Monday 4 December 2023



The whistleblower that exposed his captured and illegitimate government for their full-scale democide…

…has been arrested. 

According to a 1 News New Zealand article entitled, Man accused of vaccine data breach to be bailed Tuesday:

A man accused of dishonestly accessing Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand vaccination data will be bailed tomorrow.

Barry Young, 56, is charged with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes. He didn't enter a plea when he appeared in the Wellington District Court today.

He was arrested yesterday after the health ministry laid a complaint with police following the alleged "unauthorised disclosure and misuse of data by one of its staff members", chief executive Margie Apa said.

If blowing the whistle on a WEF/UN “penetrated” government for willful mass murder is dishonest, then what exactly constitutes honesty in a reality inverted world? 

The Health Minister, various government agencies, and the police are all guilty of arresting a man on completely false charges.

In a statement, Health Minister Shane Reti told 1News while the incident is an "operational and staffing matter for Te Whatu Ora", the allegations are "extremely concerning".

There are no allegations, there is only the data incontrovertibly proving that the New Zealand government and their various partners-in-crime are guilty of maiming and murdering their population with slow kill bioweapons.

"I have made my expectations clear that it must be treated very seriously," he said.

Reti said he had been briefed on the matter by Apa and her senior leaders, "including over the weekend".

"The security of health data is of utmost importance. I have requested reassurance around the robustness of the health data protection services, and Te Whatu Ora will report back to me on the results of their investigation," he said.

The sole function of government is the security of its people, and as such the New Zealand government as well as every other governments that in any way pressured their populations into subjecting themselves to the Modified mRNA “vaccines” have all wholly abrogated their duties; therefore, all health data must not be secured, but, rather, fully transparent. 

"Any suggestion that health data is being misused or misinterpreted on this scale is extremely concerning."

The criminals should be extremely concerned.

He continued: "There are many conspiracy theorists out there who unfortunately disseminate harmful disinformation, however as Minister and as a physician, the public can and should continue to have confidence in vaccines.

Low-grade ad hominem attacks using hackneyed terms like “conspiracy theorists” (or “antivaxxers,” “science deniers,” etc.) are weak diversions, precisely because addressing the data head on for these criminals is, to put it mildly, untenable.

"I am reassured by experts confirming that there is no evidence supporting the allegations that have been made."

Ah, yes, the very same “experts” of “Safe and Effective” and “Trust the Science” are now reassuring the murderous politician puppets that there is no “evidence” of any biocrimes. Of course, they are unable to provide a scintilla of proof for their false narrative, and so for them the data must be secured (i.e. hidden away). 

This is whistleblower:

Conservatively, to date tens of millions have been globally murdered so far by the DEATHVAX™. Going forward, many magnitudes more will succumb to “vaccine” caused premature deaths, and in many cases these will not be the “died suddenly” types of deaths, but the excruciatingly painful adverse events kind of dying.

Barry Young’s guilt consists of further corroborating what we already knew. Some are complaining that his data is incomplete, or is imperfect, but these are specious arguments in light of the global mortality trends of all highly “vaccinated” nations.

Barry Young the “conspiracy theorist” is in fact a conspiracy factualist. He is now being used as the ultimate distraction by globalist-controlled governments and their Mockingbird media propaganda arms. The whistleblower as diversion is the classic coverup strategy obfuscating the actual Crimes Against Humanity that he helped expose. Thankfully, people are finally wising up to these Deep State tactics.

Barry Young is a bonafide hero. But by simply offering up total and complete nonviolent noncompliance to any and all Statist mandates like lockdowns, masking, “vaccine” uptake, “health” app passports, threats of employment loss, or any of the other Intelligence Industrial Complex social engineering blackmail ops, you too become a certifiable hero.

We do NOT negotiate with bioterrorists. 

They want Barry Young dead. 

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

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