Tuesday 4 June 2024


Fauci House Committee Theater

Just a quick take on the Fauci Limited Hangout Interview

It was incredible to see all the ball washing of Fauci by the Democrats. But thats expected. The Fauci Cult on the Left is just as strong as the Trump Cult on the Right.  Neither will go to jail for Operation COVID


Almost as bad as the Minority was the Majorities questions.  Completely wasting time on questions he can claim he doesn’t know, like what Morens was doing or thinking.

When Fauci said in his opening remarks the Vaccines were Safe and Effective he perjured himself, at least with regard to the safety.

Not one question about Safety or VAERS from Republicans. Parroting the same nonsense about how many lives were saved, not mentioning Excess Deaths from 2021-2023. I am disgusted, but not surprised.

You see for all the talk about the origins of the viruses (I suspect Omicron also had a lab origin) which is important….

Most of the deaths were caused by social isolation, treatment protocols and withholding IVM, HCQ, Steroids (early on) , Remdesivir. and the over use of harmful respirators ,  lockdowns which limited health care for cardiac and cancer patients, and of course the vaccine

All told, over 1.6 million Americans died.

On the question of COVID policies Fauci rightly pointed out that most of these were communicated by CDC which was headed by Robert Redfield.

Redfield was lauded for being an early proponent of lab origins although he was fairly muted in public, preferring instead to focus telling us Masks were the best vaccine prior to vaccines being ready. Yet everyone gives Redfield a pass.   

Its surprising that nobody mentioned the role of the NSC in setting COVID policy. The PanCAP adopted for COVID was published on March 13, 2020.

A few days later Trump and Fauci announced Lockdowns for 2 weeks. Trump then extended them for another month and pressured Governors to not relax them too early

There were a few sorry omissions. DEFUSE, Creid Network, Ralph Baric.  DEFUSE and Baric were discussed briefly in the transcribed interviews.

One curious thing in reviewing the transcribed interview was that Fauci explained the Feb 1 call was arranged by Farrar who had control of the invitation list, which was why Redfield was not included.  But Fauci could invite Collins because that was his boss

But Baric had testified 2 months earlier he was on that Feb 1 call, so you would think they would ask Fauci about Baric being on the call (even though he did not speak, perhaps listening in on a speaker phone)

Its also curious nobody mentioned in the transcribed interview the Creid Network which initially included Daszak and his DEFUSE Collaborators , and was being set up in 2019 but not officially funded until June 2020

You would also think that someone would ask if he knew Vincent Munster and Faucis RML was originally listed as a partner in Daszaks DEFUSE PPT presented at DARPAS Proposers day

And of course nobody asked Fauci what he knew about CDC closing Ft Detrick for over 3 months due to safety concerns

Morens in his interview said his office was near Faucis and maybe I missed it but when Fauci mentioned Morens office was located in a different building nobody questioned this

Fauci was a board member of the Global Pandemic Monitoring Board (GPMB) along with CDC-George Gao.  It would have seen worthy of mention in one of the 3 interviews. George Gao also attended Event 201

In Sep 2019 the GPMB w/Fauci & Gao warned that "there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen wiping out nearly 5% of the world’s economy."

Required action before September 2020 -two systemwide training and simulation exercises.  Event 201 was one. Covid -19 was the other, as Mike Pompeo called it, a Live Exercise

Fauci also worked closely on Remdesivir (trial) as did Ralph Baric (development) In fact Faucis NIAID manipulated the end point in the clinical trials changing it from mortality rate to days to recovery  to get it approved. He also something similar  in 1987 with AZT,

Just like HCQ/IVM he helped withhold a life saving drug Bactrim until after AZT was approved, Bactrim was safe, AZT was deadly at the approved dose

Redfield meanwhile was trying to terrorize mothers and children that AIDS would affect them and calling for extensive testing even though the tests had a high false positive rate.  Later he would be accused of manipulating AIDS vaccine trial results with the Army

Some of the Committee members made a big deal about $710 million in Royalties to NIH Scientists. There were 260 scientists getting payments which are capped at $150,000. Thats $117 million over 3 years. The rest goes to NIH to fund operations

So anyways, the whole point of these hearings were to serve up some designated patsies, which they have in Daszak and Morens , and to protect the real criminals. 

Thats all for now. Might add to it later, but am fighting my first flu in 25 years (not too bad) and first chest cold in 5 years, adding to the misery of a torn calf muscle☹️

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