Saturday 8 June 2024


A new study finds that covid injections cause tinnitus

A peer-reviewed paper published last month found that covid “vaccines” cause tinnitus.

Researchers from the United States analysed results from a survey and reports to the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (“VAERS”).  The aim was to establish if there was a causal link to covid “vaccines” and if there were any factors that might increase the risk of tinnitus post-vaccination.

They found that covid vaccination does increase the risk of developing tinnitus. And metabolic disorders are a risk factor for covid vaccination-related tinnitus.

The researchers noted that symptoms of tinnitus started soon after receiving a covid injection, the frequency of cases was higher after the first dose and more women suffered from vaccine-induced tinnitus than men.  The difference in the number of cases between women and men increased with age.

Related: Covid vaccine-associated tinnitus needs to be studied and Tinnitus: Some strategies to prevent and reduce the severity of symptoms

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Peer-reviewed Confirmation of Tinnitus Induced by Covid-19 Shots

By Dr. Jessica Rose

There’s a new paper on the loose that supports what many of us have been stating as fact for years: tinnitus is caused by the covid-19 injections.

The paper was published in Frontiers in Pharmacology on 22 May 2024 and is entitled ‘Covid-19 vaccination-related tinnitus is associated with pre-vaccination metabolic disorders’.1 The paper demonstrates a causal link between tinnitus and covid-19 injections using a survey on 398 cases of covid-19 injection-related tinnitus, and 699,839 covid-19 injection-related reports in the VAERS from 2021.

They found 7 main things:

  1. tinnitus report frequencies for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen vaccines in VAERS are 47, 51 and 70 cases per million full vaccination;
  2. the symptom onset was often rapid;
  3. more women than men reported tinnitus and the sex difference increased with age;
  4. for 2-dose vaccines, the frequency of tinnitus was higher following the first dose than the second dose;
  5. for 2-dose vaccines, the chance of worsening tinnitus symptoms after the second dose was approximately 50%;
  6. tinnitus was correlated with other neurological and psychiatric symptoms; and,
  7. pre-existing metabolic syndromes were correlated with the severity of the reported tinnitus.

I can confirm and corroborate almost every single one of these points using only VAERS data, and in science, reproduction is ESSENTIAL. It is staggering how many (percentage-wise) peer-reviewed studies cannot be replicated.

1. Tinnitus report frequencies for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen vaccines in VAERS are 47, 51 and 70 cases per million full vaccination. (NB: these rates are for 2 doses.)

The number of reports for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen I pulled are 24, 28 and 73 per dose administered. As for “full injection”, or 2 doses, the rates are 47, 57, 73.2

2. The symptom onset was often rapid.

Indeed, it was. 28% of all reports were filed immediately and 58% of all tinnitus reports were filed within 48 hours.

3. More women than men reported tinnitus and the sex difference increased with age.

Indeed. 59% of the reports for tinnitus were filed for women and there the ratio of women to men reporting tinnitus to VAERS increases for women aged 50 years and over.

Or plotted with bars side-by-side without the ratios.

4. For 2-dose vaccines, the frequency of tinnitus was higher following the first dose than the second dose.

Indeed. The number of reports of tinnitus was higher following the first dose: 6,415 reports were filed following dose 1 and 3,921 reports were filed following dose 2.

5. For 2-dose vaccines, the chance of worsening tinnitus symptoms after the second dose was approximately 50%.

This metric was determined using a survey of people from the Facebook social media platform. I cannot sufficiently corroborate this idea using VAERS data, but what I can do is seek query the word “worse” in the SYMPTOM_TEXT column. This query within the Tinnitus dataframe yields 1,263 reports.

Here are some examples of what people are saying using the word “worse” in the Tinnitus/Covid injection context, and you’ll notice that there are reports of worsening tinnitus following second dose:

  • Tinnitus, worse in left ear. (ID: 917022)
  • I have constant tinnitus since about a day after receiving the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine. It got worse over the New Year’s weekend. (ID: 917770)
  • Within 4 hours of receiving second dose of Moderna covid-19 vaccine, patient began experiencing tinnitus b/l. Since then, now 6 days later, symptoms have not changed, slightly worse in right ear. (ID: 970872)
  • I do have tinnitus, and noticed that both injections made that worse. (ID: 973457)
  • Within 4 hours of receiving second dose of Moderna covid-19 vaccine, patient began experiencing tinnitus. (ID: 970872)
  • Bilateral worsened tinnitus and aural fullness starting 2 days after vaccine, mildly for a few days after 1st dose of vaccine, then more intensely after second dose. (ID: 981756)

6. Tinnitus was correlated with other neurological and psychiatric symptoms.

Indeed. 99.8% of people who reported Tinnitus as an adverse event (“AE”) had a secondary neurologically-related AE. And conversely, 4.9% of people who reported a neurologically-related AE reported tinnitus as an AE.

The top 10 types of AEs reported in SYMPTOM1 column for the Tinnitus dataframe are as follows:  Dizziness 680 Arthralgia 442 Chills 425 Headache 310 Deafness 307 Ear discomfort 299 Asthenia 264 Fatigue 198 Anxiety 194 Deafness unilateral 158

7. Pre-existing metabolic syndromes were correlated with the severity of the reported tinnitus.

This last point would be very difficult to make using VAERS data, so I won’t try.


  • 1 Wang Weihua , Yellamsetty Anusha , Edmonds Robert M. , Barcavage Shaun R. , Bao Shaowen. COVID-19 vaccination-related tinnitus is associated with pre-vaccination metabolic disorders. Frontiers in Pharmacology. VOLUME=15. YEAR=2024. DOI=10.3389/fphar.2024.1374320
  • 2 This is assuming that the number of people who got 2 doses was approximately half of the number of people who got 1.

About the Author

Jessica Rose has a BSc. in applied mathematics, an MSc. in immunology, a PhD in computational biology and two post-doctorates in molecular biology and biochemistry.  In the aftermath of the rollout of the covid vaccines, Dr. Rose has been analysing VAERS reports and has spoken at many conferences and has been interviewed by many independent podcasters to reveal and discuss her findings.  She regularly publishes articles on her Substack page titled ‘Unacceptable Jessica’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

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