Saturday, 9 December 2023


Tulsi Gabbard, 2020: "Immediately activate at least 560 contact tracers, with hundreds more on standby should the infection numbers continue to climb"

Article continues: "Lt. Gov. Josh Green, a Hawaii island emergency room physician, has previously said that Hawaii needs 420 to 564 contact tracers to be on par with national recommendations."

Homies and hommettes, this is the OP!

This is the Dangerous Germs Pretext Surveillance OP.

This is the Day Tapes. This is WEF.

This is the ruse. The Ostensible Reason to monitor you, Useless Eater Citizen harboring zeeeeee Dangerous Germs or WrongThink.

Promo Code S2:

She (Gabbard) called on Gov. David Ige to:

>> Immediately activate at least 560 contact tracers, with hundreds more on standby should the infection numbers continue to climb. Lt. Gov. Josh Green, a Hawaii island emergency room physician, has previously said that Hawaii needs 420 to 564 contact tracers to be on par with national recommendations.

>> Improve Hawaii’s testing capability to test everyone, not just those with COVID-19 symptoms. Without rapid results testing capability, contact tracing efforts will be ineffective, Gabbard said.

>> Regularly test health care workers and not allow those treating COVID-19 patients to also treat non-COVID-19 patients.

>> Provide daily public reports on the number of contact tracers, their caseloads and the average time it takes for them to reach all contacts for each case — something that Gabbard said must be done within 24 hours.

For those who cannot stomach the prospects that the Overlords, using the United States DOD/MIIC as a mall cop enforcement arm, are plenty happy to murder the world, or test endless pathogens, toxins, and “antidotes” or “vaccines” aka bioweapons, more and better bioweapons, bivalent bioweapons, mosquito bioweapons, tick bioweapons, aerosol bioweapons, meeebbbeeee vaping bioweapons…

Consider the Red Pill starter pack of good old Big Brother Surveillance.

Here is Bob a full year later pushing the same Operation.

Of course if you land at Jabs Bad Island due to your own personal injury (?) and immediately seize the reins of control and start feuding and suing people you may just not have seen this coming.

You may have even thought it was all dark conspiracy theory.

Friends it is not dark conspiracy theory but dark conspiracy analysis that those people who own the world wish to use every aspect of their ownership to surveil and control you, hapless plebe and erstwhile experimental lab rat.

They have revealed their mighty hand with COVID-19 and normalized a whole bunch of stuff that goes on at your local Sinister Hospital.

Here you go Normies.

Here is the surveillance side continuing on like nothing.

Using medical pretexts.

Doctors will be ‘incentivized’ by the government to start asking more questions about your vax status

A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing.

These codes are part of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) system set forth by the United Nations World Health Organization and they’re about to get far more invasive.

This system was originally created after World War II for the purpose of tracking the diagnosis of major diseases within a population. But over the years, there have been 11 major revisions, and with each revision the data being collected on each individual has become more precise and all-inclusive. And it’s also become more coercive, to the point where it’s become impossible for doctors to get reimbursed by insurance companies if they don’t upload all the requested data points

Fast forward now to April 2022. This is when the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced a new code that anyone who is awake and aware of the growing medical tyranny should be concerned about. After some delays, the new code was rolled out in October 2022 and became available to nearly every medical clinic and hospital in January 2023.

What is this new code? It’s Code Number Z28.310. This is the code for a very peculiar “diagnosis” since it’s not a diagnosis at all, but an invasion of privacy and likely to be used against many people in the future. This is the code your doctor will log into the computer system that is accessed by government and private health insurers informing them of your Covid vaccine status.

These are internationally recognized codes for very specific medical conditions for insurance and government purposes. They are accessible worldwide should you be overseas and have a health issue that needs to be treated.

Got that? A code to see if you have received the same shitty toxic gene editing “vaccine” which did jack shit to stop COVID, the bioweapon they created, but did do a whole bunch to make people die and get maimed and collapse but it would have been worse if you hadn’t been injected, amirite, Blue Pills?

Back to the Cheat Codes.

Anyhow, continuing on now, .. access to hospitals would be tightly controlled.

Identification would be needed to get into the building. The security in and around hospitals would be established and gradually increased so that nobody without identification could get in or move around inside the building.

Theft of hospital equipment, things like typewriters and microscopes and so forth would be "allowed" and exaggerated; reports of it would be exaggerated so that this would be the excuse needed to establish the need for strict security, until people got used to it.

And anybody moving about the hospital would be required to wear an identification badge with photograph and.. telling why he was there .. employee or lab technician or visitor or whatever. This is to be brought in gradually, getting everybody used to the idea of identifying themselves - until it was just accepted. This need for ID to move about would start in small ways: hospitals, some businesses, but gradually expand to include everybody in all places!

It was observed that hospitals can be used to confine people .. for the treatment of criminals. This did not mean, necessarily, medical treatment. At that .. at that time I did not know the word "Psycho-Prison" - is in the Soviet Union, but, without trying to recall all the details, basically, he was describing the use of hospitals both for treating the sick, and for confinement of criminals for reasons other than the medical well-being of the criminal. The definition of criminal was not given.

Here is Tape Two where surveillance is discussed way back in 1969, along with faked science and faked terrorism and implantable chips.

Oh look!

Contact tracing = Biomedical Fascism.

For a faked pandemic and rushed herd culling vaccines.

Look at this Operation keep going as Tulsi goes on Rogan and they strangely do not discuss any of this stuff.

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