Friday, 27 October 2023


Donations needed

PRESS Core is funded by the employment income of editor Paul W Kincaid and with donations from its followers. Donations are needed to pay expenses incurred to keep Canadians informed. Unemployed and unable to receive EI benefits. To help fund PRESS Core use Interac e-transfer email address: or use PayPal to donate funds. More payment options are available by using PayPal. You can donate funds using a debit or credit card or with available funds from your PayPal account.

@presscoreca Twitter account suspended to aid and abet Germany

Germany sponsors WHO COVID-19 biological warfare attackPRESS Core’s @presscoreca Twitter account was suspended to aid Germany continue its COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada US Europe and World. PRESS Core warned and provided evidence that Germany is behind the WHO’s (part of the UN) COVID-19 biological attack.  Launched to save both Germany’s EU and its International World Order / UN from financial collapse. Germany paid Bill Gates / Gavi 600 million euros during the 2020 World Economic Forum to fund the Event 201 players lead biological attack just days before Brexit – UK officially exited Germany’s EU (Germany reoccupied Europe) on Jan 31, 2020. UK exit would have triggered the collapse of the EU. Twitter, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and Joe Biden are all committing treason because they are all betraying their country by aiding and abetting our notorious enemy, Germany levy war – biological warfare against Canada US, Europe and World.

Tweets Archive

Backup  achieve of all @presscoreca tweets
Link opens archive webpage on website of all @presscoreca tweets for 2014, 2015 and 2016. 

Incredible coincidence?

Just a coincidence Justin Trudeau and close friend, convicted child sex offender (Pitt River Middle School & WPGA teacher & Justin’s WPGA roommate) Christopher Ingvaldson were both teaching at Pitt River Middle School, Port Coquitlam BC & West Point Grey Academy during the time span of the Steve Pickton’s Port Coquitlam, British Columbia snuff film murders. Just a coincidence that the abductions and murders ended in 2001 when Justin Trudeau abruptly left teaching job mid-term at West Point Grey Academy. Just a coincidence that years later in 2018 Justin Trudeau stated publicly “Don’t investigate groping allegation from 2000”.

Revolutionary power pack design by PRESS Core editor Paul W Kincaid. Designed to provide variable voltages for an endless number of energy applications.  Each Step-Up Power Pack was designed to be easily reconfigured to increase the power pack’s voltage from 24 volts to 120 volts. By adding more Step-Up Power Packs in parallel the total current capacity and overall amp-hour capacity is increased.  It is a well known scientific fact that when power packs (batteries) are hooked up (connected) in parallel, the voltage remains the same, but the power (or available current) is increased. This means that the power packs would last longer when used to provide power to electronic devices.

Make Canada your Home Office

Business Card Ad Space

MSP Graphics

Clean energy investment opportunity

Kincaid rechargeable power cell
Innovative Paul W Kincaid (PRESS Core editor) clean energy technology design will benefit and rev up both the solar energy & electric car industry. Unique power cell designed to store & provide more energy. Potentially worth $billions. 

Paul W Kincaid designed power cell is the most versatile power cell ever designed. Portable, rechargeable power cell is designed to adapt to different solar or electric car energy needs or applications. Increasing voltage & or capacity is as easy as adding more power cells. 

What makes Paul W Kincaid designed rechargeable power cell truly unique is that it was designed to be easily reconfigured & serviced by anyone. Each power cell can easily be reconfigured to store & provide a variety of DC voltages / energy (120V ±).

How to lower CO2 emissions

solution for lowering CO2 #emissions

Paul W Kincaid technology solution for lowering CO2 emissions. Mimics what nature has done naturally for millenniums to filter CO2 from the atmosphere. Method is surprisingly simple & cheap. Method used today by everyone who has a fish tank. Pump air into oceans to filter, absorb the CO2.

Irrefutable proof Canada & UK’s monarchy assumed Windsor name to conceal German lineage

Proclamation concealing British and Canadian monarchy's German lineage, name & titles
17 July 1917 proclamation proves that House of Windsor name was fabricated and assumed by the UK and Canadian monarchy to conceal their German lineage, name & titles. The Windsor name never existed before. The WWI abolished German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha dynasty created a new and fake (false) identity to defraud the UK and Canadian people.

Canada and the UK’s monarchy forever forfeited by law

Queen Elizabeth II's monarchy is forever forfeited
Canada and the UK has no Queen. Elizabeth II was "made for ever incapable to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance" when Elizabeth II reconciled to the See and the Church of Rome and professed the Catholic faith at her own coronation, June 2, 1953, in violation of Act of Settlement Law. Minutes after swearing to uphold the laws of the UK and Canada and defend the Church of England faith she broke her oath and the law by publicly professing "And I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church" then accepted the Ring of kingly dignity, and the seal of "Catholic Faith". Evidence of this forfeiture due to Elizabeth's gross violation of law is provided in the Transcript of Elizabeth II coronation

EU = Vatican Occupied Europe

Vatican Nazi EU
The EU was created by the Vatican as the successor to the ill-fated Vatican Nazi Third Reich (WWII occupied Europe). It was originally named the European Economic Community (EEC). The framework for the Vatican's future occupied Europe (European Union) was first made public in Germany on 22nd June 1940 as the European Economic Community (EEC). The first EEC conference was held at the Berlin University (a Catholic university renamed Humboldt University of Berlin) in 1942. After the fall of the Vatican’s Third Reich (Third Holy Roman Empire), the Holy See changed the EEC ideology from Nazism to a Communist European Community (Euism) in 1946. The Communist EEC wasn’t officially formed until the signing of the Vatican’s Treaty of Rome (Treaty establishing the European Economic Community) of 1957. However, it didn’t enter into force until 1993 – with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty at which time the EEC was renamed the European Community (EC) to reflect that it covered a wider range of Vatican policies. The three European Communities, including the EC, were collectively made to constitute the first of the three pillars of the European Union (EU). The EC existed in this form until it was rebranded by the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon, which merged the EU’s former pillars and provided that the "EU replace and succeed the European Community (EC).” The Vatican's violent overthrowing of the elected Ukrainian government had everything to do with the Vatican preventing Ukraine from exiting Vatican occupied Europe. The Vatican used acts of terrorism and mass murder to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine. Terrorists were installed by the Vatican to keep Ukraine enslaved by the Vatican occupied Europe.

Maintaining Catholic Bull

Canadian Catholic Bull force

The RCMP have always served the Catholic Church Pope as a "military" force. They serve and protect the "corporate" interests of the Pope (the Crown) in Canada and uphold Papal Bull (law) throughout Canada. Their military insignia proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. They are not the only ones who have betrayed their country, their countrymen and their faith by serving the Catholic Church Pope. All Crown judges and lawyers, and all of our elected representatives in our Parliament and Legislature and all employees of his Crown Corporations. 

A Papal Bull is a formal document issued by a Roman sun cult Pontiff upon a major act of law, curse or claim to extend the power of the sun cult over its claimed domination of the world, all nations, all people, all law and all religions. All legitimate Papal Bulls were issued on human skin, usually the skin of a sacrificed child (child abuse by the Catholic Church sun cult began centuries ago), or some famous heretic. Forgeries were issued on calf skin or some other lesser medium. The RCMP and its members serve the Catholic Church Pope (alias, the Crown = king of kings and princes, ruler of the World) and enforce those human skin tattooed Catholic Bull throughout Canada.

Luciferian New World Order

Vatican Communist UN
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." ~ June 1991 Bilderberger Meeting, Baden, Germany by David Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations (Illuminati) - Honorary Chairman, Trilateral Commission - Founder and Honorary North American Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings - Only member of the Member Advisory Group

Sede Vacante: The seat is vacant

Papal Imposters1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 185 invalidates (voids) all papacies since October 26, 1958 due to the fact Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope on the Third ballot on Oct 26 1958 but the new Pope Gregory XVII was illegally prevented from assuming the office. A Pope was elected on October 26, 1958. Thousands of people witnessed a new Pope being elected by seeing white smoke and millions were informed by Vatican radio broadcasts beginning at 6:00 PM Rome time on October 26, 1958. The papacy of Francis, Benedict, John Paul II, John Paul I, Paul VI, John XXIII and any and all of their respective doctrines, bulls, letter patents and the Second Vatican Council are all invalidated (having no force, binding power, or validity) by Canon 185 because the 1958 conclave of cardinals elected Cardinal Giuseppe Siri Pope on Oct 26 1958. Cardinal Giuseppe Siri accepted the papacy by taking the name Pope Gregory XVII but was illegally prevented from assuming his elected office.. According to Canon 185 Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli illegally assumed the papacy 2 days later by fraud and grave fear, unjustly inflicted against Cardinal Giuseppe Siri who was lawfully elected Pope Gregory XVII. Because no Pope has been lawfully elected since October 26, 1958 the Holy See (la Santa Sede/Seat) remains vacant.

Electric car capacitor supercell

Electric car supercapacitor design by Paul W Kincaid Technology
Electric car capacitor supercell design by Paul W Kincaid Technology makes electric car batteries obsolete. Capacitor supercells have the capacity to transform electric cars into ultra high mileage electric cars. The smaller, maintenance free, capacitor supercells stores more energy, lasts longer, charges and recharges quicker than any electrochemical 12 volt car battery. Capacitor supercells charges/recharges in matter of minutes, instead of the hours it takes to charge/recharge car batteries. Capacitor supercells can be charged/recharged indefinitely and never degrade. Capacitor supercells cannot be overcharged as the current simply stops flowing when it is fully charged. Connect an alternator to the drive shaft of an electric car motor, via pulleys and a serpentine belt, and the alternator will simultaneously charge/recharge the capacitor supercells as you drive. 

Hydrogen fuel from water

Ultra-clean hydrogen fuel is available to everyone living near water. Hydrogen (a natural gas) can easily be generated from water - tap water, sea water, drain water, any water. Water is H2O (hydrogen and oxygen) and it can easily be split (fissioned) into zero emission hydrogen gas using a simple method called electrolysis (cold fission). 

In electrolysis of water a very small electrical current is passed between two electrodes submerged in water. Electrolysis of water will begin with a minimum of 1.2 volts and will increase in rate as the voltage is increased. Hydrogen gas accumulates at the cathode (negative electrode) and oxygen gas at the anode (positive electrode). Sources of electrical current that can be used in the electrolysis of water - car battery (12 volts), solar panel (5 watts or 1.3 volts), flashlight battery (1.5 volts), cell phone battery (3.7 volts). 12 volts (just 10% or 1/10 the electrical power needed to power the toxic fluorescent lights which requires 120 volts to operate) would produce more than enough hydrogen fuel to power a gas combustion engine like a portable electrical power generator or fuel gas stoves, gas fireplaces, gas barbecues and gas home heating furnaces. 

Indictment for Treason & High Treason against Canada

RCMP High TreasonHold the Crown (alias for temporal authority of the reigning Pope), the Crown appointed Governor General of Canada David Lloyd Johnston, the Crown's Prime Minister (servant) Stephen Joseph Harper, the Crown's Minister of Justice and Attorney General Peter Gordon MacKay and the Crown's traitorous military RCMP force, accountable for their crimes of treason and high treason against Canada and acts preparatory thereto. The indictment charges that they, on and thereafter the 22nd day of October in the year 2014, at Parliament in the City of Ottawa in the Region of Ontario did, use force and violence, via the staged false flag Exercise Determined Dragon 14, for the purpose of overthrowing and besieging the government of Canada contrary to Section 46 of the Criminal Code. In a society governed by the rule of law, the government and its officials and agents are subject to and held accountable under the law. Sign the online Indictment for treason and high treason against Canada and ensure the Crown, Governor General of Canada David Lloyd Johnston, Prime Minister Stephen Joseph Harper, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Peter Gordon MacKay and the RCMP are subject to and held accountable under the law.

Crown’s puppet dictator

Jackass OneTwo of the most obvious signs of a dictatorship in Canada is traitorous Stephen Harper flying around in a "military aircraft" and using Canadian Special Forces "military" personnel from JTF2 and personnel from the Crown's traitorous martial law "military" RCMP force as his personal bodyguards.
On October 19, 2015 let's give the tyrant and traitor (betrays Canada serving the Crown's New World Order/Vatican NATO Fourth Reich agenda) the boot then thereafter indict him for treason against Canada

Stephen Harper’s agenda is to dissolve Canada’s sovereignty

Stephen Harper admits during the 2010 Toronto G20 (Group of 20 traitors) Summit to aiding and abetting a global economy that undermines and attacks Canada's sovereignty, national security and economic prosperity.

" I know some people don't like it. It is a loss of national sovereignty, but it is reality." ~ Stephen Harper

"As I constantly remind Canadians, there isn't really a Canadian economy anymore. It is a global economy." ~ Stephen Harper

Stephen Harper would have a foreign power (G20 G8, G7 are all part of the Vatican Fourth Reich's New World Order agenda) dictate Canada's economic future. Stephen Harper's "globalist" agenda is now being made a reality. We can defend Canada's "national" sovereignty and economic prosperity by voting the traitor and war criminal (levying aggressive war against Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria) Stephen Harper out of office and charging him with treason and high treason against Canada.

RCMP Treason against Canada

Email sent by retired RCMP Staff Sergeant Mel Young to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Peter MacKay dated 7 Jan 2014 reveals RCMP engaging in acts of subversion; "campaign to overthrow an elected Prime Minister" RCMP: A Request for Commission of Inquiry

The email is evidence that the Crown, represented by the highest ranking "military" officer, the Governor General, is actively committing Treason (Section 46 (2)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e) of the Criminal Code of Canada) against Canada by using "force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;" The RCMP is and has always been defined as a "military" force. Military is defined as "of, for, or pertaining to war". Subversion is defined as "a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within." The RCMP was formed in 1867 to serve a foreign power, the Crown (corporate entity for the reigning Pope) as a military (of, for, or pertaining to war: ) force. The office of Governor General was instituted on Oct. 1, 1947 by the Crown's Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada to "undermine the Canadian political system". The RCMP "military" force and the Governor General (Crown imposed "military" leader/authority in the Government of Canada and commander-in-chief of all "military" forces in Canada) has 1 mandate - to serve and protect the foreign power/corporate entity, the Crown, not Canada, Canadians or the Constitution of Canada. The penalty for the Governor General and RCMP treason against Canada is imprisonment up to a maximum of life.

Catholic North America Union

self-imposed Catholic king of all nations
Catholic Church Pope Pius IX secretly assumed control of the United States of American via the Canadian 1867 British North America Act. Foreign "corporate" entity, Pope Pius IX, instructed (without lawful authority) the Canadian Parliament to enact the 1867 British North America Act with the intent of not only establishing a Catholic Church controlled Dominion of Canada but to usurpatively establish a Catholic Church "North America" Union or NAU. The Catholic Church Pope Pius IX unlawfully subverted the authority of the United States of America as a sovereign independent nation. If the British North America Act was a Constitution only for the provinces and territories of Canada, the Act wouldn't have been worded as a "North America" Act. North America geographically encompasses both Canada and the United States of America. Pope Pius IX (the Crown) enacted the British North America Act to regain control of the United States of American which the Catholic Church lost in 1776. The American War of Independence was triggered when the Catholic Church enacted the Quebec Act of 1774 - the act wherein: 1) the predominately Catholic Quebec's territory was expanded to take over part of the Indian Reserve, including much of what is now southern Ontario, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota. 2) The oath of allegiance was replaced with one that no longer made reference to the Protestant faith. 3) It guaranteed free practice of the Catholic faith. and 4) It restored the Catholic Church's right to impose tithes - 10% compulsory tax payable to the Catholic Church. The American people have gone off to fight and die to liberate the people from despotic rule in foreign states and have spent $trillions to finance wars to protect and defend the Independence of Europe (WWI and WWII), South Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq but no American has volunteered to fight and die protecting and defending their own Independence from the usurpative and despotic Roman Catholic Church Pope (the Crown). 

Vatican homicidal religious fanatics waging WWIII in Ukraine

Crimea, the Vatican NATO Gladio B ousted Ukraine government and every EU member state have the right to exit the EU (Vatican reoccupied Europe) in accordance with the Treaty on European Union (Article 50): “Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements." Crimeans voted in a referendum to break away from Ukraine and join Russia. The Crimean people unanimously refuse to live under the tyrannical Vatican EU and exercised their right to exit that tyranny by voting in a referendum. Now that the people of Crimea voted to exit the Vatican EU tyranny, the Vatican has ordered its homicidal religious fanatics from the NATO Gladio Bandera terrorist group (Knights of Malta military order), to attack and murder Crimean civilians and Russian civilians in Eastern Ukraine. Today, the Vatican is desperately trying to get the UNITED STATES (1871 created Vatican Crown Corporation), the Jan 1, 1855 formed Vatican Crown Corporation "City of London Corporation" controlled UK government and the Oct 1, 1947 Crown imposed martial law Government of Canada to commit US, UK and Canadian "military" forces to Ukraine to help the NATO Gladio Bandera terrorists in Ukraine force Independent Crimea back into the Pope's EU tyranny.

homicidal maniacs
Stephen Harper, Barack Obama and David Cameron are unlawfully supporting terrorism and committing terrorism offences by:
- knowingly participating in, or contributing to, any activity of a terrorist group for the purpose of enhancing the ability of any terrorist group to facilitate or carry out a terrorist activity;
- knowingly facilitating a terrorist activity;
- commission of an indictable offence for the benefit of, at the direction of or in association with a terrorist group;
- collecting, providing or making available, using or possessing property for certain terrorist activities/purposes (terrorist financing).

Aiding & Abetting the Crown

Evangelical Protestant Stephen Harper conspires with Catholic Mafia godfatherYou and I have "never" consented to being governed by the Catholic Church Pope (the Crown) nor to paying taxes to him (the Crown) yet that is exactly what our elected representatives in Canada, the United States and the UK governments have been doing for the past 159 years, and without lawful authority. The principle of informed consent is implicit in any democratic society. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in all legal, financial, judicial and democratic procedures. Without our informed consent our elected representatives have no lawful authority to collect taxes from us for the foreign Vatican City State and its head of state - the Crown. Without our informed consent our elected representatives have no lawful authority to govern us according to the wishes, policies, doctrines, demands or legal authority of the foreign Vatican City State and the Crown. We have never granted lawful authority to our elected representatives to advance and/or implement policies or acts of government that serve the interests of a foreign state - Vatican City State - and its leader - the Crown. Only those who serve the usurpative Crown have consented to being governed and indebted to the Crown as demonstrated by the first vote of yes for the poll "Do you authorize your government to collect tax revenue for the Catholic Church?" The first vote was cast by the School of Catholic Theology - University of Regensburg, Bavaria. The university's most famous faculty member is pedophile / male prostitution scandal / U.S. EU sovereign debt crisis money laundering recipient Catholic Church Pope Benedict XVI, who taught from 1969 until he was appointed Cardinal and Archbishop of Munich, Germany March 24, 1977. Benedict is still listed as a Professor of the Regensburg University. You and the World are being deceived by the Nazi Hitler Youth Schooled Benedict. Benedict is still the legitimate Pope of the Catholic Church. According to Catholic Canon law Benedict is still the Pope. No cardinal can legally inherit the title Pope until the reigning Pope dies. The title of Pope is for life. The Pope also claims, for life, the titles of Bishop of Rome and Pontifex Maximus and most importantly he claims to be a living god - Vicar of Christ. Francis appears to be fulfilling Saint Malachy's end time prophesy. Francis is clearly the uncanonically elected final pope, Petrus Romanus, whose unlawful pretense has caused a great schism in the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Malachy's 112th prophesy states: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End." The resignation of Benedict due to poor health is an unlawful attempt by Benedict to escape prosecution for defrauding the United States and European states people of $trillions he (the Crown) and the Vatican stole and money laundered through Vatican central banks (Federal Reserve, Bank of Canada, Bank of England) to the Vatican City State during the Vatican orchestrated securities defrauding U.S. and EU sovereign debt crisis. 

Roman king of the Jews

Emperor Constantine and Bishop in 325 AD at Council of Nicaea

If Jesus Christ is suppose to be the Jewish Messiah (Greek: Christós, English: Christ) why would an orthodox Jewish woman and man give their son the Roman name Jesus? Furthermore, why would orthodox Jews have Roman names like Mary and Joseph? Jews 2 thousand years ago were given Hebrew names like Mahalah, or Marah or Miryam and Moshe or Yosef or Jehovah. There is no name even close to sounding like Jesus in Hebrew nor in the Tanakh (The Jewish Bible), the Torah, Nevi'im or Ketuvim. Why not? Jesus is Latin Vulgar (Roman) meaning "I am". The Roman name Jesus (I am) never existed until Roman Catholic Pope Damasus I commissioned a rewrite of the Jewish Bible in 382 AD. The Catholic Church never existed until 325 AD, the year Roman Emperor Constantine and the bishops of the First Council of Nicaea created it in honor of and in adoration to the ancient Roman sun god Sol Invictus . The image above isn't depicting the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and his Apostles. It is actually a painting depicting Roman Emperor Constantine I and bishops of Rome at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD. This painting has been used by the Catholic Church to deceive many. This has been fraudulently promoted by the Roman Catholic Church as a painting of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and his apostles when in fact it is a painting of Roman Emperor Constantine I and the first conclave of bishops of the newly formed Roman Catholic Church. At this first Catholic Church conclave Roman Emperor Constantine proclaimed "I am" Christ - Jesus Christ. Since 325 AD all "Roman" Catholic Church Popes have falsely claimed to be the "Jewish" Messiah (Christ). Today, to hide historical facts the Roman Catholic Church Pope claims the title "Vicar of Christ" which for the Catholic Church means the Pope claims to be Christ - "I am" Christ and takes the name Jesus Christ. All Catholics also claim to be Christ in prayer. THE PROFESSION OF FAITH: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord;" What Catholics are saying is: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and I am Christ, his only Son, and Lord". God commands: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." yet the Catholic Church violates this first, most basic, and most important commandment by professing faith in a "mortal" false Messiah Jesus (I am) Christ and Catholic dogma (am god spelled backwards).

Catholic Führer of Ukraine

Catholic Führer of Ukraine
Catholic Church installed Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a self-proclaimed Nazi. He is a devout Catholic, as was Vatican Reichskonkordat Third Reich Führer Adolf Hitler, and one of the militant leaders of Ukraine's second biggest party All-UkrainianUnion "Fatherland". The Catholic Church overthrew the elected government of Ukraine and imposed a Catholic Führer in Ukraine. A Führer that would never have been elected by the Ukrainian people. Arseniy Yatsenyuk unsuccessfully ran for president in 2010 on a pro-Western platform to integrate Ukraine with the European Union. His pro Vatican EU platform cost him the election, receiving a humiliating 6.69% of total national vote. In the above image, Vatican installed Führer of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk is photographed in Kiev giving the Nazi fascist salute. The Catholic Church obviously didn't learn from their humiliating defeats in WWI (Vatican Second Reich) and WWII (Vatican Third Reich). Any number of Russian missiles can easily reach Rome and fulfill Bible Prophesy and swiftly put a permanent end to the Vatican Fourth Reich. 
Most Wanted Popes
Wanted for high treason against Canada, the United States, Ukraine, and Independent Crimea. Conspiracy to levy war with Canada and the United States by waging war against Russia. Mass murder of Ukrainian civilians. Terrorism against Ukraine. Conspiracy to commit mass murder by waging an unprovoked war with Russia. Ukraine, Crimea and any EU state has the right to leave the Vatican EU. In accordance with the Treaty on European Union (Article 50): “Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the European Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” Conspiracy to commit genocide in Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia and Europe. Influence peddling and bribery of our elected representatives. Crimes against peace. Crimes against Humanity “(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances; (and) (ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).” 

You can help prevent the Vatican from starting WWIII and save millions of lives, help bring the Vatican to justice for their heinous sex abuse crimes against children around the World, stop the illegal money laundering of your tax dollars to the Vatican and free your country and countrymen from the unlawfully assumed tyrannical control of your country by the Pope (alias: the Crown) by printing and posting the above wanted poster throughout your neighborhood. A letter size image of the wanted poster is available by clicking on the image above. Right mouse click on the larger image and select Save image As ...

Luigi Cardinal Ciappi, personal theologian to four Popes up to and including Pope John Paul II: “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church begins at the top.” 

U.S. HAARP SBX-1 activated

Japan's March 14, 2014 6.2 magnitude earthquake induced by U.S. Navy / Air Force HAARP SBX-1. The Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) is a floating, self-propelled, mobile HAARP weapon of mass destruction platform. When activated it can down aircraft and missiles by microwaving unshielded aircraft electronic systems. The SBX-1 can also create and steer hurricanes by illegally manipulating the jet stream and create a massive jet stream vortex anomaly like the one formed northeast of Japan March 14, 2014. Click on image above for Japan Institute for Information Design animation of the HAARP SBX-1 created jet stream vortex anomaly. It is currently deployed with and protected by the U.S. Carrier Strike Group Five.

Catholic Sol Invictus Games

Jesus means I am
Sol Invictus is the ancient Roman sun god and a patron of soldiers. Roman Emperor Constantine created the Catholic Church in 325 A.D. to honor the ancient Roman sun god Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun"). The UK Queen and her heirs have forfeited the Protestant throne by unlawfully becoming Roman Catholics. All are members of the Roman Catholic military Order of the Garter. Elizabeth is the sovereign head of the Roman Catholic Order of the Garter and the Roman Catholic Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. The Queen or King of England forfeits the throne and all titles, rights and privileges when they become a Roman Catholic or marries one - Philip Battenberg. 

Free renewable natural gas

If you live in the country or a rural community, anywhere in the World, you are already producing your very own free natural gas. You and millions of people around the World are generating a lifetime supply of free unmetered natural gas in your own back yard. Natural gas that you can use to fuel your gas furnace, gas fireplace, gas electrical power generator, gas stove, or other gas fueled appliances. The free natural gas fuel called biogas (CH4 – methane) is generated 24/7, 365 days a year and for the rest of your life by your existing septic tank. Read more ... 

Electric Cars Built 1st

Thomas Edison in his 1914 electric car. The electric car has been around longer than the gasoline car. They were being manufactured and sold before the advent of the gasoline powered cars .

energy crisis hoax

m2 panel

At "peak sun", 1000 W/m2 of power reaches the surface of the earth. One hour of full sun provides 1000 Wh per m2 = 1 kWh/m2 – representing the solar energy received in one hour on a cloudless summer day on a one-square meter surface directed towards the sun. To put this in perspective, the United States Department of Energy indicates the amount of solar energy that hits the surface of the earth every hour is greater than the total amount of energy that the entire human population requires in a year. In other words, roughly 100 square miles of electromagnetic radiation (EM) energy conductive solar panels placed in the southwestern U.S. could power the entire country. 

Uganda Africa construction video on how to make your own backyard biogas plant.  Daily gas production capacity of the above constructed digester is 2.6 cubic meters (time stamp 3:23).  That is equivalent to 2600 liters or 16.4  barrels of oil or 687 US liquid gallons.  For comparison an empty 20 lb barbecue propane tank will hold about 4.7 gallons of propane. The biogas produced from these backyard natural gas plants can be used to heat your home, cook your food and power gas electric generators.  

Olympians robbed of gold

Olympic silver
All of the Sochi Olympic athletes have been robbed of gold by the International Olympic Committee. Canadian athletes have actually won 10 silver medals and 2.5 bronze Olympic medals. The Olympic gold medals are actually almost entirely made of silver and all three of the medals have only 1/2 the amount of metal as all previous Olympic medals. The Olympic gold medals contain 680 grams of silver with a 960 hallmark and only 6 grams (0.211644 oz) of gold with a 999 hallmark. The silver medals contains the same amount of silver that is in the fake gold medals - 680 grams of silver with a 960 hallmark. The bronze medals are composed of 585 grams of bronze. The design and metal composition of the Olympic medals have robbed our Olympic champions of gold. Olympic gold medals are sterling silver that has been plated with a very thin layer - 6 grams - of gold. Olympic gold medals regulations only require that the gold medal be at least 60 mm in diameter and at least 3 mm thick and be covered with at least 6 grams of pure genuine gold. Your tiny wedding band or high school graduation ring has more gold in them than an Olympic gold Medal. 

High Fuel Mileage Secret

Increase your vehicle(s) fuel mileage exponentially by using only the gasoline vapor. The saturated vapor volume of an average gallon of liquid gasoline when fully evaporated is 160 gallons of vapor at 60° F and sea level or 160 times the volume.  Gas vapor and not liquid fuel is what runs all internal combustion engines. The more you vaporize (gasify) the liquid fuel the greater the fuel mileage.  Need proof that gas vapor can drive your car or truck. Taxis in most major cities run on a gas vapor called propane. For decades taxi companies have converted their fleet from gasoline to propane without removing or replacing the gasoline combustion engine. 

First Degree MURDER by bio-agent injection

murder by bio-agent injection

The United States and Canadian governments have murdered the people they were elected to represent by willfully, deliberately and maliciously inflicting them with cancer, disease, viruses and/or bacteria or by inducing a heart attack? If cancer and infectious diseases in animals can be induced, at will, at thousands of medical research labs around the World, by injecting them with toxins, adjuvants, cancer cells, viruses and/or bacteria, it is most certainly possible to do the same with human beings! In fact, in 1931, Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist from the RockefellerInstitute for Medical Research, purposely infected human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells using a vaccine syringe; 13 of them died. As a reward for murdering 13 healthy people by deliberately injecting them with a biological agent Rhoads later went on to establish the United States Army Biological Warfare facilities in Fort Detrick Maryland (origin of the HIV/AIDS virus, the Avian Flu virus and Obama's 2009 Swine Flu / A-H1N1 virus and other man made pathogens), Utah and Panama, and was named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, where he began a series of secretive and illegal (first degree murder is killing which is deliberate and premeditated - planned, by poison or as part of a scheme) radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

hypodermic dartThe U.S.and Canadian governments have trained agents who not only induce cancer, disease and influenza but also induce an immediate and fatal heart attack. Both cancer and heart attack inducing have been used not only by the United States and Canadian governments but also by the UK, Israeli, German, Russian and the unelected and nationless Vatican's UNO/NATO governments as a means of assassinations (First Degree Murder) as revealed at the U.S. Senate's 1975 Church Committee Hearings.   The U.S. Senate investigated the illegal activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  At those hearings the U.S. Senate was informed that the CIA had development a weapon that could assassinate (murder) a person (including a prominent or political figure - e.g. Jack Ruby, Matt Simmons, Slobodan Milosevic, Kenneth Lay, Elizabeth Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Jack Layton) by inducing cancer or a heart attack using a dart gun (hypodermic needle tipped projectile).  Only a very skilled pathologist, who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish an assassination induced heart attack or cancer from the real thing. Today a dart gun isn't required. They use influenza vaccines, flu shots, diabetic injections or an air filled syringe to mass murder civilians, politicians, police officers and soldiers alike. Vaccines, flu shots, diabetic injections all have adjuvants, toxins and pathogens that causes cancer and other life threatening diseases. Stealthily injecting air, adjuvants, toxins and/or pathogens directly into the bloodstream of another person, using a syringe, with the willful, deliberate and malicious intent to cause cancer, disease, viral infection, anaphylactic shock, a heart embolism and death is a very serious criminal offense - first degree murder. Premeditated and clandestine poisoning of another person(s) is the most heinous type of murder. The family of the victim will be falsely informed that their loved one died as a result of a heart attack or cancer - of natural causes - when in fact their loved one was murdered. 

Car that runs on water. No gasoline, no battery recharging and no emissions.

In 2008, just prior to the Crown orchestrated U.S. banking crisis a Japanese company developed and successfully demonstrated that we don't need oil, gasoline or propane gas to power our cars and trucks. All we need is a liter of water – any kind of water to be exact, whether its river, rain, sea water, or even Japanese tea. Genepax unveiled a car that runs on water in the western Japanese city of Osaka. “The main characteristic of this car is that no external input is needed. The car will continue to run as long as you have a bottle of water inside for you to add from time to time.” With this technology we don't need toxic fracking either as the hydrogen fuel from water can not only fuel our cars and trucks it can fuel all of our gas stoves, fireplaces, ovens, barbecues, gas furnaces and electric power generators and stations. We don't need to use a drop of our finite supply of drinking water as sea water will provide the all the fuel we need for millennia. This technology poses a threat to the oil and gas industry. Osaka, Japan was devastated by the U.S. Air Force/Navy HAARP induced March 11, 2011 tsunami. Read more ... 

200 volts positive of free energy

high-gain omnidirectional antenna

Physicists, oil and gas companies and your governments all know that six feet (2 meters) above the ground (above head height) the air is charged with more than 200 volts positive in respect to the ground. That 200 volts + charged air is a source of free, unlimited, unmetered and carbon-free electrical energy.

This free energy has already been tapped into by World renowned scientists such as Nikola Tesla and Henry Moray. Both tapped into this infinite supply of pure, zero emission electrical energy using a simple antenna. Nikola Tesla powered a 1931 Pierce Arrow automobile 83 years ago with this free energy and he drove the vehicle at speeds of up to 90 mph for a great distance. Moray powered 35 100-watt light bulbs and a 1200-watt iron simultaneously. 

NB Shale Gas Fraud Scheme

This is what shale gas actually looks like. Does this look anything like gas to you? Only if you were the snake oil conman - U.S. born New Brunswick Premier David Alward and Energy Minister Craig Leonard who are fraudulently peddling this pile of dirt or the unbelievably stupid investor. Shale is dirt – to be precise - a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals, none of which is gas or oil. Shale contains zero gas and zero oil. It is 100% dirt. Shale gas is a fraudulent scheme. The result of a lawsuit by the natural gas pipeline distributor monopoly Enbridge Gas (influence peddling, extortion, and bribery involved) to trick (a fraud) a foreign buyer into buying out Irving Oil Ltd's stake in the Canaport LNG. Contracts to supply natural gas to North America have soured after the fabrication of the very toxic and life threatening H2S gas from shale rock created a glut of the commodity and caused prices to plunge. The Canaport LNG terminal has become a big white elephant for Irving Oil Ltd. now that natural gas prices have plummeted. It costs more to "fabricate" the very toxic and poisonous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas from dirt than current market value for natural (created by nature, not man) gas. ... read more

Unsung Heroes

unsung heroesThe United States people owe a debt of gratitude to Maj. Gen. Michael Carey (left) and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina. These two officials, who oversee the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal, refused to obey Obama's unlawful order to detonate U.S. nuclear warhead(s) on the East Coast of the United States - U.S. soil. These 2 men averted a nuclear detonation false flag scheduled for October 17, 2013. Both were fired by Obama for misconduct - refusing to carry out his unlawful order. Thank you for going beyond the call of duty. Thank you for upholding your oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".

Just say no to RX drugs

90% of all diseases including cancer, diabetes, influenza, depression and heart disease are easily preventable and even cured without any drugs or medical procedures. More people die in the US every year from prescription drug overdose than from heroin and cocaine abuse. Prescription drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the United States. Prescription drugs are now killing far more people than the actual diseases. Pharmaceutical drugs have killed far more people than terrorism and the combined US military casualties in Irag, Afghanistan, Desert Storm and Vietnam. 

You were born drug free and independent. Diet, nutrition, daily 20 minute exposure to sunlight (without any carcinogenic sunscreen) and simply being active prevents and cures all diseases. Pharmaceutical companies have been making new drugs that actually induces cancer and disease. To intentionally poison you and make you sick. Perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of another human being. According to the US Criminal Code, they are willfully and deliberately committing - Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 51 › § 1111 Murder in the first degree.

Today people don't die of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or influenza they die due to prescription drug medical administering errors, drug side effects or drug complications. Complications are almost always related to the type of drug being administered. Complications arise due to drug overdose. For example - no one has ever died of diabetes. Diabetics only die because they were overdosed - administered a lethal dosage of insulin or other noxious drug which drastically lowered the diabetic's  blood sugar levels - hypoglycemia - and prescription drug overdose death occurs. 

You can prevent and cure most diseases simply by eliminating 2 food staples from your diet - margarine and refined sugar.  Hydrogenated oil (margarine) consumption is most strongly correlated with degenerative diseases, with sugar consumption as the second highest correlation. Margarine increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.  Cancer cells feed almost exclusively on refined sugar. Eliminating margarine and refined sugar (including neurotoxic artificial sweeteners aspartame) from your diet is the cure for diabetes, depression, neurological diseases, heart disease, and cancer. 

Synagogue of Satan Peter

Satan Peter's Basilica
Matthew 16:23 - "Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."

Matthew 4:10 - "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"

Mark 8:33 - "he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men."

Saint Peter's Basilica, is the world's largest church, and it is the center of the Roman Emperor Constantine created Catholic (Universal) Church. Saint Peter's Basilica was built in Rome Italy not in the Holy Land some 1434 miles away. The Pope claims the title "Successor to Peter" and "Vicar of Christ". Isn't it obvious that the Catholic Church is anti-Christianity and its Pope is the Antichrist. The Catholic Church's own Vulgate identifies Peter as Satan and the Catholic Pope derives his authority from Peter. In the scriptures, the Antichrist is revealed as the Beast, who derives his power from Satan. Revelation 13:14 "And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast," Furthermore, the exact spot where St. Peter’s Basilica stands today, in Vatican City, is over the historical site of the Circus of Nero. The circus was the site of the first organized, Roman sponsored Jewish Holocaust. Peter is identified as Satan 3 times in the Catholic Church Vulgate and all four Canonical Gospels state that Peter rejected Christ three times before his death yet today Peter is the patriarch of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Vulgate Revelation 2:9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

To serve and protect the Crown with bloodshed

Crown BloodshedWhen Pope Benedict XVI brought 22 Catholic clergymen into the elite club of cardinals (which as a group elects a new pope.) on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2012 he reminded those who where becoming cardinals of their duty to the Catholic Church. In remarks at the start of the service, Benedict reminded those in attendance that the red color of the three-pointed hat, or biretta, and the scarlet cassock that cardinals wear, symbolizes the blood that cardinals must be willing to shed to remain faithful and true to the Catholic Church. Sheding blood means to kill violently. Every Pope (a former cardinal) and every cardinal who has served or is serving the Catholic Church are duty bound to 'willfully" kill - a gross contradiction and violation of God's Covenant - "thou shall not kill". The red background of the coat of arms for Vatican City (image above - notice the crown - represents the Crown - the temporal authority of the Pope), the red cross of the 'Knights Templar", "Order of the Garter" and "City of London Corporation" and the red flags of the "Order of Malta" and Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) all have the same meaning - their members are all willing and duty bound to kill (shed blood) for the Crown (Catholic Church). 

The Catholic Church recognizes the Pope as a successor to Saint Peter. While it is neither the mother church of the Roman Catholic Church nor the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, St. Peter's Basilica is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites. It is the centerpiece of Vatican City. It is where all major public masses are held and it is where millions around the World look to and flock to for spiritual guidance from the reigning Pope. That being said, Matthew 16:23. "But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. The Catholic Vulgate (Latin translation of the Bible) is telling us that the Catholic Church's St. Peter's Basilica is the synagogue of Satan.

The Crown = Lucifer’s Crown

Crown corporation

Pope Pius IX called the first Vatican Council to have himself declared by the bishops of all nations as the king of kings just as the Holy Roman Emperors were crowned three times as king of Germany. As a result of Pope Pius IX taking and wearing a three crown tiara the ordination of a new pope became the papal coronation. Pope Pius IX was crowned (put a crown on his head) on Easter of 1855. Since 1855 the Pope’s temporal (relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs) authority is identified by the Crown. Since 1855 "the Crown" has represented the Papal temporal authority as king of kings.

The Crown, all Crown Corporations, Crown judges, and/or Crown land do not represent the illegitimate German Roman Catholic (married German Roman Catholic Hitler Youth Philip Battenberg and is the head of the Roman Catholic Order of the Garter) Queen of England - Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg and Gotha II. The Crown is the papal Crown (pictured above with Hitler Youth Joseph Ratzinger) which represents (is a symbol of) the Pope's assumed (without lawful authority) temporal (relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular) authority. The Canadian Crown (represented by the unelected Heads of State - the Governor General and the provinces' Lieutenant-Governor), all Crown Corporations, Crown courts and Crown judges and all Crown lands either serve or represent the Roman Catholic Pope's (a.k.a. the anti-Christ, Sol Invictus, god the Sun, Lightbearer, Morning Star, Aries, Ram god, Amen, Lucifer,) worldly assets - his assumed (by false pretense) corporate holdings - in Canada and its provinces and territories. The Canadian provinces' Premiers, the country's Prime Minister, all judges, lawyers, mayors, public servants, military and RCMP personnel all serve the Catholic Church and its Pope, whether or not they are Catholics. It does not matter if you are a devout Protestant, Anglican, Jew, Presbyterian, Muslim, Hindu or Jehovah Witness if you work for the Crown you all serve the Pope, who serves the sun god Sol Invictus - Lucifer (a.k.a. Ra, Amen, Amen-Ra, Aries (Ram), and the false Messiah Jesus - Vulgar Latin meaning "I am" - Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.) 

The Pope's unlawful temporal authority (the Crown) is also represented in the United States by 1) the President - the leader of the Crown corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (corporations are spelled with all capital letters and the President is the chief executive officer of the Corporation), 2) the Crown's city state called Washington DC (District of Columbia, originally named Rome, Maryland), 3) the Crown's money laundering and racketeering IRS (Isis, Ra Seb) and 4) the Crown's counterfeiters - the Federal Reserve. The American Revolution / American War of Independence was a revolution protesting the Catholic Pope's temporal authority of the Protestant American colonies. Because the Crown is nothing more than a foreign "private" corporate entity it has no lawful authority. Because authority is unlawfully assumed - under false pretense - no person is subject to the Crown's "corporate policies. Corporate polices are not law and cannot be enforced as law. 

Catholic Church United Kingdom

Catholic crusaders
King James II is officially recorded as being Britain's last Catholic monarch. Secretively and unlawfully the Catholic Church and its Pope (the Crown) still rules Britain's monarchy today. The Crown does not represent the king or queen of England it represents the "assumed" temporal authority of the Catholic Church Pope. Assumed in 1855 when the Pope crowned himself with a tiara and proclaimed himself to be "king of kings". Britain's German monarchs and their armies are Catholic crusaders. The red Catholic crusader cross is hidden in plain sight - within the Union Jack flag. The same red crusader cross is displayed for all to see on the Roman Catholic military Order of the Garter insignia worn by Elizabeth II, her Catholic husband Philip Battenberg and her illegitimate grandson William (Charles isn't William's father as Charles cannot father a child because of inbreeding - Victoria married her first cousin, Elizabeth married her German Roman Catholic second cousin). The UK flag originally just displayed a red cross on a white background, associated with Catholic "military" crusader Saint George. Saint George became very popular as a "warrior saint" of the Catholic Church during the Third Crusade. The red cross in particular was associated with the Knights Templar from the time of the Catholic Church's Second Crusade. The red cross has since appeared on many flags, emblems and coats of arms of the various "military orders" of the Catholic Church. It is the military insignia of the Catholic Crusaders. The cross represents the mark of the beast. Revelation 13:16-17, “He (the anti-Christ Pope) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand (cross embossed on the Catholic Church communion sun wafer) or on their foreheads (cross mark on the forehead on Ash Wednesday), and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark (the cross) or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (666).” 

The Pope’s official title is “Vicar of Christ” which is “Vicar of the son of God” In Latin it is ‘VICARIUS FILII DEI.’ Vicarius Filii Dei was first used in the forged medieval Donation of Constantine to refer to Saint Peter (Petrus). Revelations 13:18 tells us to calculate the number of the beast. Add the Roman (Romanus) numerals of ‘VICARIUS FILII DEI’. What does your calculation give you? 666 Also note – Pope Francis was elected because he received 2/3 of the cardinal conclave votes. 2/3 equals the negative (anti) amount .666

U.S. illegal weather warfare

HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platformSea-Based X-Band Radar HAARP platform (SBX-1) departs Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, March 31, 2006 after its exterior was repainted with U.S. Navy ship camouflage colors

Even if you can't detect radiation, or you didn't see a mushroom cloud, it doesn't mean the U.S. government hasn't launched a major attack against the United States or a foreign country The U.S. government has a weapon of mass destruction that can cause more damage than a nuclear bomb. The weapon is called HAARP. HAARP U.S. Patent 4873928: Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation, says it all. Bill Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen as publicly stating in 1997: “an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”

HAARP is now being used by the U.S. government as a geopolitical weapon of mass destruction. More destruction is caused by one HAARP attack than a nuclear bomb. New York City and the U.S. Eastern Seaboard was targeted by Obama using HAARP to help him win reelection - Hurricane Sandy (U.S. Patent 4712155: Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region Of Plasma ) was created and steered by HAARP. Japan and Haiti were also victims of this U.S. Weapon of Mass Destruction - earthquakes induced by HAARP. Toronto was its latest target - July 8, 2013 flood. The record breaking heatwave in Canada and the US this year were caused by HAARP. HAARP's own induction magnetometer waterfall charts records these kinds of attacks. It records the microwave heating of the Earth's ionosphere by 3 HAARP military installations - it's sea based HAARP platform (the SBX-1), the land based HAARP in Alaska and its orbiting HAARP (X-37B Orbital HAARP). HAARP is a destructive military controlled weather modifying and earthquake inducing weapon of mass destruction. HAARP is a key component of the U.S. Defense Department Ballistic Missile Defense System and like nukes only the president of the United States can authorize the use of HAARP.

All HARRP weather modifying and earthquake inducing attacks by the U.S. government are banned under international treaty. Weather modification, particularly hostile weather warfare, was addressed by the "United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72, TIAS 9614 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques." The Convention was signed in Geneva on May 18, 1977; entered into force on October 5, 1978; ratified by U.S. President Jimmy Carter on December 13, 1979; and the U.S. ratification deposited at New York January 17, 1980.

Because you and I could detect a HAARP attack using HAARP's own magnetometer waterfall charts the Gakona, Alaska station was taken off-line at hour 23:48 UTC June 13 and will remain unavailable for an unknown duration.

CIA 9/11 nuclear false flag

Former CIA and second cousin of George W Bush's former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Susan Lindauer revealed in the above video that she was warned by her CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, to stay away from New York City - time stamp starting 0:25:20 "do not go back to New York City. It's too dangerous. We are expecting the use of a miniature thermal nuclear device." Time stap 0:32:36 "It is a special military grade weapon... it is not something you could make ever in your kitchen, or garage or your living room." she states. - i.e. a Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM)

Special Atomic Demolition Munition

President has no authority … unless we’re attacked

Both Obama and Joe Biden spoke about unauthorized military strikes in 2007. Biden declared, time stamp 6:07 - "The President has no Constitutional authority to take this nation to war ... unless we're attacked or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked". In 2007, Obama declared in writing that "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

“Regime change,” according to the UK Attorney General, “cannot be the object of military action.” Any invasion which had that goal would be unambiguously illegal under international law. The whole purpose of the war of aggressions by the U.S.,the UK and NATO nations against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria is regime change. President Bush said so with Tony Blair standing by his side. Obama's use of mercenaries and foreign terrorist groups in Syria is, for all intent and purposes, "regime change". Remove Assad and install a U.S. backed terrorist group.

DHS modelled after Hitler’s Gestapo

An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland. - first stated by Adolf Hitler, proposing the creation of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany. Later used by George W Bush and Dick Cheney to create a modern Gestapo called the Department of Homeland Security and now used by Barack Hussein Obama to push unconstitutional reforms through and create unconstitutional czars, to unconstitutionally use the military for law enforcement, to unilaterally declare war, to create executive branch assassination squads, to suspend habeas corpus and create domestic corporate spy agencies. 

Truman CIA is American Gestapo

"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." - Harry S Truman

Former Nazi Gestapo agents were the first CIA agents. They were enlisted by the U.S. government to spy on, sabotage, torture and kill agents, military personal and political figureheads of the Soviet Union. Nazi Gestapo war criminals were smuggled into the U.S. (Fort Bliss) under Operation Paperclip. The top Nazi Gestapo (Vatican's Knights of Malta) escaped Germany and prosecution for war crimes with the help of the Catholic Church using Red Cross passports - ODESSA - Vatican Ratline.  The CIA and the Nazi Gestapo are one and the same.

The Nazi German Gestapo had the authority to investigate cases of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks against the Nazi Party and Germany. The CIA has the same authority in the United States. The basic Gestapo law passed by the government in 1936 gave the Gestapo carte blanche to operate without judicial oversight. The CIA also operates without judicial oversight. The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws. The CIA has the exact same exemptions. 

JFK Fourth Reich warning

German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarch and exiled Nazi German Pope tried but failed to bring about the Vatican Fourth Reich (New World Order) with the 9/11 false flag and U.S. / NATO "Wars of Terror". Today the de facto (assumed the crown under false pretense and without lawful authority) German Queen of England is conspiring with the antipope Francis I (Petrus Romanus) to attempt to bring about the Fourth Reich (Fourth Holy Roman Empire, New World Order)

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."

US propaganda Studios

Allied Media Corp – production studio contracted by the US government to manufacture all of the propaganda videos and audiotapes of bin Laden and al Qaeda and released through Allied Media Corp’s Arab news network Al Jazeera. "Al Qaeda does not and has never existed.  al Qaeda is a fictional enemy - a phantom. The name is simply code name (cryptonym) for CIA terrorist operations against the United States and the World. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) both work as spies for the Vatican a.k.a. First, Second, Third and Fourth Reich a.k.a. Holy Roman Empire a.k.a. New World Order. CSIS is the Canadian Intelligence Agency for the Holy See - All Seeing Eye a.k.a Eye of Horus (Egyptian false god). 

"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." ~ Harry S. Truman. During WWII (Rome's Third Reich) the German Gestapo was administered by officers of the SS or Protection Squadron or defence corps. The German SS was cryptonym for the Santa Sede or Vatican. 

Biggest scam on Earth

dirt by the dump truck loadIf you truly believe shale is gas there's dump truck loads of tar sand in Alberta that they will gladly sell to you as oil. Fabricated by destroying a million acres of oxygen producing and carbon dioxide absorbing forests; draining all the lakes, rivers and streams; slaughtering the wildlife; permanently contaminating the land, underground aquifers and air with toxic tailings and CO2; and filtered with millions of barrels of steaming hot fresh water. Truly the biggest scam on Earth - asphalt tar being marketed as oil. And you wonder why the engine in your very expensive car or truck seized up with very little mileage on the odometer and before you could even pay off the loan on it. Sand in the engine will do that. Tar in the engine will do that. Alberta Tar sand will most certainly do that. 

Fake Oil

The worst ongoing environmental disaster on Earth is under way in the tar sands of Alberta, Canada — home to the most energy-intensive and dirtiest industrial enterprise on Earth.

Federal Reserve forfeited for violations of law

Vatican bank fraudsters

Law of the United States - 12 USC § 341 - General enumeration of powers ... Federal reserve bank shall become a body corporate and as such, and in the name designated in such organization certificate, shall have ... succession after February 25, 1927, until dissolved by Act of Congress or until forfeiture of franchise for violation of law. The Federal Reserve (a subordinate of the Vatican - money laundering and other illegal schemes of hiding the Vatican's illicit wealth) has been found guilty of violation of law by the United States Congress and its franchise forfeited for violation of law.  The non-partisan, investigative arm of Congress,  the Government Accountability Office, investigated the Federal Reserve and determined that the Federal Reserve violated U.S. criminal laws by providing conflict of interest waivers to employees and private contractors so they could keep investments in the same financial institutions and corporations that were given emergency loans. The Federal Reserve knowingly and willingly committed the criminal offenses of fraud and influence peddling when they falsely claimed that their banks were failing in order to influence and gain $trillions from the US governments of both George W Bush and Barack Hussein Obama (legal name is Barry Soetoro).  The GOA findings were published in the the Sanders Report which found the Fed guilty of secretly and illegally doling out $16-trillion in zero interest loans to their own banks and corporations. The Federal Reserve banks and their presidents (including Timothy F. Geithne, Henry Paulson, and Ben Bernanke) can be prosecuted under the RICO Act - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Under federal RICO, a person who is a member of an enterprise that has committed any two of 35 crimes within in a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering (RICO). 

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York (controls the whole United States Federal Reserve) works for the Vatican. The 1980s book "Vatican Billions" revealed; "The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others." "The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc."

Abolish Federal Reserve

Airing Date Of ABC Rountable Clip: Nov.08,2009

The World never needs to fear running on empty. The technology exists today to transform our World into one where you never have to; stop to refuel, pay for another dirty oil change, pay to replace another rusted or broken muffler, be forced to submit to and pass an emission test or helplessly watch your hard earned money combust into CO2 emissions. We don’t need a drop of fuel oil or fresh potable water to run our vehicles. It was proven 80 years ago and it can be proven again today Together we can build a war free World simply by running on free Electricty.

Today, in 2013, we have the technology to convert every new and used GM, Ford and Chrysler gas guzzling vehicle into a zero emission electric vehicle. It is as simple as removing the gas combustion engine and replacing it with a much cheaper, quieter, and cleaner electric motor. At the same time we can remove the gas tank, the fuel lines, the exhaust system, the water pump, radiator, and all emission control devices because an electric motor car doesn’t need them. We didn’t need them 81 years ago when Nikola Tesla did this and we don’t need them now. 
pyramid energyflux capacitor
The Egyptian Pyramids were actually built as electrical power generating and wireless transmitting power plants - not tombs. They were built to receive, store and transmit electromagnetic energy. The pyramid itself is a very large capacitor - stores electrical energy. They were made of granite (the dielectric or insulator) and sandstone (the quartz crystal electrical conductor) with a capstone (the antenna) made of granite, basalt, or any other very hard stone which was plated with Electrum - alloy of gold and silver, with trace amounts of copper and other electricity conducting metals. As stated many times before in PRESS Core's articles electrical current flows to ground or earth - from the positively (+) charged air to the negatively (-) charged ground. The pyramids were built to harness and store this free and unlimited supply of electrical energy. Pyramids were built as electrical power plants - to tap into this free and unlimited supply of electrical energy. They didn't have the technical knowhow (technology) to build and erect very tall metal framed antenna towers so they built their free energy harnessing antennas using the technology and materials available during their life time - electrum plated capstone (antenna receiver/transmitter), sandstone (quartz crystal conductor) and granite (insulator).

For centuries we thought the Egyptian ancestors were not as advanced as we are now. Evidence, however reveals just the opposite - that they were far superior than we are now. They had the technology to move and set 300 ton stones so perfectly close that not even a sheet of paper can fit between the blocks. We, today, do not have that technical knowhow.

Over 4000 years ago man had the technology to build massive electric power plants - the pyramids. The sandstone (arenite) blocks used to build the pyramids were composed of crystal quartz and/or feldspar which are extremely high electrical conductors and the small amount of metal on the capstone allowed for maximum power generation and transmission. Also, the Giza Plateau where the pyramids stand was specifically chosen as the construction sites because the site is full of underground water channels. The pyramids were built above limestone layers that have spaces between them that are full of flowing (flux) water. These special layers of rock called aquifers transmit electricity upward as they carry underground water to the surface. The high volume flow (flux) of the River Nile that passes through these aquifers produces an electric current. This is known as physio-electricity. The pyramids were built to harness, store (capacitor), and transmit this electricity wirelessly. In 1901 Nikola Tesla began constructing the Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower). He understood ancient technology and set out to reeducate the World by demonstrating what the Egyptians knew and successfully built over 4000 years ago. If the Egyptians were to apply an insulating casing around the pyramids and reinstalled a capstone antenna (plated with an electricity conducting and transmitting metal like silver) their pyramids would once again harness, store and transmit wirelessly this free and unlimited electromagnetic energy. Even though they are thousands of years old they are still able to function today as electrical power generating power plants. Their main structure is fully intact.

To answer the $ million question - What happened to the capstone and the massive shell casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza? Because the pyramids were massive capacitors, hooking a polarized capacitor backwards would result in the capacitor exploding - forcing the capstone off its peak like a volcano does with its dome when it erupts. The capstone is still in the Giza Plateau but heavily damaged and covered with sand. Detaching,removing or breaching a capacitor's casing can also cause a capacitor to literally explode, ejecting its contents violently and shattering the casing off the sides of the pyramid. A catastrophic capacitor failure can result in pressure buildup and explosion if construction technique does not allow for a discharge of pressure. They built the capacitor but not the infrastructure to use (discharge) the generated electrical power and as a result the pyramid failed catastrophically. Warning - the flash capacitor of a camera or from any electronic circuit stores a lethal amount of electrical charge. Now image how lethal and destructive a capacitor the size of a pyramid would be when it fails.. 

Disbarred for fraud

Both Michelle Obama and Barack Obama are barred from practicing law. The Supreme Court of Illinois stated that Michelle and Obama were declared illegible to practice law. ARDC ATTORNEY'S REGISTRATION AND PUBLIC DISCIPLINARY RECORD confirms that Barack Obama's Illinois Registration Status as : "Voluntarily retired and not authorized to practice law". It also states under Malpractice Insurance: "attorney reported that he/she does not have malpractice coverage." Obama wasn't able to be insured (bondable) because of prior criminal activity. What isn't stated by ARDC is Obama plea bargained and avoided "public" prosecution. Obama voluntarily retired in return for the dismissal of all "criminal" charges and avoid formal disbarment. Disbarment is imposed as a sanction for conduct indicating that an attorney is not fit to practice law, willfully disregarding the interests of a client, or engaging in fraud which impedes the administration of justice. Obama was essentially disbarred for lying on his application. 

Obama used and is using an assumed name. Barack Obama isn't his birth and legally registered name. On the bar application it asks if that person has ever used or been known by another name. Barack Obama stated "No". However, Barry has used several names...publicly - Barry Dunham, aka Barry Soetoro (name on application for foreign student financial aid at Occidental College -, aka Barack Obama, aka Barry Obama ( January 29, 2007). 

Obama claims he "voluntarily" gave up his license. Various State documents revealed he lied (a fraud) and an internal investigation at the law firm that both he and Michelle worked provided concrete evidence that he knowingly and willingly lied (committed fraud) on his bar application. Another lie was his involvement in illegal drug activity. In his book, "Dreams from My Father" Obama confessed in writing, “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though.” pp. 93–94. Obama confessed to possession and using pot and blow - the illicit drug cocaine. 21 U.S.C. § 844 : US Code Penalties for simple possession states: "It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess a controlled substance unless such substance was obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order, from a practitioner,..." Obama knew that his possession and usage of illegal drugs were unlawful - a felony. In Illinios, simple possession of 15 grams to 100 grams of blow is a felony. Punishment - up to $200,000 Fine &/or 4 to 15 Years in jail. Obama lied on his application to the bar and he publicly confessed to his crimes in his own book - in his own words.

US government liable in Obama ineligibility coverup

18 USC § 1001 - Statements or entries generally

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; 
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. 

Gas to Electric 

Video shows you just how easy it is to convert a gasoline powered car into an all electric powered car. If a home mechanic can easily do it the automakers most certainly can too. 

Israel’s nuclear hypocrisy

Dimona - center of Israel's secret nuclear arms program

Those who have secretly developed nuclear weapons and have nuclear weapons are a greater threat to mankind than those who have none. Israel already has the bomb. In the article on the front page of the British daily "The Sunday Times", October 5, 1986 : "Revelation : the secrets of Israel’s nuclear arsenal" - Mordechai Vanunu, a former Israeli nuclear technician stunned the world by exposing the inner workings of Israel's long-denied nuclear weapons program. All secretly being carried out in Dimona - the center of Israel's secret nuclear arms program..

Israel is the only country in the region that has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Almost 180 countries have done it, including all Arab countries. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan… all Israeli neighbours have opened their borders to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968 and ratified it in 1970. Israel refuses to sign the treaty. 

The imminent threat fallacy

At the time of the annexation of Palestine in 1948, there were approximately 140,000–150,000 Jews living in Iran. Iran has been the historical center of Persian Jewry for over 2,700 years. Over 85% have since migrated to either Israeli occupied Palestine or the United States, with the migration accelerating after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, when the population dropped from 100,000 to about 40,000.

An estimated 250,000 Jews of Iranian descent currently live in Israeli occupied Palestine - most of them in the city of Holon, just outside Tel Aviv. More than 25,000 Jews are living in Iran presently.

Jews played an important role in the early days of Iraq's independence, but the Iraqi Jewish community, numbered at around 120,000 in 1948, almost entirely left the country due to persecution following the the UN annexation of Palestine. The history of the Jews in Iraq is documented from the time of the Babylonian captivity c. 586 BCE. Iraqi Jews constitute one of the world's oldest and most historically significant Jewish communities. The Talmud (a central text of mainstream Judaism, considered second to the Torah) was compiled in Babylonia, identified with modern Iraq.

So is it US / UN / NATO aggressions against Muslims in Iraq and Iran or their persecution of the Jews? George W Bush used the word "Crusade" to describe his war against the people he calls "evildoers." The First "Roman Catholic Crusade" (launched on 27 November 1095 by Pope Urban II) touched off new persecutions of Jews in which Jews were massacred and exiled from various European countries. Today it would appear that the US "Wars of Terror" are actually aimed at the Jews. Look at the war maps and you too can see that the US crusade is marching "FORWARD" against the Jews - to annihilate the Jewish people.

The greatest deception of modern times - Britain and the US didn't liberate the Jews from persecution and the Nazi concentration camps at the end of WWII. Britain and the US just moved the survivors to another Jewish concentration camp they created in 1948 called Israel. 

First Amendment 

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed - and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment - the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution - not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants" - but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. ~ John F. Kennedy

U.S. Wars of Aggression

The United States government had already decided before September 11, 2001 to start wars of aggression against the oil rich Middle East countries. U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the United States government planned to invade 7 countries that had never attacked them nor threatened to attack them: Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran. "We got a good military and we can take down governments" ~ Wesley Clark

Aggressive war is a crime under international law. The Charter of the International Military Tribunal defines this offense as:

(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). 

A war of aggression is a military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense - for territorial gain and subjugation.  Wars without international legality (e.g. not out of self-defense) are illegal wars of aggression.

Abraham Lincoln

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Anonymously Fed

Don't tell anyone that I am financed by the Federal Reserve bankersDon't be fooled. People who purposely hide their identity do so to evade or escape discovery, recognition, or identification in the commission of a public offense. People who hide behind masks know they are acting illegally and deceptively. Masquerade - A disguise or false outward show; a pretense. An involved scheme; a charade. Honest and good people do not hide behind masks or hide their identity.

FED Illegal Ponzi Scheme

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent.  ~ Abraham Lincoln


Revealing testimony exposes who Timothy Geithner really works for - the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. He is an agent of the foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank. His loyalties are to them. Timothy Geithner is a criminal. He is a proven tax evader. He is a money launderer. A fraudsters. An embezzler. He is not fit to be the United States Treasury Secretary. He has stolen at least $16 trillion from the American people and gave it all to the foreign owned Federal Reserve Banks. He is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

FAIR USE NOTICE: The above videos may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Did Afghanistan attack the U.S., Canada, any other NATO country or any UN, EU, Middle Eastern, African or other country? The answer is unequivocally NO! Did Iraq attack the United States any NATO country or any UN, EU, Middle Eastern, African or other country? The answer is unequivocally NO! Did Libya attack the United States, France, the UK, Canada any other NATO country or any UN, EU, Middle Eastern, African or other country? The answer is unequivocally NO! Has Syria attacked the United States, France, the UK, Canada or any other NATO country or any UN, EU, Middle Eastern, African or other country? The answer is unequivocally NO! 

A military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense is a felony criminal offense - a war of aggression. To initiate a war of aggression is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime. Crimes against peace is (i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances; (ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). Aggression is an unprovoked armed attack by a State against the territory, the people, or the land, sea or air forces of another State. 

War crimes are serious violations of international humanitarian law. Individuals, including heads of state, are criminally responsible for the crimes: "murder, the ill-treatment or deportation of civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave labor camps", "the murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war", the killing of prisoners, "the wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages, and any devastation not justified by military, or civilian necessity".

Complicity in Torture

Torture—and complicity in torture—is a “grave breach” of the 1949 Geneva Conventions. If Canadian officials allowed detainees to be transferred to Afghan custody despite an apparent risk of torture, and chose not to take reasonable steps to protect them, they are as guilty of a war crime as the torturers themselves. They can be prosecuted in Canada under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Or they could be hauled before the International Criminal Court. Canada has ratified the ICC’s statute, giving it jurisdiction over Canadians who commit war crimes anywhere. 

If we disregard our core principles and values, we also lose our moral authority abroad. If we are complicit in the torture of Afghans in Kandahar, how can we credibly promote human rights in Tehran or Beijing?” 
Richard Colvin, the senior diplomat posted in Afghanistan from April 2006 to October 2007 who testified that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper allowed the Canadian military to hand over Afghan detainees to certain torture. 

Militia required by law. 

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the United States, is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the American people to keep and bear arms and to form a militia.  "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  The right  "to keep and bear arms" means an individual has the right to own andcarry weapons anywhere and at any time in the United States of America.  The "Shall not be infringed"  means the government can never make any laws to infringe this right.  Why?  Because a militia, a military force composed of ordinary citizens is necessary to the security of a free State.  

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