Friday 14 June 2024


Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes Globalist Banker Coup

This is a great conversation between investment banker and Former HUD Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Australian freedom activist powerhouse, Maria Zeee, in which the former educates us about the pivotal role of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the New World Order (aka Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Green New Deal, etc).

She explains how the CBDC is designed to be the central hub of the governance system of the One World Government.

The implementation of the CBDC, with the centralization of all currencies would spell the end of both national and individual sovereignty, worldwide. Furthermore, she says, "They seem clearly committed to depopulation."

Catherine says, "Ultimately, as this thing centralizes, they're gonna end up giving up control to Switzerland! It's quite remarkable!"

As she explains:

"With a Digital ID and CBDCs – or a credit card system that uses these kinds of codings – essentially, you have the bankers taking over the fiscal side of the house and replacing the Executive Branch and replacing the Legislature!

"The bankers can make up the rules and enforce them and literally get rid of the Legislature and the Executive branch. So this is a coup. This is a fundamental change in the governance system, using the digital transaction system as control."

This is why they WANT us to see how corrupt our governments are and why they WANT us to topple our governments. This is why they WANT us to dismantle the police. This is why they WANT us to eliminate the US Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention and all of the pretenses of Human- and Civil Rights associated with the post-WWII West.

The Nazi elite allowed us to believe that such things were ironclad and that we, the plebs "beat" the Nazis and that we "won" WWII.

No. They let us believe we won, while the Nazi CIA destabilized the Third World and sent US soldiers into the meat grinders of Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East and now, all of the bad faith that they sowed has come home to roost.

Now, they have adopted the cloying language of "Equity" while they remain ever-intent on killing the vast majority of humans and on replacing the West's fledgling legacy of freedom with CBDCs and AI to control the handful of humans that they would permit to survive, to serve them in the techno-Medieval Utopia of their adrenochrome fever dreams.

The good news is that there is pushback. As of this past February, 11 US States have pending legislation to ban CBDCs and three weeks ago, the Republican-controlled House passed H.R. 5403 the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, which blocks the creation of a government-issued, government-controlled central bank digital currency.

This fight is still far from over and citizens worldwide must remain ever-vigilant to this tyrannical scourge – and remain ever-dedicated to stopping it dead in its tracks, because, as Catherine explains: the controls desired by the Globalists don't even require the implementation of the CBDC and could be jerry-rigged by using the credit card system already in place – as anybody who has ever been de-banked already knows.

A full transcript of this interview appears beneath the video linked below.

Running Time: 49 mins

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