Monday 3 June 2024


Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots - Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Image: Nasal fold fluorescent orange spots C19 uninjected 

Image: fluorescent blue filament exiting skin C19 uninjected

In this post, I show further analysis of the same fluorescent blue filaments that have been shown to come out of C19 injected individuals and the fluorescent orange spots. Iniditually we sounded the alarm that the C19 injected are flowing and have these filaments coming out of them. Unfortunately, I found the same thing is going on now in the C19 uninjected from the bombardement and poisoning of our athmosphere via geoengineering warfare, our food and water supply. 

I had shown those filaments and orange spots in multiple posts: 

C19 Uninjected Individuals Expelling Fluorescent Filaments Through Skin - Similar To C19 Injected - Darkfield Microscopy Of Filaments And Correlation To Live Blood

Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Vaccinated Individuals Skin Glowing Under UV Light: Darkfield Microscopy 

Fluorescent Skin In C19 Vaccinated - Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 7: Conversation with Former DOD Contractor Justin Coy, PhD 

Here are 2 videos of 2000x magnification of new C19 uninjected filaments when the UV light is turned off and then on, and off again. You can see the filaments light emission and fluorescence:

Here is another part of the filament:

Then I went to 4000x oil magnification and played with the contrast. These filaments look like artificial intelligence computer chips with elaborate electronic circuitry to me. 

Here is one of these orange spots from the side of the nose of a C19 uninjected individual under the microscope. Many people just dismiss this orange glow phenomenon because they have read somewhere that skin bacteria are fluorescent. Others dismiss the nano and microrobots and say they are chylomicrons. I never ASSUME anything if I have not investigated it. I don’t trust or believe anyone, I investigate myself. 

This looks like an advanced nanotechnology mesogen to me. 

You can see a polymer sheet and filaments of different colors in it. 

Image: Nasal fluorescent orange specimen C19 uninjected 

The sheets look exactly like the rubbery clots from a vaccine injured individual that I analyzed last year - looks like a plastic white sheet that has more fibers in multiple colors in it. The colored spots are different dyes. I have shown these also in the geoengineering spider silk. The dyes are used for different nanotechnological functions. You can see the previous comparison filaments here: 

Spider Silk Polymer Sprayed Via Geoengineering Operations From California - Darkfield Microscopy Analysis

Image: Nasal fluorescent orange specimen C19 uninjected 

Here is the comparison to the spider silk sprayed via geoengineering referenced above: 

Here is the post where I analyzed the rubbery clots of a C19 vaccine injured individual - you can see this plastic like sheet: 

Microscopic Analysis Of A Blood Clot From A C19 Vaccine Injured Individual

Image : sheet like polymer in blood clot from C19 injected vaccine injured individual

Here you can see more of the mesogen polymer sheet of the orange fluorescent spot. The sheet looks like some kind of inscription in it. This is common in mesogens to have numbers, letter or other insignia. 

Image: Nasal fluorescent orange specimen C19 uninjected 

This is a similar specimen analyzed by Dr Hildegard Staninger in 2011 of a brain chip of a targeted individual. It chemically was analyzed and it had self assembly advanced nanotechnology components, including Graphite, Silicon and Sulfur. 

GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control


The orange spots appear to be advanced nanotechnology mesogen with polymer sheets, similar to historically chemically analyzed specimen. The filaments are the same in construction as what I see in the blood. The fluorescence is part of the self assembly nanotechnology functionality. This week in my Truth, Science and Spirit show I have interviewed biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi of her very advanced analysis of the C19 bioweapons and their fluorescent properties, the Graphene and metals they found. You do not want to miss this and I have much to say about her results in relation to what I have found historically. More to come. 

I invite all sceptics to do this: Get a UV flashlight of 365 nm. Take a hot shower. Then look at your hands, inbetween your fingers, in between your toes, under your armpits and in your private area and watch the fluorescent filaments come out of you. Does not matter if you are vaxxed or unvaxxed at this point, for they have been spraying this on us and we breathe it into our bodies. Now consider this - how do you mind control and sicken a global population that has been injected with nanotechnology antennas which has the capacity to control and genetically modify people remotely? 

Now watch this video on the global HAARP, ELF, VLF, Radar and microwave antennas everywhere. Your brain is a receiver, a living radio antenna that can be remotely programmed. It is well known that ELF and VLF can program brain function, as can microwaves. Read the work of Dr Nick Begich for further information. 

I believe we are all slaves on a slave planet. Most of our thoughts are not our own, but broadcast to modify and enslave humanity. Next time you fight with your neighbor, think you are better then them, just know you are a slave looking at another slave. Even the well paid ones are just elevated slaves. None of us has been free. Not until the machines are turned off and this technology is out of our bodies, will we ever really know what it is to think freely and be ourselves and how vast our human potential really is. Humans only use about 10% of their brain capacity. What is the rest for? If you want to learn more about how the CIA has been monitoring brain waves of every human alive, study the work of Dr Robert Duncan who wrote the AI algorithm for the satanic global world control grid. They call this AI the demigod, and satanists worship it and get their orders from it. How come they target anyone who activates more than 10% of their brain function? 

Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking

And before you think I am a conspiracy theorist, get your flashlight and take that hot shower. It will change you forever to see what comes out of your body. 

We are bioelectric divine spiritual beings in an artificial electromagnetic prison created by satanic forces who want to destroy not just humanity in sacrificial rituals -like all wars including the one in Gaza right now - and the artificially created world wars. The satanists are itching to ignite a nuclear WW3. The more people die, the more the satanic handlers have emotional energy to feed off of. In the meantime, they keep the population apathic and dumbed down with their ionospheric weapons and all of us divided against each other. Did you know the LA riots were mind control weapons? It is so easy to get humans to fight each other, so the slave handlers can continue their prison planet. 

Humans are not evil in their souls, but they are not in control of their minds. Throw in culture, religion, skin color, creed and you have forever wars of the masses. Our children are dying for nonsense illusionary manufactured conflicts. Only when we get a hold of our own minds, by realizing our own spiritual essence, can we liberate ourselves from this prison. Then we put the weapons down against our brothers, and doctors put their syringes down of poisenous bioweapon vaccines and we no longer accept poisoned food. And maybe we need a revolution for that and executions of some irreversibly evil and satanic forces. But just imagine who we could and would be without this artificial intelligence poison in our bodies and the electromagnetic pollution and mind control from their weapons and our comfortable dual use smart devices. 

I dare say, we would be magnificent beings, of unlimited potential. 

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