Tuesday 27 September 2022

The US-Appointed Ukrainian “Doctor Death”

The US-Appointed Ukrainian “Doctor Death”

Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard




Almost a year of the acting Minister of Health of Ukraine’s activity without a diploma, the daughter of a OUN-UPA soldier, Ulana Suprun, it seems, is close to the end. According to insider reports, after the scandals with the leading physicians of the country, the American “Doctor Death” filed a letter of resignation with the famous Vinnytsa top manager, also known as the Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman.

It’s not a fact that this resignation will be accepted now. It was not officially reported, and also since a week has passed since the moment unofficial information appeared, and nothing else has been heard.

However, the stars converge in one point: the ideological and physical successor of the overseas Ukrainian integral nationalists did more for the collapse of the Ukrainian medicine than her predecessors did during the last quarter of a century of glorious Ukrainian independence. To do more – is not possible in singular. The figure compromised herself in many layers of Ukrainian society, and it should be changed. So, the days (or weeks) of Suprun’s control of what remains of Ukrainian medicine, most likely, are numbered.

Successes in the genocide of the population

A lot was done. “Dr. Death” purposefully disrupted the state procurement of drugs for the treatment of oncological and cardiovascular diseases. As is known, these diseases are the main causes of death of Ukrainians. It is no accident that the overseas volunteer dealt the strongest blow precisely to the system of their treatment.

A huge outrage in Ukrainian society was sparked by Suprun’s idea to completely refuse treatment of cancer, focusing on prophylaxis. At the end of last year, anticancer drugs were partially admitted to clinics… but at the limit of their shelf life.

Concerning cardiovascular drugs, their purchase for 400 million hryvnias wasn’t conducted. As a reminder, this was one of the reasons for the claims of the Director of the Kiev Institute of Heart – Boris Todurov – to Suprun. This caused a huge public outcry and a scandal.

Interestingly, the ersatz-Minister of Health was defended not so much by npublic figures, but  by representatives of various humanitarian funds and financed-from-abroad public organizations. This is not surprising – Suprun herself comes from such structures and works, of course, in their interests.

What can be said about the decline in immunization coverage of children to 20% when the norm of the Ministry of Health is 95% (in 2007 – 96%), reducing the number of hospital beds, medical institutions and medical staff; about plans for the elimination of medical ambulances, simplified sending of donor organs from Ukraine abroad, foreign testing of medicines for Ukrainians, and other cannibalistic endeavors.

Non-transparent procurement of drugs and medicines

However, the basis of everything is the economy, and more specifically – money. And behind any “reform” activities in Ukraine are definitely hiding non-transparent financial mechanisms. And Suprun here is no exception.

Only in October-December 2016 the Ministry of Health, through the state “Ukreksimbank”,held the purchase of currency for acquiring medicines and medical products for 4 billion hryvnia. However, these sums didn’t pass through the website of state procurement “Prosorro”. I.e. the purchase took place without tenders – the Ministry bought “something” from “certain” foreign firms. Judging by the fact that in the end of the year anti-cancer drugs, in use to the limit of their shelf life, were used – during the course of transactions significant abuse could have occurred.

The moor has done his duty

The last straw was that the head of the medical sphere of the 40-million European country had no relevant diploma. After a series of excuses, the supporters of Suprun from a number of grant-eaters published a screenshot of an obscure document, which only complicated the situation. One thing is clear: this lady was never a doctor. Ukrainians found themselves in the position of natives who white plantation owners sent volunteer dropouts to heal.

But even the metropolis’ appointee can’t overcome the brick wall of public discontent if in the colony against her is not only a gray mass, but also part of the elite.

Suprun successfully completed her tasks by creating conditions for the further extinction of the population of Ukraine and successfully disposing of the money of the Ministry in the interests of foreign organizations. There is no sense to keep her without an owner.

The collapse of one of the life support systems of the country and the withdrawal of money – “Doctor Death” repeated a typical scheme of all, without exception, foreign “Varagians” in the Ukrainian government.

This means that very soon she will be replaced. She can go, for example, to Montmartre to drink coffee or wherever she wants, like Dekanoidse, who destroyed the Ukrainian police. But it’s not a fact that her successor will be a little bit better.

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