Wednesday 5 June 2024


Fauci Audio Sounds Like Mobster Talking about Forced Injections


At the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing last Monday, Congressman Dr Rich McCormick, who served as an ER physician during the pandemic, grilled Anthony Fauci. 

During his cross-examination, McCormick played an audio recorded by Fauci's biographer, Michael Spector, in which Fauci sounds like gangster straight out of a Martin Scorsese movie – because that's exactly what he is: a gangster for Big Pharma and for the entire genocidal Beast System.

A Telegram account ascribed to Edward Dowdwarns us:

The entire "Fauci grilling" is a classic psychological manipulation known as "cooling the mark out"

Fauci is not going to jail, and he does not have to return any of the money

We are the mark, and they are "cooling the mark out"

Dowd cites Erving Goffman's 'On cooling the mark out; some aspects of adaptation to failure.'

The con is said to be a good racket in the United States...The typical play has typical phases...The mark is permitted to win some money and then persuaded to invest more. There is an "accident" or "mistake," and the mark loses his total investment. The operators then depart in a ceremony that is called the blowoff or sting. They leave the mark but take his money. The mark is expected to go on his way, a little wiser and a lot poorer.

Sometimes, however, a mark is not quite prepared to accept his loss as a gain in experience and to say and do nothing about his venture. He may feel moved to complain to the police or to chase after the operators. In the terminology of the trade, the mark may squawk, beef, or come through. From the operators' point of view, this kind of behavior is bad for business...

In order to avoid this adverse publicity, an additional phase is sometimes added at the end of the play. It is called cooling the mark out. After the blowoff has occurred, one of the operators stays with the mark and makes an effort to keep the anger of the mark within manageable and sensible proportions. The operator stays behind his team‑mates in the capacity of what might be called a cooler and exercises upon the mark the art of consolation. An attempt is made to define the situation for the mark in a way that makes it easy for him to accept the inevitable and quietly go home. The mark is given instruction in the philosophy of taking a loss.

The American People are the Mark, in this case. These Oversight hearings are meant to make us feel that our system is "working" and that Fauci is receiving his "comeuppance" for the evil that he has perpetrated on humanity for decades. Our collective anger – as represented by the Incredible Hulk, above – is being appeased by this Congressional Theater, to hopefully transform us back into the mild-mannered Dr David Banner persona.

The truth is, no criminal referrals have been written; merely referred-to by Marjorie Taylor Greene.

And even if he eventually does get written-up for Crimes Against Humanity and even if he is a sickening demon who deserves to have the book thrown at him, it would be absurd to make him the sole scapegoat for a genocidal agenda 60+ years in the making.

Many, many more must go down for this Greatest Crime in History, otherwise, the people of this world are going to start looking more and more like the Hulk – but hopefully, not due to gamma ray exposure…


Dr Rich McCormick (R-GA): You said in an interview that you gave as part of an audiobook written by Michael Spector that you believed an institution should make it “hard for people to to live their lives”, so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. Can we run the audio clip on that please?


Michael Spector: …what do you think can be done about it? I have to say that I don't see a big solution, other than some sort of mandatory vaccination. I know federal officials don't like to use that term. 

Anthony Fauci: Once people feel empowered and protected, legally, you are going to have schools, universities and colleges are going to say, “You want to come to this college, Buddy? You're going to get vaccinated. Lady, you're going to get vaccinated.”

Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say, “You want to work for us? You get vaccinated.” And it's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated. 

Dr Rich McCormick (R-GA): Thank you. Are all objections to COVID vaccinations “ideological bullshit”, Dr Fauci? 

Anthony Fauci: No, they're not. And that's not what I was referring to. 

Dr Rich McCormick (R-GA): Well, in reference to making it hard for people to get education, traveling, working, I'd say it very much was in-context. 

And I take great offense to this. 

Miss Allison Williams testified before this committee about losing her job, because she sought an exemption for ESPN's vaccine mandate, which came from recommendations from bureaucrats, like yourself. She and her husband were actively working with a fertility expert, a physician on how to get pregnant and agreed with the premise that she was young, healthy, wanted to get pregnant and shouldn't get the vaccination for medical purposes.

But she was fired because you made it hard, just like you said in your statement, because you didn't want to make sure that the “ideological bullshit” got in the way of her working, of living her life, of making a medical decision with her healthcare professional. 

I think America should take great offense to this.

Running Time: 2 mins



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