Thursday, 29 September 2022

Midweek Mashup III: we were right about Oscars alopecia ad, get ready for “tomato flu,” woman has “long COVID” since March 2020, and 22 more sudden deaths

Midweek Mashup III: we were right about Oscars alopecia ad, get ready for “tomato flu,” woman has “long COVID” since March 2020, and 22 more sudden deaths
September 28, 2022

It’s official. This isn’t like April 26 “official” when Fauci declared that the world is “out of the pandemic phase.” He was scolded by the higher-ups, and in typical Fauci fashion, completely flip-flopped 24 hours later. But Joe Biden said in a 60 Minutes interview last week, “the pandemic is over,” followed by a few seconds of his signature rambling.

There was some pushback from Biden Administration officials. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra tweeted a virtue-signaling booster shot photo the day after Biden’s “the pandemic is over” declaration.

Becerra also tried mitigating Biden’s comments, saying “there are still people dying.” Democrats want another $22 billion appropriated to fight the so-called pandemic. Biden’s declaration is sure to come up in Congressional budget debates. His comments also may deter even the most hardcore vaxx zealots from receiving the new “bivalent” booster shots.

Brown University School of Public Health Director Jennifer Nuzzo told the New York Times that Biden’s comments were “an unfortunate soundbite.” World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus contradicted Biden two days before the 60 Minutes interview, saying “we aren’t there yet” when asked if the pandemic is over.

The truth is that the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) have milked the “COVID-19 pandemic” cow dry. They are mostly satisfied with the results, after 30 months of perpetual fearmongering, propaganda and manipulation across the globe.

If you believe the CDC data (as of publishing), 84% of Americans ages 5 and up have received at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection. That same population is double-vaxxed at a 72% clip, while only one-third have received at least three shots. Just 5% of eligible Americans have received the new bivalent boosters.

RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)

TPTB understand that the non-vaccinated, except for elite-level fools, are not going to roll up their sleeves at this point. The goal of the injections is two-fold: kill as many as possible and install the transhumanism software in those who survive. The swab tests also potentially installed the software. Thus more than 90% of Americans are connected to The Great Reset grid. Mission accomplished. They’ll deal with the non-vaccinated/non-swab tested at a later date.

People will continue dying off by the tens of thousands, and into the hundreds of thousands per day, with far fewer births, as 2023 approaches. And the more data that come out (even if said data are mitigated to prevent mass panic and chaos), the more realistic The COVID Blog™ prediction of only 4.5 billion people on Earth by the end of 2024 becomes.

The European Union released new data on excess mortality last week. The entire E.U. rose to +16% in excess deaths for July, up from +7% in June. That amounts to about 53,000 additional deaths in July 2022 compared to the average July from 2016 to 2019, according to the data. The situation is even more ominous when you look at excess deaths by individual member state for July 2022.

  • 1. 🇮🇸 Iceland, +55.8%
  • 2. 🇪🇸 Spain +36.9%
  • 3. 🇱🇮 Lichtenstein +35.8%
  • 4. 🇨🇾 Cyprus +32.9%
  • 5. 🇬🇷 Greece +31.2%
  • 6. 🇵🇹 Portugal +28.8%
  • 7. 🇲🇹 Malta +26.4%
  • 8. 🇨🇭 Switzerland +25.9%
  • 9. 🇮🇹 Italy +24.9%
  • 10. 🇦🇹 Austria +17.5%

The E.U., of course, blamed climate change for the rise in excess deaths. TPTB have no choice but to continue normalizing all these deaths via mainstream and social media.

New York-Presbyterian Hospital uploaded the following video to its YouTube channel on September 6. The propaganda attempts normalizing little kids having myocarditis. The video garnered 130 likes and over 6,000 dislikes, prompting the hospital to make the video private last week.

The American Heart Association, in a 2006 study long before mRNA and viral vector DNA-induced myocarditis and pericarditis, found 20% and 56% mortality rates after one year and 4.3 years, respectively, for biopsy-verified myocarditis. Again, the vaccine genocide is only going to accelerate.

All parents posting updates like the following better hugs their kids tight every night.

Mainstream media also must normalize all the other “mysterious” deaths. A 42-year-old man was minding his own business at a Calgary bus stop on Sunday morning, September 18. He was struck and killed by a speeding Dodge Ram truck that crashed into the bus shelter.

Calgary Police said the driver was in his 70s and may have suffered “a medical incident.” But CBC News created a strange deflection narrative. Calgary Police implied that the dead man may have caused his own death because he owned a car, and thus shouldn’t have been taking a bus. There have been no further updates on the victim or the killer.

The countdown to major aviation disaster continues as well – and of course mainstream media are coy about the details. A Boeing jet (we don’t know which model) was forced to land after the pilot died mid-flight on September 18. The flight from Novokuznetsk to St. Petersburg (Russia) was redirected to an airport in Omsk. It’s unclear how many passengers were aboard. But if there was no co-pilot to land the plane, all of them and perhaps hundreds more on the ground would be dead.

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Meanwhile things are reaching a boiling point in Russia. Thousands of people are fleeing the country after President Vladimir Putin announced he is forcing 300,000 men to join the Russian military via mandatory conscription. Protests, which are illegal in Russia without government permission, have erupted all over the country. Putin is also threatening nuclear war, warning “This is not a bluff.”

Add nuclear war to the vaccine genocide and famine as yet another depopulation method to slash the world’s population by more than 40% by the end of 2024.

The Great Reset foundation is laid – 90% of (at least Western) humanity has the transhuman software installed. If they survive beyond 2024, they are forever connected to the real-life Matrix, whether you want to call it “conspiracy theory” or otherwise. Bill Gates presented four of his loyal trustees last week, including European Commission President Ursula “mandatory injections for all” von der Leyen, with “Goalkeepers Global Goals Awards.” They have all done outstanding jobs manipulating people into receiving poisonous injections.

These next eight years will be the most interesting, scary times in human history. It is/will be more Biblical than Biblical times. Get your nonperishable foods and reloading materials ready.

Kerry-Anne Fyffe: Let the alopecia cases begin

Alopecia, aka autoimmune hair loss, is listed on the April 30, 2021 Pfizer “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest.” Pfizer knew all along that people would lose their hair and suffer the inherent, severe psychological consequences that come with hair loss. Post-injection alopecia has also been documented by researchers.

Hair loss is psychologically devastating. Hell, this blogger pays his barber a little extra in these late age-40 years to work his magic and stall the hair loss process (despite the bald shaved head looking kind of dapper). But hair loss is even more psychologically destructive to women.

The Will Smith slap heard around the world after Chris Rock’s funny G.I. Jane joke was obviously orchestrated at the Pfizer-sponsored Oscars in March. It was an advertisement for Pfizer’s new alopecia drugs that are expected to hit the market next spring.

The slow-kill Pfizer mRNA injections have been the company signature product since August 2021. This new formula has a slower onset, which is why we’re seeing far fewer deaths within hours, days and weeks of the injections. The onset of other post-injection conditions, including alopecia, is also delayed. And now these cases are coming up all over the place.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has a total of 3,385 alopecia areata cases reported as of publishing. That means in real life (always multiply VAERS cases by one hundred), at least 338,000 Americans have suffered post-injection alopecia. Ms. Kerry-Anne Fyffe, from Melbourne, Australia, provides a case study warning vaxxed women across the globe.

She received her first Moderna mRNA injection on November 11, 2021, according to Jab Injuries Australia. Ms. Fyffe did it because of media fearmongering and to see her son’s kindergarten graduation. She received the second injection on December 12, 2021. Two months later, Ms. Fyffe noticed dime-sized bald spots on her head. Those spots grew larger as the weeks passed.

She saw a dermatologist in July 2022. The doctor admitted that the alopecia was likely caused by the injections, but refused to document it.

Ms. Fyffe said there is “fuzz” regrowing on some of the bald spots after cortisone treatments. But new spots are appearing every day, she said. Just like post-injection cancers, all conditions caused by the mRNA injections are hyper-aggressive and likely untreatable. We’ll follow up in due course.

“Tomato flu” coming to a town near you?

Leave it to Rupert Murdoch’s Chief Propaganda Writer Terri-Ann Williams to turn hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) into a new, super-scary pandemic. The first cases of so-called “tomato flu” appeared in Kerala, India children around May 6, according to The Lancet. By late August, a total of 82 cases were reported across India.

Some scientists believe the condition is a variant of the rare, mosquito-transmitted virus called chikungunya. Other believe it is a variant of dengue. Mainstream media took the uncertainty and ran with it, naming this new mystery disease “tomato flu.” The aforementioned Williams earned her paycheck last month, talking about how “more deaths [are] expected” from this new monkeypox for kids.

Tomato flu appears to be a variant of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) caused by reactivation of a dormant enterovirus. The mainstream scientific community is even rejecting the tomato flu propaganda campaigns. But don’t expect the fearmongering to subside.

India health officials announced in April that booster shots would be made available to all adults ages 18 and up. The more likely source of “tomato flu,” which coincidentally first appeared after mass booster shots, is spike protein shedding from millions of freshly-vaxxed people.

Ashley Antonio: 37-year-old Canadian triple-vaxxed lawyer exposed as “long COVID” puppet, suffers blood clots in uterus during pregnancy

It all makes sense when you piece together the timeline. Ms. Ashley Antonio, who also goes by Ashley Samaha, is a corporate and government lawyer in Edmonton, according to the Law Society of Alberta.

She first created a Twitter account in late November 2020. Her first tweet on November 29, 2020 was about “anti-vaxxers.” Her third tweet was about being in the hospital a few times “during my 9 month COVID battle.”

A little over a week later, she tweeted a link to a CBC article about her being a so-called “COVID long hauler” for 257 days.

The Washington Post, coincidentally, wrote a similar article about Ms. Antonio two days later. But she “wasn’t expecting this to blow up like it has,” despite creating her Twitter account just 10 days prior to these two stories being published.

This person was obviously selected to be an original “long COVID” character in these global propaganda games. And she’s certainly lived up to the hype. Ms. Antonio has been tweeting about “long COVID” everyday since her 15-minutes of mainstream media clout. She tweeted her first injection photo on April 2, 2021.

She’s received at least two more injections since that time, including a booster shot while pregnant.

The rest of the story is predictable.

Her baby appears to be fine as of publishing. Ms. Antonio is still tweeting about “long COVID” every single day. There is plenty to follow-up on in due course.

It’s been a while since we’ve posted an update on the vaccine genocide. There are now well over 2,000 unread messages in The COVID Blog™ email inbox, reporting sudden deaths. All we can do is provide a representative sample. Thus this week, we have 22 such cases, the most ever in one article.

Abraham Romero: 17-year-old New Mexico football player collapses during game, dies three weeks later

Abraham “Abe” Romero was a 17-year-old student at Organ Mountain High School in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He was also a linebacker on the school’s varsity football team.

Abraham was playing in Organ Mountain’s game at Deming High School on August 26. He suddenly collapsed on the field. Abraham was airlifted to a hospital in El Paso, Texas, and immediately placed in a medically-induced coma. He remained in a coma for three weeks until being pronounced dead on September 16.

Most mainstream media reports say Abraham suffered from a “brain bruise” and “brain swelling.” They also appear to be blaming an injury suffered during the game. But they do not specify what this mystery injury was. The Occam’s Razor cause of death is a ruptured brain aneurysm, which is also mentioned on a GoFundMe page.

Ivan Leow: 39-year-old professional poker player dies suddenly from heart attack while playing poker

Mr. Seng Yee “Ivan” Leow was a 39-year-old professional poker player from Malaysia. He’d won over $13 million playing poker since 2015, according to the Hendon Mob database. Mr. Leow is also a co-founder of Triton Poker, which organizes high-roller poker tournaments all around the world.

Mr. Leow was at the Merit Royal Hotel Casino and Spa in Cyprus on September 17 playing in the Triton Super High Roller Series. It included 14 total poker tournaments from September 5 to September 19. Mr. Leow placed 8th in the $25,000 No Limit Hold’em – 8-Handed Event #1. He won $59,000. Mr. Leow played in Event #11 on September 16.

It’s unclear what actually happened. But from all appearances, Mr. Leow was playing in Event #12 on Saturday, September 17. Triton Poker announced on Twitter that the event was delayed due to a “medical emergency.”

Less than two hours later, Triton announced that Mr. Leow “passed away this morning of natural causes.” Poker News reported that Mr. Leow died of a heart attack.

It’s almost 100% certain that Mr. Leow received the injections. He played poker in Cyprus in 2021 as well, when travelers were required to show proof of vaccination. Mr. Leow also had played poker in Spain in 2022. Malaysia is 85% fully-vaccinated if you believe the official numbers.

Jewel Burch: 6-year-old New York girl dies “unexpectedly”

Jewel Justine “Junebug” Burch was a first-grader at Hoosick Falls Elementary School, about 35 miles northwest of Albany. Details are scant. But Jewel “passed away unexpectedly” on September 8, according to an online obituary. Hoosick Falls Schools held and/or promoted several vaccine clinics for students in 2021 and 2022, including one for 5 to 11-year-olds on January 28.

Anna Burns: 16-year-old Massachusetts students dies suddenly after cross country track meet

Anna Burns was a junior at Amherst-Pelham Regional High School in Massachusetts. It’s unclear if Burns is male or female due to “identifying as nonbinary and [using] they/them pronouns,” according to Western Mass News. That, however, increases the already-high likelihood that Burns received the injections.

Burns had just finished running a cross-country track event on September 13 in Ludlow, Massachusetts. Burns collapsed at the end of the race. Emergency medical personnel got Burns’ heart beating again. But Burns never regained consciousness. The parents told the school that their child passed away a few days later.

Several mainstream media stories are comparing this death to another Amherst-Pelham student who died in 2011 due to drowning. They are also encouraging people to learn CPR instead of asking and answering the most obvious question related to this death.

Maria Chang: 46-year-old Canadian doctor “passes away peacefully”

We’ve long lost track of how many Canadian doctors have died since the country authorized fourth injections this past summer. Dr. Maria Chang was a gastroenterologist at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto, Ontario. She was also the mother of three children.

Dr. Chang “passed away peacefully” on September 8, according to an online obituary. No further details are available.

Raj Patel: 32-year-old India tech worker collapses and dies while running a marathon

Mr. Raj Kantilal Patel was a resident of Shahu Market Yard in Kolhapur City, Maharashtra. He worked in the technology industry, and was the father of a six-month-old baby girl. He was an avid runner, having competed in “several marathon races” over the years, according to the Times of India.

Mr. Patel was running in the 21.1-km (13-mile) Satara Hill half marathon on Sunday, September 18. He suddenly collapsed a few hundred meters away from the finish line. A video from the scene showed volunteers quickly loading him onto an ambulance so medical personnel could commence CPR.

He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Carol Pearce: 68-year-old Canadian woman dies less than 15 minutes after mRNA booster injection

Ms. Carol Pearce was a 68-year-old resident of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She went to Shoppers Drug Mart, 415 Herold Court in Saskatoon, on September 14 to receive a third mRNA injection. Ms. Pearce text messaged her daughter, Ms. Stephanie Foster, during the 15-minute wait period after the injection. Ms. Foster posted the thread via Facebook. 

The mother asked Stephanie to come get a shot with her. But Stephanie, who has received at least two injections herself, said she will not be receiving anymore injections. 

Ms. Pearce’s last message simply said “thanks” when Stephanie said “good job” to her mom for receiving the third injection.

Ms. Foster, in a now-deleted Facebook post, said her mom “dropped dead before she hit the floor” during the 15-minute wait.

RELATED: Mexico: 75-year-old woman dead 15 minutes after Sinovac vaccine(March 15, 2021)

A Good Samaritan entered that same Shoppers Drug Mart two days later. She asked about potential side effects from the injections. The pharmacists refused to admit that Ms. Pearce died two days earlier just minutes after a booster shot. “Our manager said we’re not commenting on that,” the pharmacist said in the following video.

GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Ms. Pearce’s memory. Ms. Foster is now using her platforms to warn others of the obvious dangers associated with the injections.

Cherry Valentine: 28-year-old British vaxx zealot “drag queen” dies

Mr. George Ward was a psychiatric nurse from London. He wore excessive, exaggerated makeup believing it made him look like a woman (“drag queen”), and went by the name of Cherry Valentine while in full costume. Mr. Ward appeared in the second season of the television series Drag Race, hosted by RuPaul.

Details are scant. But Mr. Ward was a die-hard vaxx zealot.

He told Metro UK in January 2021 that he was using his position as a nurse to administer the injections to others. Mr. Ward died suddenly on September 18.

Eitan Force: 17-year-old Atlanta high school quarterback drops dead after throwing touchdown pass during game

Eitan Pallu Force was a senior honors student at The Felicia Penzell Weber Jewish Community High School in Sandy Springs, Georgia, just north of Atlanta. He was the quarterback on the school’s flag football team.

Eitan was playing in the senior night game on September 21. Seconds after throwing a touchdown pass, Eitan collapsed to the ground. Medical personnel tried to revive him. But Eitan was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Mainstream media are using the “medical emergency” line.

Kimberly Quinn: 19-year-old Canadian woman dies of seizure at work

Ms. Kimberly Madison Quinn was a dog groomer for a kennel called Shantel’s Wagging Tails. She was also a cashier at PetSmart. Ms. Quinn resided in Saint John, New Brunswick.

Ms. Quinn went to work at PetSmart on September 19. She went to the restroom shortly after arrival. Ms. Connie Deir Quinn, Kimberly’s mother, said in a now-deleted Facebook post that her daughter was discovered on the floor in the bathroom having a seizure. Kimberly was rushed to Saint John Regional Hospital, but pronounced dead two hours later. The family has apparently lost several loved ones in the past 12 months.

PetSmart offers all employees a $100 bonus to receive the injections.

Gisele Neres: 29-year-old Brazil model and architect dies of sudden heart attack

Ms. Gisele Neres was the CEO of Studio Ginn Arquitetura. She was also a model and entrepreneur involved in several business endeavors. Ms. Neres resided in Governador Nunes Freire, Maranhão.

Details are unclear. But Ms. Neres suffered a sudden heart attack on September 23. She was rushed to a nearby hospital, and pronounced dead later that evening.

Ms. Neres received at least two injections, on June 7, 2021 and August 31, 2021.

William Fairfax, Jr.: 24-year-old former assistant to Kamala Harris dies unexpectedly

Mr. William Fairfax is from Prince George’s County, Maryland. It is the second-wealthiest predominately Black American county in the United States. Neighboring Charles County overtook Prince George’s as the wealthiest predominately Black American U.S. county in 2022. His family is one of the wealthiest in the area.

Mr. Fairfax graduated from Claflin University, a South Carolina historically Black American college, in 2020. He ran for a seat on the Orangeburg, South Carolina City Council in 2019. The Fairfax family is cliqued in deep with Washington, D.C. Democrats.

Mr. Fairfax served as Press Assistant for Vice President Kamala Harris. He was also a Special Assistant to FEMA Chief of Staff Michael Coen.

Few details are available. But Mr. Fairfax “died unexpectedly of natural causes” at his Washington, D.C. home on September 9. It’s safe to assume that he received the injections.

Harry Jeanniton: 20-year-old Florida man dies suddenly while snorkeling

Mr. Harry Jeanniton was a Boynton Beach resident. He worked with a nonprofit organization called STRYKE in Coral Springs, Florida. Its mission is to teach music and performing arts to kids in the local community. Mr. Jeanniton also performed with the nonprofit Heat Wave Drum and Bugle Corps. He graduated from Santaluces Community High School in Lantana, Florida in 2020.

Mr. Jeanniton was snorkeling at Alligator Reef in Islamorada (Florida Keys) on Friday, September 16. A bystander spotted someone “struggling in the water” at around 1:23 p.m. local time. That person swam Mr. Jeanniton towards a marina before being met by the U.S. Coast Guard in the water. He was rushed to Mariners Hospital in nearby Tavernier, but pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office suspects no foul play.

Charles Pyng: 45-year-old Wisconsin tennis coach collapses and dies during a tennis match

Mr. Yih-Lon “Charles” Pyng emigrated from Seoul, South Korea to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the 1980s. He and his wife Josie married in 2010. They had three children, including a six-month-old baby. Mr. Pyng was an art teacher and tennis coach at Monona Grove High School, about 80 miles west of Milwaukee.

He was coaching the school’s junior varsity girls tennis team against Waunakee High School on September 15. Mr. Pyng suddenly collapsed during a water break. He died later that evening. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Rysheema Dixon: 35-year-old former Delaware city council member dies unexpectedly

Ms. Rysheema Dixon was a Wilmington, Delaware City Council member from January 2017 to January 2022. She resigned to pursue “expanded business endeavors.” Ms. Dixon was, among other things, the CEO of RD Innovative Solutions. She was named a top 36 woman in business and a top 12 woman shaping Delaware technology in 2014.

Ms. Dixon “died unexpectedly” on September 16. She was a die-hard vaxx zealot who provided Pfizer, Moderna, et al. endless free advertising across three social media channels.

Jamie Roy: 33-year-old Scottish DJ and producer dies; mainstream media coy on cause of death

Mr. Jamie Roy was a Dumfries, Scotland native. He had over 78,000 total followers across the three major social networks. Mr. Roy started his career as a producer in the electric dance genre. He’s lived on the Spanish island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean Sea since 2019. The destination is a very popular tourist spot, known for its nightclubs and parties. He signed a recording deal with New York-based Ultra Records in 2021.

Mainstream media and Mr. Roy’s family announced that he passed away on September 20. No further details were provided. These ambiguous announcements typically mean a subsequent disclosure of suicide or drug overdose (#ABV). The fact remains that Mr. Roy traveled and performed all over the world, including Mexico, Croatia, and Costa Rica, in 2021, according to his Instagram page. That would have been impossible without receiving the injections.

Denis Ruano: 18-year-old New York man dies suddenly after seizure

Mr. Denis Ruano graduated from Riverhead High School (Long Island) on June 8, according to his Facebook page. He came to the United States from Guatemala at age 12. Mr. Ruano worked at a local nursing home.

He returned home from spending time with his girlfriend around midnight on September 10. Mr. Ruano’s grandmother discovered him in his bedroom having a seizure at around 1:30 a.m. Paramedics rushed Mr. Ruano to Peconic Bay Medical Center. Doctors placed him on advance life support for 10 minutes before informing the family that his heart would not restart.

Mr. Ruano was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Anabella Giacobbe: 22-year-old New Jersey woman passes away unexpectedly

Ms. Anabella Marie Giacobbe graduated from Rutgers University in May, according to her Facebook page. She had recently landed a job coaching high school volleyball. Ms. Giacobbe was the daughter of Rahway, New Jersey Mayor Raymond Giacobbe, a die-hard vaxx zealot who uses his platforms to promote the lethal injections.

Ms. Giacobbe “passed away unexpectedly” on September 24. Rutgers University has had a vaccine mandate since 2021 and a booster mandate since the beginning of 2022.

Marquis Kennedy: Texas police recruit collapses and dies during training

Mr. Marquis Shamar Kennedy was a police cadet for the Arlington, Texas Academy Class 62. His training commenced on July 25. Few details, including his age and place of birth, have been released as of publishing.

Mr. Kennedy was participating in routine drills on September 23 when he suddenly felt ill. He sat off to the side with a staff member for a few minutes before collapsing to the ground. Staff performed CPR until paramedics arrived and rushed Mr. Kennedy to a nearby hospital. He was pronounced dead two days later.

Mainstream media say the cause of death is unknown.

Sam Gawel: 21-year-old is the sixth person at Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) to die in two months

Mr. Sam Gawel graduated from The Jean and Samuel Frankel Jewish Academy in Detroit before enrolling at Dartmouth College. The senior was majoring in anthropology and earth sciences.

The Dartmouth student newspaper reported that Mr. Gawel committed suicide on September 21.

RELATED: College athlete suicide rate for 2022 already shatters previous years, as more data tie suicidal thoughts to mRNA injections (April 27, 2022)

But the most glaring part of The Dartmouthstory is that Mr. Gawel is the sixth Dartmouth student to die in the last eight weeks. Mr. Joshua Watson, a 22-year-old senior, was the last one before Mr. Gawel. He died on August 27 at his home in Indiana. At least eight Dartmouth students have died since 2021, and several more have attempted suicide, according to Ms. Ginger Link, a government and art history major at the university.

Dartmouth has had a vaccine mandate in place since 2021, and a booster mandate for all of 2022.

Zack Estrin: 51-year-old California Netflix producer drops dead while jogging

Mr. Zack Estrin was best known for his work as a writer and producer for the television series Charmed, Prison Break and Dawson’s Creek. His most recent work was as executive producer for the Netflix reboot of the 1960s television series Lost in Space.

Mr. Estrin was on a routine morning jog in Hermosa Beach, California on September 23. He suddenly collapsed and, from all accounts, died instantly from cardiac arrest. Mr. Estrin is at least the fourth Netflix employee featured on this blog since June. Netflix, of course, has required all employees to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since mid-2021.

Aoife Maher: 30-year-old Irish woman dies suddenly in Australia

Ms. Aoife Maher is from Callan, County Kilkenny in Ireland. Based on her Instagram posts, she’s been living in Melbourne, Australia since late 2018. It’s unclear what exactly she does there.

Details are scant. But Ms. Maher “died suddenly” on September 24 in Melbourne, according to her mother, Ms. Tanya Mullins.

Positive changes because “they” know the world is over as we once knew it

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who is technically an independent, introduced The Raise the Wage Act on January 26, 2021. If passed, the federal minimum wage would rise to $15 per hour by 2025. New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has been urging Joe Biden since he took office, to bypass Congress and unilaterally raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. This has been a Democrat goal for many years. But take a look around the nearest semi-large U.S. city.

Nearly every fast food place, supermarket, convenience store, etc. has signs posted, hiring people at $15 per hour and more. This has been going on since at least mid-2021. Granted $15 per hour isn’t what it used to be due to ridiculous inflation since the so-called pandemic commenced. But the poorest, most uneducated U.S. citizens can now make decent money working at McDonald’s, Burger King, etc. The reason these opportunities are even available in the first place, however, is because there is nobody left to work.

Most of these places lost employees either due to vaxx injuries and/or vaxx mandates. The hypochondriac COVID cultists avoid these jobs for fear of catching the rebranded flu. Many former 24-hour restaurants and stores now have limited hours due to labor shortages. Walmart, for instance, announced on March 14, 2020 that its stores will “temporarily” shorten its hours, closing at 11 p.m. or earlier. That policy is now permanent.

Speaking of Walmart, this blogger takes trips to said stores every couple of weeks to buy up all of their boneless, skinless chicken breast (then freeze it). But sights like the following are becoming more and more common…and we all know why.

It’s simply a matter of time before large corporate chains are forced to shut down several locations due to lack of workers.

Those who follow NCAA football and basketball know that the good ‘ol boys who run said organization are money-grubbing, manipulative tyrants. They’ve made billions of dollars over the decades off the free labor of athletes, who were suspended for making even $400 signing jerseys. The long-time debate to pay college athletes ended in June 2021, with the new NCAA “name, image and likeness” (NIL) policy. Many college athletes are now making millions from endorsement deals.

The NIL policy shocked this blogger, a former sports reporter, and virtually everyone else when it was announced. But the NCAA is only allowing NIL because they know the days of March Madness, the Rose Bowl, and NCAA sports in general are numbered. Just look at all of the articles posted on The COVID Blog™since June. High school and college athletes are dropping dead at frightening rates.

Lincoln Northwest High School (Nebraska) cancelled its football season on September 16. Nearly all of the team’s senior starters are unable to play due to “various illnesses and injuries.” Bland County High School in VirginiaShenandoah High School in Iowa, and Cardinal Ritter High School in Indiana have also cancelled their 2022 football seasons or multiple games because of too many injuries and illnesses. Again it’s just a matter of time.

American investors, meaning those who buy S&P 500 and Dow stocks, lost $9 trillion from Q1 2022 to Q2. Meanwhile billionaires got $2 trillion richer from January 1, 2020 to November 1, 2021. A new billionaire has been created every 30 hours since 2020, while one million people fell into extreme poverty every 30 hours since 2020, according to OxFam. A record 660 new billionaires were created in 2021, a 32% increase from 2020. If you don’t know what’s happening by now, it’s too late.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

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