Saturday 8 June 2024


Ana Maria Mihalcea's Defamation Against ASEA Redox Molecules

I met Ana Maria Mihalcea while I was working in Spain, in July 2022. I was meeting weekly with the Medical Doctors For Covid Ethics (MD4CE) group since October 2021. Ana Maria was invited into MD4CE group in the summer of 2022. 

Ana Maria learned from others in the MD4CE group that I was successfully detoxing people from the Covid-19 vaccines. She approached me early in July and asked me to do a Skype call with her. During the video call she told me that she’s a “Medical Doctor who now uses only Naturopathic Medicines”. She did this in order to get me to trust her but it’s obviously a lie because now she’s promoting unapproved industrial poisons such as EDTA and Methylene Blue. 

Ana Maria showed me two images that were supposedly of her own blood, and said that she had been “poisoned”. The blood image was clearly contaminated with Covid-19 tech. Ana Maria claimed that the tech induced brain injury and caused her to lose some of her cognitive ability. I could see the brain damage from the way she slurred her words and struggled to find words. 

Ana Maria told me she’d “tried everything to get the tech out” of her body but nothing worked, and she asked me if I could help her. I gave her a free consultation and instructed her to use 16 ounces of ASEA Redox daily, along with other supplements in my protocol. She further asked me if there was anything else that could be used to detox besides the Redox supplement. I told her that Humic Acid might work or at least it would help, along with other natural medicines in my protocol. I also told her that Humic Acid is natural nano-minerals so it’s aborption rate into cells is rapid, and it works as a cellular driver of nutrients. 

After the free consultation, Ana Maria began buying about 4 cases of the ASEA Redox supplement from me each month. Her first purchase was on July 10th 2022. She continued to buy 4 cases of the Redox supplement for 5 consecutive months. 

In September 2022, Ana Maria began telling people in the MD4CE group that redox molecules do not work. Despite this, she continued buying 4 cases per month from me. 

In October 2022, Ana Maria publicly addressed the MD4CE group on a weekly call with about 100 of the world’s leading experts in attendance, exclaiming that “ASEA Redox doesn’t work Ariyana”. I was stunned. That was a bald-faced lie! 

Ana Maria continued to purchase 4 cases of ASEA Redox in November 2022. Her last purchase was on December 27th, 2022. So, while Ana Maria was defaming me and ASEA to my colleagues and peers, she was simultaneously using my protocol to detox herself. Then she turned around and gave credit to EDTA. How bloody devious!

The MD4CE group includes some of the world’s leading experts in the fields of medicine, science, biology, chemistry, and more. Ana Maria’s defamation resulted in members of the group lashing out at me, abusing me and putting me down. Despite the fact that the group is led by medical experts, they failed to do any due diligence and failed to read from the hundreds of thousands of peer-reviewed papers on the healing power of redox molecules, before inflicting damaging to my career. 

Ana Maria further stole my research and began using Humic Acid in her protocols with her patients! She did this without crediting me because she obviously felt entitled to do so.

After Ana Maria lied about me and the efficacy of redox molecules to the medical doctors, the founder of the group, Dr. Stephen Frost, began censoring and defaming me as well. He and the moderator, Charles (CK), decided that I would no longer be allowed to speak in the group, despite that I’d been speaking freely in the group for an entire year, without any problems. 

I captured this screenshot on October 13, 2022,while I was in a MD4CE call when residing in Hollola, Finland. 

Dr. Stephen Frost contacted me in October 2021, asking me to join and give a presentation to the MD4CE group. I was in the group for several months before Charles joined and began moderating. Prior to Charles joining, the group operated democratically, and each member could raise their hand and have a turn at speaking and asking questions of other presenters. 

Treating me in this way and censoring my ability to interact in the group was degrading and hurtful. I took a screenshot of their undemocratic abuse and posted it onto the group chat for everyone to see. I wanted the others to know that I was being targeted. Immediately, Charles and Stephen removed me from the group and stopped sending me invites. 

Right before I was removed from MD4CE, I invited Dr. Robert Young into the group in October 2022. Despite that Dr. Young had analyzed ASEA’s redox molecules in a science lab and knew their efficacy, the medical doctors took Ana Maria’s word without question. Dr. Frost did not bother to consult with Dr. Young. He failed to read the research papers such as “ASEA And The Big Three” which demonstrates how redox molecules boost glutathione levels up to between 500-800%. 

Dr. Frost proceeded to defame me. I had a couple members of MD4CE reach out to tell me that Dr. Frost refused to give them my contact information when they asked him for it and told me he was attacking my good character. 

The Israeli-Zionists in MD4CE had also been pressuring Dr. Frost to remove me from the group ever since I joined. They attacked everyone who was exposing Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in the Covid-19 jabs, including Karen Kingston and La Quinta Columna.

MD4CE knowledge of redox molecules and our body’s natural operating system is close to non-existent. A few members were complaining that the Redox supplement was “too expensive”. They didn’t want ASEA to get the credit they deserve, possibly because it’s from nature and not a pharmaceutical. Instead of researching redox molecules, they chose to cancel me and inflict harm on my career. Dr. Frost has made no effort to apologize to me. He too feels entitled to discriminate against me. 

Ana Maria’s defamation was successful, but it didn’t stop there. She went straight to Stew Peters and got me canceled from his show with her viscous lies. My last interview with Stew Peters was a year ago, where I revealed that the patent for the PCR “test” is linked to human cloning. The interview was in September 2022. 

Dr. Judy Mikovitz went on the Thrivetime Show on InfoWars, and backed my research. Clay Clark played a clip of that interview with Stew Peters and asked Dr. Judy Mikovitz to comment on the PCR swabs being cloning devices. She not only backed my research, but she also revealed that SARS-Cov-2 is a “synthetic retrovirus" which is part of HIV and XRV (snake venom syncytin). It was a great interview that was unfortuneately censored

While many have heralded Ana Maria Mihalcea as a hero for mainstreaming a deadly industrial poison as a “detox” for Covid-19 vaccine injuries, and touting it as a miracle treatment for everybody else, it’s important to take a closer look at her shady character. 

Ana Maria is deeply involved in Ramtha’s teachings. Ramtha is a male entity channeled by a woman. Ana Maria’s testimonial was featured on Ramtha’s RSE Newsletter in 2014, where she boasts about Ramtha’s spiritual guidance enabling her to win more money by gambling on slot machines in a casino. 

In Ana Maria’s own words:

“This past week, after a days work, and maintaining my Peace, I won:

9/2/14 $1,300 Net on Rainbow Riches
9//3/14 $1,715.75 Jackpot on Cheetah (Net $1,520)
9/4/14 $700 Net on Cheetah
9/5/14 $750 Net on Rainbow Riches
9/7/14 $1,973 Jackpot on Count Vampire (Net $1,898)

I went to the Casino on 9/6. I for the first time in days got angry about something at work and did not immediately self correct. I won that evening, but did not walk out with a net Win. That was a great lesson that Nothing and Nobody is worth loosing my Peace for and interrupting my future Consciousness Stream.”

Now, are these spiritual values? I hope this sheds more light into Ana Maria’s ambitions.

The MD4CE complained many times to me that ASEA Redox is “too expensive” but the EDTA chelation is about $2,000 per visit, not including travel! Whereas a case of ASEA Redox is $160 at retail price, and $130 wholesale, with a monthly subscription. 

ASEA Redox is perhaps the world’s most effective heavy metal chelator and this is why Ana Maria defamed me after using my protocol to detox herself while giving credit to EDTA “chelation”. She knows redox molecules are effective, but she had an agenda to get rich and sell EDTA snakeoil poison to people

Now Ana Maria is attacking Master Peacethrough a nurse practitioner. They’re falsely claiming that Master Peace includes self-assembling nanotechnology in an insidious attempt to defame the company and prevent people from achieving true detox. Ana Maria is defaming all the best supplements that are in competition with her EDTA snakeoil. 

Master Peace is another critical breakthrough in medicine. It’s affordable for all and is one of the best heavy metal chelators to exist. It works synergistically with redox molecules, increasing their efficacy. 

Please review the detailed peer reviewed literature on redox molecules and review the Dark Field Microscopy images of blood before and after using ASEA Redox, through the work of a colleague, Dr. Peggy Marienfeld. 

PLEASE READ: EDTA Snakeoil! Ana Maria Mihalcea’s Medical Malfeasance Exposed

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