Monday 4 December 2023


The PLAN revealed

They are Social Darwinists: they say we deserve their digi-tatorship because we, the unfittest, are stupid enough to let them, the fittest. Solutions?

This is a section from the ebook:

Free of tyranny

Order at no cost (donations) by writing to : breakingfree at


What's the FUTURE ? a self fulfilling prophecy ... unless we react !

WAKE UP TO THE FULL PLAN as if your life depended on it, literally! The best part of being a “conspiracy realist” is not being dead... or at least, not having clots, myocarditis, neuropathies, cancer, infertility, and other haccine intended effects. To be (a conspiracy realist) or not to be.

2030 Sustainable Development Goals hide a 6 armed scheme to gradually murder global population (7,5 billion until reaching the sustainable 500 million target) with:

  1. Lethal “medicine”: lab designed bioweapons (like COVID and the ones blocked by the war in Ukraine), measures (lockdowns), treatments (ventilators), pharmaceuticals/vaccines/haccines, changed definition of brain death (deliberately separated from cardio-respiratory death) to murder and harvest “presumed organ donors”.

  2. Longterm harmful microwaves: satellite, 5/6/7G, cellphone attacks

  3. Climate changing. Droughts or floods through satellites, cell towers, ground stations and chemtrails. Solar geoengieering by releasing sun-blocking particles in the upper atmosphere with the false excuse of planet cooling, causing the opposite (less sun, less plant carbon capture), causing global famines by reducing agricultural productivity.

  4. Food and water: tainted GMOs. Injecting livestock and insects with contagious “vaccines” to indirectly vax all humans without them knowing. Graphening livestock to reach humans thorough meat, milk, eggs. FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarious, etc.

    Longterm lethal substances: pesticides, artificial sweeteners, additives, fluoridisation (together with other poisons like monosodium glutamate, reduces IQ as planned to turn us into sheeple, with a) addictive screens with subliminal images and ultrasonic audio, b) worse education, c) lack of humanities, and d) brainwashing: check

  5. Nuclear irradiation: swabs, haccines, food, places.

  6. Choking digi-tatorship

  1. Cost of living: deliberate inflation generated by Government, financial system and forging currency, also by reducing the food supply, and destroying industrial output.

  2. Eco” measures: net-zero decarbonisation, banning livestock products (meat, milk, leather) replaced by synthetics or insects, banning non-GMO non-“sterilized” agriculture, bannig fuels(even eco gas or “unsustainable” bio fuels because of biodiversity and food safety), banning combustion vehicles and industries replaced by carcinogenic electric vehicles where you ride on a 400V transmission line, plus trillions in solar+wind+batteries+Hydrogen

  3. E-wallet with Cashless Central Bank Digital Currency tied to:

  1. Diminishing carbon allocation quotas: personal, family (nb children) and collective, lower each month/year.

  2. Conditional Universal Basic Income for the millions pushed into deliberate unemployment

  3. Unconditional Universal Basic “Health” and health pass: anything that could reduce the population and kill human beings like abortion, abortifacients, contraception, sterilization, amputation/external sex change (you can’t change each XX/XY chromosome), machine bio-connectivity, free euthanasia, tainted medicine and baby formula.

  4. Internet of things and bodies: the new Global Hack “safe” internet will ask for a compliant e-wallet, including green pass, global rights and carbon compliance. Omnipresent surveillance blocking access to transportation, hospitals, communications.

  5. Freely” accepting the global rights / creed:

  1. Signing the global constitution (starting with the 2024 International Pandemic Treaty) including:

  2. Wrongs called rights: global rights (decarb, decow), rights of non-human persons (animals, AI, sex robots), gender ideology (LGBT+), abortion, euthanasia, etc.

  3. Persecution of all religions (excluding satanism and satanic creeds, which are not religions) and consolidation under the new “religion”.

From abortion and abortifacients (all, except barrier contraceptives), the genocidal trend didn’t change, only the target population. Same serial killers, different weapons.

Hosea 4:6 “My people are dying for lack of knowledge...”

Soren Kierkegaard:

“There are two ways to be fooled.
One is to believe what isn't true;
the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, executed by Nazis:

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
”God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”

Matthew 5:6

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.


9 min a 2x

based on 2000 scientific references:


Everything failed, everything we did failed, but I think there are still 4 solutions:

1. Un-forgeable real money based on real goods like gold, flour, fuel-oil, human hour, distance transported, etc. Watch Ronald Bernard on YouTube: Freemasons forge billions of dollars and Euros and with that, they create inflation (together with Government, making us poorer), buy puppeticians, multinationals, Big Pharma, etc.

Social currencies are essential to survive the 2030 digi-tatorship. I'm trying to create the Real Money Foundation to promote community currencies (especially those based on human hours and transportation). Otherwise, we'll be forced to be haccinated to avoid starvation, since without the e-wallet we won’t be able to get money for our work nor the planned “global basic income". Since there’ll be a personal carbon quota, people in the system won’t like to pay with goods which reduce their quota… not even alms!

The social currencies could be the base for a community market where people would trade the un-poisoned food they produce or get certified. We’d need $50K (a patent could be useful to block Big Tech from taking over).

2. Communication: the Big Hack will result in a new internet with complete censorship of those without the digital wallet (which means haccination). We need something like but fail-proof to the fall of DNS servers. Comments?

3. Direct Townhall Democracy (DTC), with direct spending of the government budget proportionate to each person. Freemasons infiltrate government and use its billions for their own agenda. If this is not achievable on a county scale, the social market could work as the foundation for self-government initiatives.

Congress is the reason the budget, tax and debt grows non-stop since WWII. Also, for leaving the gold standard and giving the central bank to banksters. The only way out is direct townhall democracy: you represent yourself, no middlemen (congressmen, governor, president).

4. Prayer: above all, this is a spiritual battle: what we see rolling out is the physical manifestation of the spiritual world. Freemasons worship Satan for a reason.


Prof. Federico Nazar

( find me at )

f.nazar at gmail

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