Tuesday 4 June 2024



Grand Conspiracies need numerous stakeholders to pull it off.  Each stakeholders needs to get something out of the caper.  Thats the carrot.  The Master Minds also needs an Enforcer to make sure nobody breaks ranks and squeals. Its needs to be an organization that is known for being ruthless and whose reach stretches globally.  You know who I mean.

It also needs access to plenty of money (carrots) and only one entity can print all of the money it wants.  You know who I mean.

Those who sign up and join the inner circle know there is only one way out, in a casket, or jar, depending on how much is left of you.

Thats why capers like 9/11 and COVID have so many suspects, because there are literally thousands of actors who make out like bandits. There are a lot of carrots.   

Sometimes we hear about plane crashes or car accidents and suicides, of prominent people.  Sometimes I wonder did they try to break ranks, or were just getting wobbly enough that they became a risk?

To pull it off successfully requires control of the Media, so they get a bunch of carrots.  Its much easier now than in the 80’s since the concentration of media is such that you basically  have 6 corporations who own all MSM and a handful owning Social Media

Knowing that there will be a few bright bulbs who cant be fooled they know there will be some degree of opposition that even news suppression and censorship can’t control, so they fund controlled opposition to discredit those promoting something other than the official narrative.  Its pretty easy, most of the alternative media requires  financial support.

Lot of the Counter Narrative folks are making out really well with COVID.  Even the censorship of the Controlled Opposition served to promote them and many did even better financially after being banned from Twitter for example, where they have since been resurrected

Not that all of those who are popular and making good money are Controlled Opposition, but like Pavlovs dog they can be trained. OMG, I lost 100 paid subscribers today, what did I post wrong?  Ooh, I gained 100 paid subscribers, got to post more of that.

So that’s enough of the preamble.

The other day I posted how they went about establishing the government-private sector partnerships and infrastructure.

There is also private sector collusion in the form of BBC’s Trusted News Initiative which I will discuss later.

Lets start closer to home.Who actually designed the US government’s Covid response policy? 

Some of you think Fauci is the mastermind, or Bill Gates, maybe even Klaus Schwab.

No doubt they are stakeholders in this Grand Conspiracy, maybe even designated patsies to deflect from the true Master Mind


Its unlikely to be just one guy.  Its a web of interlocking corporations and institutions, government and non-government, private philanthropists and its global, not just local.

Before I continue, one note. Many corporations and institutions are involved, but not everyone in those corporations and institutions knows. Like the Military and any big Corporation the power structure looks like a pyramid. Only those at the top see all. Just look at the back of your dollar bill.


New World Order to boot.

The rest see only what they need to see. For them there is a good reason for whatever they and the company or institution does. For those who know too much they are either smart enough to keep quiet or they are muzzled in some fashion.

I will note that in January 2020 it was reported there were a record number of CEO resignations. Maybe some of them did not want to join a party from which there was no exit

Without a free media, whistleblowers are not heard. This is especially true in any position requiring security clearance and those bound by National Security Laws

So now I continue with Operation COVID.  I will focus on the US .  Some of you think its China and the CCP.  I believe they are partners, and the conflict between the two serves as Fake Wrestling. A nice distraction, like 2 party politics , but in reality, there is one boss, the head of the Octopus (which may be many heads) who lies beyond sight.

On March 11, 2020 Reuters reported that in January “The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified.” Reuters sources said “the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.” 


Furthermore, government officials said “dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January” and they were held “in a secure area called a ‘Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,’ or SCIF.”

SCIFs are usually reserved for intelligence and military operations.

March 13, 2020-Pandemic Crisis Action Plan – Adapted (PanCAP-A)

Page 1 of this document, under “Purpose” states:

This plan outlines the United States Government (USG) coordinated federal response activities for COVID-19 in the United States (U.S.). The President appointed the Vice President to lead the USG effort with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) serving as the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) consistent with the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) and Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 44.

On p.16, the org chart for the “US Government COVID-19 Coordination and Response” places the White House Task Force at the top. 

Below the Task Force, under “POLICY” the org chart places the National Security Council with three sub-groups:

The first is WMD – Weapons of Mass Destruction. 

On March 13, 2020, the same day as the official date of the PanCAP-A, President Trump declared a nationwide emergency under the Stafford Act.

President Trump, in his letter invoking the Stafford Act stated that:

In accordance with this determination, the Federal Emergency Management Agency may provide, as appropriate, assistance pursuant to section 502 and 503 of the Stafford Act for emergency protective measures not authorized under other Federal statutes. Administrator Gaynor shall coordinate and direct other Federal agencies in providing needed assistance under the Stafford Act, subject to the Department of Health and Human Services’ role as the lead Federal agency for the Federal Government’s response to COVID-19.

Yet five days later, on March 18, 2020, FEMA was directed by the White House to take over as Lead Federal Agency (LFA) for the government’s Covid response, a role it was not prepared for and had never held before. HHS, the agency named in every pandemic preparedness document as LFA was removed from that position.

The PanCAP-A did not address the changes that ensued when FEMA was designated the LFA. Furthermore, FEMA (and HHS) did not update the PanCAP-A or issue interim guidance addressing the changes in critical roles and responsibilities for each agency. (p. 11)


Nothing like this happened during the last Fake Pandemic in 2009.  Thats because this was no ordinary Pandemic, this was an Operation, or as ex-CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, it was a Live Exercise

Here is a timeline. An awful lot of  time and money spent on prevention or creation? You decide.

2015-The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense was established . The Founding Staff Director was Robert B. Kadlec, M.D., infamous for his role in the Dark Winter Exercises conducted before the Anthrax Attacks


January 2017-BIA=Biological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans

2017- January, Fauci predicts there will be an “outbreak” during Trumps administration

2017- US leaves UNESCO and its legally binding Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights forbidding medical experiments without informed consent

2017-In May, the health ministries for the world’s wealthiest twenty (G20) nations assembled for the first time, gathering in Berlin to participate in a Joint Exercise Scenario with an imagined China responding to a contagion dubbed MARS, for “Mountain Associated Respiratory Virus.”185 (Mars is also the Roman god of war.)

Attendee Tom Price was HHS Secretary at the time

A moderator of the 2017 simulation was Professor Ilona Kickbusch, a member of Gates’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (Fauci and CDC Director George Gao are members)

2017- DARPAS -Pandemic Prevention Platform created and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,

The Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program aims to support military readiness and global stability through pursuit of novel methods to dramatically accelerate discovery, integration, pre-clinical testing, and manufacturing of medical countermeasures against infectious diseases

2017-Robert Kadlec appointed by Trump as Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),

2017-HHS Secretary Alex Azar , appointed by Trump  after Tom Price resigned in September was involved in the FBI botched Anthrax investigation.

2017-December 12, Public Law 115-92, enacted and authorized the Department of Defense (DoD) to request, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide, assistance to expedite development and the FDA’s review of products to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions facing American military personnel

2017-December 19: The NIH and Dr. Fauci’s NIAID restore federal funding for gain-of-function research, ending the moratorium that began in October 2014

2018-May 11-The NSC directorate for global health and security and bio-defense disbanded by Trump

2018-Pandemic plan (PanCAP ) prepared while John Bolton was Trumps National Security Advisor

2018 September, Trump issues  National Security Presidential Memorandum 14 (NSPM 14) that was specifically geared toward supporting national biodefense and was issued in conjunction with the National Biodefense Strategy

NSPM 14 established a committee chaired by the Secretary of Health and Human Services that was tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy

NSPM 14 established the National Security Advisor as the lead for policy coordination and review to provide strategic input and facilitate policy integration for Federal biodefense efforts

2018-with 21 Trillion in spending unaccounted for an announcement by a little-known government body called the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board — FASAB — that essentially legalized secret national security spending.


2018-Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) proposed injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanised and “batified” mice.

The EHA / WIV proposal (named ‘DEFUSE’) was ultimately rejected for full funding (but leaving open the door for partial funding), in part because it mis-interpreted the GOF guidelines.

According to Dr Malone most funding requests of this nature are submitted while the research is already under way if not completed

Also, lets not forget FASAB — they just made it easier to hide secret national security spending.   This could have been funded under a Dark Budget

2018 November 2, FDA and DoD announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), to provide the framework under which FDA and DoD will implement the law.

2019 June 24, Congress passed and the President signed the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act (PAHPAIA), Public Law No. 116-22.

The 2019 law amends the Public Health Service Act to enhance the authorities of the Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (Kadlec), and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Redfield)  to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.

2019-July, the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense hosted a panel calling for "A Manhattan Project for Biodefense": a "public-private [R&D] undertaking to defend the Nation against biological threats, incl. biological warfare, bioterrorism and infectious disease pandemics."

Co-chaired by Joe Lieberman and ex-DHS sec'y Tom Ridge, the Commission includes anthrax attack target Tom Daschle, ex-FDA comm'r Margaret Hamburg, ex-HHS sec'y Donna Shalala, Biotechnology Industry Organization head Jim Greenwood, Rep. Susan Brooks and Mueller's COS Ken Wainstein

Ex Officios are even more interesting: Cheney COS "Germ Boy" Scooter Libby, EcoHealth's William Karesh, ex-Ft Detrick Cdr. Gerald Parker, Terrorism Studies guru Yonah Alexander, bioindustry doctor George Poste, WH scientist Rachel Levinson, Hudson Institute's Tevi Troy

The focus of the "Manhattan Project" panel was flu vaccines. Spooky ASPR Robert Kadlec, formerly of anthrax vaccine manufacturer BioPort, stresses the need for newer, faster vaccine development, particularly using mRNA technology.

2019, July 9 Two Senior residents at an ALF in Fairfax County Virginia die and 18 others suffer from symptoms ranging from coughing to pneumonia

2019, July 9, CDC withdraws only American epidemiologist embedded with Beijings CDC

2019, July 18, CDC shuts down Fort Detrick Lab for several months over safety issues

2019, Sep 4-Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Gates Foundation) makes an initial equity investment of $55 million in BioNTech

2019, Sep 11 (EST-China 12 hrs ahead) Chinas virus database suddenly taken off line by Wuhan Bat Lady Shi Zheng Li. Still down in 2022, Shi claims its due to cybersecurity concerns. Some claim the SARS-CoV-2 virus began circulating on or about this time

2019- September, WHO’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) issues its first report on global preparedness for health emergencies.

The GPMB was convened in 2018 by the WHO as a way to help course correct and encourage preventative action, instead of reactionary efforts. The body is independent from the WHO and will produce annual reports that both amplify many of the past recommendations of the WHO and analyze how the WHO can better address the next pandemic.

Ultimately, it aims to reduce the health and economic impact of health crises by building stronger and more resilient health care systems. 

In its 2019 report, the GPMB warned that "there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5% of the world’s economy."

One of the required actions scheduled before September 2020 , under authority of the legally binding International health regulations (IHR 2005) , called for 2 systemwide training and simulation exercises, one of which covered release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

Members on the GPM board include the head of NIAID Tony Fauci and George Gao of Chinas CDC Director

2019-September, The Whitehouse Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) finds that in a pandemic year, depending on the transmission efficiency and virulence of the particular pandemic virus, the economic damage would range from $413 billion to $3.79 trillion. Fatalities in the most serious scenario would exceed half a million people in the United States


[its beyond the scope of this post to cover in-depth but there were also extensive financial preparations being made in parallel with Information Control Planning and PANDEMIC Planning.  In August at the Jackson Hole Wyoming meeting Black Rock proposed a Going Direct plan where the Federal Reserve could inject money directly into the economy.  This was trialed during the Repo Crisis that  was triggered in September 11 by JP Morgan and others refused to make Repo Loans, and was then implemented in full in March to save a collapsing Financial Market with Black Rock appointed as the intermediary to dole out the Feds Helicopter Money that was seeded by 400 billion authorized by Congress under the Care Act . The Fed used this to inflate the money supply by over 4 trillion dollars, much of it passing through Black Rocks hands and into the pockets of those deemed most worthy . A lot of carrots]

Sep 18, 2019-a week after Bolton stepped down and Major (Ret) Robert Charles O'Brien took office as the 27th United States National Security Advisor A few days later, O'Brien announced that Matthew Pottinger would become the deputy national security advisor

2019, Sep 29, Trump signs Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines and creating a Flu Vaccine Task Force to promote National Security EO 13887 establish a National Influenza Task Force that reported to the President and called for the Department of Defense to collaborate with the HHS to design and evaluate influenza vaccines

2019 October 18: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security convene an invitation-only “tabletop exercise” called Event 201to map out the response to a hypothetical global coronavirus pandemic.Attended by IS CDC and George Gao of China CDC

Lots of concern expressed about Mis and Dis information and the need for trust

At about this time the Trusted News Initiative is set up.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was founded in 2019.  It includes companies such as Google, Facebook, BBC, YouTube, Twitter, the New York Times, Microsoft, and Reuters.  It also includes all of the companies owned by these companies, which boils down to literally every mainstream media information service. 

The TNI exists to, in its own words, “choke off” and “stamp out” online news reporting that the TNI or any of its members peremptorily deems “misinformation.”

Trusted News Initiative  Director Jessica Cecil explained in a blog post dated 8 October 2020 at the BBC how big tech schemed with the mainstream media to "alert each other to the most dangerous false stories, and stop them spreading fast across the internet, preventing them from doing real world harm?":


"A year ago the BBC convened partners across the world in an urgent challenge: at times of highest jeopardy, when elections or lives are at stake, we asked, is there a way that the world’s biggest tech platforms from GoogleYouTubeFacebook and Instagram to Twitter and Microsoft and major news organisations and others - from the European Broadcasting Union, the Wall Street Journal and The Hindu to ReutersAFP, The Financial TimesCBC/Radio-CanadaFirst Draft, The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism - can alert each other to the most dangerous false stories, and stop them spreading fast across the internet, preventing them from doing real world harm?

....we have now found a way to alert each other so partners are on guard at particular times of the highest jeopardy, ready for the most serious “break-glass” moments when viral disinformation risks real world harm. And we have done that without in any way muzzling our own journalism. “

October 2019- draft of Crimson Contagion 2019 exercise conducted from January-August in 2019- Functional Exercise scenario was based on a novel influenza A(H7N9) virus that originates in China and is antigenically distinct (not matched ) from stockpiled vaccines.

Previous Pandemic Exercises from 2017-2018 include  SPARS and Clade X

2019 October 1 , the Strategic National Stockpile was transferred from the CDC to BARDA, and BARDA’s budget was increased by $722 million to a total of $2.2 billion. The stockpiles for life-saving medicines and medical equipment had been depleted during the  H1N1 influenza epidemic in 2009.

The emergency stockpile was never replenished with essential medical equipment, therapeutics, or personal protective equipment (PPE) for doctors and nurses.

BARDA activities are not subject to FOIA requests. How convenient.

2019-October 29 Vaccine conference at Milliken Institute where Public Health gurus like Fauci discussed how to streamline vaccine development


2019 December 16th, A material transfer agreement for Moderna mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates was signed by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina

The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am.

The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Councel. Both signautres were made on December 17th 2019.

January 3, 2020-China’s CDC Director -George Gao who attended Event 201 in October called US CDC Director Robert Redfield to report it on COVID outbreak in China

2020 January 4, , Michael Callahan (CIA/DARPA) called Dr. Robert Malone from China just as the coronavirus began taking its first wave of casualties. Malone, a former contractor to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the chief medical officer at Alchem Laboratories, is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology platform.

Malone first met Callahan in 2009 through Malone’s sometime business partner, Daryl Galloway, a CIA officer who formerly served in the US Navy and at one point held the post of director of JSTO in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. To Malone, Galloway introduced Callahan as a fellow CIA officer.

During his January 4 phone call, Callahan told Malone that he was just outside Wuhan. Malone assumed that Callahan was visiting China under cover of his Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital appointments. Callahan told Malone that he had been treating “hundreds” of COVID-19 patients.

Callahan subsequently described to National Geographic how he had pored through thousands of case studies at the outbreak’s epicenter. He giddily reported his amazement at the virus’s “magnificent infectivity,” and its capacity to explode “like a silent smart bomb in your community.”

On leaving China, Callahan returned to Washington to brief federal officials and then went directly to work as a “special adviser” to Robert Kadlec, managing the government’s response to the coronavirus.

2020- January 5 . NCMI issues Infectious Disease Risk Assessment for COVID-19  , reporting that 59 people had been taken ill in Wuhan, China. This report was derived not from any sensitive intelligence collection effort or independent biosurveillance activity, but rather from a report issued to the WHO by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, dated January 5, 2020).

The NCMI had been relegated to a mere observer, having failed in its mission to provide timely, predictive analysis of pending epidemiological threats. Almost everything the NCMI knew about the current situation in Wuhan came from the WHO, which had been working very closely with Chinese authorities from the Chinese Center of Disease Control (CCDC) to determine the origin and nature of the coronavirus outbreak.

The NCMI has access to the resources of the totality of the intelligence community, including intercepted communications, satellite imagery, and sensitive human intelligence, including covert sample collection.

Too bad they didn’t talk to Darpas man in Wuhan (Michael Callahan) who reported there were hundreds of cases a day (far more than 59) earlier.

2020, Jan 13. French Health Minister bans HCQ as OTC medicine after 60 years. In March they prohibited prescriptions for COVID patients unless in serious/terminal condition (where it doesn’t work)

January 13,2020 Former CDC director Julie L. Gerberding sold 102,000 shares of Mercks stock (she is EVP) which represented half her holdings. The stock was sold for a total transaction of $9,119,000

[Maybe she got a hot tip that her money would do better at Moderna? Just speculating]

January 14, 2020 Matt Pottinger authorized a briefing for the NSC staff by the State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services, along with CDC director Redfield.

January 16,2020 . Lt Colonel (ret) Peter Thomas Gaynor became FEMA Administrator

2020- As news of a novel coronavirus outbreak in China is breaking President Trump arrives in Switzerland to attend the 2020 DavosWorld Economic Forum. Only the 2nd US President to pay homage, the other being Bill Clinton, he is the first to attend twice

January 2020 , National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered that all high level meetings regarding COVID BE CLASSIFIED Orders reportedly came directly from the White House


January 23, 2020-China announced that it was locking down Wuhan, a city of 11 million people. The shutdown was extended to several more cities in the coming days, with travel prohibited inside much of the country. Tens of millions of people were effectively locked in their homes.

Jan 24,2020-HHS Secretary activated the Secretary’s Operation Center

January 27, 2020, Trump’s staff attended the first full meeting on the coronavirus in the White House Situation Room. Unbeknownst to those in attendance, Pottinger had unilaterally called the meeting. Pottinger pushed for travel bans.

Jan 27,2020 Presidents Corona Task Force formed and coordinated through NSC

January 28, 2020, Pottinger began to reach out to Deborah Birx to have her come to the White House to lead the response to the Coronavirus.

January 28, 2020, Pottinger says he spoke to a doctor in China who told him the new coronavirus would be as bad as the 1918 Spanish flu, and that half the cases were asymptomatic.  National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien brought Pottinger into the Oval Office, where he seized the first opportunity to repeat to the President what the doctor in China had told him that morning.“This is the single greatest national security crisis of your presidency and it’s now unfolding,” O’Brien told the president. “It’s going to be 1918,” Pottinger told Trump

2020, Jan 31. Travel ban on China origin flights

January 31, 2020-Public Health Emergency declared by HHS

February 2020, Pottinger began a campaign to popularize universal masking and travel quarantines in response to the coronavirus based on information from his own sources in China

2020, Feb 4, HHS issues Notice of Declaration under PREP ACT for medical countermeasures against COVID-19 and provide liability immunity for all involved

Feb 10,2020 FEMA embedded team with ASPR

2020-Feb 14,  Pandemic Prevention Platform - or P3 set up 2 years ago and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Agency - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, announced plans to respond rapidly to COVID-19 until a vaccine is developed.

The  first part of the plan is to identify antibodies and get antibodies from people who've been infected with COVID-19 and recovered.

The second part is to develop a drug that can be used based on these antibodies. They plan  to try and just take the genetic material that codes for these antibodies and put that into people and alter their DNA so as to let the people's own cells make the antibody. It's only been tested in tens of patients, so its experimental.

They may have something ready in as soon as 90 days.

Feb 20, 2020 strategic objectives directed by NSC Resilience DRG PCC outlined

Feb 28, Task Force transitioned to Office of  Vice President

2020, Feb 29, Fauci says no need to change anything you are doing on a day to day basis

2020, Feb 29 The first patient death in the United States from COVID-19is reported by Washington state health officials

2020, March 5 President Trump signs COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Actinto law.

Included is an $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus spending package, much of which “directly benefit[s] the drug industry.” 

2020, March 8, Fauci says evidence is that wearing masks won’t be helpful

2020, March 11, WHO declares Pandemic

2020, March 11 , President Trump addresses the nation on prime-time television concerning the COVID-19 pandemicas the total number of confirmed cases passes a thousand. During the address, Trump announces that he will suspend all travel to and from Europe for thirty days, starting midnight Friday. The United Kingdom is exempt from this restriction.

March 13, 2020, President Donald J. Trump declared a nationwide emergency under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Stafford Act, P.L. 93-288 as amended), authorizing assistance administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

March 13, 2020 entitled: “PanCAP Adapted U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan” (PanCAP-A) (embedded at the end of this piece) reveals that United States policy in response to SARS-CoV-2 was set not by the public health agencies designated in pandemic preparedness protocols (Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness ActPPD-44, BIA), but rather by the National Security Council, or NSC. 

The 2018 Pandemic Crisis Action Plan (PanCAP) was customized for COVID-19 specifically and adopted by HHS and FEMA;

This is the pandemic response org chart, from p. 9 of PanCAP-A, showing the NSC solely responsible for Covid policy:


I wonder what WMD could mean


It called for “home isolation strategies” and “limiting public gatherings and cancellation of almost all sporting events, performances, and public and private meetings that cannot be convened by phone.” It called on states to “consider school closures.” It also said that “healthcare” facilities need to “alter standards of care from ‘contingency’ to ‘crisis’ standards to conserve resources.”

Everything must stop, said the document, except for “skeleton crews” related to “critical public services and infrastructure.” 

It called for lockdowns when there is community spread of the virus .

“The trigger for a transition from containment to community mitigation activities in multiple affected jurisdictions is recognition of greater than three generations of human-to-human SARS-Cov-2 transmission in each, or detection of cases in the communities without epidemiologic links, in two or more non-contiguous jurisdictions in the U.S. with evidence that public health systems in those jurisdictions are unable to meet the demands to achieve and maintain containment while simultaneously providing quality care.”

March 13, 2020 the National Security Council (NSC) was officially in charge of the US government’s Covid policy.

2020, March 16, In a press conference at the White House, President Trump urges Americans to avoid gatherings of more than ten people, warning that the COVID-19 pandemiccould last into the summer.

He was surrounded by Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci, the people who have since revealed themselves as Biden partisans. They were the team advising him, with his son-in-law in the background.  According to Washington Post reporters, Trump had spent the weekend with these very advisors.

During the press conference, the stock market crashed 3,000 points, the largest point drop in history. Hearing the news of this devastation during the press conference, Fauci interrupted to assure people that this would be a short break in economic activity and certainly would not last until July. We might still be battling the virus by then, he said, but the lockdowns themselves would be of short duration. It was designed to bring calm to the markets. 

2020, March 16,  Fauci tells Americans to Hunker Down significantly to slow the spread

2020, March 17, CDC contracts with Bildererger Peter Thiel’s  Palantir to model outbreak data

2020, March 17, DHS contracted with military contractor  MITRE to work on a pandemic response plan to engage, inform and guide Mayors, Governors and emergency response leaders dealing with a pandemic. MITRE would advise on non pharmaceutical interventions (eg closing schools, stores, masks, social distancing)

2020-March 17,  Centers for Disease Control (CDC) enlisted Palantir (Peter Thiels company, one of Trumps largest supporters) , a data scraping and modeling behemoth that works with law enforcement and other government security agencies, to model outbreak data.

Palantir and Clearview AI, the facial recognition startup that acquired billions of facial images through public web scraping, have been in contact with state governments about tracking people who came in contact with infected individuals. 

2020-March 18, President Trump signs the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a bill providing sick leave, unemployment benefits, free COVID-19 testing, and food and medical aid to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, into law.

President Trump and Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau close the border between the United States and Canada, allowing only essential traffic through

March 18, 2020, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was officially in charge of the US government’s Covid response.

2020-March 21, PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND  downgraded COVID from a High Consequence Disease to an Inconsequential Disease due to low mortality rates

2020-March 22, GILEAD Science granted Orphan Drug Status for Remdesivir allowing them to monopolize pricing despite receiving over 70 million in Federal Funding for drug development

2020-March 24, CDC revised death certificate reporting guidelines that had been in effect since 2003 . The effect was to have anyone with a positive COVID-19 test counted as a COVID death even if they died from other reasons.

As Deborah Birx said those dying from and those dying with COVID would both be counted. On April 14 CDC expanded that to include those presumed to have COVID (w/o a positive test). Financial incentives would be given to those who diagnosed more COVID cases/deaths under the CARE ACT.

2020, March 25, The number of deaths in the United States from COVID-19 disease is 826. Two hundred eighty-six are in New York state, one hundred twenty-six in Washington state, fifty-eight in California, forty-six in Louisiana and thirty-eight in Georgia.

2020, March 26, Fauci published paper in NEJM stating COVID may be more like a severe seasonal influenza with a IFR of 0.1%

2020 March 26, -Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the face of the White House coronavirus response team, is now saying life probably will not go back to normal until we have the ability to vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19.

2020, March 27, Trump signs the 2 trillion dollar CARE Act

$ 75 billion would be given hospitals and other healthcare providers

2020, March 29, Trump extends the nationwide social distancing guidelines until April 30

President Trump reveals that his decision to extend the social distancing guidelines to April 30 was motivated by models which predicted that if the restrictions were removed as many as 2.2 million people would die and about half the country would be infected.

President Trump also warned that between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans could become infected in the coming days, despite strict isolation and distancing guidelines.

2020, March 30 FDA authorizes use of HCQ

2020, March 31, Fauci and Birx predict 100-240K deaths even with social distancing and lockdowns

April  -President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” a planned pharmaceutical-government-military collaboration to shrink the development timefor a coronavirus vaccine.

Operation Warp Speed established a partnership between DoD and HHS to support the development, manufacture, and distribution of vaccines.


Remember why the DoD and HHS are so important:

  • The Secretary of HHS is the chair of the Biodefense Steering committee tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy that was established by NSPM 14

  • The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of HHS co-chaired the National Influenza Vaccine Task Force.

  • EO 13887 allowed the Secretary of Defense to implement vaccine development within the DoD

Within the framework of OWS, the DoD and HHS are assisting Big Pharma in fast-tracking their vaccine development, manufacturing, and distribution

2020, April,  Secret data platform Launched by HHS called HHS Protect built largely from software obtained from Palantir. The predictive aspect of HHS Protect is a component called HHS Vision that began in July.

Chief Information Officer Arrieta is a staunch advocate of AI, blockchain and other emergency technologies and wants to use HHS as a test bed in collaboration with the Pentagon

HHS awarded two contracts, worth a total of nearly $25 million, to Palantir Technologies, Inc., ("Palantir") for a massive COVID-19 data platform. The platform, "pulls data from across the federal government, state and local governments, healthcare facilities, and colleges, to help administration officials determine how to 'mitigate and prevent spread' of the coronavirus."

HHS Protect reportedly houses 187 different datasets, including COVID-19 case counts, hospital capacity, and supply chain, census, testing, and emergency department data. 

HHS reportedly plans to gather the public's sensitive health information, as part of HHS Protect. 

"The inclusion of [Protected Health Information] (PHI) in this database raises serious privacy concerns," the lawmakers wrote. "Neither HHS nor Palantir has publicly detailed what it plans to do with this PHI, or what privacy safeguards have been put in place, if any. We are concerned that, without any safeguards, data in HHS Protect could be used by other federal agencies in unexpected, unregulated, and potentially harmful ways, such as in the law and immigration enforcement context

April 2 2020-The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on April 2, 2020 that it will not impose penalties for violations of certain provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule against health care providers and their business associates for good faith uses and disclosures of patient information intended to assist the government in its efforts to combat COVID-19.

HHS has already released other pronouncements during this pandemic regarding telehealth remote communicationsHIPAA requirements related to telemedicineand expanding benefits for Medicare beneficiaries.

2020 April 6: Dr. Fauci describes a COVID-19 vaccine as a “showstopper” and states, “I hope we don’t have so many people infected that we actually have . . . herd immunity.”

2020, April 16, President Trump announces that the states can begin lifting restrictions for COVID-19 by May 1 while acknowledging that the decision to reopen is best left to the states.

April 16: Moderna announces up to $483 millionin funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to speed up the mRNA-1273 vaccine’s development.

2020 April 24 -President Trump signs the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act to provide hospitals with $484 billion in funding  with $100 billion going to Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund , much of that going to hospitals to offset losses and increase COVID-19 testing.

2020, May 1, Remdesivir wins EUA based on NIH  trial data showing faster recovery but no improvement in mortality. WHO later conducted its own study and found no benefit

2020, May 1, President Trump dismisses Acting Health and Human Services inspector general Christi Grimm, who had issued an April report describing severe shortages of COVID-19 testing materials and personal protective equipment.

[Gee all those Pandemic Exercises and Planning and we had shortages of critical pandemic supplies. In a real world the CEO gets fired]

May 1, 2020-Recognizing the particular impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on hospitals in certain parts of the nation, and that inpatient admissions are a primary driver of costs to hospitals related to COVID-19, HHS is distributing $12 billion to 395 hospitals who provided inpatient care for 100 or more COVID-19 patients through April 10, 2020, $2 billion of which will be distributed to these hospitals based on their Medicare and Medicaid disproportionate share and uncompensated care payments.

May 15-Trump hired Dr. Slaoui to head Operation Warp Speed.  Slaoui has worked in the pharmaceutical industry on vaccine development for decades. Several companies he has worked with or sits on the Board of Directors are funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One of these companies, Moderna Therapeutics, is conducting research on RNA vaccines in partnership with the U.S. government’s organization, DARPA.

In 2016, Slaoui was appointed to the Board of Directors of Moderna Therapeutics, the apparent front runner for the Covid vaccine although multiple vaccines are likely to be approved to handle 8 billion shots or more annually. Dr Slaoui holds 10 million in Moderna at time of appointment

2020, May 21,  Forbes reported that the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has given $1 billion to Astra Zeneca in partnership with Oxford for a rushed rollout of the vaccine in September.  Thats a UK company

2020, May 18 President Trump reveals that he is taking Hydroxychloroquine

2020, May,  claim is made that Iran attempted to hack Gilead, presumably looking for information on Remdesivir

2020 May 22, -Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing it has begun distributing billions in additional relief funds to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to help them combat the devastating effects of this pandemic.

2020 May 22,- For the first time, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given a realistic estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, which in its most likely scenario is 0.26 %

2020 , May 27, -An incredible 43 percent of coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities (ALF), reports Forbes.

The 2.1 million Americans who live in nursing homes and ALFs represent just 0.62 percent of the population, but a staggering 43 percent of America’s coronavirus deaths.

June 1 , 2020-As part of the Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed, on Monday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a task order with Emergent BioSolutions to advance manufacturing capabilities and capacity for a potential COVID-19 vaccine as well as therapeutics.

The task order is worth approximately $628 million and falls under an existing contract with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of HHS’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.

2020, June 4 Lancet retracts 2 bogus studies on HCQ

2020, June , Trumps administration gives the Gates founded GAVI a donation of 1.16 billion dollars. GAVI is one of WHO’s biggest funders (along with the US and Gates), so some of that money will end up in WHO’s hands

2020, June CDC gives MITRE 16.3 million dollar contract to help build an enduring capability to contain COVID

2020, June FDA retracts HCQ EUA at request of BARDA despite studies showing a clear benefit when used with zinc in patients with early mild disease

Like BARDA’s earlier request to FDA to issue the EUA, BARDA’s request to revoke the EUA is part of a collaborative, USG- interagency effort to rapidly respond to this continuously evolving public health emergency.

Today’s request to revoke is based on new information, including clinical trial data results, that have led BARDA to conclude that this drug may not be effective to treat COVID-19 [Coronavirus Disease 2019] and that the drug’s potential benefits for such use do not outweigh its known and potential risks.

The authorization of a product for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3) may, pursuant to section 564(g)(2) of the Act, be revised or revoked when the criteria under section 564(b)(1) of the Act no longer exist, the criteria under section 564(c) of the Act for issuance of such authorization are no longer met, or other circumstances make such revision or revocation appropriate to protect the public health or safety.

FDA has determined that the criteria under section 564(c) of the Act for issuance of the EUA referenced above are no longer met.

[This was based in part on the 2 Lancet studies that were retracted]

2020, June 20, NIH halts study on HCQ showing no harm but no benefit. They did not use zinc and also did not evaluate benefits of using it on non hospitalized patients

Where it would be most useful since by the time a patient requires hospitalization damage to the lungs has already occurred

2020, June 27, US Ambassador to UN announces another gift to GAVI of 545 million dollars

2020, June 29 Gilead sets price for Remdesivir at 3200 dollars

2020, July 7 Trump announces intentions to leave WHO (1 yr notice required)

2020, July 9 WHO announced COVID-19 can be airborne (in which case masks would be useless)

2020, July 13 The Trump administration orders hospitals to forego sending all COVID-19 patient information to the CDC and instead submit it to a central database maintained by the Department of Health and Human Services.[all COVID Data to be sent to HHS Protect instead of CDC national Healthcare Safety Network]

2020, Sep 3, Studies report steroids are most effective treatment for serious COVID but early COVID TREATMENT protocols did not include steroids despite being commonly used for many other lung infections

2020, Sep 21, CDC goes against WHO and pulls guidance saying COVID transmission can be airborne

2020, Sep 25, President Trump is diagnosed with COVID-19, but allegedly keeps this a secret from the public until October 2 when President Trump tweets that both he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19 and would immediately quarantine.  Later that day, President Trump boarded a helicopter to Bethesda Naval Hospitalfor treatment.

He then treats his alleged illness with Remdesivir and Regeneron (so he claims) instead of HCQ or IVM

2020-October, Palantir-developed software tool known as “Tiberius” will guide OWS vaccine distribution efforts. Tiberius will identify high-priority populations at highest risk of infection.”  The software will “decide” which “population subgroups” are given what vaccine.

Not only will Tiberius use Palantir’s Gotham software and its artificial intelligence components to “help identify high-priority populations,” it will produce delivery timetables and map out the locationsfor vaccine distribution based on the masses of data it has collected through various contracts with HHSand data-sharing allianceswith In-Q-Tel, Amazon, Google and Microsoft, among others.

These data include extremely sensitive information about American citizens and the lack of privacy safeguards governing Palantir’s growing access to American healthcare data

2020, Oct 22, FDA approved Remdesivir for COVID , thus ignoring the WHO trial showing no benefit

2020, Dec 27, Despite previously calling the $900 billion COVID-19 relief package "a disgrace", President Trump signs the bill, averting a government shutdown.[

2020, Dec 31, 2.8 million first doses given (cumulative)

2021 Jan 12, Alex Azar announces that HHSwould make changes to their vaccine distributions in an effort to speed up the rollout by encouraging states to open vaccination sites to all persons older than 65,

2021, Jan  18-President Trump signs an executive order that lifts travel restrictions on Brazil, the United KingdomChina, and Europe after January 26. However, Jen Psaki, Biden's Press Secretary, says that the restrictions are expected to remain in place.

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