Saturday 1 June 2024


Johns Hopkins Predicted "POPULATION COLLAPSE" in 2018 due to "Disease X" (COVID-19).

And a brief discussion of why I'm moving more content to paid.

I’ve been researching Johns Hopkins lately because they played a major role in the Death Spike in New York in the Spring of 2020. 

Most of you are already familiar with “Event 201,” a simulation that so closely matched the Plandemic that Johns Hopkins released a disclaimer saying that they had nothing to do with it. 

After the WHO updated their Annual review of diseases prioritized under the Research and Development Blueprint to include the hypothetical “Disease X,” in February 2018, Johns Hopkins followed with “The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens.” Although the Johns Hopkins’ document is undated, I believe it was first published in March 2018, and no later than May 2018.

In this document, The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens, Johns Hopkins specifically said that “population collapse” could (would) occur to “carcinogenic effects” and “reproductive effects.” Obviously this sad reality that the world is experiencing at the moment is due to the vaccines, not a fictional, hypothetical virus.

Here’s the excerpt on Cancer and Birth Rates:

“Additionally, a GCBR-level event may not confer direct mortality. Reproductive effects (ie, in the manner of rubella or Zika) or carcinogenic effects (eg, HTLV-1) could, in many ways, be highly detrimental to the future of humanity, as they could lead to significant curtailment of lifespans and diminishing birth rates, which could ultimately result in significant population collapse.”

To refresh on EVENT 201:

October 2019:  TABLETOP EXERCISE Event 201

“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.” …

“The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.”

Now the disclaimer.

January 24, 2020 – Statement about nCoV and our pandemic exercise

“In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Recently, the Center for Health Security has received questions about whether that pandemic exercise predicted the current novel coronavirus outbreak in China. To be clear, the Center for Health Security and partners did not make a prediction during our tabletop exercise. For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction. Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic. We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

This article is both free and paid. I’ll break down the The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens further below the pay line, and how eerily similar it is to the events that came to be. Otherwise if you want to know more, click on the link to the document and read it. And I’m going to tell you why I’m moving more content to pay format in this free section.

Sage’s Newsletter has also written several times about Johns Hopkins and SPARS. This article from Sage is also paid, but it’s worth paying for in my opinion. I’m a paid subscriber to this newsletter. There’s nothing like looking into something and finding out, “hey someone already did this.” I’d much rather pay a $7 a month on it, or whatever I paid for this newsletter, than spend 40 hours researching a topic. 

I think people need to understand that time is money, and research and writing take a lot of time. When you read a well-researched summary in a nice format, that just didn’t magically happen. I make $16 an hour at a blue collar job, and I make about $4 an hour researching and writing. I am spending my weekend once again on this. That’s all the time I have, weekends and evenings. If I could make a living at it I would spend at least 40 hours a week researching and writing, probably more. I’m not complaining, just asking you to consider how much time this takes and how much I make, and how much I can do with what I make. I have bills just like the rest of you and want to support myself and not be a bum. So I’m moving more to paid content, but I’m still going to balance it with a lot of free content. I’m also comping a lot of subscriptions to other writers and researchers. I do want my reporting to spread, but I think I need to achieve a higher level of resources to better challenge the disinformation outlets. 

I keep hoping that other major outlets will pick up on what I’m writing and take it further, but it just has not happened for whatever reason. Many of the topics I report are beyond the fear ceiling of others to report, not to mention that major media outlets that will actually pay salaries to journalists are all corporate-based today and the editors of these outlets will not let their journalists report the truths that are contrary to their corporate interests no matter how much they want to. So like the Doctors and Lawyers, the Journalists go along with Evil to make a living, because fighting it is very difficult and very challenging, I promise you. 

We all have to make a living. I even applied to the Intercept at one point, of Snowden fame- “Fearless Reporting” as they claim, and told them I could help them break major stories on 9/11 with their excellent FOIA skills and connections. They weren’t interested. And I don’t think it was because they were scared of it, I think it was because they didn’t want you to know the truth. Epstein’s deal with the FBI was allegedly about information he provided to them on Insider Trading before 9/11, and supposedly there is a document to this effect from the FBI to the DOJ, describing the basis which the DOJ/FBI dropped their investigation of Epstein and let Florida alone prosecute him. But that deal will possibly never be exposed, whatever the nature of it was. Because who’s going to do it?

I’d like to hire writers, researchers and lawyers for FOIA requests and lead a major outlet, but it looks like a long way from here. It’s not so much how good you are at this type of thing, in my opinion. Even though a certain aptitude is required to do large-scale complex analysis, it’s where your heart is. Many people have the necessary aptitude and take the short-cut. 

And it’s about money. I was impressed with how the Intercept was able to obtain and publish the entire EcoHealth/Wuhan research without any redactions from their FOIA request. Other FOIA organizations, like Judicial Watch, often have to sue government agencies to obtain court orders forcing agencies to release information required by Law. I have, for instance, filed an FOIA request with the NIH to get information related to their deadly Remdesivir trials. They blocked it. I could sue, and have a strong basis for suit, but that would require lawyers to have successful, which I cannot afford.

Money is always there for the evil, as much as you want, as much as you need, as long as you serve evil. The good people of the world are generally as broke as me and complain that they can’t afford a paid subscription. Such is our dilemma. The war of financial attrition against the common man is far larger and far older than most people care to imagine, but having a background in economics and statistical modeling I see it clearly. I’ll ramble for a bit here. My education is in Economics.

Have you ever wondered why the World ECONOMIC forum leads the evil in this world, as opposed to the World Engineering Forum, or the World Psychiatric Forum, or other? I could tell you a lot more about this topic in a future article, but suffice to say it’s data collection and data analysis at the heart of it. It seems to me that the statistical methods developed by econometricians formed the guts of AI, for one thing, although I am no expert. AI began as computers choosing the models of best fit, then it iterated to generating its own models, and just kept going. Now they have quantum computers and all the information in the world- Total Inforation Awareness. The limit of AI is effectively infinite. You don’t see the real version of it- you see cartoon versions of it which seem sort of harmless and naive. I assure you it is not.

Economists just took to the most advanced statistical analysis methods available to man more than the other disciplines did. The field of Medicine was dumbed down to the controlled “clinical trials” model. Economists don’t have to do trials. Econometricians analyze reality, with every variable in the world left uncontrolled and running simultaneously, because we know how, even without AI. 

As opposed to Medical clinical trials model, the “controls” of AI analysis come after, to implement evil schemes. I read the first papers of Marvin Minsky, “Father of Artificial Intelligence,” published in the early 60s, and thought that what Minksky was proposing sounded a lot like the models I was using to write my Thesis, with methods developed after Minsky’s paper, later in the 60s, like Box-Jenkins. Then it grew from there. 

Do you have any idea what you can do with all the data in the world skimmed from the internet, analyzed by Artificial Intelligence? When the entire world is rapidly becoming Fascist Corporate/Government structure? When you have the power to create massive amounts money from nothing with the Central Banking system of the world- spending power which is stolen from us in the form of inflation due to theexpansion of the money supply, money which goes to them first? Money which goes to fund research, development, and implementation of technologies that controlor or kill you (like Starlink and Neuralink)? When they own the Media that constantly blares disinformation and lies designed to kill and control the world’s population? Well you’re looking at early stages of it now, and they’re not planning on stopping. If that disturbs you, just imagine what it’s like to really, really get it. I’ve managed to accept it, adjust to it, and commit myself to fighting it. That said, I feel great because I’m actually doing something about it, but I could use some help.

I’m not in it for myself, I’m in it for mankind or I wouldn’t bother to do it. I could make a lot more money pursuing a Globalist-approved career path in their corporate structure. I made over $100K several years. I could model the stock market and make a fortune, buying and selling shares in corporations that conspire to kill us all and steal our disposable income. I know how to do it. That was my Thesis. But what I’m doing now is what I think is best for the world and mankind and I can’t live with myself knowing that I could have made a difference, so I’m not taking the short-cut. Time is too short; the need is too pressing; too many people are being killed. If there is one thing I want people to remember about my life, it is that I took a stand against what is going on in this world today.

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