past couple of years would not have been so surprising was the Austrian esoteric philosopher and mystic Rudolf Steiner, who died almost a century ago. Throughout his life, Steiner wrote numerous books and delivered thousands of lectures on his theories, contributing greatly to diverse spheres from architecture to education and agriculture to beekeeping. His highly unique – and sometimes controversial – insights and methods led to the founding of the spiritual movement known as Anthroposophy, which emphasises the existence of a boundless potential for human beings.

Unlike some esoteric thinkers, Steiner saw the great importance of materialistic science but argued that it was vital to see it as only a single aspect of reality which should ideally be combined with what he called ‘spiritual science’ – gained by mystical experience – in order to present the full picture. After all, breakthroughs often occur when scientists receive insights from beyond the material realm, as in the famous case of James Watson, credited with the discovery of the double helix shape of DNA which came to him in a dream featuring two intertwined serpents. Similarly, Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table after a dream of “… a table where all the elements fell into place as required.” These cases go to show that not all scientific discoveries are the result of logical deduction and experimentation.

In fact, Steiner, who had been on the receiving end of mystical insights since childhood, honed his clairvoyant skills to such an extent that the information he received from non-conventional sources became more than the occasional flash of insight. His quest became the establishment of methods for obtaining objective extrasensory perception – a task he considered of paramount importance, for he believed an epic battle was being fought in the spiritual realm that would have disastrous consequences for humankind unless it was addressed head-on.

Spirits of Darkness

His clearest warnings about the future fate of humanity came in a series of lectures delivered towards the end of his life in Dornach, Switzerland; these lectures are reproduced in the book The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. Although Steiner’s detractors say his prose can be leaden, his lectures meandering, and his concepts difficult to grasp, he is remarkably clear and straightforward when it comes to the fate that awaits humanity if our obsession with scientific materialism is allowed to reign free without being pulled back into balance by the counterbalancing forces of spirituality.

This is most clearly illustrated in the final two lectures in the series – 13 and 14 – which are respectively titled The Fallen Spirits’ Influence in the World and Into the Future. Steiner posits that an unseen battle took place in the early 19th century which certain ‘spirits of darkness’ lost. These spirits were duly ejected from their heavenly realms and cast down into a more material plane of existence, i.e. here. He is remarkably precise about when this occurred: autumn 1879.

These newly arrived spirits joined those who were already here – the ones that have been existing alongside and influencing humanity since the mythological times associated with the Fall. Given that it takes time for these malign spirits to work their way through human societies, it wasn’t until 1914 that their malign influence manifested in human society in the form of the First World War – a disastrous event the cause of which still puzzles secular historians.

Lucifer and Ahriman – the Leaders of the Pack

The spirits Ahriman and Lucifer have been hacking humanity for thousands of years, says Steiner, with Lucifer being the ‘light bringer’ intent on making us more spiritual and granting us more free will, and Ahriman doing the opposite and making us more materialistic and easier to control. In simplistic terms, Lucifer is an ascending influence, while Ahriman is a descending one.

Steiner’s carving of the face of Ahriman

Why should they want to do this? Well, we just don’t know – it’s difficult for our human minds to figure out what makes angels and demons tick. But whenever there’s one of those periodic battles in the spirit world, Steiner said, it tends to result in a new batch of reinforcements being thrown down into the material realm to join forces with those already here.

Steiner told us that Ahriman – a demon first identified by the Zoroastrians in ancient Persia – has the upper hand right now. He had a personal beef with Ahriman and had seen his face in vision – in fact, he was still carving a likeness of it out of wood at the time of his death. Ahriman’s main aim seems to be to drag humankind into a purely materialistic state devoid of any form of spirituality, removing even the impulse to connect with our souls. The method of attack would be through science and technology, and by taking possession of the minds of powerful and influential people in order to push through this agenda. These controlled people could be scientists, politicians, religious leaders, or anyone with any influence. Thus, demonic forces would work through these people, and the people themselves, blinded by all-too-human failings such as greed or a lust for power, would lack the basic awareness to recognise what was occurring.

A New Religion for a New Age

The background to this power grab was the rise of atheism and the worship of science and progress. Now, we have a situation in which a purely materialist perspective is presented as the only explanation for all creation. Atheism has become a de facto religion for some, while the rich traditions of native spirituality have been side-lined and crushed under its heel. People, animals and all life is regarded in the same cold manner; merely receptacles of proteins and genetic code that can be exploited. The endgame of this play is presented as a bleak, monochrome world expunged of spirit and light, where humans – their minds and spirits broken – are herded together and monitored like lab animals.

We can see how this scenario is being expedited. The CEOs of tech corporations are viewed almost as saints or Bodhisattvas, dangling the carrot of eternal life in the form of uploading the ‘data’ contained within our brains onto microchips. At the same time, politicians, corporate scientists, civil servants and economists are regarded as technocratic engineers tasked with ensuring the smooth functioning of the juggernaut of the material economy. Free will? The implicit assumption is that this will be unnecessary once the AI-powered algorithms – which know us better than we do – reach escape velocity. At this stage, human life would have no intrinsic value, and the shells of our former selves would be occupied by the demonic army that Steiner warned us was waiting for its moment.

  • In the Blood

    Some people say that Rudolf Steiner predicted a vaccine would appear which would be the delivery system for the final defeat of humankind. In light of the clandestine efforts made over the last two years to inject almost everybody on the planet with a gene-editing treatment, his prescience seems remarkable – but how true is it?

    Amazingly, Steiner was remarkably clear (by his own standards) about the physical process by which this takeover would occur. In his final lecture in The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, he states that the spiritual world where entities such as angels, demons, and archangels dwell is within the human blood. He meant this quite literally, saying:

    “Both the Archangels and the Angels had their dwelling place in the blood, as it were. Truly, the blood is not something merely for chemists to analyse; it is also the dwelling place of entities from higher worlds.”

    To that end, he speculated that the delivery mechanism would be in the form of a vaccine injected directly into our bodies.

    “Today [in 1917] bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of the materialists.”

    This ‘vaccine’, he goes on to say, would block off any communication from the spirit world, meaning no messages or impulses would be able to get through from the ‘spirits of light’ whose aim is always to help humanity progress and fulfil our destiny. The vaccine would permanently lock out positive impulses which were once transmitted to us, and instead the hapless victims would only be able to receive the impulses coming to them from disruptive sources, which we can imagine today might include the media, the education system and even established religion. He says there would be great confusion, and Ahrimanic forces will turn people’s thoughts upside down and inside out. Everything that once was good and sensible will appear evil and crazy, while everything that was once considered insane and evil will be presented as sensible and good.

    Squid Games: From Wetiko to The Matrix

    Does this sound implausible, the ramblings of a long-dead mystic? Many will no doubt say that it does and that there are more earthly and plausible explanations for the psychic epidemic that has gripped the world. Perhaps Steiner was speaking metaphorically, after all, some may reason. Nevertheless, the phenomenon to which Steiner alluded bears striking similarities to the Native American concept of wetiko. The author Paul Levy has written extensively about this, defining it as “a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions.”

    Listening to a recent Legalise Freedom podcast entitled ‘COVID-19: War on Humanity’, Emma Farrell, a plant healer who uses shamanic techniques to access inner realms, observed that she and others in the same field had seen a veritable horde of spiritual parasitic entities attached to people over the last two years – as if a floodgate had been opened and they had poured through it. These entities, she says, come in all shapes and sizes, but there are two very common and recognisable ones, one of which is squid-like. These squid-like beings, she says, attach themselves to unprotected people and harvest their spiritual energy by causing division and discord among us.

    ABOVE:  Promotional graphic depicts the squid-like robot which appears in the 2003 film The Matrix Revolutions.   TOP:  Netflix’s hit series of 2021, Squid Game, is a grim and violent survival thriller that posits human nature as intrinsically barbaric.

    This struck me as interesting as we’ve seen this squid archetype move into human consciousness over the past few years, not least becoming apparent through popular culture. Many people have reported having dreams of octopus or squid-like creatures, and artists such as Peter Yankowski have painted pictures of these visions. Indeed, the villainous machines that control humans and harvest their energies in the Matrix movies look like robotic squids, while one of the top Netflix series of 2021 was Squid Game, a grim and violent survival thriller that posits human nature as intrinsically barbaric. What’s more, the resurgence in popularity of H.P. Lovecraft’s supernatural tales of horrors from the deep adds another tentacled layer to this rugose cake.

    And let’s not forget when Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s largest investment banks, was memorably described by Rolling Stonejournalist Matt Taibbi as a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” The description is apt; after all, what is the purpose of an investment bank other than to turn every aspect of the sacred world into a monetised asset that can be traded, exploited and leveraged?

    The Path Back to Sanity

    Could this manifestation of a squid/octopus archetype into human consciousness be what Steiner warned us about? Are there really spiritual entities within our blood that could account for billionaire technocrats’ obsession with injecting substances into us that are said to contain nanoparticles we know very little about? And how does this sit with the psychospiritual disease of wetiko outlined by Paul Levy and the concept of ‘mass formation psychosis’ being discussed in alternative media?

    Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the nexus of these concepts, with the implicit suggestion that we should not rest in our deep enquiry into the manner of the affliction that is currently so prevalent across the world. Only by doing so can we hope to find the necessary tools and weapons for fighting back against it.

    Or maybe the Ahrimanic demons that Steiner warned us about, the wetiko mind parasites Paul Levy writes of, and the tentacled entities that have squirmed into our collective consciousness via popular culture, are all playing on the same team. If so, what does our team look like? And how do we win this game? Perhaps the fight is a necessary one at this juncture in human development, and that by defeating these ‘spirits of darkness’ we can progress to a higher level.

    Whatever the case, referring back to the old adage alluded to earlier… people, it’s said, might go mad in crowds, but the path back to sanity happens one person at a time.

    About the Author

    Jason Heppenstall is a writer and former newspaper editor living in Cornwall, southwest England. Since 2010 Jason has been writing about issues relating to the breakdown of industrial society and the potential for a resilient response to it. He blogs at www.beyondthewasteland.co.uk, and his latest book is entitled The Olive Press – News From the Land of the Misfits.

    This article was published in New Dawn 191.

    Steiner & Setan Darah

    20 April 2023

    Jason Heppenstall, Fajar Baru

    Waktu Bangun

    Apakah umat manusia berada di bawah serangan spiritual? Dan apakah filsuf esoteris dan peramal Rudolf Steiner memperingatkan tentang hal itu lebih dari seabad yang lalu ketika dia mengatakan "vaksin" akan menjadi sistem pengiriman untuk kekalahan umat manusia?

    Bagi banyak orang, respons yang terlalu otoriter oleh pemerintah di seluruh dunia terhadap COVID-19 menunjuk pada kekuatan pendorong yang lebih dalam dan lebih jahat. Tetapi bukan hanya pemerintah yang tampaknya bertindak aneh. Selama dua tahun terakhir, kami telah menyaksikan orang-orang di seluruh spektrum masyarakat yang luas dengan lemah lembut tunduk pada serangan kejam terhadap kebebasan mereka, banyak yang bahkan dengan keras membela serangan itu. Dengan cara yang sama, kita telah melihat politisi dan partai yang pernah berlari di platform kebebasan pribadi dan otonomi ekonomi hampir dalam semalam berubah menjadi orang aneh kontrol yang sombong, berniat mengelola mikro setiap aspek kehidupan kita. Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi?

    Baru-baru ini, istilah "psikosis pembentukan massa" telah ada di bibir semua orang. Ini didefinisikan sebagai fenomena psikologis di mana banyak orang secara sukarela melalui proses deindividuasi, dan mentalitas kawanan terbentuk. Karena sifat menular mereka, bentuk pemikiran yang mempengaruhi orang-orang yang tidak terbagi ini, dikatalisis oleh umpan balik positif dari program berita, media sosial dan interaksi teman sebaya, menyebar seperti api ke seluruh populasi. Dulu, ini dulu disebut psikologi massa, atau lebih jelas lagi, kegilaan orang banyak.

    Psikologi: dari Sains ke Okultisme

    Seseorang yang baginya peristiwa beberapa tahun terakhir tidak akan begitu mengejutkan adalah filsuf dan mistikus esoterik Austria Rudolf Steiner, yang meninggal hampir seabad yang lalu. Sepanjang hidupnya, Steiner menulis banyak buku dan menyampaikan ribuan ceramah tentang teorinya, berkontribusi besar pada beragam bidang mulai dari arsitektur hingga pendidikan dan pertanian hingga perlebahan lebah. Wawasan dan metodenya yang sangat unik – dan terkadang kontroversial – mengarah pada pendirian gerakan spiritual yang dikenal sebagai Antroposofi, yang menekankan keberadaan potensi tak terbatas bagi manusia.

    Tidak seperti beberapa pemikir esoteris, Steiner melihat pentingnya ilmu materialistis tetapi berpendapat bahwa sangat penting untuk melihatnya hanya sebagai satu aspek realitas yang idealnya harus dikombinasikan dengan apa yang dia sebut "ilmu spiritual" - diperoleh dengan pengalaman mistis - untuk menyajikan gambaran lengkapnya. Bagaimanapun, terobosan sering terjadi ketika para ilmuwan menerima wawasan dari luar ranah material, seperti dalam kasus terkenal James Watson, dikreditkan dengan penemuan bentuk heliks ganda DNA yang datang kepadanya dalam mimpi yang menampilkan dua ular yang saling terkait. Demikian pula, Dmitri Mendeleev menciptakan tabel periodik setelah mimpi "... tabel di mana semua elemen jatuh ke tempatnya sesuai kebutuhan." Kasus-kasus ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua penemuan ilmiah adalah hasil dari deduksi dan eksperimen logis.

    Faktanya, Steiner, yang telah menerima wawasan mistis sejak kecil, mengasah keterampilan peramalnya sedemikian rupa sehingga informasi yang dia terima dari sumber non-konvensional menjadi lebih dari sekadar kilasan wawasan sesekali. Pencariannya menjadi pembentukan metode untuk mendapatkan persepsi ekstrasensor objektif - tugas yang dia anggap sangat penting, karena dia percaya pertempuran epik sedang diperjuangkan di alam spiritual yang akan memiliki konsekuensi bencana bagi umat manusia kecuali jika itu ditangani secara langsung.

    Roh Kegelapan

    Peringatan paling jelasnya tentang nasib masa depan umat manusia datang dalam serangkaian kuliah yang disampaikan menjelang akhir hidupnya di Dornach, Swiss; kuliah ini direproduksi dalam buku The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. Meskipun para pencela Steiner mengatakan prosanya dapat dipimpin, ceramahnya berkelok-kelok, dan konsepnya sulit dipahami, dia sangat jelas dan lugas dalam hal nasib yang menanti umat manusia jika obsesi kita terhadap materialisme ilmiah dibiarkan memerintah bebas tanpa ditarik kembali ke keseimbangan oleh kekuatan spiritualitas yang mengimbangi.

    Ini paling jelas diilustrasikan dalam dua kuliah terakhir dalam seri – 13 dan 14 – yang masing-masing berjudul The Fallen Spirits’ Influence in the World and Into the Future. Steiner berpendapat bahwa pertempuran tak terlihat terjadi pada awal abad ke-19 di mana "roh kegelapan" tertentu hilang. Roh-roh ini dikeluarkan dari alam surgawi mereka dan dilemparkan ke dalam bidang keberadaan yang lebih material, yaitu di sini. Dia sangat tepat tentang kapan ini terjadi: musim gugur 1879.

    Roh-roh yang baru tiba ini bergabung dengan mereka yang sudah ada di sini – roh-roh yang telah ada di samping dan mempengaruhi umat manusia sejak zaman mitologis yang terkait dengan Kejatuhan. Mengingat bahwa butuh waktu bagi roh-roh jahat ini untuk bekerja melalui masyarakat manusia, baru pada tahun 1914 pengaruh jahat mereka terwujud dalam masyarakat manusia dalam bentuk Perang Dunia Pertama - peristiwa bencana yang penyebabnya masih membingungkan sejarawan sekuler.

    Lucifer dan Ahriman - Pemimpin Kelompok

    Roh Ahriman dan Lucifer telah meretas umat manusia selama ribuan tahun, kata Steiner, dengan Lucifer menjadi niat 'pembawa cahaya' untuk membuat kita lebih spiritual dan memberi kita lebih banyak kehendak bebas, dan Ahriman melakukan yang sebaliknya dan membuat kita lebih materialistis dan lebih mudah dikendalikan. Dalam istilah sederhana, Lucifer adalah pengaruh naik, sedangkan Ahriman adalah pengaruh turun.

    Ukiran Steiner tentang wajah Ahriman

    Mengapa mereka harus ingin melakukan ini? Yah, kita hanya tidak tahu – sulit bagi pikiran manusia kita untuk mencari tahu apa yang membuat malaikat dan iblis berdetak. Tetapi setiap kali ada salah satu pertempuran berkala di dunia roh, kata Steiner, itu cenderung menghasilkan kumpulan bala bantuan baru yang dilemparkan ke ranah material untuk bergabung dengan mereka yang sudah ada di sini.

    Steiner memberi tahu kami bahwa Ahriman – iblis yang pertama kali diidentifikasi oleh Zoroastrian di Persia kuno – berada di atas angin saat ini. Dia memiliki daging sapi pribadi dengan Ahriman dan telah melihat wajahnya dalam penglihatan – pada kenyataannya, dia masih mengukirnya dari kayu pada saat kematiannya. Tujuan utama Ahriman tampaknya adalah untuk menyeret umat manusia ke dalam keadaan materialistis murni tanpa bentuk spiritualitas apa pun, bahkan menghilangkan dorongan untuk terhubung dengan jiwa kita. Metode serangan adalah melalui sains dan teknologi, dan dengan menguasai pikiran orang-orang yang kuat dan berpengaruh untuk mendorong agenda ini. Orang-orang yang dikendalikan ini bisa menjadi ilmuwan, politisi, pemimpin agama, atau siapa pun yang memiliki pengaruh apa pun. Dengan demikian, kekuatan iblis akan bekerja melalui orang-orang ini, dan orang-orang itu sendiri, yang dibutakan oleh kegagalan yang terlalu manusiawi seperti keserakahan atau nafsu akan kekuasaan, tidak akan memiliki kesadaran dasar untuk mengenali apa yang sedang terjadi.

    Agama Baru untuk Zaman Baru

    Latar belakang perebut kekuasaan ini adalah bangkitnya ateisme dan penyembahan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemajuan. Sekarang, kita memiliki situasi di mana perspektif materialis murni disajikan sebagai satu-satunya penjelasan untuk semua ciptaan. Ateisme telah menjadi agama de facto bagi sebagian orang, sementara tradisi spiritualitas asli yang kaya telah dikesampingkan dan dihancurkan di bawah tumitnya. Manusia, hewan, dan semua kehidupan dianggap dengan cara dingin yang sama; hanya wadah protein dan kode genetik yang dapat dieksploitasi. Akhir permainan dari drama ini disajikan sebagai dunia monokrom yang suram yang diliputi roh dan cahaya, di mana manusia – pikiran dan roh mereka hancur – digiring bersama dan dipantau seperti hewan laboratorium.

    Kita bisa melihat bagaimana skenario ini dipercepat. Para CEO perusahaan teknologi dipandang hampir sebagai orang suci atau Bodhisattva, menggantung wortel kehidupan abadi dalam bentuk mengunggah 'data' yang terkandung di dalam otak kita ke microchip. Pada saat yang sama, politisi, ilmuwan korporat, pegawai negeri dan ekonom dianggap sebagai insinyur teknokratis yang bertugas memastikan kelancaran fungsi raksasa ekonomi material. Kehendak bebas? Asumsi implisitnya adalah bahwa ini tidak akan diperlukan setelah algoritma bertenaga AI – yang mengenal kita lebih baik daripada kita – mencapai kecepatan melarikan diri. Pada tahap ini, kehidupan manusia tidak akan memiliki nilai intrinsik, dan cangkang diri kita sebelumnya akan ditempati oleh pasukan iblis yang Steiner peringatkan kepada kita sedang menunggu momennya.

    Dalam Darah

    Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa Rudolf Steiner memperkirakan vaksin akan muncul yang akan menjadi sistem pengiriman untuk kekalahan terakhir umat manusia. Mengingat upaya klandestin yang dilakukan selama dua tahun terakhir untuk menyuntikkan hampir semua orang di planet ini dengan pengobatan pengeditan gen, pengetahuannya tampak luar biasa – tetapi seberapa benar itu?

    Hebatnya, Steiner sangat jelas (menurut standarnya sendiri) tentang proses fisik di mana pengambilalihan ini akan terjadi. Dalam kuliah terakhirnya di The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, dia menyatakan bahwa dunia spiritual di mana entitas seperti malaikat, setan, dan malaikat agung tinggal di dalam darah manusia. Dia bersungguh-sungguh secara harfiah, mengatakan:

    “Baik Malaikat Agung maupun Malaikat memiliki tempat tinggal mereka dalam darah, seolah-olah. Sungguh, darah bukanlah sesuatu yang hanya untuk dianalisis oleh ahli kimia; itu juga merupakan tempat tinggal entitas dari dunia yang lebih tinggi."

    Untuk itu, dia berspekulasi bahwa mekanisme pengiriman akan berupa vaksin yang disuntikkan langsung ke tubuh kita.

    "Hari ini [pada tahun 1917] tubuh divaksinasi terhadap satu hal dan lainnya; di masa depan, anak-anak akan divaksinasi dengan zat yang pasti akan mungkin untuk diproduksi, dan ini akan membuat mereka kebal sehingga mereka tidak mengembangkan kecenderungan bodoh yang terhubung dengan kehidupan spiritual - 'bodoh' di sini, tentu saja, di mata para materialis."

    'Vaksin' ini, lanjutnya, akan menghalangi komunikasi apa pun dari dunia roh, yang berarti tidak ada pesan atau impuls yang dapat melewati 'roh cahaya' yang tujuannya selalu untuk membantu umat manusia…

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