Wednesday 5 June 2024


NY Times spins the slow suicide of the MSM as a personality clash

Are we surprised? How much is the NY Times losing per day?

2 days ago I wrote a quick post about the “abrupt departure” of the Washington Post’s executive editor, and how this story revealed that the WaPo had lost half its readership since 2020, and was losing over $200,000 each dayover the past year.

The NY Times wants to turn the story of the abrupt departure of the Washington Post’s executive editor into a personality clash, regarding the new WaPo CEO Will Lewis becoming embroiled in a lawsuit brought by Prince Harry about phone hacking by a British paper, in which the Will Harris himself is a defendant. 

Well, I am sure the new editor was not pleased that his own WaPo newspaper covered a scandal in which he was being sued by Prince Harry. 

But the much larger story is that the public does not want to pay for propaganda any more, and all the mainstream news outlets have hemorrhaged reporters, gotten rid of some of the best investigative journalists, and now the journalists who complied with accepted narratives to publish lies are reaping what they sowed:  over 500 journalists were let go by news outlets in January 2024 alone.  They were not journalists. They were talking point rewriters. Who needs them? ChatGPT could do it too, for free. At some outlets, AI already crafts the news, according to Creative Destruction Media.

Was Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post and other “nasty girl” reporters among those let go? Her reportage is fit for a gossip rag, not a news source. SWhe is prized for her 500,000 TikTok followers.

Why are social media popular? Only because we don’t believe the mainstream media. Why is that so hard to understand?

And here is what the indubitable (I’m joking) Lorenz had to say about her former publication, the NY Times:

"Anyone who's worked as a journalist at the NYT knows that journalists there are absolutely allowed to loudly espouse political opinions, you just have to espouse the *right* political opinions. Right wing opinions are fine, left wing opinions are not," Lorenz wrote.

Does the Post really benefit from this juvenile genre of reporter? While the Post’s CEO Will Lewis wants to recreate the newsroom with a focus on social media, perhaps readers could educate him that really, all readers want is honest journalism. Is that really too much to ask?  Or is honesty too far outside the Overton window in our “post-truth” world?

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