Sunday, 10 December 2023


Exposing the Half-Truths: A Bold Rebuttal to Singapore's MSM Propaganda Piece

Fact Check This!

An article appeared on the front page of The Straits Times today, Singapore's largest publicly funded mainstream newspaper. My apologies for the image; it looks as if the paper was taken out of a garbage bin, where it rightfully belonged.

The article was penned by Salma Khalik, the Senior Health Correspondent for The Straits Times, and it highlights that COVID-19 cases in Singapore hit a record number high for 2023.

I find myself quite emotionally charged because, within this piece, there's a fact-check on an article by Professor Gabriel Oon, in which he shares his personal story. Below is the fact-check conducted by Salma Khalik.

Professor Gabriel's article, which was originally published on my Substack last week, is available here.

While I can't speak for Professor Gabriel, my emotions are running high due to the sheer disrespect shown towards a man who has been instrumental in shaping Singapore's healthcare over the past thirty years. To rebut him on the front page of a national newspaper, without offering him the chance to reply, strikes me as profoundly unfair and bordering on disgusting.

But, this is not Salma’s first rodeo. In August 2021 she published a her personal commentary with the headline “Only fair to protect vulnerable in S'pore against Covid-19 spread by unvaccinated people”

I find this to be a deplorable example of propaganda, and now, in December 2023, it's common knowledge that it was misleading that unvaccinated people are spreading the virus. In the interest of preserving the truth, I've archived the article here to prevent any attempts to rewrite history when the shit hits the fan.

Since Salma is not engaging in proper investigative journalism, merely reiterating a failed government narrative, I would like to "spoon-feed" her some real facts.

Here Salma, fact-check this! 

1. In Singapore, according to Case Fatality Ratio, MORE PEOPLE DIED after vaccinations.

First of all, let me start with the Case Fatality Ratio. During the beginning of the pandemic, prior to vaccinations, the narrative that the virus's case fatality rate was 3.4%(approximately 1 out of 30 dying) was propagated. This is a plain lie by the Western media along with the World Health Organization, and they used this number to push the experimental mRNA vaccinations under the false pretext that the "benefit outweighs the risk."

Let me call upon a few expert witnesses for my case. (And please stop labeling these people as anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists to shut down the discussions; it’s merely name-calling to shut down a nuanced discussion.)

  1. First of all, Stanford Professor and physician-scientist Dr. John Ioannidis, one of the most highly cited medical researchers in the world, with an h-index of 239 on Google Scholar, published a paper that appeared in the WHO's bulletin in October 2020, revealing that the median Infection Fatality Rate is 0.05% (or 1 in 2000) for people under the age of 70.

    Here, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, explains the entire debacle concerning the misinformation about the CFR.

  2. Many deaths in the 2020s, before vaccinations, were due to government interventions. Professor Denis Rancourt, who has written over 30 papers studying All-Cause Mortality, discovered that in 2020, prior to the vaccines, the fatality rate did not cross borders – even between countries sharing the same border. This suggests that government interventions contributed to fatality rates, as viral infections do not regard country borders. One cannot simply accept the government's narrative of a "high fatality rate" for COVID.

  3. Here is Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientific Officer for Respiratory Diseases at Pfizer, suggesting that ventilators themselves were the cause of deaths instead of COVID. This is Mike's introduction and discussion about ventilators in his recent address to the Croatian Parliament (1 Dec 2023).

  4. Here is Anthony Fauci himself, agreeing with Dr. Mike Yeadon’s assessment. 

  5. And finally, here is my conclusive evidence, Singapore's own real-world data. Singapore is one of the few countries in the world where the Case Fatality Ratio was lower in 2020, prior to vaccinations.

    Singapore was one of the first few countries in the world to start their vaccination campaign on December 20, 2020.
    Before the vaccination campaign, there were 58,403 cases of COVID-19 and only 29 COVID deaths, translating to a CFR of 0.05%.

After the vaccination campaign started, between December 20, 2020, and December 31, 2022, even though the virus had mutated into a less lethal variant, there were 2,143,811 cases. However, COVID deaths skyrocketed to 1,682 in 2022. 

This translates to a CFR of 0.08%.

So to recap, before the experimental vaccinations, it was 0.05%, and after vaccinations, it increased to 0.08%. In other words, COVID deaths rate went up by 60% after the vaccinations, according to Singapore's own real-world data. 

Why did Singapore believe the 3.4% fatality rate from the World Health Organization when they had their own real-world data?

In many western countries such as Australia, it is true that the “official” CFR, if you believed it, was around 3%. I'd like to propose a hypothesis for everyone's consideration, which concerns the differing healthcare systems and their methods of drug dispensing, possibly contributing to Singapore’s lower fatality rate. 

Countries like Singapore and Malaysia implement physician drug dispensing, rather than having separate dispensing. What this means is that in these countries, private doctors sell medicines as well as writing prescriptions. 

This contrasts with Australia and many Western nations, where doctors prescribe medications, but pharmacies dispense the drugs.

Furthermore, the Singapore Government does not control the prices of medicinal products, allowing private doctors the freedom to set their own prices. This setup enables private Singaporean doctors to profit from the sale of medications, often adding a markup of around 20%, although they have the liberty to price them as they see fit.

Years ago, there was a case in Singapore where a surgeon was reported for excessively overcharging a patient, to the tune of £8 million, for cancer treatment. You can read the BMJ Article here. 

In any case, since private Singaporean doctors profit from selling medications, there were generally no restrictions on access to early treatments. Patients were free to try various options—possibly antibiotics, perhaps vitamins (indeed, some private doctors in Singapore also sell vitamins to augment their income).

Conversely, in countries like Australia, an additional barrier was posed by "gatekeeper" pharmacists who refused to dispense certain prescribed treatments, such as Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. I believe this hindered access to early treatments and may have contributed to a higher CFR in these places. Ironically, it may have been the profit-driven approach of Singapore’s private doctors in dispensing drugs that inadvertently led to a lower CFR.

There are also other countries that are “in-between”. In Vietnam, for example, you do not need a doctor’s prescription to get drugs such as antibiotics, due to the lack of enforcement (Vietnam’s CFR = 1%). 

Anyway, this topic is complex and multifaceted, and the truth will only emerge if genuine and earnest discussions are held on both sides, rather than allowing government spokespeople to control a singular narrative.

2. Fraiman Et al Study - 1 in 800 Serious Adverse Events

Having established that the "official" CFR is inaccurate, let's move on to discuss Serious Adverse Events in Pfizer's own clinical trial. The study that I am referring to is the re-analysis of Pfizer's clinical trial by Fraiman et al.

The issue with government statisticians claiming that "serious adverse events are very rare" stems from their focus on individual serious adverse events. Take, for example, the designation of 1 in 10,000 as "rare". If 1 in 10,000 experiences myocarditis and another 1 in 10,000 experiences Bell’s Palsy, the rate of Serious Adverse Event effectively doubles to 1 in 5,000. This manipulation of statistics creates a deceptive narrative, a fact known to all but those who exclusively consume mainstream media and accept the "official government narrative".

The study by Fraiman et al. reexamines all the Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest and discovers a frequency of at least 1 in 800. Now, let's clarify what the FDA means by Serious Adverse Events:

  • Results in death.

  • Is life-threatening, or places the participant at immediate risk of death as the event occurred.

  • Necessitates or prolongs hospitalization.

  • Leads to persistent or significant disability or incapacity.

  • Results in congenital anomalies or birth defects.

Here is Dr. Fraiman himself discussing these findings:

3. The Two Cleveland Clinic Studies

The Cleveland Clinic study essentially shows that vaccinated individuals are more likely to contract COVID at a higher rate than unvaccinated individuals. They conducted two studies; the first study showed that people vaccinated with:

One dose: are 2.07 times more likely to test positive for COVID.
Two doses: are 2.50 times more likely to test positive for COVID.
Three doses: are 3.1 times more likely to test positive for COVID.
More than three doses: are 3.53 times more likely to test positive for COVID.

The second study indicated that people who are up to date with their vaccines are 33% more likely to contract COVID compared to those who are not up to date with their vaccines.

Listen to Dr. Clare Craig's commentary here:

4. Uversky et al study on IgG4 antibodies induced by repeated vaccination 

The next study from Vladimir Uversky, one of the highest cited scientist with a H-Index of 150+ according to Google Scholar, states that repeated vaccination may induce IgG4 Antibodies. 

A direct quote from the study:

“Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.”

5. DNA Contamination + SV40 Promoters

Moving on, lets talk about the discoveries related to DNA contamination and SV40 promoters, initially identified by Kevin McKernan and now replicated across multiple independent labs around the world. Kevin was the R&D team leader for the Human Genome Project at the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research.

To get a clearer understanding, it's best to hear Kevin explain his findings directly. He discussed these matters during the Croatian Parliamentary session held on December 1st, 2023.

6. Singapore’s Excess Deaths 

According to Mortality.Watch Q2 data on Excess Deaths, Singapore ranks number one in the world with a staggering 37% excess deaths. Looking at the previous quarters, it has sustained excess deaths of more than 25% over the last few quarters.

Let's view this from another angle.

In 2022, the number of excess deaths per month is approximately 400, whereas the number of COVID deaths in 2022 is about 75 per month.

This shows a four to fivefold difference in the number of people dying from causes other than COVID!

7. Singapore Natural Increase Data (Live Birth minus Deaths) 

As we delve into Singapore's Natural Increase Data, which calculates the number of live births minus deaths, it's become clear that we're not only seeing an uptick in excess mortality rates but also a concerning downturn in birth rates post the rollout of the COVID booster shot. This dual trend is precipitating a quite remarkable downturn in the Natural Increase figures.

(This trend could see a slight improvement next year. In the Chinese calendar, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, a period which traditionally experiences a rise in birth rates as many Chinese families in Singapore opt to have children during this auspicious time. Mark my words, I am certain that next year they will harness this uptick to perpetuate the narrative of safety and efficacy.)

Here is a video of Eminent Swiss microbiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Prof Dr Pietro Vernazza (H-Index = 90) who served as the chief physician of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Hospital Hygiene at the St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital talking about the dramatic drop in Birth Rates post vaccination. 

Here is a video from the Japanese Volunteer Doctors Association from Koichi discussing the major illnesses and abnormalities observed in pregnant women.

7. A Critique of Singapore’s COVID dashboard

The reporting framework for Singapore's COVID-19 data experienced a pivot when the narrative moved from pandemic to endemic. This shift led to the cessation of detailed reports that previously differentiated between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in hospitalizations and ICU admissions. Such granularity was an integral part of providing valuable insights into the state of vaccinations. 

As the infrastructure for comprehensive data collection and analysis was already in place, the decision to remove the analysis and forego this level of detail is puzzling. By way of analogy, it’s as though a car dealership, equipped with sophisticated sales tracking for various car models, suddenly has the Sales Manager opt for a total sales number, discarding the brand-specific car sales that would aid in strategic decisions.

Here is what they did: I managed to screencap a report detailing the vaccination status per 100,000 population who were admitted into ICUs. As you can see from the November 2022 screenshot, people with no vaccination suddenly disappeared from the ICUs.

This trend continued, flip-flopping until February 2023 when, under the false pretext of "we are no longer in a pandemic, but now in an endemic stage,” they suddenly removed the vital information of vaccination status as shown below and replaced it with “age”.

Certainly, the cost of providing existing detailed data cannot surpass the US$105 million in public taxpayers' money spent on expired COVID vaccines that were discarded (or ended up in the coffers of Pfizer/Moderna).

I call upon Singapore's authorities to consider the publication of anonymized, record level data delineating vaccination statuses by number of doses, date of vaccination, by Hospitalization, ICU admissions and Deaths.This transparency would empower independent analysis, fostering a broader and potentially more nuanced understanding of the public health landscape and also help with the eroding trust of governments. 

I'm seeking detailed reports on vaccination status that specify the exact number of doses received to maintain precision and avoid skewed narratives such as the recent propaganda study below.

This request aims to circumvent scenarios where individuals who have received only one or two shots may inaccurately be classified as "unvaccinated," as observed in these biased studies. 

Additionally, I ask for the dates when vaccinations were administered because there is a tendency to wrongly categorize recently vaccinated individuals as "unvaccinated" if they pass away within two weeks post-vaccination — a period during which immunity is still developing. Incorrectly recording such cases can distort mortality data related to vaccination status.

In Conclusion

A growing array of problems with the mRNA is coming to light. Just this week, a study was released about "Ribosomal Frameshifting," revealing that 1 in 4 recipients of the Pfizer vaccine experienced an unintended immune response. I will keep the as a link because of the length of this article.

Increasingly, experts are reversing their stances on mRNA vaccinations, as evidenced by the expanding list of such U-Turns I maintain—so much so that I'm struggling to keep it current.

Let me close with a quote from Mark Twain:

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

We are now approaching a tipping point where the cost of publicly sharing criticism of the mRNA vaccinations is decreasing. The professional and personal risks that were prevalent in 2021 and 2022 have diminished to the point where it is easier to speak up, and even the timid are beginning to do so. History will not be kind to those on the wrong side.

Signing off for now

If you enjoy reading my take-downs of MSM propaganda, please consider buying me a coffee or becoming a paid subscriber! 

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