Saturday 8 June 2024


Success: “Thank you for vaccinating me against the WHO!”

Written by World Council for Health steering committee member Shabnam Palesa Mohamed.

I recently traveled to beautiful Uganda to participate in the second African inter regional Parliamentary Conference on Family Values and Sovereignty in Entebbe, Uganda.

The three day conference, which largely focused on controversial treaties, hosted committed attendees from twenty African countries, including members of Parliament and Speakers of Parliament. The Prince of eSwatini, representing the King, also participated.

I was asked to speak on the WHO-led power grab. I did this alongside my Kenyan colleague Dr Wahome Ngare, who features in a film implicating the WHO’s role in facilitating infertility experiments in Kenya: Infertility – A Diabolical Agenda. 

Our presentations were very well-received, with a lively Q and A session that followed. Participants expressed grave concerns about the WHO, and found information from Dr Ngare on vaccine harms from HPV, Covid-19 and malaria shots - to be shocking. I also highlighted the World Council for Health as an alternative to the WHO, and introduced AF VAERS – the independent African vaccine adverse effects reporting system.

One delegate asked “If we withdraw from the WHO, where will we get health budget funding?” My response was, that if African resources were not exploited by unethical corporations for decades, then Africa would not need to ask for charity and loans. Similarly, that the exorbitant Covid-19 vaccine contracts should be cancelled to aid budget recovery.

On Day 2, I was one of eight delegates who met with the First Lady of Uganda Janet Museveni. She was engaging, and often shocked with what we shared about vaccines and the WHO-led corporate benefiting power grab. She asked for more information.

On Day 3, a larger delegation met with President Yoweri Museveni. After hearing brief addresses, he appealed for unity amongst African countries. The highlight for me was him saying “Be careful of the WHO. Thank you for vaccinating me against the WHO”. I was informed that even prior to the AIPC conference, whenever he was told that the WHO said something, he would say “I want to know what you think, not what the WHO says.”

In 2022, at World Health Assembly 75, a well-placed source shared: “The resolution on the (first set of) International Health Regulations 2005 amendments was not passed at the World Health Assembly. African countries were concerned that there was inadequate consultation amongst member states, and the process was being rushed. Botswana read the statement on behalf of the 47 AFRO members and I was personally present.” This was a ground-breaking stand.

This year, after my experience in Uganda, I am mobilising for Uganda to lead the African bloc in voting no to the IHR 2005 amendments and the proposed new pandemic treaty, both of which pose an existential threat to our health, freedom and sovereignty. 

Thank you to WCH for sponsoring my flights to Uganda. Please support WCH Africa.


Response from a X user to my Uganda post: 

Wow! Hats off.  If you can protect Africa from the WHO/WEF cabal, you would have protected the world. And that's something really really good in the gloomy times we are in.

The last time the evil forces were overwhelmed by the size of their 'mission' to jab the whole world and their calculations went awry. Africa was saved mainly because of wise leadership that prevented the Trojan horse of RT-PCR on the tracks (… ).

But they are working overtime. Expanding their arsenal with things like pandemic treaty. Their arm twisting of countries with sugar coated words like 'vaccine equity' will get stronger.

Hope the ruling dispensations are listening to the truth, will care for their people and do the right thing. In Africa, lies humanity's hope. Most other parts of the world have already been compromised. 

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