Tuesday, 18 March 2025


Look Out, Libtards! There's A New Boss In Town! (Same As The Old Boss)

by James Corbett
March 16, 2025

It's often said that we're playing checkers while the powers-that-shouldn't-be are playing chess.

I disagree. I think the average delusional statist is reading comic books while the oligarchs who rule over them are writing scholarly treatises detailing their plans to take over the world.

So, let me speak today in a way Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom will be able to understand:

Take that, libtards!

Cry harder, wokesters!

Pound sand, deep staters!

That's right, in case you haven't heard, there's a NEW game in town! Out with the old guard of censors and thugs and banksters and Big Tech(nocrat) oligarchs and in with the glorious NEW guard of . . .

. . . hold on, let me check my notes . . .

. . . in with the NEW guard of censors and thugs and banksters and Big Tech(nocrat) oligarchs!

Wait, what?! I was assured by the MAGA-cheering, Q Anonsense 2.0-pushing, hopium-swilling voters out there that since Americans VOTED HARDER!™®© in the recent (s)election sideshow circus, all our problems would be solved and the world would be holding hands and singing kumbaya and dancing on the graves of the Democrats. Or something like that.

But instead we get Big Tech oligarchs mainlining our data direct from the government trough, BlackRock cutting deals to expand its power and influence even further and a whole new breed of military-industrial critters making billions off of new AI-powered tools of warfare.

What's going on here? Let's find out.

Goodbye ESG! (. . . Hello, "ethical warfare"!)

In case you hadn't heard, ESG is dead!

That's right, the whole "environmental, social and governance" investing trend that the globalists were using to direct trillions of dollars in investable capital toward their pet projects and favoured companies (and away from their pet hates and disfavoured companies) has come unglued, with BlackRock—the company that owns everything—"abandoning" its social and environmental engagement last year, followed by financial oligarchs JP Morgan and State Street leaving the Climate Action 100+ group and all the major American banks leaving the Net Zero Alliance.


. . . but before we begin our victory dance around ESG's funeral pyre, there's something you might want to keep an eye on: ESG is not dead dead. It's just rebranding itself for the Trump era.

Take it from the Rothschild mouthpiece, Financial Times, which published an op-ed last year titled "ESG is dead. Long live ESG" arguing that ESG needs to reorient itself toward "competitive sustainability" as a way of suckering the public back into embracing the Absolute Zero agenda.

And what, specifically, are the oligarchs attempting to rebrand with this sleight-of-hand jiggery-pokery? Why, the military-industrial complex, of course!

That's right, as The Guardian reports, more than 100 Labour MPs—think "Evil Democrats" if you're a confused American—have signed an open letter calling for financial businesses to "sweep away" those pesky ESG rules that prevent them from investing in arms manufacturers. After all, as the letter says, "[t]here can be no more ethical investment than giving the Ukrainian people every ounce of support that can be mustered by their allies." Who could argue with that?

And the capper? Financial Times has published another op-ed opining that "[t]he Just War Theory broadly legitimises the armaments industry," meaning investing in bombs and drones and other instruments of warfare is in fact the ethical thing to do!

Long live ESG, indeed.

But wait, it gets worse!

Speaking of the good ol' military-industrial complex . . .

RUN FOR COVER, WARMONGERSPrince of Peace Trump is here to END all those foreign wars of aggression and bring HARMONY TO THE WORLD!

. . . unless you live in Gaza, that is. Or Iran. Or possibly Greenland.

Yes, strangely, despite his ardent supporters having assured us that Trump would end the Ukraine war on day one and bring peace to the world in short order, the new administration threatens to be an incredibly lucrative one for the good ol' military-industrial complex.

And, on the back of Trump's call for NATO members to raise their defense spending to 5% of GDP (on top of record-high global defense expenditures), we've already seen the EU unveil its plan to ReArm Europe!!! by feeding eight hundred billion euros to the bloodthirsty military contractor vultures.

But closer to home for those comic book readers entranced by Superhero Trump, we're seeing bold new spending promises from his administration. After duping suckers into supporting his plans to "slash waste and abuse at the Pentagon," US Defense Secretary Hegseth revealed that the plan was not actually to cut the Pentagon's budget but to redirect funds from outdated programs and into NEW programs of terror and bloodshed! As it turns out, the US military is not bracing for a huge budget cut but is instead about to benefit from a staggering $150 billion military spending increase.

And the main beneficiary of this largesse? A new generation of Thielversian AI weapons manufacturers, who are now slavering in anticipation of devising bold new ways to rain destruction down on the US State Department's enemies.

We've already seen (Thiel-founded) Palantir and (Thiel-sponsored) Anduril form a new alliance to provide the US military with "a sweeping array of new AI tools" for slaughtering innocents around the world. But it's not just the usual suspects who are getting a gigantic shot in the arm. There are now at least 33 "top" contractors competing for a slice of the Trumpian AI defense spending pie!

But I know what you're thinking . . .

But what about BlackRock?

Haha! The MAGA crowd flexed their muscles, some states' Attorneys General sent threatening letters, and BlackRock caved! As we've already seen, BlackRock had to turn tail and run away from all their ESG and DEI and Net Zero nonsense!


. . . But then a strange story emerged earlier this month.

You remember when Trump totally owned the Chicoms by taking the Panama Canal back for America! . . . Well, by "America," he meant BlackRock.

That's right, it turns out that BlackRock headed up the consortium that bought the controlling stake in the ports that control access to the canal.

And, in a curious turn of phrase, ZeroHedge reports that this BlackRock-brokered deal is a "Victory" for "America First." So, apparently they're not even hiding the fact that "America First" now means "BlackRock First."

In fact, it gets even crazier. It turns out that the entire Panama Canal fiasco was engineered by BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink! As was revealed last week, Fink was on the horn with Trump within days of his new administration occupying the Oval Office to personally pitch his plan to buy out the ports. Trump evidently did not need much convincing that such a plan was a "win" for his vision of America.

But it's not just from Panama that BlackRock is reaping the rewards of this MBGA (Make BlackRock Great Again!) administration. In an important new article, "BlackRock First: How the World’s Largest Asset Manager is Gaining More Control Over America Under Trump," Barry Lutz lays out all the ways that BlackRock is profiting off of these recent policy shifts, from Panama takeovers to crypto strategic reserves.

And let's not forget about the Big Tech overlords!

Remember when those evil, censoring Big Tech overlords were the bane of every freedom lover's existence?

Well, those days are long gone!


Now, instead of the bad old days of censorship and repression we saw under those crazy Left Coast wokester Silicon Valley companies, we have a Brave New Era of censorship and repression under the based memelord Broligarchs!

I mean, yes, Meta is still a metaverse-pushingAI-manipulating creepy dystopian nightmare of a company, but Zuckerberg is sticking it to the libs, so, like . . . whatever!

And yes, President Musk is still a censorship-supporting, "AI first"-pushing, brain-chipping, transhumanist, technocratic supervillain, but he tweets lots of funny memes, so, like, chill out, man!

And that $500 billion AI Stargate project that Trump is touting? And the new era of mRNA cancer vaccines that this technology will supposedly enable? And the plan to use AI to surveil everyone, constantly, in real-time? It's all good!

After all, the good guys are in charge now! Right, fellow comic book readers?

Yes, things have never been better for the oligarchs!

OK, you get the picture by now. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

But since we don't have the language to talk about "the man" anymore, the half of the population that formerly pretended to care about these issues are too busy laughing at the "woke libtards" to notice that the march of tyranny continues on at a faster and faster pace.

So, here you go, statists. Here's your comic book fantasy:

But here's the reality:

Warfare and bloodshed? Check.

Military contractors soaking in blood money? Check.

BlackRock and the banksters growing in power? Check.

Big Tech oligarchs writing themselves a blank check for their AI-driven technocratic takeover? Check.

It sure can be exhausting trying to explain all this to the comic book readers caught up in their cartoon fantasies, though. If only people would open a real book and learn about the New World Order that is being erected here.

(Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?)

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