Wednesday 18 October 2023


On Wars and Genocides

One day, there will be love. One day, there will be...

I am sorry for going silent. As the world was falling apart, I was also dealing with a few tough situations in my private life and trying not to drown and … you know.  I could barely … so I wrote a couple of versions of my thoughts, thrashed them on the grounds of imperfection since my love for language is very serious and I didn’t want to send half-baked words.  In the meanwhile, I thank all of you who has wished me a happy birthday. It was very kind of you.


It’s all war. It’s all war, war, war. I despise this war.

I am not going to do any of the standing with or condemning business, I don’t do that kind of stuff,  I can’t.  In the world of CJ Hopkins, whom I like, “I do not condemn things on command, or perform any other kind of tricks on command. If that’s what you’re looking for, get a dog.”

In addition to that, I am unable and also completely unwilling to divide the world into “the Arabs,” “the Jews,” “the Christians,” the “Muslims,” “the Russians,” “the Ukrainians,” “the Mexicans,” “the Chinese,” etc.  I did not start out on a lonely swim against the mainstream COVID currents 3.5 years ago to suddenly start fishing for cheap energy in the cesspool of other people’s militant talking points. I have a soul and self-respect. I respect and love all sincere people, I love historical truths and harmony, and I can’t take militant sides. Yes, every clan and every group has their own peculiarities, their personalities, their special sacred stories, and their very special kinds of BS—but I am pretty sure that if a person is stabbed with a knife or trampled with a tank, the person will bleed red. Russian, Gypsy, Arab, Jew, Navajo, or Chinese. Human blood is red. 

God, I am so incensed about the state of the world. There is so much bullying and pain! The potential for beauty and depth and courage in the face of bullying is right here and yet… and yet …. The internal circuits are broken in so many people after centuries of abuse and crafty tricks that barely anyone wants to be honest or fair, and nearly everyone just wants to have the last word! All this carnage would not have been possible if the people chose to be honest and refused to cooperate with the monsters upstairs, the ones who have chosen to be on the dark side. Our world is in the middle of  such a messy journey, it is so in the middle of it, and we need to be … something brave and calm … God.

If the people “stood” not with the political tricksters and not with their own fears or dear bad habits but with their beautiful souls or with what a Russian saying calls “the king in one’s head” (conscience, common sense, etc.), the monsters upstairs would have a lot less power over this world. The dark ones can only do their monster thing on a massive scale when people cooperate with them. They are masters of confusion and weaponization of psychological weaknesses for a reason, it is due to the strength of bad habits in the non-monster hearts and heads that the monsters can create so much pain. People ignore the philosophy at their peril. 

Please allow me to explain.

A helpless feeling

Just the other day, I got a chance to talk to an old friend with whom I have not properly talked since the beginning of COVID (we went different ways about that but retained mutual fondness and respect; historically, he has been a solid, solid friend and a deep thinker, and I have never been an idealogue, so….).   His family member in Israel is currently kidnapped, which is unnerving, I pray for his family member’s safe return. At the same time, my friend told me that he was in favor of  vaccine mandates and firing people for not getting the COVID shot (because public good, etc.). When I inquired about his line of thought, he gave me every easily refuted but emotionally compelling established talking point circa 2020, internalized and processed though his exceptionally brilliant brain. My friend, my dear friend who has been so good to me, my dear bright friend  who has been so good to me is in favor of firing and discriminating against the unvaxxed? How do I even… how do I end the scream?!!

Then there is this. As I am sure  you’ve noticed, opinions about which genocide is acceptable are divided now. Some of my COVID dissident “allies” whom I greatly respect(ed) are acting as if a Bad Witch has hijacked their hearts and brains. They say things that make them sound like blood-thirsty maniacs. In the name of a seemingly brand-sensitive God who must have been only kidding when he said “do not kill,”
they crave to repeatedly carpet bomb both Gaza and—for good measure—also the Lebanon. Yeah carpet bomb ‘em f*ckers. Wholesale. Because why not. Only useful idiot terrorist sympathizers are mourning the slain faceless, unclean Arab children, their snooty dirty little terrorist noses and all.  

It’s all war, war, war. Garbage in, garbage out. Scorched earth on the inside, scorched earth on the outside. Hurt people hurt people, don’t they? It’s all war, war, war.   

Oh and isn’t that funny? Some of the people who object to the wholesale Palestinian genocide (a position I agree with as I am fully and unapologetically against all genocides) were just recently in favor of throwing people like me into camps. Fun! 

Q: Does anyone have a head on their shoulders anymore? Does anyone think from the inside? A: That’s a very good question. I don’t know. 

War, war, war.

Ethnic prejudice is not the same as genocide: a shallow personal interlude

I was born and raised in the USSR. As a result, I have a very thick skin when it comes to stupid talk. I can very easily deal with the people who are prejudiced in the grumpy, everyday, theoretical sense (“look at those other people, they are obviously worse than us but if you are one of them, hey, come on in, have some tea, not your fault you were born this way—and personally, you are alright”). The Moscow culture during the Soviet time was the opposite of politically correct when it came to ethnic opinions, so to this day, when it comes to empty stupid talk, I  mostly filter it out with a lament and an eye roll—as long as the person doesn’t salivate over a prospect of a genocide. That is true when people trash “the Russians,” too, and there is no lack of that. 

Here is a recap of the half-spoken ethnic prejudice of your average Russian Muscovite circa late USSR (it’s gonna to be crude, you’ve been forewarned): “The Slavs are obviously the best, and Moscow and St. Petersburg are the cream of the crop (with a bitter competition between the two). Everything outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg is provincial. Those provincial people constantly swarm Moscow with their funny accents and take what belongs to us (jerks, they need to go). The Asians are second class, except for maybe the Japanese (the Japanese are cool, they make cool tech). The foreign darker skinned people are barely off the tree and are uncivilized, except for the Indians (Indians are super cool). And the Jews are, well, the Jews, they are arrogant and have no respect for our kind. None the less, even if you belong to any of those inferior or arrogant groups, please come to my house, and I’ll give you tea, and cookies, and vodka, and we’ll have the most intimate conversation about the meaning of life, and you’ll be my friend for life, and I’ll defend you from my heart. Other members of your clan may be horrible people, and I am still suspicious—but you, I like. The caveat: if you are from Africa, listen, I may get used to you and become your friend but first, let me double-check if you know how to flush the toilet because they probably don’t have toilets in Africa, right? And if you are a Gypsy,  just get out, you despicable horse thief. I don’t care if I don’t have any horses, you’ll steal something, it’s in your blood. GET OUT!!!”

So in practice, everyone was mostly getting along (except for the pariah Gypsy who were not welcome anywhere at all)—but simultaneously, the people harbored extensive prejudice against “the other kind.” I was occasionally called “a dirty Jew” by strangers in the street but snubbed for being non-Jewish by the friends’ of my close friends. I didn’t sweat either.

One time, my best childhood friend (an Armenian) and I staged an “ethnic hatred” scene on the subway train as an objection to the warring adults. We, kids, thought that adults were warring because they didn’t understand some obvious truths. I remember it vividly. It was very stupid but it was fun. We theatrically called each other bad words and giggled. Not one adult eyebrow moved on the entire train. No one cared.

Having grown up, based on my experience with people coming from different ancestries, I think it is safe to assume that most people are prejudiced in some way.  Everyone wants to be special—and in a world that intentionally steals the special spiritual feeling and deprives all people of the naturally craved respect, being “special” is often replaced by its cheaper and cruder cousin, the feeling of being superior. Usually, the more unhealed the trauma, the thicker the mind, and the uglier the prejudice. And there is a lot of trauma out there.

Hence, the people on the good side (those of us defending love and trying to work toward healing the world from abuse and lies, etc.) are dealing with two things at the same time: one is the need to protect ourselves from the unhealed individuals who try to harm us, which means the need to disable the monsters’ ability to harm, and two, the need to make the world more beautiful, which in fact requires for the monsters of today to heal in the long term. It is also sweet if they manage to heal in the short term—which is very difficult and happens only very rarely but when it does, it is an incredibly powerful thing. 

In a flat and oversimplified way, the ignorant talk of various thick-minded prejudiced people at the kitchen table can be dealt with humor if you have a thick skin. On the other hand, the weaponization of prejudice, the not-so-good magic turns unoriginal ignorance and primitive thinking patterns into massacres and genocides. It is the alchemy of  murder that creates genocides because the maniacs usually don’t use their own hands, they use the hands of tortured souls. 

The torture level leading to genocides is usually accomplished by a combination of propaganda, psychological and financial squeezing, and literal hypnosis. And people go for it. People go for it almost every time. People betray other people almost every time. One has to have a very strong soul in order to not betray, and every time the people refuse to betray, the world gets lit up with love. 

Murder, war, and genocides

My heart is heavy. I am disgusted, and I want to scream. I feel this way about this war because we are in an upside-down world, and the innocents are being slain.

And as the innocents are being slain, I am watching helplessly.  How  do I defend the children in the Middle East—the Arabic children and Jewish children and every other kind of children? How do I make the abuse and the hatred stop? How? 

Yes, I can be a tiny drop in a bucket and add to the energy that will one day tip the bucket and heal the world. But immediately, now?  How? 

I am not delusional. The war in the Middle East is a very old war waged by the most powerful and the most ruthless individuals on this Earth. And the actors behind it are motivated by the same old thirst for power and control. Nothing else. They don’t love the Arabs, and they don’t love the Jews. The don’t love the Christians, and they don’t love the followers of Islam. All this flavored ideological shouting is strictly for show—to hype the people up for more war. All this blood is to get the war going and to destabilize the Middle East so that they can stay in control. It’s a very old war. 

The puppeteers pull people’s sincere strings in a predictable way, and it works in 2023 just like it worked centuries ago. They do their bad magic, people’s internal understanding gets wobbly and leaks out of the window, and the next thing you know, the puppeteers are commanding the haunted, spiritually starved, ghost-ridden individuals to kill—formally, in the name of God or sacred something—but in reality, for land, or spices, or slaves, or gold, or oil, and more than anything, to weaken in the Middle East from the standpoint of the European powers. And the tortured souls go for it. They go for it, as if in a dark trance, and they even seem to enjoy the blood. And then the puppeteers change the rules and swap the roles. They do bad magic of a different kind, redistribute the guns—and the carnage goes on under different “sacred” talking points. 

It’s an old war.  In the past, the quest of the powerful leaders of Europe to destabilized the Middle East was masked by the “righteous” Christian motifs—-and today, it is masked by allegedly answering the cries of the ordinary Jews. While the pain of the ordinary people that gets weaponized is real, it is very hard to convince me of the veracity of either advertising brochure. 

Celia wrote a heartbreaking piece a few days ago, please read. 

People got played, I think. People on every side got played, I think.  The Jews and the Arabs and the rest of us ordinary people got played, I think. Forget the ethnicity and region altogether. Under what laws of physics can one establish a tiny foreign state on top of people’s heads and expect peace? How can that work, short of a total genocide? On what planet,  and how? Can we cancel gravity? Can we cancel the fact that if you slap a brand new hostile state on top of people’s heads and condition the future victims (the new citizens) to treat the current victims (he locals) with brutality and disdain, the locals are going to get very tortured and mad and fight back? And the more desperate you make them, the more desperately they will fight? What is so shocking about the progression of this tragedy? Where is the feeling of surprise coming from? Any rhetoric may be used but none of this has to do with being the Arab or the Jew. This is how human beings generally operate! 

An imaginary scenario

Imagine if the Vatican or the World Economic Forum decided to destabilize the United States, for their own personal gain of course. 

They could potentially put on a massive show with ponies about their love of the Native nations. They could organize a long build-up and pretend to care about the Native plight. They could condemn the Native American genocide—as if their likes played no role in it—and after a big buildup, and paying the media to super intensify the coverage of anti-Native violence, and perhaps even staging a few additional acts of anti-Native terror, they could then announce that Washington, D.C. is no longer a part of the United States but a very  noble and meaningful new Native American state. 

The change would imply terrorizing the living hell out of the American residents of Washington, D.C., and slaughtering and robbing a good number of them, under the pretext of atoning for the white people sins. Two questions. In that fictional plot, what would be a proper moral reaction to the situation on behalf of the American Washingtonians, assuming the national leadership has been bribed by the Vatican or the WEF and so they organized a response in a non-effective way, sacrificing lives on all sides? And, two, would the genocide against the Native people justify the genocide against the captive residents of Washington, D.C.? Oh, and three, will the multi-tragedy of this hypothetical situation diminish the fact that there has been, indeed, and absolutely atrocious Native genocide?

My response to this fictional scenario is not very different from my response to all things: every one of us makes history by making personal choices. If someone offered the whole world to me, a mountain of gold and an infinite supply of anything my heart desires—but for that I would have to sanction a slaying of the innocents—I would say no to the offer. I really would, and I would be at peace doing so. My soul is not for sale. I would pray for a spiritually sweet resolution of my grievances, I would pray to be guided to receive what is justly mine in a way that lifts both my life and my soul. I am not interested in genocides. That’s my universal position. I object to allslaying of the innocent and all genocides.

Back to non-fiction

If the history is any indication of anything,  the more you kill and abuse the innocent, the angrier the relatives of the slain become. And once each side has gotten at the other side enough times, it will be just this endless carnage, back and forth, back and forth, with the more technologically advanced side generally winning until the masters decide to swap their bets and elevate and arm the other side.  And then the previously winning side will cry to the skies sincerely and say that the betrayal of their dignity is special to them--while in fact, is not special to them at all, and the masters has thrown them under the bus on the very first day when they promised them a special deal. People get played so easily. People get played so easily. I am mourning my brothers and sisters on every side. 

The Middle East

All this European history of the Middle East has been about money and power, and nobody on this planet can convince me that the spirit of the state of Israel has anything to do with any sort of love for the Jews. Individual people have individual sacred feelings, just like individual European settlers had individual sacred feelings —but a genocide is a genocide, and setting the victims of a past genocide up to be assistants in a new genocide is not love. It is spiritual warfare against them of the most sophisticated kind. I am not subscribed to exclusivity myths of any nation, including the Russian exclusivity myth. Everyone is special. Everyone is special before the Creator. Only the people who have never experienced being loved in totality, which is what spiritual love is, only the people who are broken and need healing badly can be compelled to seek the feeling of being special through dominationand a logically inevitable genocide. Hurt people hurt people. It’s the tragedy of any domino-shaped abuse, all around. 

There is a very interesting book, long recommended by Mark Crispin Miller, titled, “Not by Might, Nor by Power: The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism (Forbidden Bookshelf).” I like that book, it provides an interesting perspective that is worth checking out. 

People getting played

I don’t like it when people get played, in simple ways or in sophisticated ways. My love rebels when I see people getting played. Other people’s spiritual feelings are none of my business but I don’t like it when good people are pulled into bloody massacres and wars in any role. The trickery of political Zionism feels to my senses like very cruel two-directional trickery that is designed to throw absolutely everyone under the bus, at different times. To my subjective senses as an observer of what happens in the world, political Zionism has as much to do with the love of the Jewish people as Fauci’s propaganda has to do with public health. But when sincere people are starved for love and the feeling of being protected, they eagerly take anything that resembles love, be it political Zionism or a life-saving COVID shot. It is none of my business what people choose to believe, but deceit, I mourn. 

Every tyrant under the sun, regardless of affiliations, does the same thing. He divides the people into two groups—one is targeted for immediate annihilation—those are the people whose stuff the tyrant wants to steal—and the other group is also targeted for annihilation but “later.” For now, the tyrant tells them they are special and gives them the guns to kill the members of the first group. The tyrant does the usual psychological warfare  on them to make them believe him, he exploits every weakness in their character and every trauma they had gone through, and he hires them to do the dirty killing job. And once their killing job for the tyrant is done, he has no problem swapping the roles, introducing new players, throwing the former special ones under the bus and telling new gullible tortured souls that they are now the special ones. (See the completely unoriginal and predictable Great Reset that returns the previously special westerners to their original not special at all feudal serf state). Me, I mourn this. I really don’t like it when people get played. Too much suffering. Too much pain. Yes, I resent it when people get played. 

The raping of the soul 

When people get played and betray their beautiful souls, they tend to defend their ghosts aggressively and call you names, etc. It’s their owner ghosts talking, not their souls. 

On my end, I mourn all suffering of the innocent and I mourn all the pooped potential for love. I mourn the abused but I also mourn the zombie state of the people with beautiful souls who are in a zombie state.  When human beings agree to act as abusers to compensate for having been abused, their beautiful timeless soul cries for them. It cries for them and cries for them and cries for them, and their eyes get dimmer, and you can see the disconnection in their eyes. Yes, I mourn for the abusers, too.  Like this guy who allegedly recorded the video below to mock the people in Gaza who are left to die. I don’t know what his parents did to him and why he has such a huge hole in his soul but there is nothing in his eyes. I mourn for him, too. 

The end.

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