Tuesday 4 June 2024


The History of Voice-to-Skull (V2K)

The technology is likely older than you...

The History of V2K

TJ statistics show that about 65% of our members experience the Voice-to-Skull (V2K) phenomenon, or “hearing voices.” 

Many medical doctors still jump to the conclusion that someone is suffering from a mental illness - and the resultant assignment to a mental facility. The targeted community needs to do a better job of educating the public and Congress.



The history of V2K is far longer than most realize. The first published record dates to 1957. See our Timeline here:


1)  1953.   Under the orders of CIA Director, Allen Dulles, Project MK-Ultra is begun, headed by Sidney Gotlieb.  13 April 1953. 
By 1954, the CIA had perfected the use of hypnosis and mind control.  See the declassified files here: 

2)  1957.  Evelyn Waugh, one of the great novelists of the 20th century, details his real-life experiences being harassed and threatened in "The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold."  Waugh's book was published in July 1957.   His accounts closely resemble today's gangstalking and Voice-to-Skull (V2K) reports.  In a letter of 15 August 1957, Waugh stated that, "Mr Pinfold's experiences were almost exactly my own."  The real-life events took place on a British ship at sea.  It is apparent that British intelligence was experimenting with the technology on-board the ship.

3)  1961.  Dr Allan H. Frey was the first American to publish on the microwave auditory effect (V2K). Frey's "Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy" appeared in the 
Journal of Applied Physiology in 1961.

4)  1972.  The USAF Central Inertial Guidance Test Facility (Holloman AFB) conducted developmental flight tests of four prototype GPS receivers in a Y configuration over White Sands Missile Range, using ground-based pseudo-satellites.

5)  1975.  An article by neuropsychologist Don Justesen discussing radiation effects on human perception referred to an experiment by Joseph C. Sharp and Mark Grove at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research during which Sharp and Grove reportedly were able to recognize nine out of ten words transmitted by "voice modulated microwaves". (V2K)

6)  1977.  Scientists at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC publish,  "High-Power Microwaves from a Nonisochronic Reflecting Electron System;"  R. A. Mahaffey, P. Sprangle, J. Golden, and C. A. Kapetanakos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 843 – Submitted April 1977, Published 26 September 1977. 

7)   1977.  High-Powered Microwave (HPM) weapon research done under contract with U.S. Air Force at Mission Research Corporation, in Albuquerque, New Mexico  – Donald J. Sullivan is the lead investigator (approx. 1977 – 1983).  

ATK Mission Research Corporation
5001 Indian School Road NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Sullivan developed the first microwave beam weapon under US Patent 4345220.

8)    1978.  First NavStar GPS tracking satellite is launched; February 1978.


Parallel Development

It is apparent that V2K, GPS tracking, and microwave Vircator weapons - all followed a parallel track of development. 

See our related newsletter of 5 March 2024 on V2K.


V2K attacks started about 1956. It did not require a computer chip in your brain, or programming a computer. The current MK-Ultra program is funded and controlled by the CIA, as an Unacknowledged Special Access Project (USAP). All USAP’s are illegal, because they violate the U.S. Constitution, by denying the President and Congress access to information.


CIA Obstructing Justice

The CIA is obstructing justice and witness tampering in Havana Syndrome cover up, says attorney Mark Zaid.

“The most interesting aspect in that response is that the government is claiming that one or more agencies identities when associated with AHI is itself classified…” “I have never once seen the government’s position that the agencies identity are classified merely because it’s tied to AHI,” Zaid said. 



Congressmen are Terrified of the Intelligence Agencies

Tucker Carlson tells Rogan that congressmen were "terrified" that intelligence agencies will frame them with "kiddie porn" if they openly opposed the "warrantless spying" bill. Specifically, he says US lawmakers "told" him that they are "worried" about being punished by intel agencies if they oppose reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). "People don't say that because they're worried about being punished. They’re worried about someone putting kiddie porn on their computer. Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I'm not guessing at that. They've told me that — including people on the intel committee, including people who run the intel committee," Carlson said.



Dr Eldon Byrd, source wikipedia.com

Mind Control Quote

​“Is Mind Control Possible?  Absolutely.  There is a mountain of evidence...  Today we know there are technologies that can induce sound into the brain at a distance, can monitor and alter brainwaves at a distance, can alter behavior at a distance, can induce images into the brain at a distance, can target individual organs at a distance.  Can disrupt the calcium ions binding on individual cell surfaces at a distance, creating pain and other effects anywhere in the body.  Mind control technology exists, without a question.”
           --  Dr Eldon Byrd, Chief Medical Officer - U.S. Navy, 2001


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