Tuesday 11 June 2024


The Mother Of All Emails



I woke up this morning to the Mother Of All Emails. 

It’s from Tess a listener. 

I’m going to have to read it several times over to understand it all and check out all the names she mentions. It really is a fascinating read. 

I want to offer her a complimetary paid subscription as she can’t afford to support me. 

Please read her email and complete the poll at the end. 

The Truth Will Set You Free: John 8:31-32 | Christ Fellowship Leesville

Hi Ahmed, I’ve been recently catching up with your podcasts which have been very interesting and conducted in a great informal style with your down to earth and endearing character streaming through all of it. Your grasp of the broad picture is impressive considering the relatively short time you’ve been ‘red pilled’, as they say. 

I’ve spent the last 7 years researching this material full time; averaging 8 hours a day minimum and sometimes up to 16. It wasn’t a considered intent. I was not working, living remotely, without a car and without money so it began as a distraction; a way of using my time productively. I didn’t do further education. I just couldn’t wait to leave school and be ‘free’ so I consider this as ‘self education’ and making up for that. 

I would subscribe and support you if I could but my circumstances haven’t changed and I’m without any income. I won’t claim benefits because I’m anti government so it would be hypocritical. I’m fortunate/unfortunate (depending on how you look at it) to be off grid with no bills. Feeding myself is the main issue but this has enabled me to immerse myself in seeking truth. This has always been a motivating factor for me. I never gave a damn about money and would not work for long doing anything I didn’t like or didn’t believe in. That included working for corporations. I have spent my life with natural, organic, antiques, vintage, countryside, coast, animals and artisan. 

I’m writing because there is some things I thought, while listening to your podcasts that might benefit you to know / look at. 

The first thing I’ll say, before I forget, is that Frances Leader (a subscriber name you read out on a recent podcast) is a woman you may like to speak to. Her experience goes back to greenham common and she has described how weapons were used against the women there. She is one of the few who have named names of the infamous ‘they’..(ruling class money-power dynasties who operate behind the scenes). This was originally in her Wordpress blog and I read it many years ago. 

I wanted to mention some of the most powerful videos I ever watched that literally changed the way I understood everything. The first is Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar. 8 hours on YouTube available in two hour sessions. (I watched it straight through). Mark is not the easiest man to listen to, particularly some recent podcasts but the natural law seminar is Mark reigning it in and keeping a lid on his explosive personality. No one teaches Natural Law like Mark and if you don’t understand natural law, you are operating in the dark. 

Then there’s Santos Bonnacci with his ‘the Vatican owns your soul’ video of which I’ve only ever been able to find part 1 (unfortunately). This gives you a clear picture of the dark forces at work. 

Ivor Cummings should definitely watch both of these. Although I appreciate his position on ‘being squeaky clean’ (paying tax for example) and his refusal to look at virus mythology, if he truly understood natural law (which is supreme law even according to manmade law) he certainly wouldn’t be paying tax. 

In paying tax one is funding the evils of war, mass immigration, trans agenda and all the toxic NGO’s Ivor discussed, not to mention of course, toxic ‘vaccines’ and state ‘health’ care death and murder protocols etc etc. we are all responsible for our actions (or lack there of) and that includes funding wars, poisons, weapons and mass murder. Santos describes the laws instituted by the Vatican (papal bulls, unum sanctum, c’est que vie acts - probably spelt that wrong). This was the start of them usurping our unalienable god-given rights - natural law. 

Just like they did with The Human Rights Act.. in putting something onto paper and calling it law they took authority over what they authored but the rights themselves were pre existing. This is how they operate. 

Ivor mistakenly assumed that these people only relatively recently came into the scene yet contradicts himself to some extent referring to dynastic nature of these powerful families. But these people trace their roots back to ancient Babylon and Rome. This is ages old. The timeless battle between light and dark, good and evil. Passio and Santos describe this in detail. 

Probably the video I reposted and shared the most by far is Mass Psychosis by After Skool. A beautifully illustrated (live) take on an Academy of Ideas video describing the nature of public mind control, the weaponisation of human psychology and the methods by which tyranny establishes itself. Tyranny is not a top down state of affairs it requires public support and participation to implement. As a background to that the Adam Curtis documentary (bbc) Century of Self is a brilliant introduction into the history of public mind control and after years of it disappearing from all internet video platforms it recently became available on iplayer. 

Further essential information available on archive.org is George Hunt on the UNCED summit (climate agenda) touching upon Huxley’s involvement in setting up the UN and it’s Luciferian origins.. 

And Dr John Coleman speaking on The Committee of 300. 

There are also many interviews worth seeing on icic-law website (lawyer Reiner Fuellmich currently in prison) and his original Corona Investigative Committee website. His interview with ex military weapons expert Barrie Trower should not be missed and his interview with prof mattias Desmet also, but I imagine you’ve probably seen that or at least him speaking somewhere relating to the mass psychosis narrative. 

Children’s health defence live today covered their legal case against smart meters. I recommend watching it. Like many people I have lost faith in RFK jr recently with his stance on Israel and the wuhan story but that doesn’t detract from the good work he’s done and continues to do. 

Another interview that stood out for me and etched itself in my mind was James Delingpole with Nazarene Veronica, a young woman very actively opposing the covid lies and working to communicate it with young people. Her interview was eye-opening especially her experience with the bbc. It revealed the mechanisms by which the corrupt system operates. 

I think Dr Zac Bush would interest you too. Like RFK jr he believes in co2 climate change but he has an absolute wealth of knowledge on natural health and, I think, some highly nuanced contributions to make to the virus argument. 

As regards this (the virus debate) it has to be said that it’s vastly over simplified in the context of virus/no virus framing of it. That virology is pseudo science is not hard to see once you can wrap your head around it in terms of virus ‘isolation’ and identification. A child could see this is nonsense given the process. But this is only a tiny part of the whole picture. 

Both bacteria and ‘viruses’ are created by, hosted by and morphed into other bacteria/viruses within the body. It’s clear that rather than being miniature terrorists they are natural processes designed for a useful purpose. Invisible terrorists are always a hallmark/signature of the ruling class parasites. They are immensely useful for creating fear and being invisible are ultimately manipulatable. It’s a fascinating subject. 

Zac talks about viruses being ‘information’ like computer code, wireless information and of course if you are to believe anything of mainstream science re viruses they claim they have influenced our genetics (transcribed). 

This makes sense and would explain ‘transmission’ (note the word) rather than ‘contagion’. 

To appreciate the potential relevance of this we need to look at epi-genetics .. that word will get you censored. This is the science whereby experience shapes genes not the other way around. 

Michael Tellinger is one who has given some interesting talks on how the nature of all things is energy (light/electro magnetic) and created through sound .. (in the beginning was the word and the word was God..) but I’ve subsequently looked to refund that video (lecture presentation) and he’s done so much it’s impossible to find. An interesting man with some interesting solutions (One Small Town Initiative). 

Prof Imoto (water memory) also has something valuable to contribute to this understanding of the whole. 

Tellinger unfortunately subscribes to Stitchen’s narrative of ancient aliens which I don’t .. but what I’ve learnt in this journey is that no one gets it all right, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t listen. Take Cory Morningstar- Brilliant research on climate agenda, yet believes in co2 warming hypothesis. 

Lesson - don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!! 

I can’t finish without mentioning alfavedic.. they have some amazing podcasts and interviews. The Biggleson Brothers is one that comes to mind. They also hosted The End Of Covid series which was fascinating. Again, some of their material is really ‘out there’ but they are amongst the most genuine good people you will find. Their main focus is natural health, they farm organically and biodynamically, producing their own amazing products /supplements. Dr Barre Lando has extensive experience working in the high level competitive sports medical field. He’s now retired. 

Where as once I watched many videos and podcasters, I follow only a few now. Ukcolumn for the de-propagandised news, and Windowsontheworld.net which covers solutions focusing on the ‘global to local’ policies of our overlords and the importance of tackling these issues on a local level. He is probably the only one covering this material along with Sandi Adams and ukc (to some extent). Mark at windows on the world is a little cynical on ‘controlled opposition’ .. but he’s another individual you may like to speak to. I’m particularly (personally) interested in his material on ‘Britain Shattered Isles’ and books of Commyns Beaumont.. slightly off our topics here but relevant to the deep roots of deceptive history. 

It’s a world of deception. Every religion and spiritual belief still contains this fact at its core. It’s a world of inversion. That’s the nature of this game of souls called life where the ultimate aim is to create oneself into one’s fullest spiritual potential (or not - free will). 

The prerequisite to finding truth is the decision to seek it with an ‘open heart’ or ‘pure heart’ just like the myths and fairytales describe. It can’t be told or taught it has to be discovered and it’s a lifelong journey, if not multiple lives. Conscience is not merely a guide to right and wrong it can also be a guide to truth. Truth has a resonance that can be recognised by a well developed conscience. Of course we don’t have well developed consciences because from an early age we are taught that obedience to authority equals ‘good’ when nothing could be further from the truth. 

Money may not be the root of all evil but it’s certainly the ‘route’ of it. Usury was historically considered evil and banned by most religions and the reason why the Jews who were often the only money lenders were so disliked throughout history. 

Of course religion has been infiltrated, and used as a means of controlling the masses. For centuries it was the only effective means of doing so; violence and tyranny is expensive and time consuming. Whatever the original word for ‘Jew’ was (it’s a relatively recent word) it most likely referred to good people, working for the good of all, following natural law - do no harm, treat others as you wish to be treated. These are ‘gods chosen people’ not a race, or a religion, what you believe or what rituals you perform. It’s what you do and do not do that counts.. “ judge a tree by its fruits”; “seek the truth and the truth will set you free”. Note the operative word is ‘seek’, that’s the prerequisite. 

‘Seek and you shall find’ is a warning not a promise. What you look for, you will find. That’s the importance of seeking with an open mind. 

You’re doing the right thing. You were made for the role you now find yourself in. Do not harbour regrets or dwell on the loss. Truth is far more important. It’s everything. 

Kindest regards 


What subscription should I gift Tess?


To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

Please make sure to check your emails download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.

And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x


Much love Ahmad

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If you want to pursue a keto or carnivore diet and avoid seed oils then I can’t recommend their products enough. Check out there website 


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