Friday 7 June 2024


COVID Roundup: Fauci’s Puppy Abuse Scandal Gets New Legs?

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WHO Slips Totalitarian Climate Change™, Disinformation Amendments Into Updated 2005 ‘Agreement’

What many might not be aware of is that the United States, and multiple other countries in the neoliberal fold, have functionally been under a pandemic treaty for nearly twenty years, under the guise of 2005 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) so-called agreement — an “agreement” signed onto by the United States government with no meaningful debate, knowledge, or obviously consent on the part of the vast majority of the American citizenry made subject to it.

Passed in the last minutes of the last day of the recent WHO World Health Assembly were even more illegitimate powers passed to the unaccountable international governing body.

Via Robert Malone (emphasis added):

“In parallel to the treaty, the World Health Assembly (in close cooperation with the US HHS/Biden administration) has been working on ‘updating’ the existing (2005) International Health Regulations (IHR) agreement, which historically functioned as a voluntary accord establishing international norms for reporting, managing, and cooperating in matters relating to infectious diseases and infectious disease outbreaks (including ‘pandemics’)…

The IHR amendments retain troubling language regarding censorship. These provisions have been buried in Annex 1,A.2.c., which requires State Parties to ‘develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities . . . in relation to . . . surveillance . . . and risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation.’…

Meanwhile, Article 4: Pandemic Prevention and Public Health Surveillance, states:

The Parties recognize that environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic [climate change caused by people], and economic factors increase the risk of pandemics and endeavor to identify these factors and take them into consideration in the development and implementation of relevant policies . . .””

Here we have the convergence of all the governing authorities’ favorite things: censorship, economic sabotage/deindustrialization for Climate Change™, and biomedical technocracy all rolled into one totalitarian offshore globalist package, to be enforced with no regard whatsoever for theoretically supreme national law — like, in the U.S. context, the Constitution.

What does Climate Change™ have to do with managing the next alleged pandemic the authorities promise is on the way? About as much as the proposed pandemic treaty has to do with public health, which is none at all.

Fauci’s Puppy Abuse Scandal Has New Legs? 

It does if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has anything to say about it.

As illustrated by the recent melodrama involving South Dakota governor Kristi Noemand the inexplicably puppy-shooting tale she regaled the American public with in her own book, many among us might not care what humans to do other humans, but abusing man’s best friend is a bridge too far.

This is not a defense of Noem — whom I regard as a run-of-the-mill,  but what she did arguably had some degree of justification, as Cricket had reportedly killed chickens and otherwise been a nuisance.

She probably shouldn’t have summarily executed Cricket with a shotgun in a gravel pit and then bragged about it in her own book to try to appeal to hard-nosed conservatives (who would be impressed by that story anyway?), but whatever. The point is there is some modicum of logic to the story that is at least understandable if not exculpatory.

What Fauci did to cuddly little beagles was far, far more sadistic.

Via White Coat Waste Project (emphasis added):

“In 2021, WCW broke BeagleGate, which uncovered how Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wasted millions funding cruel and outdated experiments on beagle dogs and puppies in laboratories around the world, including his own labs in Washington, DC.

We exposed how Fauci funded a lab in Tunisia that drugged beagles and locked their heads in mesh cages full of biting flies so they could eat them alive.  The heartbreaking photo of the abused dogs spread like wildfire and sparked widespread condemnation of Fauci.”

Imagine being so warped that you are willing to fasten beagles’ heads into mesh cages to keep them in place while you sic flesh-eating flies onto them — for The Science™. Not only that, Fauci and Co. reportedly ripped beagles’ vocals cords out so they wouldn’t annoy the researchers with their whimpers as they went to work on them.

Via (emphasis added)::

“The NIAID acknowledged that the beagles used in the study underwent a procedure, known as a cordectomy, to prevent them from barking.

Vocal cordectomies, conducted humanely under anesthesia, may be used in research facilities where numerous dogs are present,” the statement said. “This is to reduce noise, which is not only stressful to the animals but can also reach decibel levels that exceed OSHA allowable limits for people and can lead to hearing loss.’”

As the old adage goes, what people do to dogs they ultimately do to humans. Ted Bundy, infamous serial killer, loved to torture animals as a child.

What Fauci did to these animals might not be prosecutable, but it is a window into his twisted little soul that could sway public opinion — particularly among PETA-minded liberal types — against him, so in my view we ought to remind people at every opportunity the hell he wrought on these innocent beagles.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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