Tuesday 25 April 2023


FAKE ALERT: Woman creating ruckus inside US mosque is Muslim and not Hindu

FAKE ALERT: Woman creating ruckus inside US mosque is Muslim and not Hindu
Video of a white saree-clad woman appearing to disrupt Eid prayers is being shared with the claim that a Hindu woman created ruckus at a mosque in Virginia, USA, while Muslimsgathered there to pray.

Those sharing the video further claimed that the woman raised ‘Islamophobic’ slurs inside the mosque and that she was an Indian, whose mind was poisoned by ModiBJP and RSS.

The video shows security personnel eventually bringing her down from the pulpit forcefully and dragging her out of the mosque amidst thunderous applause from Muslim men.

On Twitter and Facebook, the video is being shared by many with a text that reads, “A Hindu woman in Virginia, USA entered a mosque during Eid prayer, got on the mimbar, created a ruckus, and spew lslamophobic slurs. 
She was later arrested. Modi and BJP have been poisoning Indian minds beyond borders. The RSS poison has spread far and wide. It is now threatening social cohesion in western countries. Respect to the Muslims for their patience & not giving her a reaction or she would've played the victim card.”
The woman in question is not Hindu, but a “mentally-disturbed” Muslim woman.
Using relevant keywords, we found a tweet posted by Stop Hindu Hate Advocacy Network (SHHAN), which stated that, “A mentally ill lady dressed in a saree was seen at Adams Center mosque, Virginia, USA. 
She was screaming and shouting nonsense. The news, without evidence is blamed on #Hindus, #Hinduism #Hindutva, #India and #BJP.!”

A similar tweet by another handle HinduACTion mentioned, “Want to understand how deep Hinduphobia is, in Islamist circles across the US? A Bangladeshi Muslim woman goes on a protest rant at one of the largest Muslim community centers in Virginia. Despite clarification by the Adams Center, for more than 48 hours, social media accounts continue to call her as "Indian" and "Hindu woman" and spew hatred against Hindus. 
This kind of hatred is a direct outcome of constant disinformation directed at American Hindu and Indian communities from well-organized Islamist circles.”

Taking a cue from both, we looked up social media handles of All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) center and found that on April 22, 2023, it had posted a clarification on its Instagram page, where it stated that the woman was indeed from Muslim community. The center claimed that she was struggling with mental health issues.

“Dear Community, Assalamu Alaykum, and Eid Mubarak,
We want to clarify that the recent incident at the mosque on Friday, April 21st, during the ADAMS Sterling, Virginia, Eid prayer involved an individual from the Muslim community struggling with mental health issues.
ADAMS leadership and social services have met and are working with the family to provide additional resources and help. The family sincerely asks for forgiveness for the incident in the morning during Eid prayers. 
The family has requested that those who posted the video to please remove it from social media to protect the family's privacy since the video is causing additional stress to the family.
Mental health challenges can affect individuals from all walks of life, and it is important to approach such situations with empathy and understanding. We recognize that this was an isolated incident.
As a community, we are committed to promoting inclusivity, tolerance, and understanding amongst all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. 
We encourage everyone to refrain from making assumptions or generalizations based on this incident, and to remember that mental health issues are complex and require proper care and attention.
We appreciate the ongoing support of our community during this time, and we will continue to work towards creating a safe and respectful environment for all members of our mosque,” the post read.
Times Fact Check has found that the claims of a Hindu woman creating ruckus at a US mosque during Eid prayers to be false.

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