Friday, 30 September 2022

Covid patients FORCED to take deadly remdesivir, lawsuit alleges

Covid patients FORCED to take deadly remdesivir, lawsuit alleges

Image: Covid patients FORCED to take deadly remdesivir, lawsuit alleges

(Natural News) The law firm of Watkins & Letofsky, LLP and Cornerstone Attorney Michael Hamilton recently announced the filing of a lawsuit against several Fresno, Calif.-based medical facilities and practitioners that allegedly forced covid patients to take the pharmaceutical drug remdesivir against their will.

Clovis Community Medical Center, Saint Agnes Medical Center, and “multiple doctors,” the suit states, killed patients with the remdesivir protocol. Charges include wrongful death, constructive fraud, violation of the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, medical negligence, and battery.

The landmark case says that plaintiffs were forcefully subjected to this medical deception and given a protocol that is both poisonous and deadly. None of the plaintiffs were informed about the dangers and risks of the protocol, nor were they told that the protocol is medically unnecessary, which it is.

Most of the plaintiffs, the suit says, suffered “horrific death” due to the protocol, which the World Health Organization (WHO) advised against back on Nov. 20, 2020. Instead of following these guidelines, defendants in the case administered remdesivir to patients anyway, causing them to die.

According to the WHO, remdesivir should not be given to patients “regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.”

Even so, defendants in the case were forced to take the drug against their will – a form of medical murder deserving of justice (watchthe video below).


Covid treatments at hospitals were just “murder for the money”

Lawyers in a press release explained that doctors have a duty to review the scientific and medical literature, especially for an emerging crisis such as a plandemic. In this case, the suit alleges, doctors and hospitals failed to keep up with the science.

“Covid-19 has a 99.97% survival rate,” they further said. “Remdesivir decreases this survival rate exponentially. This protocol is cruel, deadly, unnecessary and also, as it turns out, highly financially incentivized.”

While being a landmark case, lawyers say they expect more such cases to be filed in the coming days. This one is laying the groundwork for that to happen, as many other hospitals and doctors across the country committed the same crimes.

In California where the suit originated, hospitals were awarded a huge sum of money for each covid patient admitted – just so long as these patients were given the remdesivir protocol.

Each “outpatient covid treatment” was charged $3,200 while each covid patient who stayed at a hospital for “non-complex” covid issues was charged $111,000.

“In the state of California if you bring a COVID patient into the hospital and treat them as a complex COVID patient, which means they are either intubated, or put into the ICU, the average charge rate is $450,000,” reports Children’s Health Defense.

“On top of that, the hospital receives a code from the government that allows them to charge an extra $90,000.”

By all appearances, the whole thing looks like “murder for the money,” to quote attorney Hamilton. And it happened, and is stillhappening, all over the country.

Keep in mind that it was none other than Tony Fauci who declared remdesivir to be the only antiviral experimental drug that can be used for hospitalized covid patients.

“My first thought was, if this is experimental, it is not FDA approved, which means it has not been reviewed and it has not been found effective,” said retired chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis, an outspoken expert on remdesivir.

After going back to look through the data that Fauci was apparently relying on, Ardis discovered that remdesivir has a fatality rate of over 50 percent.

More related news can be found at

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