Saturday 8 June 2024


My take: WHO negotiators got their PLAN B

It’s just days after the hasty, and by insider accounts, coerced, approval of International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments and the dust has not yet settled. However, it is clear to me that these last minute additions to the IHR, incorporating aspects of the pandemic treaty negotiations, was a last ditch attempt to ensure WHO has coordinating power in the event the WHO Director General declares another ‘pandemic’, which he keeps telling us is coming soon. 

How this international ‘agreement’ on a Saturday night could have occurred without fulfilling the requirements of Article 55 requiring that Member States receive proposed amendments at least 4 months before voting is not clear but coercion seems to be a factor. 

On the most basic level, we should all be wondering what sort of authentic international agreement, involving people of many languages, can possibly be made when last minute changes were made available in the English language only? 



However, the powers that shouldn’t be, puppeteering the WHO behind the scenes, may think they have achieved somewhat of a coup with PLAN B. The reason I say this is because the IHR is already a legally binding document. Adding country obligations related to pandemic emergenciesrelevant health products, including gene therapies, and State Party measures to control disinformation without having agreed a treaty specific to pandemics may feel as if they have killed two birds for the WHO with one stone. 

Specifically, among the so-called adopted changes are the following:

1 – the term ‘pandemic emergencies’ has been added throughout and defined as the following:

The definition says nothing about health or who caused the many social and economic disruptions during the last time WHO declared a ‘pandemic’. It says nothing about how ‘at high risk’ is determined, and whether such determinations shall be free from pharmaceutical, political, or ideological conflicts of interest. It says nothing about adhering to international legal requirements to declare a health emergency, which must pose a real threat to the life of a nation. 

2 – the term ‘relevant health products’ has been added throughout. Note that this includes diagnostics (e.g. dodgy PCR tests), vector control products, cell and gene-based therapies and much more.

When you have an organisation that is mostly privately funded and controlled can declare a worldwide emergency and then control or influence to any degree the manufacture, regulation and allocation of these products, this could easily be called a racket.

3 – there is an emphasis on ‘preparing for a PHEIC, including pandemic emergencies, rather than merely responding to one.

4– In Article 13, the Director General shall do a variety of things after declaring a ‘pandemic emergency’ (page 12), including:

The emphasis on ‘relevant health products’ in this section prepares for the centralisation of drug regulation and puts control of drug authorisation of relevant health products in the hands of one man – the WHO DG. What could possibly go wrong?


5- In Article 13, point 9: State Parties shall undertake…to support the WHO-coordinated response activities, including through: a) supporting WHO in implementing actions in [Article 13]; b) engaging with and encouragingstakeholders to facilitate equitable access to relevant health products.

6– PART VI – ‘Health documents’ may be required and whilst these may be in non-digital or digital format, WHO shall develop and update, as necessary, technical guidance on these.

7– Article 44– funding is to be mobilisedthrough international cooperation to address the needs of developing countries to facilitate access of relevant health products.


8- CORE CAPACITIES FOR PREVENTION, SURVEILLANCE, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE page 44 – each State Party shall do many things, see below, including addressing misinformation and disinformation!

So, State Parties - our governments - are to be the WHO enforcers w.r.t ‘the science’ of nay upcoming ‘pandemic emergencies’ and will be responsible for addressing misinformation and disinformation, as well as enforcing ‘access to health products’ deemed relevant by the WHO, as if this relevant health product aspect of WHO control has not been made clear through repetition by the time one has reached paged 45.

As James Roguski said in this brief conversation I had with him on Sunday, it’s a business deal - it’s all about setting up a WHO-controlled pandemic industry paid for by us ordinary people through taxation to fund drug corporations and hidden entities hell bent on injecting the world over and over again.


A 12-minute Zoom on the adopted IHR amendments

Here is a brief conversation I had with James Roguski on Sunday. In case you don’t know, James is an independent researcher who has been following and analysing the developing WHO threat for over two years. 

We would do humanity a disservice to forget the fake monkeypox PHEIC, which appears to have been a test of our reactivity and compliance.

Pandemic X, bird flu, Marberg, etc

We do not know when Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus will be given the go ahead to declare another pandemic. One thing one we can be sure of though is the potential cascade of horrors that will follow implementation of WHO ‘pandemic emergency’ measures related to relevant health products, including genetic therapies’, our freedom to travel, speak freely, socialize, and work in the name of equity and solidarity – enforced by captured country government officials upon the world’s people.

The bottom line

Countries governments cannot transfer authority to the WHO or follow orders from any entity in any circumstances. Accepting new paperwork from WHO negotiators, entraps us further into a globalist web of trickery and deceit and must be whole-heartedly rejected by all people.

Government officials around the world who fail to reject these IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty process entirely should prepare to be accused of treason by their countrymen and women.


Thank you for your support!

The World Council for Health (WCH) is a peoples’ health advocacy initiative that has no conflicts of interest and is supported through your contributions. We have much work to do and are struggling to stay afloat. Please Subscribe, Donate and Support Us. You can also help us by purchasing books, supplements and EMF protection products in our new online shop.

Thank you!

Please also read the WCH Statement on the NOTICE of INVALIDITY, DISPUTE and OBJECTION served on FRIDAY 31st MAY, 2024.

You can download your own copy of the recently adopted IHR document here.

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