Monday 10 June 2024


"9/11 Is A Big Lie"

June 9, 2024

I’m worried about another false-flag attack.

The Ruling Few are not getting what they want in 2024.

The Bankster Few’s usual machinations through the W.H.O. and the U.N. and their other arms of Rule for the Werld Economic Forum’s 100 Corporate and ‘Philanthropic’ Strageic Partners are failing. Formerly reliable delegates to the World Health Assembly have balked at a ‘Pandemic Treaty’ in 2024. 

Farmers across Europe have already rebelled and won against European Union demands for suicidal compliance under ‘Green’ guises this year. Nations of Sahel Africa such Burkina FasoMali, and Niger are expelling United Nationsand French and U.S. troops and creating new Currencies to replace the Euro-based CFA Franc. “It is no longer acceptable for our states to be France’s cash cow,” says Niger’s head-of state, General Abdourahmane Tchiani. “We will break all ties that keep us in slavery,” says Burkina Faso’s Ibrahmim Traore

Across Europe and North and South America, evidence mounts that tens of millions We Masses have suffered injuries and deaths from the gain-of-function disease and injection spread under pretext of the WEF’s and the WHO’s and NATO’s  “ ‘COVID-19 ‘“. At least 17 million show up as Excess Deaths in several Physicians’ study of Nations’ years before and during the “COVID.

The threat of ‘Bird Flu’ from the WEF-WHO-NATO axis is disdained by an oft-burned public.

Publications as Corporate Stream Media (CSM) as the U.K.’s Telegraph report on the ‘skyrocketing excess deaths in all highly COVID-19 Vaccinated countries.’

So I worry about another spectacular Act of Terror such as that we know as “ ‘9/11’ “.

Please have have a look and listen at today’s offerings.

I begin with two suggested Excerpts from “9/11 Guilt / The Proof Is in Your Hands’, a DVD that JIM HOFFMAN and I produced with videographer and editor CELESTINE STAR between August and December of 2005. 

Please watch Jim on Explosiveness and Pulverization from 1:45 to 3:00 and him on Symmetry of each Tower’s destructive descent into its own footprint, straight-down through columns and beams of hardened steel, in less than 15 seconds, from 3:04 to 4:24.

In 2005 ‘Controlled Demolition’ of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was much less widespread knowledge than it soon became. (The DVD had 37,000+ free downloads through the aptly named Website Pirate Bay in 2006 and Richard Gage began his activism wiht 100 copies.) Jim exposes Explosiveness and Pulverization of the Towers between 1:45 and 3:04 above. 90,000 TONS of concrete in each Tower “blown to dust” in less than 15 seconds of each 110-story skyscrapers’ destruction. This video let me revisit the intelligence, energy and rigor that Jim brought to our projects.

Explosiveness immediate and far more than the forces of Fire or Gravity could compel.

Jim next gives slides and talk about ‘Symmetry’ of the Towers’ destruction. Each’s superstructure, with beams and columns of steel as much as “four feet thick” (as the song “9/11 Is A Big Lie” notes), collapses with “Oceans’ roar and volcanoes’ rush” into its own footprint within—again we highlit—15 seconds. Jim’s focus on ‘Symmetry’ and each Tower’s “following its vertical axis down to the ground” occurs between 3:04 and 4:24. 

South Tower descends straight-down, “through the path of most resistance”, beside the North, at 9:58 Eastern Daylight Time of the September 11, 2001 ‘TERROR’ ‘ATTACK ON AMERICA.’. The 63 headlines collected below are from Jim’s and my 2004 book Waking Up From Our Nightmare. WUFON is available as a whole PDF at the Website and for typically exorbitant prices online. 

The North Tower and its more than 200,000 TONS of steel disintegrates and disappears … in less than 15 seconds.

Below you may watch closing two minutes-or-so of my half of the e “9/11 Guilt” DVD. My role here too was Chief Prosecutor. Jim and I recorded in the Humanist Hall of Oakland, California, August 2005, for the hoped-for L.A. Citizens’ Grand Jury. Celestine Star and fellow videographer Ken Jenkins handled their camera-work. My part heralds my grail. 

The persons against whom I sought Charges were: Larry Silverstein of builder of WTC 7and buyer of the Twin Towers five months before their demolition let him wrangle $billions in Insurance awards; George W. Bush and Dick Cheney: Peter G. Peterson of WTC 7, the Blackstone Groupthe Council on Foreign Relations and Federal Reserve Bank of New York’ and David Rockefeller of the CFR, the FRS, the Chase Bank, the United Nations, and the Downtown Lower Manhattan Associationand hence the World Trade Center and especially the WTC’s Twin Towers. I’d sighted since 2004. ‘Financiers’ as the uppermost string-pullers and thus mass-murderers for “ ‘9/11’ “. Also I recognized by 2002 how the gigantic extensions in ‘Derivatives” by Wall Street and the City of London would inevitable explode Western societies … their 

The closing two-or-so minutes below, from 6:30 onward to 8:34, are wholly winging-it. The text of what I found to say to the imaginary Citizens’ Grand Jury reads:

“ … We need to examine what has happened to our United States through its manipulation by the very financiers we can see as profiting most integrally from the terrible crimes of 9/11/01 and the even more terrible crimes that ensued from the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.... Once we begin to see ot the bottom of 9/11/01, we can see alternatives that are there for in terms of changing our way of life and somehow combatting the situations we're put in. 

Because I think 9/11/01 was evidence of the entire desperation of the economic system we inhabit. If you look at the amounts of Debt that have been contracted by the world's leading fnancial instiutions, JP Morgan ChaseBank of America, CitiBank, the trillions of dolars that they hold in Liabilties form Derivatives, you see that they can only go from one act of terror, one War, to the next, in order to sustain themselves. And they can only sustain themselves ghrough sacrificing us. Sacrificing us on days like 9/11/01, when more than two thousand innocent people perished in the fall of those Towers.

Sacrtificing us in deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan--U.S. Servicement--and more improtantly, to me, sacrificing so many more thousand and millions of the world'people to sustain their basically irrational and destructive economic engine.”

Now to the song.

‘9/11 Is A Big Lie” was inspired by the immensely productive San Diego Citizens Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City, held over 8 hours in the Aztec Center of San Diego State University on April 14, 2007. 

The 23 Citizen Grand Jurors, gathered at San Diego State University, vote unanimously to indict Rudolph Giuliani, Mayor of New York City on 9/11/01, for ‘Conspiracy to Commit Mass MurderThe Citizens’ Grand Jury took place 17 years ago. May we have MANY MORE such Grand Juries, judicial or theatrical, from crimes carried out under pretext of COVID-19. Journalist Abby Martin is topmost right with her hand high.

The song, completed in October 2007, is published in my 2015 collection Animals Are Always Making Musicpages 55 to 58. I recorded it with frame-drum yesterday, June 8. I hope that it comes across. It felt good in the delivery.

We have the same Ruling Few to countervail and overcome in 2024, and we have billions more hurt by them and thus awakened and ready for change now.

Animals Are Always Making Music                                                          55

                  "9/11 Is A Big Lie" 
Key of F                                                                                                                                           F-A#-D  CG  A E                                                                                                                         9/11 is a Big Lie    (Nine----Eee-lev-on ...)                                                                                9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                              9/11 is Big Lie
Key of A                                                                                                                                                And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                      Key of D                                                                                                                                                 To the sky!                                                                                                                                           Key of A                                                                                                                                               And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                      Key of D                                                                                                                                                   Loud and high! 
 Key of G with bumping bass-line)                                                                                     Airliners off-course across two hours time                                                                              51 minutes' lapse before the Pentagon hit                                                                               Then the Towers exploded into bits                                                                                 Hundreds thousands tons of concrete                                                                                      Blown to dust                                                                                                                      Hundreds thousands tons of steel                                                                                        Brought straight down 
Oh, they fell so fast, fell straight down,                                                                                  Fell through columns as much as four feet thick,                                                                    Fell through their cores of steel as fast as dust                                                                         Fell with oceans' roar and volcanoes' rush                                                                             Fell like elevators erupting to the ground                                                                                       As their victims screamed and we hugged ourselves 
Oh what'a--what'a--what'a are we to make of this?                                                      Blows that struck us--struck us--struck us like a fist                                                              Blows whose shock hid their source                                                                                      Blows that hammered past our eyes                                                                                        Blows meant to send us into the 'Endless War'                                                                         That is a Ruling Few's 'New World Order'                                                                          Blows meant to make us fear, obey, and stand in lines                                                           Under Universal Debt to One Big Bank, 
9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                            9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                             9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                         And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                     To the sky!                                                                                                                                     And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                     Loud and high! 
Giuliani knew the South Tower would "collapse"                                                                The Mayor fled his post as firefighters died                                                                          Jerry Hauer told Dan Rather on CBS                                                                                           The planes did it under bin Laden's hands                                                                    Cherkasky and Bremer chimed right in,                                                                                   Sitting on evidence that would indict them,                                                                           While Larry and Pete, GMAC and GE,                                                                                      Raked in profits from Insurance plans,                                                                                     From weapons, oil, and Afghan opium                                                                                     Like Maurice Greenberg and his sons                                                                                They all got richer, oh yes indeed  
Like Rockefellers and Rothschilds over hundreds years,                                                       They all got richer amid our tears                                                                                          Like so many killers over hundreds years                                                                             They all got richer amid our tears                                                                                              From blasted Buildings, molten earth,                                                                                      Victims' screams and broken dreams                                                                                     They all got richer amid our tears 
Oh what'a--what'a--what'a are we to make of this?                                                                Blows that struck us--struck us--struck us like a fist                                                        Blows whose shock hid their source                                                                                     Blows that hammered past our eyes                                                                                       Blows meant to send us into the 'Endless War'                                                                   That is a Ruling Few's 'New World Order'                                                                          Blows meant to make us fear, obey, and stand in lines                                                           Under Universal Debt to One Big Bank.
9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                           9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                           9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                            And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                      To the sky!                                                                                                                                     And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                      Loud and high! 
Six years now the Official Story has spun                                                                                 Like the Sun around Earth. not the reverse                                                                              A Dark Age indeed, one of Kings and serfs                                                                           And trusty Hacks that are sure to hide facts--                                                                         On FEMA, on NIST, on Times and on Post!--                                                                           In the "mighty Wurlitzer's" universe,                                                                                       Pods and flashes highlit to matter more                                                                                Than mass murder from skyscrapers                                                                                       Bought straight down--                                                                                                             Than Endless War bound to concrete                                                                              Blown to dust--                                                                                                                       Than a past and future Terror                                                                                                    None can trust 
And yet--yet--yet we people of the round,                                                                         Truths are there for us to take up                                                                                            Truths simple but supple like a circle's hands                                                                  Truths that can span all seas and lands 
9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                             9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                             9/11 is a Big Lie                                                                                                                              And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                      To the sky!                                                                                                                                      And we're gonna shout-shout-shout it                                                                                Loud and high! 
We'll throw back the Cards dealt to us                                                                                     We'll refuse to die under torn-out skies                                                                              We're gonna fight--fight--fight for this century                                                                      Now we have the tools for all to be free                                                                                We're gonna fight-fight-fight for this century                                                                      Now we have the tools for all to be free.

First: October 16. 2007, five months after the courageous and compassionate                              San Diego Citizens; Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001                                in New York City indicted Rudolph Giuliani, Jerome Hauer, George W. Bush,                          Dick Cheney, General Richard Myers, General Ralph E. Eberhart, Peter G. Peterson, Maurice Greenberg, Larry Silverstein, David Rockefeller and six more suspects for                    Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder.


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