Wednesday 28 September 2022

The Former Head Of The Pentagon’s Spy Agency Revealed The US’ Psywar Plans Against Russia – Andrew Korybko

The Former Head Of The Pentagon’s Spy Agency Revealed The US’ Psywar Plans Against Russia – Andrew Korybko

The Former Head Of The Pentagon’s Spy Agency Revealed The US’ Psywar Plans Against Russia – Andrew Korybko
The fact of the matter is that the former Pentagon spy chief and his co-author just spilled the beans about the means through which the Golden Billion is waging its ongoing psywar against Russia, which works against their side’s strategic interests while advancing Moscow’s own.

It’s the height of “political incorrectness” to acknowledge that the US wages psychological warfare (psywar) against others since the dogma connected with its discredited supremacist belief in its own “exceptionalism” claims that everyone across the world is already supposedly attracted to its models, ergo making any such perception management operations redundant. The reality, however, is that the US has always waged psywars against its geopolitical opponents and will continue to do so.

This is especially the case with respect to Russia, which former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) David R. Shedd surprisingly admitted in a piece for Politico about “Waging Psychological War Against Russia” that he co-authored with advisor to the Barish Center for Media Integrity at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Ivana Stradner. Instead of clinging to the tried-and-failed tactic of selling the American Dream to Russians, they suggest manipulating their targets’ “nationalism”.

In a nutshell, they believe that America’s strategic aims can be most effectively advanced by doing everything possible to discredit President Putin’s impressive achievements over the past two decades that have resulted in Russia recently restoring its historical status as a world power. To this end, those two propose emphasizing Russia’s “isolation” from the West, hyping up its alleged losses in Ukraine, obsessing over corruption, fueling ethno-separatist sentiment, and employing agents of influence.

The last two are especially significant since they refer to the political fantasy of “Balkanizing” Russia and the active recruitment of social media influencers. These proposals inadvertently vindicate President Putin’s assessment last week that the West poses an existential threat to his historically diverse civilization-state and also prove why the Kremlin promulgated far-reaching legislation against foreign agents. As such, it can be concluded that those two’s publicly revealed plans are counterproductive.

Not only do they confirm everything that Russia’s suspected about the US-led West’s Golden Billion, but they also discredit every recent narrative connected to their proposals since anyone who’s aware of their piece will wonder whether the details are true or part of the former DIA head’s psywar plans. The only reason why he and his co-author would brag about what they’re doing is because they arrogantly didn’t think that anyone apart from Western policy wonks would read their piece.

The fact of the matter is that they just spilled the beans about the means through which the Golden Billion is waging its ongoing psywar against Russia, which works against their side’s strategic interests while advancing Moscow’s own. Remembering that “All Multipolar Supporters Can Still Help Russia Even Without Joining Its Partial Mobilization”, those interested in doing so should thus share this piece under every social media post that aligns with this psywar plot in order to expose it.

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