Sunday 2 June 2024


IBM Made Sex Videos for Kids: How Pornographic Materials Infiltrated Schools as Sex Ed UNTOLD HISTORY

PART 1: Following the rabbit hole to places and people you would never expect...

This is going to be a hard series to read but you have to read it to truly understand how deep this Agenda is, how shockingly long it has been taking place and who is truly behind it. If a toddler can be read this in school, we, as adults, have to face it. I tried to keep each part in this series on the shorter-side so you can get through it. Please force yourself to read this 4-part series to the end. 


I’m sure you have seen the school board meetings in which parents confront the board regarding X-rated books in school libraries. Here’s a couple short clips:

(1 minute 35 second video)

This one is so bad it was edited prior to being shared to bleep words… from a kids library book! (3:35 video)

(2 minute video)

(3:50 video)

It’s so disgusting, so abhorrent, so evil, that I wondered how we got here. Specifically, when did literal pornography infiltrate schools? Is this a new thing? Or was it there when we were in school? I don’t remember it, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there, hiding in plain sight on a dusty school library shelf that we didn’t frequent. 

I wasn’t sure if I would be able to find a clear answer and I didn’t know where exactly to start looking. It’s not like you can Google search, “When did porno books get put in elementary schools”, you know? 

After a couple hours of digging through the topsoil of the internet, I began to hit clay; some very interesting articles regarding filth in schools in the 1990s - I was not expecting to find this. But does it go back further? 

What I found next appeared to be a large rock in the soil but as I dug more I realized this is not a rock, it’s a boulder. As I continued to excavate evidence I discovered this is no boulder, it’s a mountain. It’s a mountain buried so deep that I don’t think anyone is aware of it because we spend our time in the topsoil of the internet. Today I am going to begin showing you the peak of the mountain, hidden deep within the bedrock, in hopes of never being uncovered.

1960s: FILTH FOR AGES 3-10

Surprisingly, "Sex Education” in schools didn't become filthyit was installed that way. From the very beginning, it was so perverted and disgusting that in the late 1960s people tried to fight back to put an end to it, but as you will come to discover, sex education is a massive operation and a massively profitable one at that. Parents and alarmed citizens were no match for the financial powerhouse fueling this evil agenda. 

Here are some film slides that were part of a public school Sexual Education course called How Babies are Made, which was shown to children in the 1960s. According to a 1969 documentary called Innocents DefiledSex Education in Schools, this smut was designed for children ages 3 to 10. 

The slideshow then goes on to explain sex positions, first using animals:

Why would toddler, who is learning colors and shapes, need to be taught this? 

Then the slideshow goes on to explain humans having sex:

In graphic detail, for ages 3-10! 

AGES 3 TO 10!! 3 years old is 36 MONTHS OLD!

Then there’s this book, which the state of Illinois approved for schools, Love & Sex in Plain Language

The first page recommends that it is for children of all ages:

The book begins with illustrations:

The text within is so graphic that the 1969 documentary refused to show it, but here is a sample that explains how orgasm is achieved:

Here is another book that was in the school system at the time the documentary was made. This book was designed for children ages 5 to 8:

Instead of cartoons they opted for frog porn:

In all of these presentations, they keep repeating the steps to have sex, over and over and over. In the slideshow below, they taught the children how dogs, lions, horses, cats and birds mate, in extreme detail. 

Here are several of books that were in schools as of the 1960s. As you will notice, these are disguised as educational materials

By the way, on YouTube, the 1960s documentary about sex education in elementary schools, which all of the images above are from, is age restricted to adults only…

In fact, the reason this post doesn’t include the 1970s - current-day Sex Ed content is because it is so graphic, I think I would lose my Substack account for posting it. It is literal porn. Put it this way, this is the tamest thing I could find:

After downloading the educational materials I started editing them to censor genitals and sexual acts, but even with censoring it, it is still so graphic that it would go against Substack’s policies… yet it’s in SCHOOLS for children as young as THREE-TO-FIVE.  Wrap your mind around that. 


Because teachers reading children graphic books wasn’t enough and children watching sex presentations wasn’t enough, take-apart models of male and female anatomy were created. These models helped very young boys and girls learn about the human body, specifically private parts and how to use them for sex. To make sure young children got the full educational experience, the female had a opening and the second edition of the male had a removable appendage. 

Why do you suppose they don't make models of arteries and hearts so children can learn about healthy eating? Why don’t they make models of lungs so children can learn the impacts of smoking or environmental pollution? Never mind, we know why. The answer is sadly simple; they are sick people with an agenda of making children sexually charged. This is child abuse. They are pedophiles. 

Shortly thereafter, toy crotches were no longer enough so students were provided “take-me-apart embryos”. 

You may think a take-apart embryo is educational but in Part 2 of this series, when you discover who is behind this, it will all make sense. It is far from education


We need to talk about what exactly was going on in schools 55+ YEARS AGO (Not 55 days. Not 55 weeks. Not even 55 months. OVER 55 YEARS, FOLKS! I told you it was a buried mountain!)

Before 1970, parents learned that there was much more taking place behind classroom doors than the X-rated audio-visuals and their children being taught to touch plastic genitalia models and take-apart toy embryos. For example, parents in Michigan discovered a teacher brought her classroom of teenagers into a dark room to touch, feel and embraceeach other. After, they were told to write about the feelings and blessings they felt. (44 second video)

(Audio only version 44 seconds)

In another city in Michigan, a Sex Ed teacher stripped in front of the children. When outraged parents went to the school board they were shocked to learn the board sided with the teacher (16 seconds) 

(Audio only)

Which brings us to this…


Time of Your Life was an extremely graphic Sex Ed film made for children in 4th-6th grades, ages 9 to 12.  Due to the obscene nature of the film, parents were forbidden from viewing it.  (1:40 video)

Audio only:

Time of Your Life was produced by a tax exempt company called KQED National Instructional Television Service, who had multiple locations but their main hub was located in San Francisco. However, KQED is only one fish in a big, smutty pond. This brings us to the topic of who is funding these educational programs and who is making them. 


It all began when the US government artificially stimulated the demand for Sex Ed materials in schools by creating Federal Aid programs which allotted money to schools looking to purchase the materials. (1:16 video)

The financial payout incentivized companies such as IBM (through their company called Science Research Associates) and 3M to crank out materials and sell them to schools at a hefty cost.  According to Innocents Defiled, as of 1969, the cost to taxpayers for one school system to purchase all of the required Sex Ed materials was $375,000 annually. That’s just for one school district for one year!

Through tax funded federal aid programs the government consequently created NIT (formerly known as National Center for School and College Television). NIT was a juggernaut in the Sex Ed Audio-Visual industry. They became the largest promotion, production and distribution company for these materials… 100% tax funded through the Department of Education and other aid programs. (0:49 video)

I almost forgot to mention, those toy genitalia models, you know, the ones with the finger-sized slot in the female and the removable portion of the male… guess what company owned those?  The Times Mirror, a newspaper and television station company.  The Times Mirror and CBS were partners in tv stations during the time these educational toys were developed.  Some of Times Mirror’s tv stations are now owned by ABC and NBC but most now belong to FOX. Yes, the company that created toy genitals for children is currently owned by the same companies who bombard all ages with hyper-sexualization around the clock. Let’s get back to the 1960s:

It wasn’t enough for the US government to make producing erotica for children financially lucrative, they upped the ante and began making it mandatory, such as in Colorado’s House Bill 1082 and Illinois House Bill 1633:

And this wasn’t limited to public schools. In the 1960s, the Arch Dioecies of Chicago created a sex ed series called Becoming a Person.  Yes, it was indeed called BECOMING A PERSON (because you’re not a person until you do what the frogs did.)

Within this Catholic Church document there is a section for teachers, outlining the topic of Parental Approval:

It goes on to say:

Yep, the church basically said, “do it behind the parents back because they might ask questions”.  If I am able to stomach finishing writing this series, it is going to lead all the way up the chain to places many of you are not going to like, but, you either want truth or you don’t. I have discovered that most of the time the truth sucks but it really does set us free.  I’d rather have an uncomfortable truth than be duped by a soothing lie. 

Although all of this crazy sex ed information is shocking, it still doesn’t answer how we got here. How did all of these schools, both public and private, suddenly, in unison, want to destroy children’s minds? It turns out the road leads back to… 


Stay tuned for PART 2, coming June 4th, 2024! 

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The lady on the upper right teaches SEX ED TO FIRST GRADERS (37:00) and White supremacist beauty standards in addition to sex to MIDDLE SCHOOLERS (39 min)

Book SIECUS The Corruptor of Youth (1969)


Innocents Defiled, 1969, made by:

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