Thursday 6 June 2024


Please Help Us Fight

Here is What You Got from Us in the Last Weeks. Here is What We Need.

Beloved Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well. 

Have you gone back to your chosen life? I sure hope so. Free assembly, no vaccine passports, no Internet of Bodies, no Social Credit system, the mandates for your college students at an end, no facial recognition cameras letting you in and out of your neighborhood. Are you fairly free to speak, free to read? Have you had information from this Substack, and from DailyClout, that has helped to keep you safe, keep you healthy, protect your assets, protect your liberties? Have you made use of BillCam or LegiSector, which put every single state or Federal bill in the palm of your hand?

To a real degree, the fight I wage, along with my extraordinary and brave colleagues at DailyClout, to protect your family, your freedoms and your kids and grandchildren, has materially helped to make sure that every one of those rights has been defended. 

But it’s a brutal fight — every day. 

Statue of Liberty
Photo by Chris Czermak on Unsplash

This Substack does not just help to support my personal work. It helps to pay the bills for DailyClout as well. DailyClout is an organization dedicated to preserving the fundamental freedoms upon which our great nation was built; to keep the light of liberty shining bright by resisting censorship, amplifying the voices of those fighting for justice, and maintaining the values that define America.

Many Substacks give you wonderful information and important opinion pieces. 

We also fight real battles in the real world. Here is some of what we produced for you in the last few weeks: 

I talked to Tucker Carlson and an audience of millions about the findings we produced from the Pfizer documents: “Dr. Naomi Wolf on The Tucker Carlson Encounter”

Our COO Amy Kelly undertook a major investigative project using Canadian government medical data, and found that women were suffering horrific harms to fertility, in Ontario. This piece was widely read in Canada: Impact of COVID-19 State of Emergency on Female Reproduction

I interviewed economist Catherine Austin Fitts, who spelled out just why and how the current economic system is unsustainable and explained how you can protect your savings and survive the coming collapse: “The US Financial Coup d’Etat: Now is the Time to Take Action”

We broke the important story that the FDA had concealed the nature of mRNA vaccines, in terms of their being gene therapy: Report 98: FDA Selected Its ‘Vaccines Advisory Committee’ – Not Its ‘Gene Therapy Advisory Committee’ – to Recommend the COVID Injections for Emergency Use, to Hide the Fact that the Products Are Not Vaccines But Gene Therapies

Our colleague and State Rep Heidi Sampson of Maine reported on the emergency regarding excess deaths in the state of Maine: “Maine State Representative Sampson Presents on the WHO Agenda, V-Safe Data, and Excess Deaths in Maine”

I interviewed Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr’s running mate; the interview will post tomorrow. I also interviewed Libertarian candidate for President, Mike ter Maat. You won’t find in-depth interviews with third-party candidates, on legacy media. 

I interviewed Ehden Biber, the “ethical hacker” who disclosed a shocking find related to what the WHO plans to do to our bodies in regards to the mRNA platform. I interviewed economist Kirk Elliott on the fact that several leaders of major financial institutions have jumped ship, and he explained what that means. I reported to you on decay in a small town in Oregon, and on Marxism in Salem, MA, and I reported on the devastation of the once-great city, New York. I reported from The Netherlands on the lost freedoms of Europe. In each location, I gave you the temperature and flavor of authoritarianism in relation to liberty, and explained what can be done. From me, you get a nuanced and accurate picture of the country and the world, in relation to the art of being human, focussing on the survival of civilization.

I do not stop there. I actively seek out ways to keep you healthy and well. I was distraught by looking into the dark abyss of death and disability revealed by the Pfizer papers and by our Volunteers’ reports on the great crime represented in that material. So I sought to find ways to heal and to help protect humanity from the threat posed to it by much of modern medicine and by many pharmaceuticals. When I sent out a poll asking for your responses to this idea, hundreds of you asked me to report deeply on forgotten and alternative health treatments and natural remedies. 

I have recently reported on the anti-cancer heavy metals detoxifier Bentonite Clay, on Dandelions, Astralagus, and on the benefits of Earthing. I reported on the lost recipe of Lydia Pinkham’s Women’s Tonic, which treated menstrual disorders, uterine problems and menopause. I shared details of the multi-billion dollar menopause and menstrual disorders industries. I recreated the lost herbal formula to treat “women’s problems”, for which millions of women had been grateful in the past. 

I reported on the anti-hypertension Caribbean remedies Mauby bark and the anti-cancer miracles Jamaican sorrel, guava leaves and soursop. I shared with you the benefits of Amla oil for hair, and tallow for skin care; I taught you to make Epsom salt baths and I reported on the history of hydrotherapy. I showed you how to use the anti-inflammatory Turmeric in your cooking. I reported on anti-anxiety remedies such as ashwagandha, valerian and kava-kava, and I exposed the multibillion dollar SSRI industry. I shared information on herbs that support male and female sexual health and libido, including maca and fenugreek. I exposed the fact that there is a sperm suppressant in baked goods and breakfast cereals. Thousands of you are stronger, healthier, and more vital, and are also saving money and easing toxic burdens, because of these deep dives. 

That is not all. We don’t just deliver important analysis of events, powerful opinion, and natural remedies. 

We deliver results politically. 

Our work helped to bring Dr Fauci to account for himself in Congress this week. (We know — it’s not good enough yet, because these are not yet criminal charges, but we drafted the list of his crimes, so AGs can take that step). Our work helped to overturn the mandates for first responders in New York. Our Volunteers are testifying, with the findings we supported, before Australian Parliamentarians, for European governing bodies, in the UK, and in Canada. 

We launched, and people are using it around the world, to find out what legislation is emerging and being passed in their industry or area of interest. Because of us, there can be no more smoke-filled rooms, when it comes to legislation.

We launched our Election Integrity Bill. A dozen states, inspired in part by this, have passed or launched bills to demand Voter ID from citizens. One bill requires an independent verification of the electronic machines. And our Election Integrity Bill is now in the US database, as it was sponsored in Wyoming, so any state can copy it. 

That is not all I am delivering for you. Commentator Mark Steyn’s show on GBNews was derailed when the UK media watchdog OfCom attacked it, for the crime of my having appeared to present the findings of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents analysts. I managed to warn audiences in the UK about the reproductive damage, deaths and disabilities in our teams’ findings. But the courageous Mark Steyn paid a heavy price. There is a hearing of his case in relation to OfCom, in the Royal Court, London, on June 11. I am part of the proceedings as an “interested witness.” I did not want to go if I could have avoided it — I am worried about many things, including security — but integrity requires that I be present in the court hearing and do all that I can to help Mr Steyn, as well as to help the people of the UK get at the truth. (Ironically, the Telegraph finally covered the excess deaths caused by the mRNA injection). 

That journey, and the security assistance I will need to hire, as Brian can’t join me, will be very expensive. 

The lawyers who help us draft the Election Integrity bill that is creating good copycat bills nationwide, are expensive. The research I do to make sure that what I tell you is both important and true, is time-consuming and laborious. The editing and graphics and production for the videos, the distribution, and the social media management that get this valuable content out into the world — this Substack has 1.03 million views a month — is very expensive. Our accountants, who go over everything we do with the greatest care so we won’t be hauled into any kind of defensive situation in regard to our powerful enemies, are very expensive. Our lawyers, who make sure we comply with every single law so that our powerful enemies can’t trip us up by any oversight of ours, are extremely expensive. As I have said before in these letters to you, freedom is not free. 

Things are getting really scary. The opposition leader in the Presidential campaign has been convicted — on etheric charges. Our biggest supporter and mentor, whose platform has allowed us to ask for help for our work on the Pfizer documents, Steve Bannon, is now sentenced to four months in prison. 

People who are the loudest voices of resistance to globalists’ plans for systemic tyranny, are being taken off the map, in one way or another, one by one. 

I get many letters expressing thanks. Thank you back. Truly.

But I have to tell you too, much as I would prefer never to talk about money, that we are partners in this enterprise of battling for freedom and truth. We have to be.

We need not only your thanks, as much as we appreciate that, but also your practical help — with resources, if you can share them — to fight these battles and to get you and the world this important material. In the very near term, I need your help also to help keep me safe on my UK journey. 

Think about what America and the West would be like if we had to close our doors, or if I gave up on public combat and comment. 

I have over 90,000 subscribers here. I am grateful for every one. We are, amazingly, No. 13 in “Culture” Bestsellers on this platform. That means that we are, all together, making an impact.

But I have only just over 4000 paying subscribers. That means that more than 85,000 subscribers to this Substack, are not yet paying subscribers. I know that times are tough and that many of you cannot afford to pay for a monthly subscription. But for those of the 85,000 who can afford the seven dollars a month, or $70 a year, please, please upgrade to being a paying subscriber. If you are already a paying subscriber, please gift a subscription if you can. 

We urgently need your help, including your resources, if you can afford to help, so that we can keep doing this difficult, dangerous and impactful work. If only 4000 more people became paying subscribers, it would greatly ease the economic stress we feel every month, as we seek to keep our doors open and our many battles on the offensive. 

If you can possibly help us by upgrading to paid, please, please do. 

Here is a one-time donations button:

You can send a check for a subscription or one-time donation to:

Naomi Wolf or ‘DailyClout’

PO Box 24 

Millerton New York 12546

And either way, please keep me, and us, in your prayers, as we do you, and your families.

All my love,


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