Monday 10 June 2024


64 children, 57 women, 37 elderly, 3 hostages killed in Israel’s Nuseirat attack – day 247

From Reuters: “It was like a horror movie but this was a real massacre. Israeli drones and warplanes fired all night randomly at people’s houses and at people who tried to flee the area,” said Ziad, 45, a paramedic and resident of Nuseirat, who gave only his first name.

Two witnesses have told Al Jazeera how a unit of Israeli soldiers arrived in a truck carrying furniture to apparently appear as if they were displaced Palestinians moving into a residential building in the Nuseirat refugee camp.

“They arrived in an undercover truck, pretending to be moving furniture as if they were displaced individuals,” one witness said. “They bombed my house, as well as my brother’s and the neighbors’.”

Another witness told Al Jazeera that Israeli soldiers used a ladder to climb into his home as he was preparing breakfast for his wife and baby.

“I caught sight of a specialized forces unit. It had furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belonged to displaced people. Suddenly the operative got out two ladders and came into our home fully armed. Chaos erupted with gunfire and explosions,” he said.

The Washington Post corroborates this story with a verified video of a white Mercedes truck, filmed from the balcony of a residential building in the center of the camp.  Two ladders can be seen resting against the side of a house, leading to an upper floor next to the truck. “Here they have arrived,” says the witness filming.

Another eyewitness described two men in plainclothes and about 10 heavily armed soldiers coming out of the back of the Mercedes. They shot the man’s brother.

The Washington Post reports: Palestinian witnesses described some troops arriving in two undercover vehicles, one of which resembled the trucks used by Israel to bring commercial goods into Gaza. The other was a white Mercedes truck, piled high with furniture and other belongings, a common sight in a camp that’s home to thousands of displaced families.

Two videos verified by The Washington Post show a box truck marked with a brand of dishwashing soap traveling in the company of Israeli armored vehicles on a road about a mile west of the raid. Mondoweiss describes other videos that confirm these accounts. Such actions violate international law.* The Israeli military denies using any civilian trucks.

Call for an investigation into use of US pier for military purposes 

Euro-Med Monitor statement: The massacre carried out by the Israeli army today, Saturday, in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip is strongly condemned by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. Grave concern is also expressed over reports that Israel may have used for military purposes the US pier intended for transporting humanitarian supplies to Gaza.

After the widespread assault, the Israeli army declared that four Israeli detainees had been freed in an operation conducted by special forces in the Nuseirat camp, working in tandem with the Israeli Police (Al-Yamam) and the General Security Service (Shin Bet).

Massive, indiscriminate air and artillery attacks were launched by the Israeli army during the operation in order to conceal the withdrawal of Israeli forces. This caused an excessive number of civilian casualties and extensive damage to civilian property, and also violated numerous principles of international humanitarian law, such as those pertaining to humanity, distinction, military necessity, proportionality, and due diligence.

As part of their international obligations, all countries should put Israel under strong sanctions, halt all financial, political, and military assistance, and immediately halt all arms transfers to Israel—including export permits and military support.

Nuseirat refugee camp. (source)

Biden has “placed U.S. forces at risk for attack as legitimate military targets”

DAWN (Democracy For The Arab World Now) statement: In response to the Israeli military operation on June 8, 2024 that freed four hostages, killed 274 Palestinians, and injured 698, and which according to Hamas, killed three other hostages including a U.S. citizen, DAWN issues the following statement:

“Israeli officials should be held responsible for this grotesque, botched Israeli operation – massacring not only 274 Palestinians, mostly women and children, but reportedly also killing three hostages, including a U.S. citizen – because it has violated the most basic laws of war requiring distinction and proportionality,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director of DAWN.

“By providing intelligence and logistics support for this operation, the Biden administration has now made the U.S. a party to this conflict and placed U.S. forces at risk for attack as legitimate military targets.”

“This entire stunt was unnecessary given the ongoing ceasefire negotiations that include the release of all civilian hostages,” said Whitson.

“Israel didn’t need to carry out this operation; a diplomatic solution was already on the table, which would have secured the safe release of all hostages without further bloodshed.”

Israel & US celebration after operation is ‘shortsighted’, even ‘tragic’, says analyst

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara said the celebrations following the Nuseirat refugee camp attack were “the most tragic aspect of it all”.

It is one thing for families and relatives to celebrate the return of loved ones who were held captive, Bishara said.

But it is something entirely different for the Israeli and US governments to “turn it into some kind of national holiday”.

“That is just so tragic and so shortsighted,” Bishara said.

“After more than 40,000 Palestinians have already been killed. They want to celebrate the rescue of four captives that could have been easily rescued in any exchange deal?”

Embed from Getty Images
Children walk with other displaced Palestinians taking the coastal Rashid road to return to Gaza City as they pass through Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip on April 14, 2024.

Gaza health facilities have dangerously low oxygen supplies

The New Arab reports: The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza on Monday issued an urgent plea for oxygen as medical supplies reach critically low levels in the besieged enclave.

In a statement, it said that the “only oxygen station” in Gaza is threatened with “completely stopping” and is risking the lives of dozens of patients.

Health services are in need of diesel fuel to operate the generators which are powering refrigerators and the oxygen stations. Israel’s months-long blockade on the Strip means power supplies have been reduced to generators but there are major shortages of fuel.

Al Aqsa and Al Awdi hospitals near Nuseirat were overwhelmed with injured and dead from Israel's Saturday attack.
Al Aqsa and Al Awdi hospitals near Nuseirat were overwhelmed with injured and dead from Israel’s Saturday attack. (screengrab)

Continuing Biden support green lights Netanyahu to pursue ‘war crimes strategy’ in Gaza: rights expert Kenneth Roth

Excerpts from Al Jazeera’s interview with Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch and a visiting professor at Princeton University:

International pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the war on Gaza “clearly is good, it’s just insufficient”, Roth told Al Jazeera.

“If you look at President Joe Biden, he says the right things. He says take more care to spare Palestinian civilian life. Let in more food and humanitarian aid. But he doesn’t back that up with action,” Roth said.

“He continues supplying the arms and the military aid that is used to bomb and starve Palestinian civilians. When the International Criminal Court prosecutor sought an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, Biden said it was, basically, an outrage.

“So he is not providing real backing to his appropriate words of caution. And Biden is the most important backer of Netanyahu. Until that changes, I fear that Netanyahu is going to feel that he still has a green light to keep going with the war crimes strategy that he has been pursuing.

“The Israeli military said that it deliberately launched this rescue operation [in Nuseirat] during the day, hoping to surprise Hamas. Hamas would have expected it to come at night,” Roth said.

“The one problem with operating during the day is that civilians are all about. And some of the bombs clearly fell either on or right adjacent to a market in al-Nuseirat which was filled with people,” he said.

“And in those circumstance, you predictably will get larger numbers of civilian casualties than if it had been a night-time operation. That is inconsistent with the duty to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians harm.”

UN food agency pauses Gaza aid operations on US pier citing safety concerns

Middle East Eye reports: The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) said its aid delivery operations through the US-built pier in Gaza have been “paused” due to safety concerns amid Israeli attacks on the strip.

WFP Director Cindy McCain told US broadcaster CBS that concerns over the safety of her team was the main reason behind this decision.

“I’m concerned about the safety of our people,” she said. “We’ve stepped back for the moment … to make sure we’re on safe terms and on safe ground before we’ll restart. But the rest of the country is operational. We’re doing everything we can in the north and the south”

West Bank: Israeli Army Kills 15 year old, Injures Six

IMEMC reports: During the ongoing military incursion into the Al-Far’a refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian youth, injured six, abducted five young men, and caused destruction to vital infrastructure and citizens’ property.

The teen, Mahmoud Ibrahim Nabrisi, 15, was shot in the back with live ammunition when occupation forces opened fire towards citizens and their homes.

Israeli Minister Benny Gantz resigns, accuses Netanyahu of playing wartime politics:

Gantz says: “Netanyahu not putting the country’s best interests first,” Jewish Insider reports.

“Months after the October disaster, the situation in the country and the rooms in which decisions are made changed,” Gantz said. “Strategic, fateful decisions are met with hesitations and deferrals out of political considerations … Netanyahu is preventing us from progressing to true victory.”

85% of Jewish Americans say it’s important for the U.S. to continue to support Israel:

survey of the U.S. Jewish community by the American Jewish Committee also found that 93% of Jews think that antisemitism is a problem.

Sixty-one percent said they plan to vote for Biden. The poll also found that Jews remain a predominantly Democratic-identifying population — 68% said they were Democratsor lean Democratic, while 31% said they were Republican or lean Republican. Fifty-nine percent of Jews who lean Democratic said they identify as progressives.

Embed from Getty Images
Palestinians evacuate the area following an Israeli airstrike on the Sousi mosque in Gaza City on October 9, 2023. 
Embed from Getty Images  
A man carries an injured Palestinian child as Israeli attacks continue on the 25th day at Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza City, Gaza on October 31, 2023.

Rep. Ritchie Torres says secret Israeli influence op was “embarrassing” and “racist”

JTA reports: New York Rep. Ritchie Torres, one of Israel’s staunchest supporters in Congress, said a reported clandestine campaign by the Israeli government that aimed to influence him and other Black Democratic U.S. lawmakers was “embarrassing” and “racist.”

The effort, according to a report this week in The New York Times [see this] was orchestrated by Israel’s Diaspora Ministry and targeted members of Congress and the U.S. public with a pro-Israel social media campaign using hundreds of fake social media profiles.

The $2 million project in conjunction with Stoic, a Tel Aviv-based marketing firm, began in October and continued at least until this week. Involving multiple fake news sites and the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT, the operation urged lawmakers to fund Israel’s military effort. (It also included some missteps, such as accounts supposedly of Black men posting as a “middle-aged Jewish woman.”)

The campaign focused on several members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Torres, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, and Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia.

JTA reports: “Netflix’s ‘Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial’ aims to make the Holocaust hit home for a younger generation”

The six-part documentary is constructed more like a narrative thriller miniseries than a documentary.

While the Nazis were defeated 79 years ago, some people point out that Israel is now perpetrating a holocaust against Palestinians, and using the memory of the Nazi holocaust to do it:


Al Jazeera: The Harvard graduating students denied their degrees over Palestine protest
Al Jazeera: Israel war cabinet minister Benny Gantz quits Netanyahu’s government
Palestine Chronicle: End of an Era: What the Shifting Discourse on Palestine Teaches Us about the Future of Israel
The New Arab: Netanyahu slammed for ‘cynical’ captive PR stunts, shunning bereaved families
IMEMC Reports.
*NOTE: Under international humanitarian law, it is prohibited to kill, injure or capture an adversary by resort to perfidy; one example of perfidy is feigning civilian or non-combatant status.
Israel’s denial carries little weight: historically, Israel has not proven itself trustworthy. Among Israel’s lies arenumerous atrocity stories about the October 7th attack that have since been proven untrue (more examples here). In addition, anumber of the Israeli soldiers and civilianskilled on October 7 were shown to have beenkilled by Israeli fire – a fact that is absent from the official Israeli narrative. The Israeli military has also disseminated false storiesabout civilians captured. Previously, Israel has been caught in many lies – for example,this and this and this.


Palestinian death toll from October 7 – June 9: at least 37,658* (37,124 in Gaza* – 4,959 women (20%), 7,797 children (32%). This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 534 in the West Bank (~131 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 43,640 Palestinian deaths. (Ralph Nader has estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.)
At least 42 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 14 from West Bank).
At least 37 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
About 1.1 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are facing Catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
Palestinian injuries from October 7 – June 9: at least 89,752 (including at least 84,712 in Gaza and 5,040 in the West Bank).
It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.
Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – June 9: ~1,449 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 295 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.
Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.
NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.
*Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.
**Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. 
Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

Hover over each bar for exact numbers.

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64 anak-anak, 57 wanita, 37 orang tua, 3 sandera tewas dalam serangan Nuseirat Israel – hari 247 10 Juni 2024

Dari Reuters: "Itu seperti film horor tetapi ini adalah pembantaian nyata. Drone dan pesawat tempur Israel menembak sepanjang malam secara acak ke rumah-rumah orang-orang dan orang-orang yang mencoba melarikan diri dari daerah itu," kata Ziad, 45, seorang paramedis dan penduduk Nuseirat, yang hanya memberikan nama depannya.

Dua saksi telah memberi tahu Al Jazeera bagaimana sebuah unit tentara Israel tiba dengan truk yang membawa perabotan untuk tampak seolah-olah mereka adalah orang Palestina yang terlantar yang pindah ke sebuah bangunan tempat tinggal di kamp pengungsi Nuseirat.

"Mereka tiba dengan truk yang menyamar, berpura-pura memindahkan furnitur seolah-olah mereka adalah individu yang terlantar," kata seorang saksi. "Mereka mengebom rumah saya, serta saudara laki-laki saya dan tetangga."

Saksi lain mengatakan kepada Al Jazeera bahwa tentara Israel menggunakan tangga untuk naik ke rumahnya saat dia sedang menyiapkan sarapan untuk istri dan bayinya.

“Saya melihat unit pasukan khusus. Itu memiliki furnitur di dalam kendaraan untuk membuatnya terlihat seperti milik orang-orang terlantar. Tiba-tiba operasi keluar dari dua tangga dan datang ke rumah kami dengan bersenjata lengkap. Kekacauan meletus dengan tembakan dan ledakan," katanya.

The Washington Post menguatkan cerita ini dengan video terverifikasi dari truk Mercedes putih, yang difilmkan dari balkon sebuah bangunan tempat tinggal di tengah kamp. Dua tangga terlihat bersandar pada sisi rumah, mengarah ke lantai atas di sebelah truk. "Di sini mereka telah tiba," kata saksi yang sedang syuting.

Saksi mata lainnya menggambarkan dua pria berpakaian preman dan sekitar 10 tentara bersenjata lengkap keluar dari belakang Mercedes. Mereka menembak saudara laki-laki pria itu.

The Washington Post melaporkan: Saksi-saksi Palestina menggambarkan beberapa pasukan tiba dengan dua kendaraan yang menyamar, salah satunya menyerupai truk yang digunakan oleh Israel untuk membawa barang-barang komersial ke Gaza. Yang lainnya adalah truk Mercedes putih, ditumpuk tinggi dengan perabotan dan barang-barang lainnya, pemandangan umum di sebuah kamp yang merupakan rumah bagi ribuan keluarga pengungsi.

Dua video yang diverifikasi oleh The Washington Post menunjukkan sebuah truk kotak yang ditandai dengan merek sabun pencuci piring yang bepergian bersama kendaraan lapis baja Israel di jalan sekitar satu mil sebelah barat serangan itu. Mondoweiss menjelaskan video lain yang mengkonfirmasi akun ini. Tindakan seperti itu melanggar hukum internasional. * Militer Israel menyangkal menggunakan truk sipil apa pun.

Panggilan untuk penyelidikan penggunaan dermaga AS untuk tujuan militer

Pernyataan Euro-Med Monitor: Pembantaian yang dilakukan oleh tentara Israel hari ini, Sabtu, di kamp pengungsi Nuseirat di Jalur Gaza tengah dikutuk keras oleh Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. Kekhawatiran besar juga diungkapkan atas laporan bahwa Israel mungkin telah menggunakan untuk tujuan militer dermaga AS yang dimaksudkan untuk mengangkut pasokan kemanusiaan ke Gaza.

Setelah serangan yang meluas, tentara Israel menyatakan bahwa empat tahanan Israel telah dibebaskan dalam operasi yang dilakukan oleh pasukan khusus di kamp Nuseirat, bekerja bersama-sama dengan Polisi Israel (Al-Yamam) dan Dinas Keamanan Umum (Shin Bet).

Serangan udara dan artileri besar-besaran tanpa pandang bulu diluncurkan oleh tentara Israel selama operasi untuk menyembunyikan penarikan pasukan Israel. Hal ini menyebabkan jumlah korban sipil yang berlebihan dan kerusakan besar pada properti sipil, dan juga melanggar banyak prinsip hukum humaniter internasional, seperti yang berkaitan dengan kemanusiaan, perbedaan, kebutuhan militer, proporsionalitas, dan uji tuntas.

Sebagai bagian dari kewajiban internasional mereka, semua negara harus menempatkan Israel di bawah sanksi yang kuat, menghentikan semua bantuan keuangan, politik, dan militer, dan segera menghentikan semua transfer senjata ke Israel—termasuk izin ekspor dan dukungan militer.

Kamp pengungsi Nuseirat. (sumber)

Biden telah "menempatkan pasukan AS dalam risiko serangan sebagai target militer yang sah"

Pernyataan DAWN (Democracy For The Arab World Now): Menanggapi operasi militer Israel pada 8 Juni 2024 yang membebaskan empat sandera, membunuh 274 orang Palestina, dan melukai 698, dan yang menurut Hamas, membunuh tiga sandera lainnya termasuk warga negara AS, DAWN mengeluarkan pernyataan berikut:

"Pejabat Israel harus bertanggung jawab atas operasi Israel yang aneh dan gagal ini - membantai tidak hanya 274 orang Palestina, kebanyakan wanita dan anak-anak, tetapi juga dilaporkan membunuh tiga sandera, termasuk warga negara AS - karena telah melanggar hukum perang paling dasar yang membutuhkan perbedaan dan proporsionalitas," kata Sarah Leah Whitson, Direktur Eksekutif DAWN.

"Dengan menyediakan dukungan intelijen dan logistik untuk operasi ini, administrasi Biden sekarang telah menjadikan AS sebagai pihak dalam konflik ini dan menempatkan pasukan AS dalam risiko serangan sebagai target militer yang sah."

"Seluruh aksi ini tidak perlu mengingat negosiasi gencatan senjata yang sedang berlangsung yang mencakup pembebasan semua sandera sipil," kata Whitson.

"Israel tidak perlu melakukan operasi ini; solusi diplomatik sudah ada di atas meja, yang akan mengamankan pembebasan semua sandera tanpa pertumpahan darah lebih lanjut."

Perayaan Israel & AS setelah operasi 'picik', bahkan 'tragis', kata analis

Analis politik senior Al Jazeera Marwan Bishara mengatakan perayaan setelah serangan kamp pengungsi Nuseirat adalah "aspek paling tragis dari semuanya".

Adalah satu hal bagi keluarga dan kerabat untuk merayakan kembalinya orang-orang terkasih yang ditawan, kata Bishara.

Tetapi itu adalah sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda bagi pemerintah Israel dan AS untuk "mengubahnya menjadi semacam hari libur nasional".

"Itu sangat tragis dan sangat picik," kata Bishara.

"Setelah lebih dari 40.000 orang Palestina telah terbunuh. Mereka ingin merayakan penyelamatan empat tawanan yang bisa dengan mudah diselamatkan dalam kesepakatan pertukaran apa pun?”

Sematkan dari Getty Images

Anak-anak berjalan dengan orang-orang Palestina yang terlantar lainnya mengambil jalan Rashid pesisir untuk kembali ke Kota Gaza saat mereka melewati Nuseirat di Jalur Gaza tengah pada 14 April 2024.

Fasilitas kesehatan Gaza memiliki pasokan oksigen yang sangat rendah

Laporan Arab Baru: Kementerian Kesehatan Palestina di Gaza pada hari Senin mengeluarkan permohonan mendesak untuk oksigen karena pasokan medis mencapai tingkat yang sangat rendah di kantong yang terkepung.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan, dikatakan bahwa "satu-satunya stasiun oksigen" di Gaza terancam dengan "berhenti sepenuhnya" dan mempertaruhkan nyawa puluhan pasien.

Layanan kesehatan membutuhkan bahan bakar diesel untuk mengoperasikan generator yang menyalakan lemari es dan stasiun oksigen. Blokade Israel selama berbulan-bulan di Jalur tersebut berarti pasokan listrik telah dikurangi menjadi generator tetapi ada kekurangan bahan bakar yang besar.

Rumah sakit Al Aqsa dan Al Awdi dekat Nuseirat kewalahan dengan luka-luka dan kematian dari serangan hari Sabtu Israel. (screengrab)

Melanjutkan Biden mendukung lampu hijau Netanyahu untuk mengejar 'strategi kejahatan perang' di Gaza: ahli hak asasi Kenneth Roth

Kutipan dari wawancara Al Jazeera dengan Kenneth Roth, mantan direktur eksekutif Human Rights Watch dan seorang profesor tamu di Universitas Princeton:

Tekanan internasional pada Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu untuk mengakhiri perang di Gaza "jelas bagus, itu tidak cukup", Roth mengatakan kepada Al Jazeera.

"Jika Anda melihat Presiden Joe Biden, dia mengatakan hal yang benar. Dia mengatakan lebih berhati-hati untuk menyelamatkan kehidupan sipil Palestina. Biarkan lebih banyak makanan dan bantuan kemanusiaan. Tapi dia tidak mendukung itu dengan tindakan," kata Roth.

"Dia terus memasok senjata dan bantuan militer yang digunakan untuk mengebom dan membuat kelaparan warga sipil Palestina. Ketika jaksa Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional meminta surat perintah penangkapan untuk Netanyahu, Biden mengatakan itu, pada dasarnya, adalah kemarahan.

“Jadi dia tidak memberikan dukungan nyata untuk kata-kata peringatannya yang tepat. Dan Biden adalah pendukung paling penting dari Netanyahu. Sampai itu berubah, saya khawatir Netanyahu akan merasa bahwa dia masih memiliki lampu hijau untuk terus melanjutkan strategi kejahatan perang yang telah dia kejar.

“Militer Israel mengatakan bahwa mereka dengan sengaja meluncurkan operasi penyelamatan ini [di Nuseirat] pada siang hari, berharap untuk mengejutkan Hamas. Hamas akan mengharapkannya datang pada malam hari," kata Roth.

“Satu-satunya masalah dengan operasi di siang hari adalah bahwa warga sipil ada di sekitar. Dan beberapa bom jelas jatuh baik di atau tepat berdekatan dengan pasar di al-Nuseirat yang penuh dengan orang," katanya.

"Dan dalam keadaan itu, Anda dapat diprediksi akan mendapatkan jumlah korban sipil yang lebih besar daripada jika itu adalah operasi malam hari. Itu tidak konsisten dengan tugas untuk mengambil semua tindakan pencegahan yang layak untuk menyelamatkan warga sipil dari bahaya.”

Badan pangan PBB menghentikan operasi bantuan Gaza di dermaga AS dengan alasan masalah keamanan

Laporan Mata Timur Tengah: Program Pangan Dunia PBB (WFP) mengatakan operasi pengiriman bantuannya melalui dermaga yang dibangun AS di Gaza telah "dijeda" karena masalah keamanan di tengah serangan Israel di jalur tersebut.

Direktur WFP Cindy McCain mengatakan kepada penyiar AS CBS bahwa kekhawatiran atas keselamatan timnya adalah alasan utama di balik keputusan ini.

"Saya khawatir tentang keselamatan orang-orang kami," katanya. “Kami telah mundur untuk saat ini ... untuk memastikan kami berada pada kondisi yang aman dan di tempat yang aman sebelum kami akan memulai kembali. Tetapi seluruh negara sudah beroperasi. Kami melakukan semua yang kami bisa di utara dan selatan”

Tepi Barat: Tentara Israel Membunuh Anak Berusia 15 Tahun, Melukai Enam

Laporan IMEMC: Selama serangan militer yang sedang berlangsung ke kamp pengungsi Al-Far'a, di Tepi Barat yang diduduki, pasukan Israel menembak dan membunuh seorang pemuda Palestina, melukai enam orang, menculik lima pemuda, dan menyebabkan kehancuran infrastruktur vital dan properti warga.

Remaja itu, Mahmoud Ibrahim Nabrisi, 15, ditembak di belakang dengan amunisi hidup ketika pasukan pendudukan melepaskan tembakan ke arah warga dan rumah mereka.

Menteri Israel Benny Gantz mengundurkan diri, menuduh Netanyahu memainkan politik masa perang:

Gantz berkata: "Netanyahu tidak menempatkan counter…

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