Sunday 2 June 2024


“Dangerous AutoAntibodies by Covid Vaccines”. Shocking Study on a Famous Californian Medical Journal


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


All links to previous Gospa News articles were added retrospectively due to their relevance to the topics covered by the research.

«This report highlights the role of the different types of autoantibodies produced in response to anti-COVID-19 vaccination, which can have functional, regulatory, and possibly pathogenic effects on the vascular and nervous systems».

This is the crucial sentence of a study published on May 10, 2024 by the prestigious medical journal Cureus of Springer Nature,based in San Francisco, California (USA), after a review of about three weeks of the researchthat Gospa News had relaunched in previewed on April 23rd due to its relevance.

The cover of the study by Mantovani et al. revised and published by Cureus on May 10th

The work is signed by Italian researchers such as the immunologist Mauro Mantovaniand his colleagues Romano Grossi, from the Nephrology and Dialysis department of the “S.M. Goretti” of Latina, Giuseppe Di Fede, medical director of the Institute of Biological Medicine of Milan (where Mantovani himself, the first signatory, works) and Paolo Bellavite, corresponding author and former professor of General Pathology at the University of Padua.

«We present the case of a female who developed cerebral venous thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after inoculation with the anti-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaxzevria vaccine, followed by splanchnic thrombosis and diffuse hemorrhages. Despite receiving treatment, the complications increased, and hence therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) was attempted, leading to laboratory and clinical improvements and discharge after a period of intensive care» the doctors write in the summary of AstraZeneca’s mDNA gene serum research.

Over the past few days, London-based Big Pharma AstraZeneca has also admitted the risk of fatal thrombosis caused by its anti-Covid mDNA gene serum, but has defined them as “rare” despite Eudravigilance pharmacovigilance adverse reaction data in the EU reporting hundreds of deaths.

The pharmaceutical company also announced the withdrawal of the marketing authorization from the European Union with a maneuver that was more media-driven than real as its vaccine had not already been sold for 2 years and the product has not yet been withdrawn in the United Kingdom.

Epilepsy and Long Post-COVID Vaccination Syndrome (LPCVS)

«Almost two years after the first episode, in the interim of which the patient complained of only minor symptoms such as asthenia and difficulty concentrating, she developed an epileptic syndrome that required neurological treatment. In addition, her fatigue and difficulty concentrating worsened and other serious symptoms of dysautonomia appeared, such as trembling of her right arm, loss of stability, and postural orthostatic tachycardia. As serum analysis revealed a significant number of alterations in autoantibodies against various G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and RAS-related proteins, two further TPEs were performed, resulting in rapid and sustained clinical improvement».

This is what we read in the peer-reviewed abstract of the study.

The research of Mantovani, already author of the discovery of Double Proline inserted in vaccines which aggravates the persistence of the toxic Spike protein, and Bellavite, who had already published a study on autoimmune problems, represents a milestone in the discovery of the biochemical mechanism that can cause very serious neurological and cardiovascular damage already highlighted by multiple international research.

«Reactions to anti-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines affect various organs, with varying severity and duration among patients. The earliest serious adverse events detected include coagulation disorders with venous thrombosis, especially in the case of adenovirus-based vaccinations– – reported the study’s introduction – Furthermore, it is becoming apparent that vaccinations can also be followed by a subacute or chronic pathological condition, the so-called long post-COVID vaccination syndrome (LPCVS), characterized by general fatigue, muscle and osteoarticular pain, dyspnea, numbness in the extremities, orthostatic tachycardia, hypertension, dyspnea, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, and neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders [2-4]».

This is what we read in the Introduction of the study entitled “Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia followed by long-term post-COVID vaccination syndrome with antibodies against G protein-coupled receptors treated by therapeutic plasma exchange”.

An Indian research had highlighted that 83% of those vaccinated with boosters developed LPCVS disorders, leading us to define this phenomenon as “spike-demic”.

«Many signs and symptoms of this condition are similar to those of “post-acute COVID-19 syndrome” (PACS) reported in 10-20% of patients [5], suggesting at least a partially common pathogenesis [6]. These diseases often affect the cardiovascular and neurological systems, can impair the quality of life of patients, and are difficult to treat».

Severe Autoimmune Complications

«In COVID-19, as in many infectious diseases, complications of an autoimmune nature can arise with a prolonged course, particularly associated with the severity of the disease [7-9]. Autoimmune mechanisms have also been implicated in the adverse sequelae of vaccinations [10-12]. In this report, we discuss the case of a patient who suffered initially from acute thrombotic syndrome a few days after the first dose of vaccine, followed by LPCVS, which was marked by a significant change in antibodies against receptors of the autonomic nervous system; the patient achieved full remission of both conditions after plasmapheresis treatment».

Therapeutic plasmapheresis or plasma exchange is a procedure that allows, through an instrument that allows the separation of the blood components “apheresis”, to be able to replace the patient’s diseased plasma with a donor plasma or with a replacement solution.

The research, therefore, not only identified the potential factors of serious vascular and neurological disorders but also discovered that this “plasma cleansing” can be decisive in attenuating or eliminating the serious effects of Long Post-COVID Vaccination Syndrome (LPCVS) .

«The occurrence of rare thromboembolic events after COVID-19 vaccination is well documented, although the individual risk factors remain unclear. As thrombosis is a multifactorial process, it probably occurs due to an interaction of immunological and coagulation disorders with genetic risk factors».

«In our case, the adverse event after vaccination manifested itself with severe thrombotic syndromes, thrombocytopenia, and hemorrhages, but since there were no anti-platelet factor 4 antibodies, it cannot be considered a classic case of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). However, systemic inflammatory reactions and coagulopathies can occur in COVID-19 and as vaccination reactions due to many other mechanisms, including inhibition of ACE2 activity, which is linked to the spike protein, by anti-S antibodies».

The Disturbing Presence of Two Autoantibodies

We leave aside the overly technical parts and report the most exhaustive ones for understanding the importance of the discovery:

«Molecular mimicry, the production of certain autoantibodies, the role of some vaccine adjuvants, and anti-idiotype networks seem to contribute significantly to autoimmune phenomena[11,12,15,16]. Our case fits this pattern, as confirmed by the analysis of autoantibodies before and after plasmapheresis. The temporal sequence between the elimination of antibodies with regulatory functions on GPCR-type neuroendocrine receptors and the rapid clinical improvement strongly suggests that the former had a therapeutic role in eliminating the symptoms of dysautonomia».

«In our case, we also found an excess of antibodies against ETAR, the endothelin receptor. This type of autoantibody has been reported to be increased in systemic sclerosis and associated with characteristic aspects of the disease, including vascular, inflammatory, and renal complications».

«Also, it is very interesting that antibodies against beta2 and cholinergic M3 and M4 receptors were found to be significantly elevated in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to controls [20]The antibodies that recognize the adrenergic and cholinergic receptors can be considered probably responsible for some alterations presented by the patient, namely dysautonomia symptoms and POTS. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that most patients with POTS possessed autoantibodies that activated ADRA1, ADRB1, and ADRB2 receptors [21]Finally, anti-CXCR3 antibodies and their corresponding receptors are associated with cardiovascular risk[22]».

In their clinical examination of the patient the researchers found a surprise:

«Intriguingly, two autoantibodies were present in excess both before and after plasmapheresis, namely ACE2 (also known as the receptor of the spike protein subunit 1) and MAS1 (angiotensin receptor 1-7). The increase in anti-ACE2 antibodies in COVID-19 has been attributed to an anti-idiotypic phenomenon towards anti-protein S antibodies generated by the immune response to the virus or vaccine [11,15] and has been implicated in Guillain-Barré disease following anti-COVID-19 vaccination [23]».

«Anti-MAS1 antibodies could be involved in the pathogenesis of an imbalance of the renin-angiotensin system if they had an inhibitory effect, because, normally, the receptor on the Ang-(1-7) receptor induces vasodilation and attenuates the vasoconstriction induced by Ang II [24]. The fact that these two autoantibodies did not decrease but increased with plasmapheresis could mean that their production was very active and recent that even a temporary decrease due to the plasma “cleaning” process was followed by a new increase due to the COVID-19 disease (see case description). On the other hand, the fact that the symptoms of dysautonomia disappeared and never returned, despite the increase in ACE2-ab and MAS1-ab, suggests that the symptoms of LPCVS were not related to the disturbing presence of these autoantibodies».

So here is the conclusion on Long Post-COVID Vaccination Syndrome (LPCVS).

«LPCVS remains a partly understood entity. However, the detection of several types of autoantibodies and the improvement of the clinical picture after plasma exchange therapy in this case points to an autoimmune pathogenesis». 

«The identification of the antibodies against GPCRs involved could be crucial in guiding the search for targeted therapies, especially if confirmed by further case reports and case series. Thus, plasma exchange can be considered an adjunctive treatment for this entity, particularly in the presence of severe dysautonomia symptoms and the absence of other contraindications».

This crucial discovery – in addition to re-evaluating for the umpteenth time the exceptional role of the therapeutic use of plasma that Professor Giuseppe De Donno used in the hyperimmune typology of those recovered from Covid-19 to treat the infected sick before dying by suicide after being deprived by the Government of the possibility of continuing his therapy for the benefit of a pharmaceutical industry partner of Bill Gates – however poses the big problem of obtaining “clean” plasma and not itself contaminated by mDNA or MRNA genetic sera.

In recent weeks, in fact, research by some Japanese hospitals has raised the alarm about the danger of transfusions with the blood of vaccinated people…

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Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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CUREUS – Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia and Post-COVID-Vaccination Syndrome With Anti-G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) Antibodies Treated With Therapeutic Plasma Exchange




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